

Whilst Harry and most of his family were battling Voldemort and his forces, Ginny and Luna were rushing around and preparing the special edition of the Quibbler. The primary article would also be featured in various foreign papers, the Quibbler itself was being requested in foreign countries. Luna was already quite rich due to Xander's investments of what her father had left her, but she was quickly approaching Hogwarts levels of riches, which was still some way behind Harry's though.

Ginny was working on the type-facing for the headline. "Luna… what did they call the new prison?"

"Azkaban." She stated without stopping her work on the layout.

"I thought Sal owned that and he evicted them."

"He does and did… but wizards are not know for their originality."

Ginny was worried, Luna was usually very calm and relaxed, even in a crisis. But today she was very focused and terse. Ginny realised that Luna knew something.

She grabbed her best friend by the shoulders. "What do you know?"

Luna's eyes stayed down, refusing to look at her. "Not much."

"Whatever you know is enough to affect my usually happy friend. Now share." Ginny demanded.

"This will hurt Neville, but aid Harry." She said simply.

Ginny frowned. The way she said it made it sound like Harry was going to benefit from Neville's pain. "Is that all you know? You don't have any inclination of why? Or if the two are connected?"

"No, that is simply what I know. I don't even know if the two are connected." She sighed in frustration.

"But you usually know a lot more. Like with Xander, Nym and Fleur. Not to mention Harry and Hermione… even if you won't share."

"Harry and Neville are… hidden from me… sort of." She admitted. "Neville is obvious. His nature as a Phoenix keeps him out of the hands of fate and clouds his future. He will live forever, and eternity tends to blur the horizon.

"But Harry… is a puzzle. His future is much like Neville's. But I don't know why. It appears as though he will live forever… but I can't be sure, but either way, it clouds his future."

"But you said you saw him and Hermione." Ginny countered.

"No, I saw Hermione and Harry. I read Hermione." Luna suddenly looked very worried. "You can't tell anyone! Promise me!" She said gripping Ginny's arms in a panic.

"Of course not Luna." Ginny assured her. "You haven't told me anything bad, and you haven't told me anything I can change. So I have no real reason to break your trust."

"Come, they should be arriving back now." Luna declared as she teleported them both to the hospital wing.

"Luna, Ginny! I assume they are inbound?" Poppy asked. Luna was always good for an early warning system.

"Yes Poppy. Neville will need a calming draught, Harry will… heal himself." She said cryptically. Although in truth, that was literally the extent of what she knew.

As if to prove her right, Xander and Sirius appeared with Harry between them. Sal and Hermione were holding up a clearly stunned Neville whilst Nym and Fleur were obviously acting as a guard and had their wands out and their off-hands ready to cast.

She immediately shoved a vial of potion into Sal's hands. "Make him drink that then lie him down, then find a bed for yourself." She ordered before marching over to where Harry was being placed in what was considered 'his bed'.

"Do you need any pain potions, Harry?" She asked, he was covered in blood but she could see the various wounds on his body were healing.

"N…ooo, nearly doonee." He groaned.

"Perhaps you would care to fill us in on what happened?" Minerva scowled as she appeared with Joyce and Godric.

"Tom attacked the new prison, the Dementors joined him and they killed most of the guards and tried to free the prisoners." Xander shrugged. "Unfortunately they succeeded."

"Succeeded!" Minerva nearly screeched. "How on Earth could they overcome you all… let alone Harry?"

"Tom was there. He seems to be incredibly powerful, must be something to do with the blood they took from Harry." Sal explained. "He was swatting Xander around with ease, it didn't help that the rest of us were busy dealing with the Dementors and other prisoners. Harry was in dragon form and an easy target for spell fire. Especially projectiles."

"Is he as powerful as Harry?" Joyce asked worriedly.

"No… just a better caster and… well, he cheats." Harry said as he sat up.

"Cheats?" Godric asked mildly amused.

"He was using the guards as hostages." Harry shrugged. He then began routing around in his pockets. "Speaking of which," he pulled out a bag of marbles, "You might want to get these guys to St. Mungo's."

Poppy stared at the rattling and clinking bag. They all did.

"I hate to be the one to ask this, but are you saying that someone literally lost his marbles?" Ginny asked.

"What? No!" Harry said as he realised what he was implying. "Those are the wounded guards and prisoners. Rather than trying to heal them, I simply transfigured them into marbles. All those animals we transfigured into inanimate objects seemed to be in some sort of stasis, so I figured that would keep them safe until they could be turned back and healed."

"That is quite ingenious, Harry. We can submit it as a project towards your NEWTS." Minerva suggested. "It also provides me with a useful role in a battle as a form of medic."

"Education later! Re-cap now!" Ginny demanded impatiently. "What happened to Neville?"

"Bellatrix Lestrange and her family escaped." Hermione growled. "She heard one of us use his name and began taunting him about his parents. It would seem he has unresolved issues regarding them."

"I advise killing her as the best way to deal with them." Sirius smiled grimly. "Followed by requesting that the King of the Goblins mount her head outside Gringotts."

"That doesn't work for everyone Sirius." Joyce admonished lightly.

"Worked for me. I get a deep sense of satisfaction and closure every time I see Pettigrew's head up there." He said with a theatrical sigh of pleasure.

"What's the Ministries response?" Minerva queried.

"Not a clue." Xander shrugged. "There were no Aurors there. Can't even be sure they know the place was attacked!"

"They should do. I sent off a Patronus message to the DMLE as we arrived." Sirius said.

Harry sighed. "I'll go and poke around, see what I can find out."

"Oh no you don't! You have your first class tomorrow! You will go and sleep now." Hermione ordered.

"I'll go with Sirius. They would be hard pressed to ignore the queries of two Lords." Sal offered.

"Preposterous! The Ministry would be the first to know if Azkaban were attacked." Fudge declared. He was not happy about being summoned in the middle of the night along with the Head of the DMLE about some hoax.

Unfortunately he didn't notice Lockhart's guilty look.

Sal and Sirius did and shared a glance.

"I personally sent a Patronus message stating an attack was in progress." Sirius argued.

"Can you even cast a Patronus after your time around Dementors?" Fudge sneered.

"No thanks to you, but yes." He snapped back. "Now, Lockhart, why didn't you respond to Azkaban's call for help? I know they flooed you as they said they did so immediately before they flooed Hogwarts."

"I can't be expected to be on duty all day and night! I simply wasn't here, to accept any floo calls." He blustered.

"So… you didn't assign anyone to man the floos in your stead?" Sirius asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Of course I did. You will be happy to know that they did not report anything either." Lockhart said with a hint of nervousness.

Sirius just rolled his eyes. "I believe a field trip is in order so you can see for yourself. Any objections? Say 'nay'."



"I didn't hear a 'nay', let's go!"

Fudge was just about to scream 'nay' when he found himself standing in the middle of the latest Azkaban. He was disturbed and scared. He kept expecting to feel the oppression of the Dementors.

He looked around and saw evidence of spell damage everywhere. The large iron gates had been blown inwards and where hanging there. There where holes in the walls and craters in the ground.

Bodies of Dementors littered the place.

After a few seconds he grew concerned.

"Where is everyone?" He demanded. "Why has no one come to investigate?"

"Because they are all dead or gone, Fudge." Sal sighed.

"Like we told you." Sirius grinned.

"YOU!" Fudge roared, pointing and gesturing at Sirius and Sal. "You did this! You and your… family" He spat.

"Be very careful, Cornelius. Anymore accusations like that and I will call you out in a Wizards Duel." Sal snarled.

"I think they have things well in hand here, Lord Slytherin, perhaps we should leave them to it." Sirius said respectfully.

"Agreed, Lord Black. We expect to be updated, gentlemen."

With that they vanished.

Gilderoy was looking around in disgust. "I must say, this place is rather dreary. Remind me to get them add some colour."

Fudge just glared at him. "Colour? I would think your time would be better spent investigating what happened here and where everyone is?"

"I- oh, of course!" He stuttered. "I'll get right on that, first thing in the morning… or, right now… yes! Right now!" He added as he saw Fudge begin to build steam and start yelling.

Hopefully he could blame the lack of intervention on a floo failure. Hopefully no one would know he had Obliviated the on duty Auror. Gilderoy Lockhart was nobody's fool, he wasn't going to die facing some Dementors… he had no idea if an Obliviate would work on Dementors, they worked on humans though.

He turned to Fudge. "Any chance of a lift back to London?"

"I believe it is you who should be escorting me back." Fudge said with narrowed eyes.

"Perhaps to conserve strength, we should combine our efforts?" He offered.

"Erm… yes, a practical idea." Fudge conceded hesitantly.

They locked arms and waited.

And waited.

They began to shuffle nervously.

"Well?" Fudge demanded impatiently?

"Oh, I was waiting for you!" Gilderoy declared. "Actually, as the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, perhaps I should stick around and investigate for a bit."

"Perhaps you should get back to the Ministry and alert the rest of your department about what has happened?" Fudge said pointedly.

"Any chance I could impose on you to do that?"

Fudge glared at him.

"Right, of course not. My job."

At this point they realised they still had their arms linked like a loving… couple. And not one that is approved of in Magical Britain.

"Get a move on Lockhart. We have things to do!" Fudge ordered.

Again they waited.

And waited.

"I CAN'T APPARATE!" Lockhart suddenly screamed.

Fudge jumped a foot in the air.

After his heart rate slowed, he asked. "What do you mean? Your books claim you can apparate across continents!"

"Ah… well… just a minor embellishment… for the readers you know." He fidgeted.

"Bloody brilliant!" Fudge groaned.

"I say, Minister. Such language is really not necessary." Lockhart admonished. "Surely you can either take us back or return yourself and send someone to fetch me?"

"No I can't." Fudge growled through gritted teeth.

"Oh, are there wards up?"

"I… can't apparate either." Fudge sighed, his cheeks red with shame.

"Oh dear… does that mean we are trapped?"

"It means – we must start walking until we can summon the Knight Bus!" He snapped as he turned on his heal and headed for the gates which were hanging off their hinges.

Monday morning. 9am. First class of the day and week. First class of Harry Potter, Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts.

At his side stood Neville Longbottom. Lord of Longbottom and Assistant Professor to Professor Potter.

Harry, was mentally preparing his lessons and speeches. Fortunately his first class was first year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

He stared at them and began to sweat a little. He could feel the dragon stirring occasionally.

"Ok class. I am… Professor Potter, this is my… erm… this is Professor Longbottom.

"My job is to make sure you know about defensive spells and offensive spells. After all, my dad always says: 'A good defence is an effective offence'."

Harry paused and considered that for a second. "Although – my mother says: 'A good offence is a good defence.'"

"Joyce?" Neville enquired.

"Yeah… but they both seem to make sense." Harry returned his focus to the class. "We will also teach you about good tactics and about things like dark objects and animals and how to identify and deal with them.

"Right… who can tell me the best tactic for dealing a Dark Wizard or animal?"

Several hands shot up.

"Erm… Miss Stratford." Harry pointed to a young girl blond Hufflepuff.

"A slicing hex?" She asked tentatively.

"Nope, anyone else? Mr. Farnby."

"A bludgeoning curse?"

"Nope… before I call on anyone else, does anyone have an answer that does not involve firing off a spell?"

Nobody raised a hand.

"That's what I thought, no matter. The answer is: run away." Harry smiled. "The only time Professor Longbottom or myself actively fight dark animals or creatures is when we have back up or a pre-determined plan in place.

"Always imagine that your opponent is capable of wiping you out without raising their wand. The only defence you have; is to run."

Neville watched from the side of the room, where he sat, casually watching Harry interact with his students. Despite his social phobias and weaknesses, Harry was a natural at dealing with people.

He watched as Harry instructed them on the basics of a Protego shield. Neville had little doubt that by the end of the day, they would all have the shield working, even if it was weak.

Hermione was not a happy girl. She had spent last night fighting evil wizards and Dementors. But that was after she had found her boyfriend in a private meeting with the Queen and Prime Minister!

And then her boyfriend had the gall to demand she take an oath to state that she wouldn't speak about it to anyone. Then she hadn't had a chance to grill him because he was busy teaching!

Hermione was not a happy girl.

"If you want to come and find out what last night was about, you can. Just remember, everyone there outranks you. Your opinions are welcomed and respected, but there is nothing that says they are law." Harry said seriously as he walked into her bedroom.

"I am not happy about this Harry." She snapped.

"Considering I am working to save lives, your happiness is not at the top of my list of priorities in this instance, Hermione. I'm offering you the chance to learn more so you can hopefully understand that."

Hermione felt like she had been slapped in the face. Harry was being almost, cold. His tone was uncaring, even if his words seemed noble.

She wondered if Harry had finally been pushed too far. If she had finally pushed him too far with her bossiness and demanding. She had after all interrupted what was a private meeting between two of the most important people in the country and demanded to know what was going on.

It was easy to forget that Harry was a member of the British Magical Government. Not to mention a Lord and Prince. He always came across as 'just Harry'. He never talked about or used his positions much at the school. Or at home.

This was why she imposed her beliefs about nobility on Harry. It had been accidental. She simply did not equate Harry Potter, her boyfriend, with what she thought to be nobility, simply because he didn't act like it in her mind.

But then Harry had never done anything to make her doubt him. Not even when he entered Malfoy into the tournament.


She suddenly realised that Harry was waiting for her. She quickly steeled herself and made her decision.

"I trust you Harry." She breathed as she stood and took his hand.

"But you still want to come?" He asked, a wry smile breaking over his stern face.

"I'm curious! So sue me!" She pouted.

Harry just chuckled and took them to a very familiar place.

"Harry! We should have knocked!" Hermione admonished as she found herself in the Queen's private quarters.

"And exactly how would we announce ourselves?" Harry asked with a smirk. "For the time being I want this as covert as possible, I don't want the Ministry messing with their minds and memories!"

"Fine, but where are they?" Hermione asked as she looked around the empty yet expensively furnished room.

"Not here. Looks like they either don't believe me or don't trust me." Harry growled. He led Hermione to a couch and pointed.

Hermione gasped in shock. Crouching there was a man in black tactical gear holding a weapon that looked like a machine gun of sorts.

Hermione gasped and backed up. "How come they can't see us?"

"I made us invisible and silent, I also phased us out. I did have a lot of fun messing with doors yesterday at Number 10, making people jump, but I figured I should be more stealthy, so I spent my time between classes practicing this." Harry said cheerfully.

"So they set a trap for you?"

"Looks like. But it seems that they have some interesting magical help that I never saw coming." He smirked as he led Hermione over to the corner of a room.

Hermione frowned but watched carefully as Harry put his hand through the wall and pulled out a man in the same black tactical gear.

"SIRIUS!" She screeched.

"HERMIONE!" He screeched back. "HARRY!"

"SIRIUS! HERMIONE!" Harry shouted back with a grin.

"What the devil are you two playing at?" Sirius demanded. "You have the entire British non-magical government in a frenzy because a certain wizard claiming to be Harry Potter kidnapped their Prime Minister and held him captive with the Queen!"

"I did not hold them captive… I may have taken the Prime Minister without asking, but I did not force him to stay with me!" Harry protested.

"But why?" Sirius asked plaintively.

"Because they need to step up and take responsibility!" Harry snapped. "Every year the first generation magicals are taken from the non-magical world and turned into second class citizens. When Riddle gets in gear who do you think he's going to target?

"The Ministry of Magic is a division of the British Government, they serve at the pleasure of the Crown. That makes them the responsibility of the Queen. If the non-magical government refuses to step up and sort things out then I will have to do it myself. But it will become me against Riddle and Riddle will attack the magical world just to turn them against me."

"And you think that bringing in the non-magical world won't cause problems?" Sirius asked in disbelief.

"Of course it will. But if we supplement Magical Law Enforcement with non-magical personnel and equipment then any Death Eater that pops his stupid head up will have his brains smeared over the country.

"Your average wizard can't stand against non-magical means. Just ask Dad for a repeat of the demonstration he gave Lucius Malfoy back before second year.

"Plus the non-magicals are far more plentiful and can cover greater areas, unlike the Aurors."

Sirius sighed. "Considering this is you saying this Harry, I assume you have done a fair bit of research?"

"I've been wandering through the records and reports of local police stations, Scotland Yard and MI5."

"And the reason you didn't bring the rest of us in on this?"

"I wanted it to be as purely non-magical as possible. My interactions would be invisible. Dad can't get involved as it might start a war with both the Goblins and Werewolves.

"But that isn't the point. Hermione is a First Generation Magical. She is still a citizen of the non-magical world… to be honest, she isn't registered as a citizen of the magical world, she's just listed as a witch. She will be at the top of Riddle's hit list simply because she is First Generation. If the non-magical government won't step up then maybe they don't deserve their position." Harry spat.

Sirius just sighed sadly. He didn't dispute his Godson, or his motives. Everyone hopes that someone will bring about the change that will bring equality for all and hope to the masses. But rarely does anybody with the actual power to do so, stand up and start things rolling.

Harry had the power, motive and will to do so. He was standing up and he wouldn't just get the ball rolling, he would push the damned ball for as long as it took!

"Sirius… why are you here? Wearing non-magical armour?" Hermione asked, suspicion evident.

"Ah. Right! Well – you see, here's the thing: it's really hard to explain you see-"

"Sirius thought the best way to prank his Pureblood bigoted family was to actually work for the muggle authorities." Harry said in bored manner but with a smirk.

Sirius just frowned at him. "You know, if you were any closer to the truth, I'd accuse you of reading my mind." He then grinned. "But the pranking was just a happy side-effect.

He paused and took a breath before he announced. "There is a reason why nobody knows what happens in the depths of the Department of Mysteries, why the Unspeakables are shrouded in secrecy.

"They are actually magicals, mostly first generation magicals, who were recruited by the non-magical government."

"The Department of Mysteries is an offshoot of MI5?" Harry asked.

Sirius was clearly shocked. "A bit of a leap… but yes. How-"

"When I was routing around MI5 I noticed a lot more reports going in and out of the place, but I couldn't explain where. This does explain it." Harry shrugged.

"So… you're an Unspeakable and an MI5 agent?" Hermione asked somewhat sceptically.

"Yep, but technically, every Unspeakable is an MI5 agent." He grinned proudly.

"This is a very enlightening conversation, but can we deal with our current situation?" Harry asked.

Sirius and Hermione suddenly found themselves in a large concrete bunker surrounded by lots of computer screens and men with guns, seated at a long conference table were the Queen, the Prime Minister and various people in suits and uniforms.

"ON YOUR KNEES AND HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!" One of the armed men in tactial armour roared as they all brought their weapons to bear on the three intruders.

Hermione immediately complied, fear evident. "Dammit Harry, what have you done?" She muttered.

Harry just grinned and followed suit as he knelt down and put his hands behind his head. Sirius was also copying them.

The armed speaker suddenly gestured to the rest of his men, and three stepped forward to try and bind and restrain them.

It wasn't working.

"Major, we can't touch them!" One of the men reported with a hint of anxiousness as the zip ties and his hands passed through the prisoners.

"What are you? Some sort of projection?" The now identified 'Major' demanded.

Harry just laughed. "No! We're really here." Harry smirked and stood up, one of the men tried to hit him on the back of the head with the butt of his gun. Harry growled and the man found himself in a cage holding a snake where his gun was.

"Waaaaah!" The man cried as he threw the snake away.

"Go and sit on the table, the lights will keep you warm." Harry hissed at the snake as he helped Hermione up.

"DON'T MOVE OR WE WILL SHOOT!" The Major roared.

"Don't be an idiot, Major." Sirius snapped. "You fire and the only person you hit is the one behind us."

Sirius turned to the people at the table. "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, I can vouch for these two individuals. They mean no harm."

"They have invaded and threatened us!" The Queen screeched as they were all standing with their backs against the wall as a highly poisonous Cobra was now calmly sleeping on their conference table.

"Harry? Did you threaten the Queen of England?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Absolutely not!" Harry snapped at the Queen. "But if your behaviour or attitude continues then I damn well might!"

Harry waved his hand, the armed men vanished and the weapons vanished. The people returned to the table.

"You are seriously pissing me off. I tried to approach you as a leader of your country and people, but you are forcing me to treat you like an insolent child!"

"I think you're being a little harsh there Harry." Sirius frowned. He wasn't sure what was making his godson act this way, but clearly he was very angry… nearly angry enough to change into his dragon form.

"You really think so?" Harry asked in disgust, it caused Sirius to reel back in shock. "I came to the Prime Minister and Queen in order to secure their aid in removing the corrupt government currently persecuting First Generation magicals. The Prime Minister was reluctant, but willing to listen. Elizabeth has been nothing but belligerent and rude."

"See here now! You will show respect for the Crown!" One officer in an army uniform objected.

"When she earns it." Harry sneered as he took a seat at the conference table, the snake slithered over and wrapped itself around his neck seeking more warmth.

"This is clearly a matter for the magicals, what right do you have to demand we fix your problems?" Another man in a suit demanded.

"Because I am a citizen of your government and I am being persecuted by a member of your government." Hermione said with a frown. She was beginning to understand what was upsetting Harry.

"Magical Britain has always been considered a separate country, it is not our place to interfere." The Queen declared.

"Magical Britain has never been a separate country. It's the Ministry of Magic, like the Ministry of Defence! Essentially a section of the overall British Government." Harry snapped.

"The British Ministry of Magic and the magical people of Britain have been recognised as autonomous for centuries. That is the way it has been, that is the way it shall be!" The Queen stated venomously.

"Please, Your Majesty, ignoring this fact will lead to our citizens dying." The Prime Minister pleaded.

"When that becomes an issue we will intervene to defend our citizens." She said firmly. "And that is all.

"All Magicals will remain under the direct authority of the Ministry of Magic."

Harry's head snapped up. "All magicals?"

"Any individual possessing the ability to utilise magic to a degree." She clarified.

"Sirius, give her your wand." Harry ordered. "Please, Sirius, just go with me on this!" He sent mentally.

Sirius frowned but handed his wand, handle first, across the table. The Queen just stared at the proffered object.

"Go on Elizabeth, give it a wave." Harry smirked, what could only be classed as an evil or smug smirk.

"Only a witch or wizard can use a wand." The man in a suit rolled his eyes.

"Then she shouldn't have a problem." Harry retorted calmly. "Come on dear. We don't have all day." He said patronizingly.

"Harry- " Hermione began to reprimand him but Sirius put a restraining hand on her shoulder.

"I refuse. You have no right to order me about." The Queen declared.

"Fine, then I will remove the charms I put on you yesterday." Harry shrugged as he waved his hand.

There were gasps as the Queen suddenly began to de-age.

"You see, when I came to see the Queen yesterday, she suffered a heart-attack. I healed her but also realised she was a squib. I boosted her magical core so she is now a full witch.

"By her own admission, she is under the authority of the British Magical Government." Harry grinned. "So… all I have to do is takeover the Ministry of Magic and I will have the throne of Britain under my control."

"You can't!" The Queen gasped. "You'll ki-" She began to gasp and clutch at her chest.

"Your Majesty!" The Army man cried as they rushed to her side.

"What are you doing?" The suited man demanded.

"Me? Nothing. I fixed her heart last night. She should be fitter than a horse!" Harry frowned. He waved his hand and the Queen was lying on a bed transfigured from the table.

"See anything, Harry?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Magic, dark magic. It's crushing her magical core." Harry said tersely as he handed the snake off to Sirius.

"She reacted like she was being punished for breaking an oath." Sirius remarked. "But at that severity, it had to be an Unbreakable one."

"Can you do anything, Harry?" Hermione asked nervously. She really didn't want to witness the death of the countries most beloved public figure.

"Everyone stay back and don't interrupt, this is going to be very delicate."

"Why should we trust you?" The suited man demanded.

"Shut up and stay back!" Harry snapped. He waved a hand sending everyone but him against the walls as a diamond dome formed around Harry and the Queen.

Several of the men began banging on the dome.

"It's probably made of diamond and has a silencing field up. So all you are going to do is hurt your fists." Hermione informed them.

"We have no idea what he is doing in there!" He barked. "As for you-"

"Agent Marsden, if you were to harm one hair on Miss Granger's head, Lord Gryffindor would eat you alive." The Prime Minister said sternly. "And by 'eat you alive', I mean he would shift to his dragon form and start to chew on you."

"Prime Minister, surely you can't be condoning this terrorists actions?" The Army man asked in surprise.

"Harry Potter is no terrorist. He is merely a man trying to get our aid in preventing war. He simply does not have the luxury of going through proper diplomatic channels.

"He has made no threats, he made one aggressive action, but it was merely to prove who he was."

"The Prime Minister is right." Hermione added. "I'm still not clear on what Harry was doing, but he has no intention of harming anyone who isn't actively involved in harming other innocents."

"Agent Black, what's your take?" Marsden queried.

Sirius thought about it for a few seconds. "Harry is recognised as a Healer, or doctor in the magical world. Professionally, and by every member of the Magical Global Community.

"Some thing went wrong when he tried to take the Healer's Oath. Nothing happened."

Sirius paused for a second.

"So that must mean he has the wrong intent?" The Army man argued.

"Actually, if that were the case, Harry would have been branded on his forehead by the magic. A sign that he was dangerous to others." Hermione objected.

"Are you aware of what a Phoenix is? A magical bird born of flame and purity?" Sirius asked.

The others all nodded.

"In lieu of his oath, two Phoenixes gave their blessing for him. Harry is one of the few people to have ever had that. The only other person is his adoptive father."

They were interrupted by a bright flash of light.

"What happened? I can't see!" Marsden cried in panic.

"Relax, Harry accidentally blinded us. He'll fix us when he's finished with Her Majesty." Hermione assured them. "Although I recommend you sit on the floor where you are so you don't injure yourself."

"I think the real question should be: can he help Her Majesty?" The Navy man asked.

"Absolutely, Admiral." Sirius said emphatically.

"Really? He's never done this before." Hermione pointed out.

"Meh, it's Harry, besides, I'm hoping he will do the same thing to me."

"Your under an oath?"

"Agent Black has indicated such, but cannot give details. He has been very inventive in giving us clues though." Agent Marsden explained.

"Is there a reason you and other magicals can't do this type of magic?" The Admiral enquired.

"Harry developed a technique to actually 'see' magic. Unfortunately, none of us have been able to replicate what he does. He uses this ability to create new techniques, like re-growing body parts. He can then teach us how to do that, but he can't teach us how to 'see' magic." Hermione explained.

"So, Potter is unique in the wizarding world?" He asked.

"His father often compares wizards to light bulbs and Harry to nuclear power stations." Sirius chuckled.

"Yes, but I tend to agree with Harry that the analogy is lacking." Hermione added.

"Oh?" The Prime Minister prodded.

"Due to Harry's ability to 'see' magic, he noticed that there is something like ambient magic in everything. Even non-magicals. Which obviously makes the term 'non-magical' inaccurate." She scoffed.

Sirius cleared his throat.

"Oh, right, anyway. Magic is everywhere. Magicals have what we call a 'core'. Once we start to use up the magic we store, we begin to replenish it from the magic around us. But it is a slow process that can take days to refill depending on the size of the core.

"Harry thinks, and I tend to agree, that Magical humans are simply an evolutionary step. If the Magical and non-magical world wasn't so divided, then within centuries, there would be no non-magicals.

"He believes that due to the magic being part of nature, some humans began to develop the ability to use this magic and eventually developed their cores."

"An interesting, yet terrifying theory." The army man commented.

"Why do you say that, General?" The Prime Minister enquired.

"They are saying magicals would overwhelm us. Our way of life destroyed."

"Only in Britain. The rest of the world not part of the Magical British Empire integrates quite nicely with the non-magical world." Hermione corrected.

"I did mention that in my reports." Sirius agreed. "My guess is, that it is also part of Harry's reasoning for contacting the non-magical British Government."

"Because of something that might not happen for centuries?" The General asked incredulously.

"Not primarily, that is just a benefit. If something isn't done in the short term, in the long term it will be war." Sirius corrected.

"I thought your reports stated that our weaponry was no match for their magic?" Marsden countered.

"Yes, but we won't be able to operate openly. If the other countries, both magical and non, get wind of what is going on, then they may intervene. There is no telling which way they will go." Sirius explained.

"Lord Gryffindor has arranged to protect my family, as such I can now freely give my full support to his requests." They jumped at the sound of the Queen's voice.

"Your Majesty!" The men said as they blindly jumped to their feet.

"At ease gentlemen. Lord Gryffindor is currently healing your eyes and you should be able to see in a few seconds." She assured them.

True enough they were able to see the de-aged Queen. She indicated that they should sit back down at the re-transfigured table.

"Lord Gryffindor has removed the magic that forced me to be so… contrary, with regards to aiding Magical Britain. He has also arranged protection for my family which was part of the reason for my behaviour. I do apologise."

"Albus Dumbledore should not be trusted. It appears he was the one who forced Her Majesty to take the vow and subtly threatened her family." Harry scowled.

"Your Majesty, are you saying you now support actions to aid the magicals?" The General enquired in disbelief.

"Absolutely!" She declared adamantly. "Innocent civilians will be tortured and killed, and when they are finished with the magicals, they will turn to our own people for… fun." She spat the last word.

"I assume you have a plan?" Marsden sighed.

"A pretty simple one. It involves lots of disillusionment spells and guns." Harry grinned.

"You want us to kill magicals?"

"No, well, unless they are Death Eaters, but no, just injure. Anything non lethal that I can heal."

"And the panic that this will cause?" The General asked pointedly.

"If done right, will never happen. At most there will be paranoia for a bit. But, otherwise, it should appear a seamless transition."

"Should be an interesting briefing. Before we begin, can you do anything for Agent Black? He may have information relevant to your plans, but he seems to be under a magical oath or vow." Marsden requested.

"Erm… sure, Sirius, try and tell us the… stuff you can't… tell us." He said with a shrug.

Sirius sighed and began what he now considered his task in futility. "I am- am… I am… There is… Dammit! My magic just keeps preventing it." He growled.

"Weird." Harry commented. "You have the same magic as the Queen, but a whole lot weaker. I think I can remove it easily, or break it. But… Sirius… are you erm… you know… sleeping with a witch?" Harry blushed.

"What the devil has that got to do with anything?" The General demanded angrily.

"A little patience and we might find out General." The Queen admonished.

"Of course your Majesty. I apologise." The General apologised with a slight flush.

Harry turned back to Sirius expectantly.

"Well… I… no, fine? I'm sleeping all on my lonesome." Sirius sighed in embarrassment. "Your father would never let me live this down." He moaned.

Harry just rolled his eyes. "So no one has told you their Lilly Charm secret?"

"Oh… OH!" Sirius suddenly got very excited. "No, no one has told me." He smiled happily.

"Can you tell me what is under a Fidelius Charm?"

Sirius scowled angrily. "My home."

"You have a home?" Hermione asked curiously.

Sirius looked insulted, but Harry just chuckled. "His home is under a Fidelius, so we assume he has no home because he lives there."

"Can you help me?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, give me a few minutes and I'll have the oath lifted, but I want a crack at the Fidelius as well, but we will need to go to your house to do that."

"You think you can break a Fidelius?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"No idea, never had a reason to try, but I really want to." He grinned. "Ok, give me a sec, this looks much easier than the last one."

"Do we need to shield our eyes?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Err… why not, better safe than sorry." Harry shrugged.

Hermione just rolled her eyes and conjured several pairs of very strong sunglasses.

It was a short few minutes later that Harry was finished. "Go on then. What's the big secret?"

"I am a member of a secret organisation called The Order of the Phoenix created to combat Lord Voldemort. Our current mission involves preventing him from getting into the Hall of Prophesies." Sirius blurted out mechanically.

"HALLELUJAH!" Sirius hollered as he grabbed Harry in a bear hug and swung him around.

"Sirius!" Hermione hissed. "Company!" She whispered as she pointed as surreptitiously as she could at the Queen.

"Ah… right, I apologise Your Majesty." Sirius said formally, causing Harry to look at him incredulously.

He was prevented from commenting by a jab in the ribs from Hermione.

"What prophecy, I assume there is a specific one." The General queried.

"We don't know. Dumbledore refuses to tell us." Sirius sighed.

"Probably the one about me and Riddle." Harry shrugged.

"There's one about you and… him?" Sirius asked in shock.

"Joyce told us when Xander first arrived." Hermione explained. "Although, she never told us the exact wording, just that it said Harry or Riddle would kill each other."

"But the wording is imperative!" Sirius exclaimed. "It could hold clues as to how Harry is to defeat him."

"Mum says the prophecy is irrelevant."

"Harry, I trust Joyce, but even she would know that prophecies are… irrefutable." Sirius said sternly.

Harry grinned in realisation. "No one ever told you why Dad came to this dimension, did they?"

"To save you and be your father." Sirius shrugged as if it was obvious.

"No, that was his choice, his and Joyce and Minerva's to adopt and love me." Harry shook his head. "No, Xander Harris was taken from his dimension and brought to ours in order to deal with the prophecy so I wouldn't have to. He is known to have broken several prophecies in his dimension."

"I find that hard to believe." Sirius muttered, he then snorted. "I suppose I shouldn't considering he's been turning our world upside down since he arrived."

"How does this information affect your plans?" The Prime Minister enquired.

Harry blew out a breath of air that ruffled his fringe. "Well, hard to say. The Prophecy is irrelevant. We could just destroy it or announce it to the world. The real question is: should we do it before or after we take over the Ministry."

"Xander was brought here because of the prophecy. We should consult him." Hermione said firmly. "We don't need to tell him about these meetings or your plans. We just need to tell him what we discovered from Sirius about his oaths and the Order of the Phoenix."

Harry suddenly snorted a laugh. "Sorry, just realised that they probably called it the Order of the Phoenix because of Fawkes, but Fawkes left Dumbledore for Dad. Technically, Dad is the leader of the Order."

Sirius gasped. "Bloody hell pup! You're dead right! The oaths we took were to Fawkes! If Fawkes were to choose someone else they would become the leader. Do you know what this means?"

"That you could have told Dad all this time instead of fuming impotently until I could lift the oath?" Harry asked with a small smile.

"Oi! Less of the 'I' word please." Sirius groused. "But, yes. Fairly accurate. It also means that he can counter any orders by Dumbledore."

"How did you get dragged into the Order?" Hermione asked.

"An excellent question, one we have wanted answered for a long time." Marsden commented as he leaned forward.

"It was before my recruitment by the Unspeakables." Sirius explained. "All the Marauders and Lilly joined. Including Frank and Alice. We did so straight out of Hogwarts, even before your parents married." He told Harry.

"The war was just starting, but it was still violent. Many of our friends, especially Lilly's were being raped, tortured and murdered. The Ministry did nothing, we were invited by Dumbledore to join. We joined willingly… I suppose in that, we are just like the Death Eaters, you can't force someone to join.

"Our basic mission was to respond to any attacks and try and save people. Also intelligence gathering." Sirius scowled. "For all the intelligence we gathered we were still forbidden from actively confronting the enemy… we still waited for them to turn up and start killing.

"Some of the worst nightmares and memories I had in Azkaban were of arriving at an attack and finding Death Eaters in the middle of raping women and children. I still have those nightmares."

There was a long moment of horrified silence.

"I think we should put the plans for the Ministry on hold for a couple of days and contact Xander and explain about the Order and the Prophecy." Hermione whispered. She was wondering if she would need to a Dreamless Sleep potion that night. One way or another she would refuse to sleep without Harry.

Harry seemed to sense this and pulled her into a hug as he subconsciously morphed their chairs together into a comfortable bench.

Harry addressed the Queen and her people. "I would appreciate it if you could assemble a team of people capable of covert infiltration and assassinations. I will only require their skills in assassination, not their actual services. I can guarantee their health by the end of the mission and provide us with a secure hold on the Ministry.

"We'll need a secondary force capable of acting as a form of guard or police. They need to be armed and fully prepared to fire their weapons at civilian adults who make themselves a threat. They will be required to man the Ministry building and Diagon Alley, the two major magical centres."

"What about Hogsmede and Hogwarts?" Sirius enquired.

"Sovereign territory covered by Dad and the Werewolves." Harry shrugged. "I think its safe to say we have no problems with Dad."

"We need much more deliberation and planning on the matter!" The General objected.

Harry looked the Queen straight in the eye. "Before the month ends in two weeks, I will make my move on the Ministry.

"If I do it alone, I become a tyrant, no better than Riddle, Grindlewald, Hitler or Hussein.

"If I have the support of the rest of the country, I am merely another piece on the chessboard serving the light side."

There was a moment of contemplation by the Queen. "Those are… incredibly wise and insightful words, Lord Gryffindor. Especially for one so young."

"With respect, Your Majesty," Sirius said quietly, "Lord Gryffindor not only has the love and teachings of people whose combined age approaches three millennium, but he has been forced into situations that… defy belief, he has killed, brought people back to life, and faced his own death time and again.

"His brother and Uncle, the first Lord Gryffindor, frequently points out that wisdom comes not with age, but with experience, and the ability to understand and use that experience."

"He also tells us often that a smart man learns from his own mistakes, but that a wise man learns from the mistakes of others." Harry added.

"You consider yourself a wise man? Lord Gryffindor?" The Admiral enquired without malice or insinuation.

Harry gave a small smile. "One of my mothers taught us that a wise man will not assume he is wise. But he won't deny it either. Either option would make him a fool."

"Your Majesty," The Prime Minister spoke quietly, "I believe we can provide a suitable force within the required time. If Lord Black and our other Agents within the Department of Mysteries can provide details on the Ministry Building and it's employees, I am certain we can be ready to aid our magical citizens."

The Queen sat and contemplated for a while.

"Lord Gryffindor, proceed with your current plans. But we will require the input of your father Lord Hogwarts in his role as King of the Werewolves and King of the Goblins, it is only right as he is a fellow leader and essentially our neighbour."

Harry went to object but he was stopped when Hermione placed a hand on his forearm.

"There's no need to break all the rules Harry." She said softly.

"Good advice, pup. It's what turns a prank into a crime." Sirius added.

Harry sighed and nodded. "We will liaise with Sirius, if that's ok?"

"Absolutely, Lord Gryffindor." The Queen said with a smile.