

Things quickly fell back into a routine. Xander held his extra classes with the three kids and spent a reasonable amount of time patrolling the school and working with Hagrid.

Madam Hooch had come and apologized to Harry and Xander for her lax handling of the near disastrous Quidditch Match. She had a reputation for fair play. She requested that Xander act as a safety spotter for the matches whilst she refereed. Xander agreed as safety was part of his job.

Soon after they returned from Christmas Holidays, Harry found himself surrounded by various fellow pupils from various houses. They did not look pleased.

"What is with you Potter?" An older Ravenclaw demanded.

Harry was suddenly wishing Xander was there. He could smell the hostility coming off the group.

"I- I don't understand." Harry said as he began backing away.

"We write to you, send you cards and you can't even bother to look us in the eye?" The boy snarled.

"B-B-But n-nobody writes t-to me." Harry stuttered. He was definitely beginning to think that Xander should probably follow him around, or vice verse.

"All of us have been sending you letters and packages for years. Not one of us has had a response, not even a blanket thank you in the paper. Are we not good enough for you to acknowledge?" He spat.

"Harry was telling the truth. He never received any letters." Came Xander's blessed voice. Harry sighed in relief but didn't move. "But that does raise a good question. Why didn't Harry receive the letters you sent?" Xander mused.

"He probably had servants take the gifts and burn the cards." The boy grumbled. Some of his compatriots seemed to agree… others weren't so sure.

"Servants?" Xander queried.

"He lives in a palace, everyone knows this."

Xander was very surprised. "Wow. Didn't see that coming. Listen, why don't you ask the two people who really have the answers. Professor McGonagall knows where Harry was living and my guess is that Dumbledore knows why he didn't get his mail.

"But do it at dinner time so everyone gets the answers."

"You want us to… ask Headmaster Dumbledore?" A young Hufflepuff asked in awe.

"He's a professor, right? It's his job to impart knowledge and teach. Ask him to teach the school about the life of Harry Potter." Xander shrugged. Without waiting for an answer, Xander began leading Harry off.

"Why do we have to tell them?" Harry moaned.

"Some secrets are best kept… secret. Others should be forced into the light of day. This a secret which should be shared.

"It is a bad thing that they seem to think you lived a life of riches, good food and happiness. Famous rich people and public figures find that the public tends to expect things of them. As if they think rich people owe them because of their wealth.

"We need to break these people of that otherwise you will never have any peace. People are far more likely to leave a poor abused child alone. They will probably offer lots of help and things to ease the suffering and even the memories of those sufferings."

It was just as the puddings were being cleared away that Xander stood up. "Now, before you all leave, some of you approached Harry Potter with some… concerns. I suggested that you ask the people actually responsible.

"So, you, Ralph, get up here and start with Professor McGonagall." Xander ordered briskly.

"It's Roger sir." The Ravenclaw corrected tersely. He was hoping they would just forget about it. But he knew he had no choice now, so he made his way to the staff table.

"Professor, everyone said that Potter lived in palaces and castles, is that true?"

Minerva shot a sharp glance at Xander. Xander just looked at her sternly and nodded sharply.

She cleared her throat. "Who, exactly, says these things?"

"All our books, and parents, Professor."

"Really? I am quite well read and all the books I have read written by scholars and the like state that Harry was hidden somewhere and not even sure if he was alive. What books?"

Roger turned a slight shade of red in embarrassment. "Children's books, ma'am."

"I trust that a Ravenclaw such as yourself sees the problem in your assumptions?" Roger nodded with a wince, it was quite embarrassing as tiny Professor Flitwick was banging his head on the table in shame. "Please explain for your fellow pupils then."

"Bottom line is that children's books are fiction. Not real. The only truth they really hold is the spelling, not that that counts for much in the wizarding world." Xander interrupted. He was well aware that asking a Ravenclaw to explain something required copious amounts of coffee and Dictaphone. "Minerva, please explain Harry Potter's living arrangements prior to his arrival here last year."

Minerva pursed her lips in annoyance, she wasn't happy at being interrupted, but she understood why.

"Mr. Potter was forced to live with his only surviving muggle relatives. Those relatives forced him to live in a tiny cupboard under the stairs.

"For ten years, since the day the Dark Lord was defeated until he left for Hogwarts, he was abused and mistreated."

There was a horrified silence in the Great Hall. Punctuated by the occasional sniffle. Xander was glad he had told Harry to stay in the Apartment and have dinner there with Joyce, Hermione and Neville.

"Who gave him to those muggles?" Xander asked calmly.

"Albus Dumbledore." Minerva spat. The hall was filled with gasps and mutterings.

"Children, Children!" Albus said calmingly as he stood. "Everything I did, I did for the Greater Good and Harry's safety."

This statement was met by even louder mutterings.

"SILENCE!" Xander shouted. "Albus, explain to these people why Harry was safe there?"

"As I have said many times before, due to the sacrifice his mother made, as long as he resided with a blood relative, he was safe from harm."

There were many things wrong with that statement. The whole concept of a mothers sacrifice for starters. But Xander knew he wouldn't get anything from Albus on that.

"But what about the fact that his relatives beat him? He wasn't safe from bullies at school. Why was he allowed to go to school, he wasn't with his relatives then, why did you allow him to come to Hogwarts even!" Xander rattled off.

"I… It was for the Greater Good." Albus clearly didn't have any answers and wasn't planning on giving any.

"Then explain what this 'Greater Good' is. What is so important that it required you to pretty much sacrifice a baby boy?" Xander demanded.

"It was for the Greater Good of all of you and the Wizarding World that Harry be kept safe!" Albus pleaded. "All of you dear children would be hurt or killed if Harry was hurt or killed."

"If that is the case, Albus, why did you force him to stay there with people who hated him and hurt him?" Minerve demanded. She knew she shouldn't be this emotional in front of the students, but this was Harry! Her son! Lilly was dear to her.

"Don't bother saying you didn't know Albus, we know you had someone nearby reporting to you." Xander said.

"It was the only way to keep him safe."

"We just stated and can prove that he wasn't safe and that you knew that. So why?"

"I have given my reasons." Albus said drawing himself up sternly. "I can give no more details without compromising state secrets."

"You disgust me Albus." Xander spat. "Return to your office and do not leave for a week." Xander ordered.

"I hardl-"

"NOW!" Xander roared, the full force of his wolf voice coming through and his yellow eyes glowing.

Albus stood up, he would have expected someone to have teleported him to his office. But Xander wanted him to walk passed the assembled students in shame.

The hall was deathly silent as Albus marched to the entrance with his head held high.

Xander sighed and slumped in his chair. "So now you have the truth. Harry is not a spoilt prince. He's a damned slave! Well, not anymore. I was sent here to this world to rescue Harry Potter. You have a problem with Harry Potter, you come to me!

"Due to all the abuse Harry has received, he is very quiet and shy. There are other reasons for this, but that is why he doesn't look people in the eye. It is common with people who have been abused and treated like Harry was. It's why if you see Harry laughing, you should think it is the best thing in the world. It means he is healing.

"Now, what you have been told is personal. The sort of thing that only Harry and Madam Pomphrey should know. But I convinced Harry that you should be told. He has already suffered for ten years. He doesn't need anymore.

"If you want to be his friend, respect him. If you don't, then just don't interact with him. But I will not tolerate him being mistreated… I won't tolerate anyone being mistreated." Xander stated firmly. "Now, you are dismissed."

The full moon passed and Xander didn't change. A party was held. Minerva nearly killed him when she found out he had kept the three kids up at Hagrid's till the early hours of the morning. It didn't help that Joyce was there as well. They could have at least invited her!

As the winter snow began to melt Hagrid caused a headache for Hermione. She really loved the gentle giant, but he had no idea how to keep a secret. She had been against telling him about Xander's animagus form. But Xander assured her they could pass it off as a rumour should he accidentally blab.

One evening Harry and Hermione had headed down to visit Hagrid, only to discover he was trying to hatch a dragon egg. He seemed oblivious to Hermione's cries and warnings that this was illegal. So she decided to confront Xander who was working on Neville and his confidence.

"It's illegal for a witch or wizard to own a dragon. He could go to Azkaban." She wailed.

"How come? Nobody complains about three headed dogs and owls." Xander mused.

"It's part of the Statute of Secrecy. If muggles saw dragons it would be devastating." She explained.

Xander thought about it for a second. "Ok, I have a solution."

He said nothing else but stood up and marched out of the classroom they were using for his lessons. The three kids hot on his tail.

Hagrid could be heard shuffling about in his hut as they knocked on the door. When it opened, Xander thought he could pass for a bustling mother with his apron.

"Oh… it's you." He said with a bit of disappointment.

"Good to see you too." Xander said sarcastically. "Ok, Hagrid. Harry and Hermione tell me you found a dragons egg."

"Nah, won it in a game down the Hog's Head." Hagrid said cheerfully.

"No Hagrid. Listen carefully. Harry and Hermione tell me you've found a dragons egg." Xander said earnestly.

Hagrid, God bless him, could be as thick as two short ones. But on occasion, he showed an intelligence and quick uptake that could put Dumbledore to shame.

"Eh… yeah… sure. Somewhere deep in the Forbidden Forest, not sure I could find the place again. Strange place to find a dragon's egg." Hagrid bluffed admirably as he placed the cauldron on the table.

Xander grinned, mainly in relief that the half-giant had caught on. "Well, as King of the Goblins, Lord of Hogwarts, I hereby claim this dragon egg and it's occupant on behalf of the school of Hogwarts. It will be tended to by Rubeus Hagrid and trained by the Goblin dragon handlers in defence of the school and her inhabitants."

Behind Xander, Hermione could be heard to say "oooh" in realization.

"What?" Harry asked in a whisper.

"A witch or wizard can't own a dragon. But an organization like Gringotts can. So can Hogwarts." Hermione explained.

"Yep, always pay attention to the exact wording." Xander instructed as he sat down at the table.

"Your jus' in time." Hagrid said as he took the shaking egg out of the cauldron with a pair of tongs. "'e's just abou' to hatch."

Harry, Neville and Hermione quickly gathered around the table, pulling up a chair each.

The egg began to crack as the baby dragon broke through emitting a little puff of smoke.

"Erm… Hagrid, is it really safe to have it in here? In this wooden hut?" Harry asked nervously.

"What's up Harry? Don't think Hermione doesn't know a good water charm?" Xander grinned.

Harry just rolled his eyes. "Why make more work?"

Within one minute the dragon was free of it's egg and stumbling cutely around the table and tripping and sliding on the pieces of it's shell.

"It's so cute!" Hermione nearly squealed. This reaction caused the four males to stare at the only girl in the room. This was atypical behaviour for Hermione Granger. Hermione Granger was a girl, yes. But she did not squeal.

"Prove me wrong!" She challenged defensively as she noticed the stares.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Is he dangerous?" He asked turning to Hagrid.

"Nah, no more than ol' Fang."

"In other words we're safe as long as he doesn't drown us to death with drool." Neville remarked dryly.

"Hagrid, I think a cave would be best for… whatever his name is. Have Fang and Fluffy start digging. I'll have the goblins come round to complete the work." Xander said as he started to get up.

"Norbert." Hagrid suddenly said proudly.

"Please don't tell me that's what you're naming him?" Xander said pleadingly.

"Why?" He asked innocently.

"Oh god. Never mind. Come on kids, let's call it a day."

Over the course of the next few months, Hagrid under went training with the goblins and Norbert became the star of Professor Kettleburn's Care of Magical Creatures class along with Fluffy. For some reason Harry and Norbert spent a good deal of time hissing at each other. Harry explained that he was pretty much just pretending to coo and baby talk, he swore he wasn't hissing. Neville tried the same thing but Norbert simply ignored him. As a result, Norbert could be found tottering around after Harry when he was near Hagrid's hut.

Xander found time to meet with Nicholas Flamel about his stone. Nicholas appeared to be a middle aged man with blond hair and blue eyes. He had a sense of humour that appealed to Xander. Xander managed to convince him to keep using the Elixir of Life until he could find someone to take over his life's work. He had been worried that all those centuries of work would be disposed of because of a little fear.

"Let's face it, the stone has two major properties, extending life spans and turning any metal to gold. It doesn't make a person invulnerable, so they can still be killed or locked up if they become a problem." Xander pointed out.

"I suppose you have a point." Nicholas conceded. "But we are beginning to tire. We have experienced a fair amount in our lives. We could really use some excitement." He said referring to himself and his wife.

"I have the perfect solution." Xander smiled. "Teaching. We could use a decent Potions Professor, the goblins are filling in, but they prefer not to be around humans for long, we kind of stink. Plus, Harry is supposed to be at the thick of things in the coming war. What better way to live the last act of your life, than by helping a young boy defeat a great evil?"

Needless to say, Xander caught his interest. Nicholas insisted on discussing it with his wife and meeting Harry, before making any decisions.

A week later, having met Harry, Hermione and Neville, and the two Flamels promised to be there bright and early at the beginning of the new school year.

As the months moved on, Norbert, Fluffy and Fang grew agitated. They became very aggressive towards the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid even had to call Harry out of class to calm Norbert.

A few days later and Xander found Hagrid rushing to meet him.

"Xander, some'ing's hurting unicorns!"

"That's terrible!" Hermione gasped. "Who would do that?"

"Dunno, but only a truly evil thing could do it." Hagrid said gravely. "I need your help to investigate."

"Ok, no problem. We can take Fang and Fluffy with us." Xander shrugged.

"Thing is, I need Harry to stay and watch Norbert whilst we're gone." He said looking to Harry.

"I can do that." Harry offered.

"We can help too." Hermione stated.

"Sorted then. When do we leave?" Xander asked.

"Sooner tha' better." Hagrid said as he shuffled off quickly.

There was still plenty of daylight left. It was late in the spring term and classes had just been let out so the three kids wouldn't have to miss lessons.

Xander and Hagrid had Fluffy and Fang out in front. Four noses sniffing away. The plan was to find the injured unicorn and hopefully get it to let Hagrid treat it. Hagrid had confided in Xander that the unicorns seemed to trust him. Probably because he smelt like an animal, or non-human, and was a virgin.

Despite the daylight, the canopy of the forest kept things reasonably shady. Hagrid was heading in the general direction of where he found the blood. Any creatures that could communicate and had information would find Hagrid and report.

They soon came across the silver blood and they waited for the two canines to start tracking. Then Xander remembered he had his own super snout and transformed to join them.

"This way." Xander said in his gravelly voice as he bounded off with the other two dogs hot on his heels.

They bounded along for five minutes or so before they slowed down and Xander transformed back. There, in a clearing, surrounded by four centaurs was an injured unicorn, bleeding from a wound to the right side.

"An Omega wolf!" One of the centaurs gasped.

"Why do you come here!" Another demanded. "Haven't your kind done enough?"

"My kind? A werewolf did this?" Xander asked.

"No, a human." The first said.

"Firenze!" Hagrid gasped breathlessly as he finally caught up. "Oh Merlin, no!" He exclaimed as he saw the unicorn.

Hagrid held out his hands, palms up and slowly approached. The centaurs backed off slightly. If the unicorn objected then it would soon let them know.

Hagrid was soon tending to the injured unicorn, tears streaming down his cheeks at the horror that some one could do this to such a pure creature.

"Don't suppose you guys know who did this?" Xander asked with a frown.

"We do not. And why would we work with a tainted one such as yourself?" A dark haired centaur retorted nastily.

"Bane!" Firenze retorted in shock. "I apologise, but no, we do not know who or what did this… or even could do this."

"What did he mean tainted one?"

"He refers to the fact that you are a werewolf. But his short-sightedness has caused him to overlook the fact that you have complete control over the change and that it is not a full moon."

"Yeah, full moons don't affect me. It's my animagus form." Xander explained. He changed allowed his wolf eyes to fade as his brown eye and patch reappeared.

"The One Who Sees!" Another centaur cried as they all took a step back in surprise.

"Oh god. I hate that name." Xander moaned.

"The stars have foretold of your coming." Firenze explained in awe. "You and your friends are always welcome in our forest."

"Erm, thanks." Xander shuffled uncomfortably. "I don't suppose the stars had any details about what I'm supposed to do?"

"Alas, no. They merely speak of the one who will rescue the chosen one, Harry Potter, and raise him as his son. One day he and his friends will aid the centaurs and other magical creatures to raise them to equality amongst man."

"That does sound like something Harry and Hermione would do." Xander chuckled fondly. "Ok, I'm guessing you guys are good trackers, but haven't found anything leading to the thing that hurt the unicorn?"

"No, the creature leaves no mark. We planned to follow the path of the unicorn itself to see if that would lead us somewhere once our healer arrived." Firenze explained.

"Marla's coming?" Hagrid asked as he looked up, having done all he could. "Good, I've done all I can to ease the pain and stop the bleeding, but Marla can have this beauty good as new by morning."

"Can you track by scent?" Xander asked.

"No, we can only listen and observe." Firenze admitted.

"Would you mind if my two friends and I sniff around, see if we can pick something up?"

"Of course. But I recommend that only you approach the unicorn, it will not react well to the others."

Xander gave his orders to Fluffy and Fang as he changed back to his wolf form. The other two began casting around the clearing, searching for a strange scent. Xander slowly approached the unicorn, sniffing carefully. He didn't want to offend the unicorn by getting too close.

Xander could smell something, but it smelt like death. Like a body that had been left to rot for several days.

"I smell death. Have your Healer bathe the unicorn and remove the smell, it may never be accepted back in the herd otherwise." Xander growled.

"He can speak as a wolf?" Bane exclaimed in surprise.

"I can also hear as a wolf." Xander snickered. "Fluffy, Fang. Search for the smell of death." He ordered.

It didn't take long for Fang to suddenly let out a bark and howl of excitement. Xander quickly trotted over and confirmed Fang's find.

"Hagrid, we have the trail. We should go now." Xander snapped. "We will leave the care of the unicorn in your hands." He told Firenze as he didn't wait but ran off quickly disappearing. Fluffy was hot on his tail with Fang waiting for Hagrid so he didn't get lost.

A minute into his run Xander's stomach turned to ice as he realized the trail was on a direct course for the castle. He let out a howl and increased his speed. He couldn't teleport as he didn't know where the trail led.

Two minutes later and Xander realized the trail led straight to Hagrid's hut and the three kids. He transformed and teleported straight into the hut.

To his horror, lying on the floor was Hermione and Neville. Harry was no where in sight and Norbert was mewling worriedly as he nuzzled Neville. A quick check of pulses and he was relieved to find they were just unconscious. He focused and teleported everyone including Norbert to the Hospital Wing.

"POPPY!" Xander shouted causing the school nurse to come barrelling out of her office.

Poppy saw the two children and the baby dragon and immediately got to work scanning. "What happened?"

"No idea, but Harry is missing. I really need to talk to them." He said trying not to growl and bark as his canine side mixed with his parental side.

"Their just unconscious. Probably a stunning spell." She declared. "Enervate." She intoned at Hermione.

Hermione was confused and a little scared as she woke up in a strange place. Especially as she didn't remember going to sleep. Then her memories flooded back.

"Xander!" She cried.

"I'm right here, 'Mione." He said approaching calmly.

"Xander! He's got Harry! Quirrell took Harry." She said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'll get him back." He assured her as he vanished without warning, a grim smile on his face.

When Hagrid had arrived back at his hut after following Fang, he found Fluffy sitting outside waiting patiently. A quick inspection of the inside revealed the missing kids and dragons. Then Xander reappeared.

"Quirrell stunned Hermione and Neville. He kidnapped Harry." Xander reported. "I think it's time we got him back."

"I'm ready when you are." Hagrid declared as he hefted his crossbow.

"I'm going to teleport the four of us to Harry. Be prepared to land in a fire fight and be careful not to hit Harry." Xander warned.

The four of them moved so they had their backs to each other, and vanished.

Quirrell was scared.

He had planned the theft of the stone meticulously. He had tricked the oaf, Hagrid, into revealing the secrets of how to contain the Cerberus. That was all he needed to know. He knew the other teachers involved in the defence of the stone and his master would be able to help him defeat them.

But then that annoying muggle had arrived and the stone had been removed from the school. Rumour was, that it was now in the depths of Gringotts guarded by an army of dragons and goblins. Even Lord Voldemort wouldn't try and steal from that.

His master had been forced to drink unicorn blood. Catching the damned things was hard enough, but the actual act was eating away at Quirrell's soul. He knew his body was dying from hosting the spirit of Lord Voldemort, but Lord Voldemort had promised he would fix that on his resurrection.

Voldemort wanted revenge on the person responsible for his current state. He wanted to kill Harry Potter.

He knew as soon as he heard the oaf, Hagrid, shouting about injured unicorns, that it would not be long before they tracked it back to him. So he had acted quickly, following his master's orders. He had stunned the mudblood and the blood traitor, killing them would have set off all sorts of annoying alarms and caused him to rush his final act before withdrawing from the castle.

Others would have called it 'retreating' or 'fleeing'. But not Lord Voldemort.

He had brought the boy, unconscious, to the former hiding place of the Philosopher's Stone. Soon the boy would suffer and die and he would know that Lord Voldemort was his better.

Harry felt awareness seep into his mind. He quickly took stock of what his senses could tell him without opening his eyes. He had learnt the benefits of this after many concussions from Vernon.

He knew he wasn't in Hagrid's hut. He couldn't hear Norbert but he could hear an adult breathing.

"I know you're awake boy." Harry flinched. Only the Dursleys called him 'boy'. He didn't like it. The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it.

Deciding the game was up, Harry opened his eyes and sat up. He found himself in a large stone room with arches. In front of him was Professor Quirrell.

"Why am I here?" Harry asked. He hadn't really liked the professor, there was something wrong with him. He didn't trust that stutter.

"You, my boy, are here to bear witness to the Great Lord Voldemort, before he kills you." Quirrell said with a smarmy smile.

He began to remove his turban, a vile stench filling the room as he did so.

Quirrell turned his back on Harry as the last of the wrappings fell away. There, protruding from the back of Quirrell's head was a second face.

"We meet again, Potter." The voice spat.

"Voldemort." Harry said quietly. He refused to show fear, even if this thing had killed his parents.

"That's Lord Voldemort!" The thing screeched.

Harry thought about that for a second. "Who says? Did the Queen make you a Lord?"

The thing was taken aback. Fear was usually the response to his presence. Not the calm questioning of his title.

"That muggle bitch has no power over the Great Lord Voldemort." The thing said proudly. "How does it feel to know that I, the Great Lord Voldemort, will kill you and remove your taint from the earth?"

"Like nothing." Harry shrugged. What exactly was something like that supposed to feel like! "Xander says I'm the most powerful wizard in the country. But I think Joyce is right, Xander is the greatest, he doesn't need power, just… his ability to control magic." Harry said proudly.

It had been a discussion he and Joyce had had one evening. Harry had asked if Xander was the greatest wizard ever after seeing what he could do and how he seemed to break all the known laws of magic. Joyce had responded that although he was currently the greatest, they all hoped and expected Harry to assume that role as he got older as he was the most powerful wizard alive. According to Joyce, she had never met anyone more powerful in her 1000 years.

By the end of the discussion, Harry had managed to get his point across that Xander's lack of raw power was made up for by the way he thought.

Xander had entered his life by rescuing himself and Hermione from a troll. He had then removed the threat of the Dursleys and given him a family. To Harry's eleven year old mind, that made Xander his hero and the greatest wizard ever.

But this is something that Voldemort could never admit.

"I will destroy him as easily as I destroyed your blood traitor father and mudblood mother." He snarled.

Harry didn't know what those terms meant, but he didn't like them. "Don't talk about my parents!" He shouted.

"Silence boy, I would have killed you when I sabotaged your broom. But the freak managed to save you." Voldemort paused in consideration. "I know he taught you his secrets of flight and teleportation. Reveal those secrets to me and I will make your death quick."

"No." Harry said calmly.


It took a fraction of a second for Harry to realize he was in pain. Severe pain. Only, he was Harry Potter. He had been beaten by Vernon and Dudley many times. This pain was different, but it was still pain. And he was used to pain.

The pain stopped abruptly.

"Tell me the secrets!" Voldemort screeched.

"N-n-no." Harry stuttered through clenched teeth.


The curse died on his lips as Xander suddenly appeared and sliced the head from the body of Quirrell.

"My son said no!" Xander was clearly filled with rage.

As the body lay in two parts, a dark mist rose from within and floated up. Hagrid and Xander took up positions between Harry and the mist. But they had no idea how to fight an incorporeal being.

The mist coalesced into a wraith like being with a badly defined face, it roared in anger and charged at Xander, swooping up and over before ploughing into Harry and then speeding through the exits.

Xander and Hagrid shared a glance before deciding the danger had passed. They both rushed to Harry who was now unconscious but alive. Xander teleported the three of them to the hospital wing leaving Fluffy and Fang to not let anyone approach the body except himself and Hagrid.

Xander needed to tend to his son.

When Harry awoke this time, he still didn't know where he was, but he didn't feel a sense of foreboding. He could hear breathing.

"About time you decided to wake up lazy bones." Came Xander's voice.

Harry opened his eyes to see Xander sitting in a chair by the side of his bed. He was clearly in the hospital wing.

"HARRY!" Hermione squealed causing both he and Xander to wince.

"Shh… loud noises are bad when you just wake up." Neville admonished.

"Thanks Nev." Harry muttered gratefully.

Hermione looked contrite and whispered. "Sorry Harry."

"I'm going to get Joyce and Minerva. They have been worried sick about you." Xander said before vanishing from his seat, only to reappear ten seconds later.

"Xander! I was in the middle of a class!" Minerva admonished. "Oh, Harry!" She cried as she saw her adopted son awake and alert.

Xander quickly vanished and reappeared. "I just dismissed them. Not that I think you care at the moment." Xander chuckled as Harry was currently being hugged to death by both Minerva and Joyce. Hermione only held out a second longer before joining them.

Xander and Neville eventually managed to pry Harry free and they all sat down on conjured chairs as Poppy bustled about whilst trying to make sure he was ok.

"Congratulations Harry. You have now faced an evil wizard twice and come out on top both times." Xander said proudly.

Harry thought about that for a few seconds. He had vague memories of a Xander and Hagrid saving him. "Didn't you cut off Professor Quirrell's head?"

Neville and Hermione looked a little green at that. Xander just nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner, Harry." Xander said sadly. He had been berating himself for failing his son.

"It's ok. I'm guessing you came as soon as you knew." Harry said unconcernedly.

"Yeah. We found Neville and Hermione unconscious and brought them here. As soon as Hermione told us what happened, Hagrid and I teleported in to get you, I didn't bother to wait. Just lopped his noggin off. Sometimes there is no need to let the bad guys do their speeches."

"Oh." Harry said slightly red faced.

"What is it Harry?" Joyce asked.

"I… I let Voldemort talk. I didn't know what else to do. I was still too blurry to teleport or fly."

"I said 'sometimes' Harry. You did perfectly. Starting next year though, we will be doing some slight physical training. Need to teach you how to duck." Xander assured him.

Harry relaxed slightly as he accepted Xander's word. "How long was I asleep?"

"The better part of two days. There is only a week of school left." Minerva answered. "We have postponed the last Quidditch match so you can attend and play if you wish."

"And just so you know. We gave a full report on what happened to you to the school. Well, except what Voldemort actually said. Just the fact that you faced him and survived whilst Xander killed him." Joyce said, she didn't want Harry to walk back into the school unawares. "You will need to meet with Amelia Bones, the head of the Magical Department of Law Enforcement as this was a major crime."

Harry just nodded. He knew a bit more about how the world worked thanks to Xander and his films. They always left him with questions that Xander, Joyce and Hermione would answer for him.