

The first day of term had arrived. Half the school was already there so the train ride was fairly quiet, especially for Xander, Sal, Godric, Neville and Harry who were on duty on the train. Hermione was playing liaison with the school in case of trouble.

There had been trouble at the station already when Aurors had arrived to board and check the passengers. Xander had promptly informed them that the train was private property and if they wanted to board it they had to get past the two dragons behind him.

The sight of Harry looming over them whilst Sal was perched on the nearest carriage was enough to declare the train safe and run along.

The train journey took all of a split second as Harry teleported the entire train straight onto Hogwarts grounds. It was an astounding bit of magic that thoroughly impressed the new first years.

This left them with a lot of time until the sorting and welcome feast. It was a sunny day and a picnic was set up for everyone, a way for all the new students to mingle and get to know each other. It seemed to work well.

So here they were preparing for the leaving feast as Xander gave his opening speech.

"Last year was a frickin' nightmare!"

"Xander!" Minerva admonished aghast.

"We saw hundreds of people die in front of us because of those fools in the Ministry decided to force us to compete in that stupid tournament.

"And then they managed to actually aid in the resurrection of Voldemort!"

Many of the eldest students and first years gasped at the forbidden name. But Xander's interactions with the fifth years down had made them less afraid.

Delores Umbridge was fuming. It was bad enough that they had seated her at the very end of the staff table (her rightful place was at the centre, but she would have settled for the right side of the centre chair) but now that fool Harris was besmirching the Ministry and Cornelius.

"Mr. Harris!" She screeched.

"It's Lord Hogwarts, Delores. Now sit down and mind your manners. It's rude to interrupt." Xander said calmly.

"I can not sit here and-"

"Then leave. I honestly don't care, now shut up before I shut you up."

She opened and closed her mouth several times but then fumed and sat down, impotently.

"Right… where was I?" Xander frowned.

"Ministry aiding the resurrection of Voldemort." Joyce reminded him.

"Right… now where was I going?" He wondered. "Dammit Delores, you made me lose my place!" Xander snapped at the smug looking witch.

"Alright, it doesn't matter. Most of you were there last year and witnessed what happened.

"The Ministry" he spat "has decided to interfere in your education. They recalled Professor Moody to active duty (despite the fact they deny Voldemort is back) and have forced you to learn from Delores Umbridge.

"Somehow I doubt she is going to be any good, but I have someone lined up just in case."

Delores was glowing red with rage. There were tints of purple and blue as she unconsciously held her breath in her anger.

"Anyway, I have forgotten everything I was going to say, if I remember I'll say it tomorrow, any questions, ask your prefects or professors. That's what we are here for. Enjoy your meal!"

"Before they eat I believe I should say a few words." Delores said as she forced herself to assume a manner of calmness and geniality. It was a horrifying sight that caused a new first year Ravenclaw to burst into tears.

"Believe what you like, doesn't make it true. Sit down and shut up Delores." Xander ordered.

"I have a right and duty to address these students!"

"Not in MY school you don't. The School Charter clearly states that the teachers are to adhere to the instructions of the Headmaster or owner of the school. Since I am both, sit down or be fired." Xander grinned.

"You don't have the authority to fire me!" She challenged.

"Hey, these are the rules, agreed to and signed by your Ministry, the same rules that allowed Fudge to place you here. You break 'em, you deal with the consequences." Xander grinned smugly.

"Those laws were designed to-"

"I don't care what those laws were designed for. If you and the Ministry refuse to abide by them… why should I?"

Umbridge fumed on the spot twitching with indecision. She wisely returned to her seat.

That night in the Apartment, Xander and Harry had a private conversation.

"I need you to try and push Umbridge's buttons to get detention, but don't do anything that… I dunno, Minerva or Filius would assign detention for." Xander said as he paced in front of Harry's bed.

"Ok… how… and why?" He asked curiously.

"The why, is because of something Godric said. Of all the people he sorts, he remembers those that standout whether for good or for bad. Like your mother, for good. Riddle for bad.

"Delores, for bad.

"I don't trust her around the kids, but I can't kick her out without breaking the Ministry Contracts. That would be a bad thing."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"It will give the Ministry international backing to take over the school… or forbid us from running a school supported by the Ministry."

"Can't we complain to the ICW and run the school independently?"

"Not until the Ministry screws up."

"Screws up? Like Riddle in my first year, the Basilisk in my second, Dementors and the bloody Tournament!" Harry said angrily as he rubbed his right wrist subconsciously.

"First year was Dumbledore's fault, second was Riddle and Sal. Third, we managed to prevent the Dementors from threatening the actual school. Fourth… all the actions and consequences would be blamed on Draco and Crouch… Crouch was obviously not acting under Ministry orders." Xander rattled off.

Harry sighed. "So you're hoping Umbridge will screw up?"

"I'm fairly certain she will, but I am more worried that she will actively endanger the students and try to harm them."

"Why would she do that?"

"She is a fanatic… but instead of for Riddle, she is a Pureblood fanatic for Fudge. I am worried that she will try and intimidate the students into following her and obeying. Using a stick instead of the carrot… at least for half bloods and first generations."

"So… you want me to make myself her target?" Harry asked dubiously.

"Yeah, get yourself detention as often as you can. Do what you have to, to protect the students. Just… try not to kill her, we need to be able to interrogate her with truth serum."

"Mr. Potter, you have detention tonight with me!"

"I do?"

He hadn't even walked through the door properly… he literally had one foot in the classroom and she had given him detention. At least he didn't have to make an ass out of himself.

"You didn't think you could get away with telling all those lies? No! Laws and rules will be enforced! You will soon see the error of your ways." Umbridge said gleefully. She was so very damn creepy.

"What lies? Harry never told any lies!" Dean argued.

"Mr. Thomas! You will raise your hand in my classroom and wait to be acknowledged!" Umbridge admonished.

There was a rush of wind as every hand went up.

"Miss Greengrass?" Umbridge purposefully picked a pureblood and possible Ministry sympathiser.

"Harry… Lord Gryffindor… doesn't lie." She said emphasising his title. "As you have besmirched his good name, I trust you have evidence to back up your accusations?" She asked primly.

"Miss Greengrass, I am very disappointed in you. I am sure your parents would be too." Umbridge tutted as she turned away.

Daphne was confused. "I don't see why, but… you haven't provided us with evidence."

"This is Defence Against the Dark Arts, not Defence of Harry Potter!" She snapped. "We are here to learn, not another word or you will be joining Mr. Potter in detention!"

"Then the proper pureblood thing to do would be to apologise now to Lord Gryffindor for the public accusations you refuse to provide evidence for." Daphne scowled. She had a strong backing.

Meanwhile Harry had already informed Neville and Hermione mentally of the plan and the three of them were going around the room and warning everyone to stay out of it.

'Daph! Stay out of it, Harry has to handle this!' Hermione sent urgently.

Daphne was practically incensed by her friend's attitude towards her boyfriend. She would be having words with her later.

Unfortunately for Daphne, her fate was sealed already.

"That's it! Miss. Greengrass, you will be serving detention with Mr. Potter tonight!" Umbridge screeched.

"Unacceptable!" Daphne cried angrily. "I will see what the Headmaster has to say about this!"

"Mr. Harris has no authority over when and why I assign detentions." Umbridge smiled smugly. "Now sit down! You have taken up enough of our time already!"

'Daphne, please sit down and I will take you to Dad after the lesson and we will explain it to you.' Harry sent. He had sat there watching the train wreck approaching.

The problem with being a friend to all his classmates and saving their lives and Xander showing evidence of it, was that they tended to stand up for him like Daphne had.

Even now the rest of class was silently fuming over Harry and Daphne's treatment. It was only the trio's assurances and warnings that kept them silent.

"Now then, put your wands away and take out your books. There are no practical's in this class."

"But how will we pass our exams?" Harry said quickly. He had to argue quickly before anyone else got themselves in trouble.

"I see Mr. Harris truly has failed to raise you properly, Mr. Potter. You have already been told to raise your hand if you have a question. Two days detention." She said with a sad shake of her head.

Harry rolled his eyes but raised his hand. Umbridge ignored him.

"As I was saying, there are no practical's in this class. The Ministry assigned reading is all you need to pass your exams."

Seeing Hermione turning red with anger, Harry jumped in. "But we still require practise for the ICW standard OWL exams."

"Mr. Potter! You were warned! Three days detention."

"Actually, you only said we had to put our hand up if we wanted to speak. Not that we had to wait to be acknowledged, you ignored me so I assumed you weren't purposefully being rude and that you meant for us to simply raise our hands as we spoke."

"That is not what I meant and you know it! Four days detention. Do other professors use such ridiculous rules?" She asked snidely.

"No, but they also have more manners than to ignore us." Daphne snapped back.

Harry just sent her a pleading look that screamed 'What are you doing?'

Daphne shrugged apathetically. "I already have detention, I might as well earn it."

Harry just pinched the bridge of his nose. "Miss Umbridge, how do you intend for us to pass our OWL exams without practical experience? Or do you intend to start your teaching career off with the lowest scores since Gilderoy Lockhart?" He asked tightly.

Hermione and the rest of the class looked on smugly and proudly as Harry put her in her place.

"Mr. Lockhart is an honoured man and destined for great things! You would do well not to besmirch his name. Five days!"

'Dad owes me big time for this.' Harry sighed inwardly. "And the OWL practical's?" He prodded.

"There are no reasons for you to need to be able to use these spells so the Ministry has deemed that you do not need to practice them." She declared with authority.

"If that's the case… why are we having this lesson at all?" Harry asked tiredly. "Doesn't it make you fairly redundant as a Professor?"

"Harry does make a valid point, Professor Umbridge."

Harry always thought Joyce looked like an angel when he was a first year. To his ears just now, she sounded like one too!

"Miss. Summers! This-"

"Lady Hogwarts, Professor. You will remember your place and your manners lest you anger my sons." She said as the door opened to reveal Sal, Godric, Xander and Minerva. "Now, what is this about not teaching the practical side of things?"

"The Ministry has deemed practical use of these spells too dangerous and prohibited their use." Umbridge said imperiously.

"The ICW has said otherwise." Minerva said tightly.

"That is for those above your station to decide." Umbridge declared as stared smugly at Minerva.

"Actually, that statement is far above your station." Xander snarled.

"What?" Sal asked in confusion.

"She was speaking out of place?" Xander tried.

"Boys, not now. I believe Xander got his point across." Joyce admonished lightly.

"It is nearly time for lunch. This class is dismissed for now." Minerva stated briskly.

Godric and Sal quickly began ushering the kids out quickly before Umbridge could object. She seemed to have stalled as she just stood there shaking with rage.

Rather than continue to argue with her, Joyce just ushered her boys and Minerva out of the room.

"Of all the stupid things that have happened in this school, this is the worst!" Daphne screeched as she paced angrily in front of Minerva's desk and berated a wincing Xander.

"Seemed like a fair idea to me." Harry pointed out timidly with a raised finger.

Sal and Godric nodded whilst Minerva scowled and Joyce shook her head in amusement.

"'Fair idea'? Your idea was to get detention with Umbridge and expect no one to stand up for you?" She demanded incredulously.

"I didn't think anyone would stand up for me if I did something worth a detention! Not my fault she started harassing me first!" He said defensively.

Daphne just chuckled amusedly. "Harry, what were you going to do? There are currently no stones of eternal life, basilisks, fugitives on the run or Dementors around for you to break the rules.

"In fact, the only time you have ever done anything worth a detention was when you and Neville put Malfoy's name in the Goblet of Fire! I still can't believe you got away without a detention!"

"He hasn't." Xander interjected. "I have a special punishment in mind for him, starting this year."

Daphne just flopped gracelessly into the nearest chair. "Where's Hermione? I'm sure she wants to rant at you both as well." She asked tiredly.

"What? What about them?" Xander demanded as he pointed at the rest of the adults.

"Please!" She said dismissively, instantly reminding him of Cordelia… and freaking him out a bit. "Professor McGonagall and Lady Hogwarts would have shot you down or come up with a better way. If Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin were involved… they'd look much happier and smug-er. As it is, they both look disappointed at not being in on the plan.

"Besides, we all know you had to be behind this!" She said pointedly at Xander. "Just how badly did you have to guilt Harry into this?"

"ME?" Xander said defensively. Then he noticed Joyce and Minerva glaring at him and Sal and Rick smirking. "Fine, I didn't guilt him into it, just explained my… fears."

"Also known as 'guilting'." Joyce remarked dryly.

At this point the doors banged open as Hermione stormed in with Neville in tow and Daphne's best friend Tracy.

"What did you get my boyfriend into?" She demanded of Xander.

"So how long have they been shouting at you?" Neville asked with a grin as Hermione lit into Xander with a holy vengeance.

"Since we got here." Harry sighed. "And it was only Daph doing the shouting! Minerva and Joyce just sat there looking… angry. Sal and Rick enjoyed it too much." He said with a scowl.

"I just want to know why you didn't clue the rest of us in." Neville commented.

"Ask Dad. I was just following orders." Harry said with a grin.

"Following orders!" Daphne screeched. "I thought you were smarter than that! You are supposed to take over as King of the Goblins eventually, aren't you?"

"Oh Harry." Hermione said disappointedly, her rant at Xander interrupted by Daphne's screech.

"Don't blame me! How often does Dad come up with bad plans?" Harry countered.

"He attacked a giant basilisk from the end." Sal piped up.

"Thanks Sal." Xander muttered. "Look, can we just stop with the Xander-bashing and discuss this?" Xander demanded. "The only mistake I made was in not letting Harry tell anyone else. The only reason I told him not to is because not all of your fellow students can keep a secret."

"*cough*Lavender." Neville coughed into his fist.

"Yeah, I wasn't actually referring to the gossip girls, I was actually referring to Ron or Colin."

The others could only nod at that.

"But why would you want Harry to actively get detention?" Neville asked.

"Well, first of all, I wasn't expecting him to have to break school rules, just talking to her would have done it. She is a piece of work, I know from having met with her over the summer.

"But!" He continued hurriedly. "Because I know she is a piece of work, I don't trust her with the other students. I wanted Harry in her detentions in case she abused the kids. Harry has many talents that the rest of us don't."

"Yeah, he could swallow her whole." Tracy quipped.

"Turn her into her own best friend." Daphne added with a grin.

"Huh?" Neville queried.

"Make her into diamond." She clarified.


"I was thinking more along the lines of Harry's gifts with healing and seeing magic." Xander interrupted. "He can make sure she doesn't slip anything past him to hurt him or others."

"Ok, so noble ideas, poor planning and execution." Joyce offered.

"Seemed pretty well executed to me." Godric offered.

"Miss Greengrass has detention as well." Minerva scowled.

"Well… I think that comes under planning." Godric countered weakly.

"Look, it's done. There is a detention tonight. Can we focus on better planning for tonight?" Harry interrupted impatiently.

"Ah Mr. Potter and Miss Greengrass. I expected you would be a frequent participant in detentions, Potter. But Miss Greengrass, I expected much better from a girl from a family with such standing as yours." Umbridge said sternly as Harry and Daphne arrived for their detention.

"My family standing is none of your concern. You would do well to remember that." Daphne said haughtily. She didn't really bother with airs around her friends like Hermione, but with toadies like Umbridge… they needed to be reminded of their place.

"Will we be serving detention sitting in silence, may we at least do our homework?" Harry asked trying to remain a façade of neutrality. Truth was that he was fairly fed up with the woman.

"Miss Greengrass may pursue her studies, but you Potter… you need to learn your lesson!" She grinned maniacally. "You will be writing lines." She declared as she placed a quill and parchment in front of him.

Harry immediately examined both items for magic. The parchment was nothing special, but the quill was charmed six ways from Sunday. There was some sort of medical charm and a transference charm. But there were no Portkey charms or anything that would kidnap him.

Harry picked up the quill. "What should I write?" He asked calmly.

Umbridge was staring in open mouthed shock at Harry. The boys eyes had literally been shining, it was… unnerving.

"Lines, Professor?" Harry prompted.

"What? Oh- right, lines. You will write 'I must not tell lies.'"

"How many times?"

"Until it sinks in." She said with a smug grin.


Harry winced at Daphne's mental question. They had given her a crash course for the detention. She was still having issues with volume.

'Quieter Daphne.'


'Let's just get this over with.' Harry sighed as he took a seat. 'This quill has some familiar magic on it, I just can't remember from where.' He told her.

Harry took the quill and slowly began to write: 'I wi-'

'HARRY! Your hand!' Daphne managed to screech mentally without alerting Umbridge.

Harry looked at his had and saw what he had written etched into the back of his hand.

'Dammit, a blood quill.'

'Those are illegal, only goblins use them, and only for ancient forms and contracts.' Daphne scowled as she attempted to focus on her open book, not reading, just staring.

'I know. I had to use one when I became Lord Gryffindor and claimed my inheritance.'

'You have your evidence. We can go to the Heads now.' Daphne said firmly.

'Not yet, I want to give her a taste of her own medicine first.' Harry smirked as he stared at the quill.

"Problem Potter?" Umbridge asked with a sickly sweet smile.

"Not anymore Professor." A smiled back, causing the despicable woman to look worried.

Harry healed the back of his hand. Not very hard for someone who can grow body parts. Having 'adjusted' the magic of the quill, he began writing again.

I must not tell lies.

I must not tell lies.

I must not tell lies.

Daphne who was watching couldn't help but stare in amazement as the back of Harry's hands remained unblemished.

Umbridge was also watching and couldn't understand how he was able to write without the cuts appearing. There appeared to be blood on the page.

Something wet dribbled down her nose. She rubbed it with her hand and looked up.

Nothing there. She absently wiped her hands and cast a scourgify whilst still looking up in case the source reappeared.

'How are you doing that?' Daphne asked as she was transfixed by Harry's hand.

'I didn't like the goblin quills cutting me. I worked with them to change the targeting charm. Instead of moving around and taking blood like that, it simply took it straight from a vein.' Harry shrugged as he continued writing, a smirk on his face.

"ARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH" Umbridge suddenly screamed.

Daphne looked up in surprise to see Umbridge staring into a hand mirror with the words 'I must not tell lies' etched into her skin. It didn't take the smart Slytherin long to put the clues together.

"YOU!" Umbridge had her wand out and was pointing it threateningly at Harry as blood continued to stream down her face despite her other hand holding a handkerchief to her forehead.

"Me?" Harry asked in confusion. "Are you aware you are bleeding, Professor?"

"You did this!"

"Did what?"

"THIS!" She shouted as she gestured to her forehead.

"All I did is what you told me. Write lines." Harry shrugged expressionlessly.

"Oh I will see you in Azkaban-"

"Azkaban doesn't exist anymore." Daphne interjected smugly. Truth was she was feeling a little queasy with all that blood.

"Shut up you filthy bitch!" She snapped.

"I'm afraid you just crossed the line, Delores." Harry said as his face grew stormy.

"Mind your manners whelp!" She snapped.

"You first." Daphne snapped back.

"Why you little-"

"Enough!" Xander declared as he appeared in the room.

"Harris! Your stupid brat has done it now! He'll be kissed for this!" Umbridge ranted.

"Shut up Delores. It's time for you to understand the true nature of what you have done here." Xander said as he summoned her wand.

"I am a Ministry Official! You have no right!"

"At this precise moment, representatives from the ICW and the British Ministry are on their way here. You can explain to them under veritiserum how and why you felt the need to submit my son to a Blood Quill."

Umbridge paled. Through a combination of rage, shock and blood loss… she fainted.

The entire school listened, enraptured as Xander regaled them with the tale of how Harry defeated the Evil Witch – Umbitch.

They then witnessed their Headmaster being smacked up the back of the head by his mother for bad language.

But he continued his story, which ended with cheers. And a few frowns and scowls. Sal was ashamed that some of the students in his house were actually wanting to follow in their parents footsteps and become Death Eaters. He actually had Godric's hat shoved up the fireplace with protective charms just to add another layer of protection for his innocent students. Fortunately the first years through third years seemed not to be inclined that way.

"So… we currently have no dada Professor, and we really need a dada Professor. I, myself can't be a dada-"

"Xander! Stop saying… that!" Minerva snapped causing the younger students to giggle.

Xander continued without missing a beat. "End of last year, when we lost Professor Moody, I asked why we couldn't keep a Professor for more than a year. Professor McGonagall informed me that it is rumoured that Voldemort, AKA Tom Riddle, placed a curse on the position because old Dumbledore refused him the job.

"About the only good decision I've known him to make!" He muttered.

"So! Let's ignore the fact that Um… bridge, failed to make it a week… or day, and focus on how to break the curse! Any ideas?" He asked happily as Minerva started to rub her temples in agitation. Albus was a lazy day in the park compared to Xander who was more like a week at Alton Towers, that was the analogy Hermione had provided, and having escorted the girls with Dan and Emma over the summer, she was inclined to agree.

"Yes, Mark! What's your idea?" Xander asked the brave young Hufflepuff.

"Kill V-v-v-"

"If you're gonna have trouble with his title, just call him 'Tom'. That is the name his mother gave him after all." Joyce encouraged kindly.

"Kill… Tom?" He said hesitantly.

"Ha! A beautiful yet simplistic solution." Xander grinned giving him two thumbs up. "Only problem being that Tom is a coward and until he gets brave enough to show his face, we can't carry that one out.

"Anyone else?"

"Theo!" Xander called out.

"It's Theodore. Professor." The Slytherin gritted out. "Why not simply allow the Dark Lord to teach?"

"You mean other than the fact that he will probably kill three quarters of the student body?" Harry asked as he suppressed a smirk.

"You could expel the unwanted… students, making your point moot." Theodore smirked back.

"And kind of makes the point of having a school 'moot'. Next!"

Luna suddenly shot up. "Offer Tom Riddle the job!" She declared happily.

"Ok Sweetheart, I'm going to assume you have a fair bit more to it than repeating Theodore's idea." He said as he sat down and put his feet up prepared for some excellent entertainment from his daughter.

Said feet were promptly hexed from the table by both Minerva and Joyce.

"Offer the job to Tom Riddle as opposed to 'Lord Voldemort'. If he agrees and turns up… we chop his head off. Otherwise we appoint a substitute in his place, or several. At the end of the year, he might have killed himself with his own curse."

Xander just sat there with an amused smile. "That is sooo much better than my idea! I love it!"

"Enough! Xander you will tell us your plan now or I will ensure that your wives spend the night elsewhere! Due back today, aren't they?" Joyce asked smugly.

"That's… inhumane!" Xander gasped. "Fine, but I'm holding Luna's in reserve, well, really it's Luna's and Theo's." Xander grinned as the aforementioned boy paled.

"Ok, so, Tom cursed the position. Only two people alive have successfully defeated Tom. Harry and Me. Harry has a better track record than me, and a bigger tally in general. So, if Harry takes the job, then he likely also has the power to defeat the curse.

"I may even write a story about it. Harry Potter and the Curse of Dada."

There was a moments silence.

"You want to put my boyfriend right in the path of the curse?" Came the very irate voice of Hermione.

"Actually I want to put the curse right in the path of Harry." Xander clarified. He quickly realised that he was about to be accused of doing the same thing that he did by making Harry get detention with Umbridge. "Look, only one Professor has died because of that curse, and that particular Professor had Riddle sticking out the back of his head and Harry was the one to kill him! To be honest… Voldemort is the only real victim of this curse."

There was a good few seconds silence as they all absorbed this fact.

"Can I just point out that I don't know how to teach!" Harry argued as he worried they were going to go along with his father's hair-brained scheme.

There was another pause before Cedric spoke up. "Sorry Harry, but you did a pretty good job with Fleur, Viktor and myself. I'd learn from you again."

"You taught me telepathic communication in less than a day, you must have some skill." Daphne added.

"There might be one problem." Cho offered hesitantly. "How will a fifth year who hasn't taken his OWL's teach NEWT students?"

"AHA!" Harry declared triumphantly as he pointed at Xander.

Xander stood up and sighed. "There are two types of books that Harry reads: Healing and Defence. His reasoning is that if he knows about the curses and defences he can understand how to counter and heal them. Professor Flamel has run out of things to teach him!"

"Quite true!" Nicholas chuckled. "Harry could easily take his NEWTs and for those of you who don't read such publications, the Australian Medical Council has declared Harry a registered and qualified healer."

"What about his other classes?" Hermione argued. "He still has the rest of his OWLs to sit and study. How will he do that whilst teaching and marking? He doesn't even know how to mark!"

Harry had never loved Hermione more, she was his saviour!

"Once Harry's parents died, he became the richest person in the magical world. After I took over at Gringotts and began managing his accounts, he became the richest person in the world.

"Harry has no need to earn a living. Harry will teach Dada and study which ever subject he wants over as many years as he wants."

"You keep saying 'Harry will'. Has the decision already been made?" Terry asked curiously.

"Pretty much." Xander said seriously.

"WHAT!" Several people including Harry and Hermione screeched as a general roar of outrage filled the hall.

"SILENCE!" Xander roared angrily. There was instant compliance. They had never seen the usual jovial Headmaster in anger against them. Even when Luna had been attacked, or Harry, the anger was contained and controlled and directed elsewhere.

"There are a few things you need to understand here. I value and request your input. But I am still the Headmaster and Harry's father.

"I have to do what is best for you all and the school. Harry is the best Professor you could all hope for. He has the skills and attitude to serve you well.

"But I am also his Headmaster. As well as his father. Harry committed a serious infraction last year when he entered Draco Malfoy into the Tournament. This is his punishment." Xander said sternly.

Harry suddenly lost all desire to argue and fight against this. This was pretty tame considering his actions led to the deaths of hundreds.

"I'll do it." Harry said quietly as he stood.

Neville had remained silent through this all. He knew that Harry hated being in front of people, but he also agreed that Harry was the best candidate.

"As Harry's accomplice in the aforementioned infraction, I request my punishment be my assignment as his assistant for as long as he holds the post."

"Neville, shut up and sit down!" Harry hissed quietly.

Neville just chuckled. "Harry, I may not be as rich as you, but I am immortal. I have different reasons for being able to do this, but the same reasons for needing to do this."

"Agreed Neville." Xander told him.

"So you admit that Potter's actions caused the death of all those people?" Zacharias Smith stated imperiously.

"Shut up and sit down boy!" Xander snapped angrily. He was getting distinctly irate at the moment. "Harry had nothing to do with Draco's actions. Harry was entered against his will, but Draco was entered without his knowledge. A big difference. Draco said time and again how he wanted to compete and would win. None of the other Champions acted recklessly."

"The decision has been made. Harry will begin teaching his lessons starting next week after he has had time to examine lesson plans." Nicholas declared loudly. Things were getting out of hand. "Off you all go, amuse yourselves."

He may just be a Professor, but he was a well-respected man, not even Joyce or Godric would argue with him about this.

The girls had commandeered the Astronomy Tower and the boys were steering well clear of it. Just in case they accidentally caused themselves to become the target of their ire. As was their custom they had set up deck chairs in a circle and where sipping various hot drinks, they had upgraded to recliners in light of the trial. It was something they tended to do at the beginning of the year to catch up on summer gossip. Not that Hermione would ever admit that it was gossip.

A majority of all the years were present, including a newly returned Nym and Fleur.

"So, Hermione. Are you upset that Harry is being forced to be a professor or upset that he will have less time for you?" Nym asked with a grin.

"Both!" She said unashamedly.

"Why though?" Fleur asked. "My understanding is that he will not be attending other classes, his workload is not increased, just… replaced. He is teaching instead of listening, marking instead of doing homework."

"Yes… but…" Hermione huffed as she lost her argument.

"Is this another servitude thing?" Padma asked.

"Servitude thing?" Fleur asked.

"She spent most of her second and third year ranting and raving over the rights of House Elves. She would have gotten in big trouble if she had gone through with her plans." Pavarti giggled in memory.

"She was going to secretly leave clothes for the elves to pick so they would be free." Padma finished.

"And in doing so condemn dozens of elves to death?" Fleur asked in horror.

Hermione just sat there red faced and very ashamed.

"Don't worry, we sorted her out. It was nearly a lost cause though as Luna tried to reason with her." Pavarti laughed.

"Why was that a bad thing?" Fleur asked.

It was Nym who answered with a laugh. "Our sweet step-daughter is highly intelligent, but she has a very unique perspective on life. Logic and common sense don't always appear to apply to her."

Fleur had spent a fair amount of time with Xander, his children and their best friends. Luna was her secret favourite, she was so care free and excitable, yet seemingly totally at peace. She couldn't understand what they were talking about. So she just shrugged.

"At least that Umbridge woman is gone." She scowled. "I am surprised that Daphne, was the one who wound up in detention with Harry. I would have thought for sure that the muggleborns would have."

"I only got detention because I was first out of my seat to object to her. It wasn't just her accusations against Harry, it was her whole lack of respect for him as a Peer. It was disgusting." Daphne spat.

Hermione huffed in indignation.

"Hermione?" Nym queried.

"This whole peerage business is utter crap! They haven't done anything special, they haven't earned the title! They were given it because their parents died." She ranted.

There was a good few seconds silence as they either absorbed that argument or tried to come up with a counter.

"What about those who have earned it?" Ginny asked quietly.

"And what, exactly, can anyone do to earn that sort of title?" Hermione countered.

"Lead a country, stand up for those who need it?" Ginny offered.

"Defeat a dark lord to save people." Nym added.

"Bring about great change for the betterment of all innocents." Padma offered.

"But why do any of those things mean they should be treated better than the rest of us?" Hermione argued.

"It doesn't." Fleur answered. "But that doesn't mean they don't deserve to be treated with a certain degree of greater respect and acknowledgement."

"And who decides that?"

"We do. We decide by how we treat them. Not all members of the peerage are treated with the same levels of respect, some are just tolerated."

"Also, you need to learn to watch your words and your attitude, Hermione." Susan warned. "Not only am I going to be Lady Bones, but Daphne is set to be Lady Greengrass and Hannah, Lady Abbott."

Hermione looked mortified as she noticed Hannah scowling at her.

"You also need to remember to respect other cultures. You also came close to insulting myself and Pavarti." Padma warned.

"Worst of all, she is insulting Harry, and herself as she is due to become Lady Gryffindor… if she does marry Harry." Cho added.

"Pfft, Harry can keep the titl-OW!"

Hermione was caught off-guard as Daphne delivered an echoing slap to her cheek.

"I am seriously beginning to doubt your feelings and intentions for Harry." She snarled. "If you truly love him then you will accept him regardless of his titles and because of them! You should know better than all of us that he had no real family for most of his childhood, now he has a family who will do anything for him… has done anything for him! If I ever hear you say anything like that again about Harry or anything you might receive from him out of love or kindness… well, I will be extremely vexed!"

Hermione scowled and was about to snap back. But she was shocked to see the rest of the girls glaring angrily at her.

"I warned you Hermione." Came a light yet serious voice from the door to the stairwell. They all turned to see Luna standing there with a disappointed look on her face. "You have done well to curb some of your other – less than pleasant aspects, but you still have trouble accepting other peoples opinions and cultures.

"The wedding vows speak of being together for richer or poorer. You seem to be ignoring the fact that Harry is richer, and not just in money. He doesn't realise how many friends and allies he has, but he is very rich in them." She said as she indicated the assembled girls.

There was a tense silence, Hermione new full well that Luna had warned her. All her sense of self was based her beliefs, she abhorred the history of slavery and how the nobility abused their position. But she realised too often that she would speak without considering others and their personal views and beliefs, not to mention their circumstances.

"I'm just a regular old commoner." Tracy grinned. "But Daphne is my best friend. She may only inherit her title, but I don't believe you should judge her before she has had a chance to do anything with her title."

"Besides, seeing as we know all these noble ladies, we can hope to be invited to their balls and fancy do's." Lavender sniffed snootily. "I still say we should have another ball."

"So does Xander." Nym assured her. "And Joyce. Apparently they have similar events in American schools, they call them dances and proms, Xander has conscripted Fleur and me to give culture lessons about living with non-magicals… we're even going to be getting televisions for the school!"

"I don't understand why we didn't just have them before, Joyce had one since first year after all." Hermione asked, thankful for the change in direction.

"I had to do a lot of convincing amongst the elves to get that TV!" Joyce explained as she appeared in her own chair. "I had them steal it from a store and leave gold in it's place."

"I thought you conjured it!" Hermione exclaimed slightly disappointed.

Joyce just laughed. "No, I'm good, but not that good! But the reason I didn't let Xander buy them now was because a) they were too expensive for the average family and b) I didn't trust magicals to simply steal one, besides, they wouldn't know about electricity to use it!"

"What else will you be teaching us?" Daphne asked Nym and Fleur, as a Pureblood she was raised in near complete seclusion from the non-magical world.

"Everything!" Nym said with pure excitement. "And the best part is that most of our classes will be out in the muggle world, learning by doing."

"Won't that be dangerous, with Death Eaters, Voldemort and the Ministry on the loose?" Susan asked.

"We'll have a whole host of werewolf and goblin guards, werewolves will be visible and goblins invisible."

"We also intend to take you to other countries." Fleur added. "Britain is tiny compared to the rest of the world, not everything you will see is going to be fun. You will learn a lot about what is wrong with the world." She warned.

"Let me guess, that was Harry's suggestion." Padma smirked.

Fleur just nodded. It was well known that Harry had a habit of trying to help people, he didn't realize it but the Potter's Magical Orphanage currently had several first years attending Hogwarts, Harry was their hero as his money and generosity had pulled them off of the streets of muggle London. They were happy to respect the instructions of Harry's father that he wasn't to know where they came from or treated as anything special because that's what he wanted. But that didn't stop them from being friendly.

The local constabularies had proved less than useful. There were no hints of magic, even those that were well documented in the magical world. Even the break out in the Reptile House at London Zoo was undocumented.

This left one option. Move up the food chain. Scotland Yard. After this, the next option would be MI5, Parliament or Downing Street. There had to be some form of communication between the two worlds. Wizards just weren't that good at staying invisible, why else were there teams of Obliviators.