

After breakfast the children were dismissed to enjoy the early days of Autumn whilst the others adjourned to Minerva's office. Where Amelia broached the subject she really didn't want to to Salazar Slytherin.

"You're telling me… that my home… that I still own because I left it to my mother and brother… is being used as a prison?" Salazar clarified whilst barely holding his temper.

"Regrettably… I am." She conceded.

"Absolutely unacceptable!" Sal screeched.

"It's worse than you think Sal." Xander said quietly. "They have those Dementors as guards there."

Sal suddenly developed a twitch in his eye.

"If you will excuse me, I need to get Harry. We are going to go and reclaim my home. Xander, would you care to join us?"

"Lord Slytherin, I completely understand your anger, but I beg you to wait until we can at least make other arrangements for the prisoners. Some are extremely dangerous." Amelia said anxiously.

Sal was growling and his eyes were glowing red. He had a tenuous grip on his anger but was on the verge of slipping to his dragon form.

"Did you two know about this?" He asked turning on Joyce and Godric.

Joyce nodded sadly. "Yes, but we were helpless. We are both technically dead. Until Xander arrived, we had no control over even Hogwarts legally."

Fawkes suddenly flamed into the room and perched on Xander's knee, staring into his eyes. A slow smile spread across his face.

"Sal, Amelia, new plan." Xander said decisively. "Amelia, you will go to the prison and remove the human guards. My goblins will take control of the prisoners and remove them to the goblin mines until something can be worked out. Then Sal and I will lead a party to cleanse Azkaban. Amelia, you have two hours."

Amelia knew better than to argue with Lord Hogwarts. It was the same look he got when there was a threat to his family or the children. She'd seen it last year with the Basilisk.

"I will do what I can my Lord, but I don't have that kind of authority. I will raise the alarm and hope for the best." She said before taking her leave.

Xander turned to Godric. "Go and get everyone suited up that can manage this fight. Minerva and I have a little project to complete with Fawkes before we leave. We'll meet at the entrance hall."

Sal, Godric and Harry were surprised to see Neville standing happily with Xander. Fawkes was perched on Neville's shoulder practically bouncing with happiness.

"Neville's coming? He won't be in danger will he?" Harry asked worriedly.

"He's going to be the least endangered of all of us." Xander said with a smirk that Neville seemed to share. "Shall we?"

That afternoon when the group returned to Hogwarts, they found the others all waiting for them. Xander was still smiling smugly, but Harry had joined them. Sal and Godric looked like Nym did when she returned from her first outing with Xander.

"What did he do?" Joyce asked with narrowed eyes at Xander.

"You didn't tell them?" Xander asked Minerva.

"I thought you might want to show them the memories." She smirked.

Twenty minutes later and they were all sitting back in the room. They were pretty shaken.

"You're a Phoenix animagus?" Shack asked shakily.

Neville was still smirking away. "Nope, I'm a Phoenix Magimagus."

Hermione was looking thoughtful. "Doesn't that make you immortal?"

"According to Fawkes, yes." Xander confirmed. The aforementioned Phoenix trilled from his new perch in the apartment.

"And Fawkes knew that Neville would be a Phoenix?" Godric asked.

"That's what he told me when he appeared earlier. Said Neville was ready for his transformation and that once the change was complete he would take over his training."

"Oh Merlin. I need Firewhiskey." Amelia groaned.

"I have some in my office, I'll be right back." Minerva offered only to stop as Dobby appeared with beverages in hand.

"I wonder what I'll be." Hermione mused.

"We can find out at Christmas. You keep up with your meditations and Minerva and I will have the potion ready." Xander promised.

Hermione practically bounced around the room in glee.

Minerva began pouring the Firewhiskey. Shack and Nym both declined.

"We're technically on duty." Nym explained.

"Like hell you are." Amelia declared. "After today's revelations consider yourselves on leave for the rest of today and tomorrow to get yourselves settled. It's not like you will have set hours, you will just need to be available as needed."

Harry and Neville were still on their high after their successful destruction and liberation of Azkaban. It took them a while to calm down. Deciding to follow the tradition, they provided memories for the students so they could see what had happened. It would save pestering questions when the news hit the papers.

Neville was a new celebrity and gave a demonstration of his new form. After dinner, Albus approached the group.

"As you have your own Phoenix would you please be so kind as to return mine." He asked tightly yet politely.

Xander sighed. "That's the problem Albus. You seem to think you can own a Phoenix. You can't. They choose their companions and Fawkes has chosen us."

The group had left with very disappointed looks on their faces. Albus Dumbledore was not as great as he was made out to be.

Xander was surprised to be called into Minerva's office three days after the students arrived to find a nervous Hermione Granger sitting opposite her.

"So… the twins turned you to the dark side?" He asked with a grin.

Minerva scowled at him. "Sit down Xander, we have something that needs to be discussed."

"Student, School or personal?"

"Student. You are here because Dan and Emma appointed you Hermione's guardian in the magical world. Normally that responsibility falls to the Headmaster… but neither Dan nor Emma trust Albus further than Luna could throw Hagrid." She said sternly.

"Can't blame them." Xander shrugged. "So, what's the what?"

"Young Hermione has asked to sign up for all the available electives."

Xander frowned in confusion for a moment. "She can't take the classes as some run simultaneously."

"There is an option for the more studious and ambitious students." Minerva offered calmly. "A Time Turner. It allows the user to travel back in time for a set period and essentially be in two places at once."

Xander blinked a few times at that. "You want to give a thirteen going on fourteen year old the ability to travel through time in order to take extra classes?"

"It has been done before, not often but, yes." She admitted.

"Well…" Xander cleared his throat and sat up straight. "If I may be so bold, but… Hell no! Let's just forget the whole can of worms that time travel opens and stick to the common sense everyday stuff.

"The more times she uses it the shorter her life span on the linear timeline. The more time she spends going back is less time she will be resting for every hour she is awake.

"That said there are three things in the universe you do not mess with, under ANY circumstances:

"One, Death. Joyce and I can give you plenty of horror stories about all the crap that messing with death got us, her knowledge and experience of it is the only reason I trust her judgment regarding the horcrux deal.

"Two, Time. Doesn't matter whether you are reversing it, speeding it up, skipping it or freezing it… bad things happen.

"Three, My Twinkies. 'Cause that's just cruel."

Minerva was getting paler and paler as Xander went on, she was so shocked by what Xander was pointing out that she even failed to respond to his third item.

Hermione however was getting more and more upset and indignant.

"I can handle it! I'll be careful!" She argued.

"Hermione, this has little to do with you and our opinion of your responsibility… which, for the record, we think highly of, this is about man messing with things they shouldn't." Xander said kindly but firmly.


"No Hermione. Your parents wouldn't approve in the first place, in the second place I can't approve as one of the heads and owners of this school.

"If you want to take all the classes you can pick certain subjects to study in your own time and we will arrange for you to take the exams. Besides, it's a much more impressive feat to accomplish what you want within normal time than to cheat and have to twist time."

Minerva was in awe of how Xander played the young girl like a fiddle. He argued her into a corner with logic and then garnered her respect and cooperation with a fine-tuning of her ego. Clearly he was a master. She had obviously never met a young Willow Rosenberg.

The issue was settled.

By the following week classes had restarted. The big surprise of the year was that Hagrid had been appointed the Professor for the Care of Magical Creatures classes. Which explained the rabid textbooks.

He started off with a bang by introducing the class to a Hippogriff. A stunning creature on looks alone. Hagrid, using Harry as his example, showed them how you needed to be respectful of the great creature. The demonstration ended with the class watching Harry and Buckbeak, the Hippogriff, fly around the lake.

Draco then proceeded to demonstrate how dangerous Hippogriffs could be by demonstrating how stupid he could be.

Harry was pouring over the information about his parent's death. Amelia was having trouble finding the trial records for Sirius Black, she was still looking.

There was something that bothered Harry. No one had offered to take him to see his parents home. Or their graves. He asked Xander if he would take him, Xander agreed of course, they just needed to find out where this Godric's Hollow was.

Godric was surprised to learn that Godric's Hollow was what they called the magical village he created. It didn't have a name a thousand years ago. It was just The Village. He did feel quite honoured.

Harry, Xander and Godric decided to ask Hagrid where the Potters had lived. The house number and location.

"Ah… right. Thing is, I can't tell you." Hagrid admitted awkwardly.

"Can't or won't?" Godric asked.

"Oh! No, definitely can't. I would love to tell you, especially for Harry." He assured them quickly.

"But you said you picked me up from there, even saw Sirius Black there." Harry argued a little heatedly.

Xander placed a calming Harry's shoulder. "Can you explain?"

"A bit." Hagrid said as he sat down wearily. "I go there every year and lay flowers, even done a bit of clean up. The thing is, they went into hiding and had the Fidelius Charm cast on their home."

"I read that in the reports." Harry said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, but I guess you don't know what it does." Hagrid sighed. "I dunno the details, but it hides the area and makes a Secret Keeper who knows the location and can tell others the location."

"And Sirius Black was the Secret Keeper according to the reports." Harry said in realization. "So he told you the location."

"Yeah, was a bit weird though. He came up to me and handed me a piece of paper with it on. Would have been easier if he'd just whispered it, my reading ain't the best you know." Hagrid said uncomfortably.

"You don't have that paper anymore?" Godric asked, Harry looked up hopefully.

"Sorry, Harry, Sirius ate the damned thing. Right ol' laugh he was. Could have used the incineration charm but he had his funny little ways." Hagrid gave a humorous little snort.

"I wonder if there is a way to cancel the charm." Godric mused.

"Should ask Professor Dumbledore that. He's the only one I know who could cast it." Hagrid said eagerly.

Dumbledore was very closed when it came to the Fidelius Charm and the details of the events. This made Xander and Godric suspicious but also made Harry angry as all he wanted was more of a connection his parents.

Harry asked Xander to get him all the books he could on the Fidelius Charm. Godric took them down to the resident Charms Master: Filius Flitwick.

"Ah yes, quite understandable that you would want to know about that little spell." Filius said with a sad smile. "Lilly was one of my favourite students. We found it amusing how your father would chase after her. Took him till their seventh year to get her to crack!" He laughed.

"Why haven't you told me these stories?" Harry asked with a little hurt.

Filius raised a surprised eyebrow. "Why Harry, you never asked!"

"Oh." He said sheepishly.

"I'm quite sure that even Mr. Filch would have some stories to share… although they would likely be more about your father. He got on Argus' nerves often enough with his pranks." Filius giggled.

As much as Harry was anxious for more of his parents, he wanted to know about the charm. If he could break it he could see his home. Visit his parents.

"The charm sir?" He asked respectfully.

"Yes… The Charm." Filius sat down and indicated for the three to join him. "The Fidelius removes all knowledge of the subject you wish to hide from existence. This includes all written information and memories. In all honesty, it has the potential to be very insidious if miss-used."

"It alters reality?" Xander queried.

"It does. It is so powerful as to affect every living thing on the planet. The Secret Keeper is the only one truly immune. They are never affected by the spell and as a result they retain the knowledge. This leads to them being the anchor point for the hidden thing to our reality."

"Sounds very reckless to use something like that. It could have the potential to destroy the world." Godric said seriously.

"How?" Harry asked.

"Because the hidden element is not just hidden from sight, but physically moved into what could be referred to as a 'Pocket Dimension'." Filius explained. "It no longer affects our world, much like certain containers that allow you to carry more than you should."

"Why would that destroy the world?" Harry asked.

"Imagine if you could cast the charm on a volcano." Xander offered. "The volcano ceases to exist in our world. The lack of all that heat would have an instantaneous effect on the world. We could be thrown straight into an ice age."

"Even something slightly more benign like hiding the Ministry of Magic!" Godric added. "All the documents stored there would be inaccessible and could cripple the British Wizarding World."

"Ok, so it can be used for evil." Harry conceded. "It was used here for protection. So it has a use for good."

"True. But at the same time it had it's risks. The Secret Keeper has to be trusted otherwise the charm is useless. Much like Sirius Black was." Filius said with disgust.

"Why didn't Mum or Dad be the Secret Keeper?"

"That… I can't answer. But it is the logical solution. I am the secret keeper for my own house." Filius admitted.

"Can anyone cast the charm then?"

"Not really. It all depends on the level of exposure the object you are hiding has had. If you were to go to a remote island that no one had discovered you could easily hide it because the spell would have very little work to do. If you tried to hide the Ministry of Magic, it would take a phenomenal amount of power. Even having seen what you can do, Harry, I doubt that even you could pull it off."

"Is there a way to break the charm?" Harry asked hopefully. "So I can go to my parents house?"

Filius sighed sadly. "The only way I know of is for the Secret Keeper to give you the secret or declare the secret invalid."

"Cool, all we have to do is grab Sirius Black and make him blab." Xander declared confidently.

They all just looked at him. Filius then shrugged. "Considering all I've seen him do, I can't find it in myself to doubt him."

Harry continued studying the charm with an almost religious fervour. He wanted to visit his home. Eventually that all changed. He still studied like he was a cloned copy of Hermione, but it seemed there was an even greater sense of urgency. Luna seemed to know what it was about, but she wasn't telling. She said Christmas would reveal all.

The first Quidditch match of the year turned to disaster when Dementors stormed the pitch, straight for Harry. He was prepared for them though and dropped his broom in mid flight as he shifted to his dragon form. The world was free from just a few more Dementors. Salazar also shifted and called for Norbert, they were joined by Fawkes and Phoenix Neville and the quartet abandoned the game to go Dementor hunting.

Xander was very pissed as no one thought to bring him.

Remus decided to add some extra training to Harry and his friends regular defence lessons. The Patronus Charm. Harry seemed to be like catnip to Dementors so it would be best if they knew how to cast it. Especially as it may not be possible for Harry to transform if the Dementors got inside a non-magical building.

The first Hogsmede weekend arrived and Harry, Neville and Hermione were excited to be leaving the castle. Granted Harry was often out of the castle with Xander, but this time it was for pure recreational reasons.

Ginny and Luna were left to fend for themselves. Which meant they would spend the day pestering Hagrid to let them play with Buckbeak or take them to see the unicorns. The poor man had no defence to the double barrel puppy dog pout.

Harry had a hard time dealing with a new revelation from Xander. He was dating Nym. Apparently she had pounced on him and declared he was taking her on a date. That date had turned into a second date and here they were on a third.

Joyce had carefully warned him that the 'Third Date' rule had no meaning in Britain. Especially at the present time. This was fine by Xander as he wasn't looking for anything in the first place but was happy with what he got and did like Nym.

Hermione, Luna and Ginny had looked on with sappy sighs. Joyce and Minerva with quiet approval. Godric and Sal with surreptitious nudges and winks. For which they were cuffed round the back of the head by Joyce.

Harry, Hermione and Neville thoroughly enjoyed their trip into town. They visited all the shops and sampled some Butterbeer. They also got to watch as many a third year boy got their first glance and encounter with the ravishing Madam Rosmerta. They all had a good laugh.

"So why aren't you two affected by her charms and beauty?" Hermione asked her two friends.

"Because we've got plenty of that here." Harry said with a small smile at Hermione causing her to blush, she also gave his cheek a quick kiss. This caused Harry to blush and Neville to smirk. Then Harry got an evil smile. "See, clearly I'm charming and beautiful enough for you."

This earned him an indignant huff and a slap on the shoulder whilst Neville laughed his head off. Hermione then decided to make Harry pay and began tickling mercilessly.

The trio headed back to the castle, but Hermione had yet to let go of Harry and Harry was unconsciously returning the gesture. Neville was trying hard not to snicker at them.

They met up with Remus on the way who raised an eyebrow but said nothing after a surreptitious shake of the head from Neville. Remus offered to show them what his parents got up to in town the next time.

As Halloween approached, Xander and Nym were out of the castle more during Nym's off time. Luna and Joyce were ecstatic that Xander was finally enjoying his life and not just living from battle to battle.

Harry and Hermione were still spending time in close proximity to each other. Hermione was taking full advantage of it but Harry was seemingly unaware of what was happening. He simply enjoyed Hermione's presence.

Neville was watching this with the others. The others were willing to be patient and wait for the two teens to grow comfortable with each other, but Neville was a little more impatient and decided to confront Hermione.

He managed to corner her in the library during one of her study sessions for an extra class she was taking.

"You do realize you will have to openly explain to Harry how you feel about him… don't you?" He asked pointedly.

"I honestly don't know what you mean." She declared primly before turning back to her books.

Neville closed her book and looked at her with narrowed eyes as if to say 'Yes, and I'm Merlin reincarnated.'

Hermione tried to look innocent.

Neville slightly raised his right eyebrow to mean 'You really think that'll work on me?'

Hermione blushed and ducked her head.

Neville rolled his eyes implying: 'GOOD GOD GIRL GET A GRIP!'

Neville had mastered subtlety.

Hermione sighed and caved. "Why do I have to do it? Harry's the boy!"

"Harry, doesn't have a clue about relationships and romance." Neville pointed out.

"Of course he does." She argued. "He's been watching all those movies with romance."

"Yes, but he doesn't realize that romance can exist outside of a movie. Haven't you seen how confused he is about Xander and Nym?"

Hermione thought about that for a second. Harry was very naive about many things in life. Xander's method of filling the gaps with movies was working, but there were things that Harry had trouble relating to in real life. Then she had a horrific thought.

"Do… do you think he knows about sex?" She whispered.

Neville paled. He knew what sex was. He remembered being so thankful he wouldn't have to see his Uncle Algie for a whole year after that particular discussion before his first year.

Hermione and Neville's eyes snapped to each other before they both called out for someone mentally.

Xander and Joyce both appeared in the library as Hermione cast a small privacy charm. Xander was looking decidedly… rumpled. His hair was a mess, his shirt was missing a few buttons and… he was flying low.

That last one was fixed when Hermione informed him tightly. "Your fly is undone."

Xander looked embarrassed as he quickly zipped up. "Thanks 'Mione." He said with a slight snark. "Remind me to teach you the appropriate code phrases for incidents like that."

"Hush up Xander. You can get back to Nym shortly, I'm sure they had a good reason to call us here." Joyce smirked as she sat down.

Neville decided to forego Hermione's inevitable embarrassment and get to the heart of the problem. "I was telling Hermione that she would need to explain their relationship to Harry as he has no idea that romance can exist outside of movies. Then she had a thought… a very telling thought- OW!" Neville shrieked slightly as Hermione whacked his shoulder, fortunately the privacy charm held. "Anyway, have either of you ever told Harry about sex?"

"I assume you gave the talk Joyce?" Xander asked.

"Me? You're the father! I'll have to give it to Luna, which I probably should do." She mused, and then winced.

"So… I have to give 'The Talk'… to a boy?" Xander grimaced.

"You've given it to girls?" Hermione asked incredulously.

"Of course! I wasn't just collecting and training young girls, I had to raise them as well." Xander said wistfully.

"You miss them?" Neville asked.

"Absolutely. I was their uncle of sorts. The one you get sent to live with when mum or dad gets sick." Xander said, then shook himself. "Ok, I'll give him the talk, but you need to have a talk with him too." He told Hermione.

"You will also need to hold his hand through all of this relationship business. He doesn't have a clue how it supposed to work so don't get angry if he messes up, just explain things to him. You might just permanently break his heart otherwise." Joyce warned.

"Nice mom. No pressure then." Xander grinned. As Hermione looked very worried.

"Well it's not like we intend to leave you to handle all of it on your own. Feel free to ask us to step in if you don't think you can deal with something better than one of us could… or a man could." She said nodding with a grin at Xander.

Xander's talk with Harry left him… scarred for life. His life with the Dursley's, Quirrell, the Tom Riddle Horcrux, they all paled in comparison.

Hermione's follow up talk with Harry left him utterly confused. Fortunately Xander was busy elsewhere and Nym was able to help them out. Her special brand of bluntness seemed to be just the thing Harry needed.

Over the following days Hermione, with Nym's help, managed to help Harry get used to the concept of a relationship. There had been a few days where Harry had reverted slightly to flinching from Hermione's touch, but he quickly overcame it.

Harry gradually came to appreciate what he had in Hermione. Neville was quick to assure him he didn't feel like he was being pushed out or replaced. And that he didn't require hugs to make him feel more a part of things, especially not hugs from Harry.

Soon enough October rolled around. They didn't celebrate this time as Harry fell into a funk when he began to think more about his parents and their hidden home.

They all took part in the Halloween Feast and Harry was able to relax and forget for a while. Xander had surprised everyone when they arrived in the Great Hall. The four tables were now gone and there were now two large tables . Xander informed them that this would be the norm from now on except during the Welcome and Leaving feasts. He was tired of the house divisions and decided to try and break them down. Godric, Sal and Joyce were ecstatic at the idea.

That night though alarms sounded through the castle. The Fat Lady had been attacked.

Xander, Nym, Sal, Joyce and Albus arrived at the Gryffindor entrance. Godric was with Harry and the others. Minerva and Kingsley were organizing the other professors to guard the house dorms.

"Pat, what happened?" Joyce asked with concern.

"It was him! Sirius Black!" She hissed in fright as she peaked from behind her frame.

"How'd he get in?" Sal wondered allowed.

"I don't know, but if he is trying to get in here then he is likely after Harry." Joyce growled.

"I… don't really think so." Xander mused. They looked at him as if he was nuts. "Think about it. Everyone knows Harry lives with me. He is clearly smart enough to breach the castle walls so he must know Harry doesn't live in the dorms.

"And this is part of the reason why I made it publicly known where Harry lives, so any attempts on his life wouldn't cause others to become collateral damage."

"Does Harry know about this?" Nym asked curiously.

"Sure. I knew he'd approve first time I met him. He had just selflessly taken on a twelve foot troll with his bare hands to save a minor friend." Xander grinned.

"I think I should activate the castles defences. It means I will need to be reabsorbed into the castle and be unavailable, but I will be far more aware of what happens in me." Joyce said seriously.

"I don't think that is needed yet." Xander mused. "You are for more valuable like this. This was an incursion by a single person. So… actually yes, if you can do it and lock the castle down, then do so. We will have Harry and Minerva move the students to the Great Hall via teleportation and have the armour sweep the castle.

"Sal, round up Hagrid, Slinky, Fang and Fluffy and begin patrolling the outside. I'll send Neville and Remus to get the werewolves and Centaurs to help."

As Joyce faded away the castle began to seal itself. Doors didn't just close, they bricked themselves up, the same with the windows. All the secret passages sealed up as well. The castle was locked down tight.

Xander sent the others off to see to their assignments and was about to head off when the portrait swung open and the Weasley twins stumbled out breathlessly.

"Xander!" Fred cried in relief.

"We found Black!" George exclaimed.

Xander just looked at them. "Seriously?"

They both nodded before George produced a piece of parchment.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." He said as he tapped it with his wand.

"This is a map we found. It shows the castle and the location of all the people in it." Fred explained.

"Ah ha! Here he is. He's trying to use the passage to Honeydukes." George declared triumphantly.

"Sweet. Leave the map with me for now. Get back inside and stay put. Harry and Minerva will be round to teleport you all to the Great Hall shortly." Xander called over his shoulder as he began running.

Sirius Black had failed the most important mission of his life. Taking care of his godson. In a fit of white hot rage he had tracked and confronted Peter Pettigrew only for the little rat to kill the innocent bystanders and frame him.

It was actually a truly cunning act. One that Sirius had a grudging respect for. But the rodent would pay. He longed to feel the rats neck snap between his canine jaws as the blood ran through his fur.

Having seen the rat in a photo in the Daily Prophet he knew the traitor was too close to Harry, he had to do what he failed to do all those years ago. So he broke out of Azkaban and began tracking the bastard.

But he had failed this too.

His only option was to flee the scene and regroup. But the exits were blocked. Completely bricked up. Which wasn't possible because he had entered the castle not twenty minutes earlier through this very passage. He could hear someone approaching, heading right for him. They were rushing and Sirius knew he had been discovered. He was in his canine form, maybe they would just think he was an errant stray that had wandered in from the cold.

Suddenly a tall dark haired man with yellow wolf eyes skidded around the corner with a sword in one hand a muggle gun in the other. Lord Xander Harris of Hogwarts. Sirius was fairly certain he was screwed. He had heard of this man since he escaped. He heard that he had shut down Azkaban and given the prisoners to the goblins. He also heard what he had done to Quirrell.

He really hoped Lord Hogwarts would think him a stray.

Then the man consulted a very familiar piece of parchment and his hope died.

"So, Sirius Black." Xander said.

Sirius sighed and flowed into his human form.

The next thing Sirius knew his world went black.

Sirius woke up to find himself in a dark cave with bars at the entrance. There didn't appear to be a door to his cave and the bars were close together, not enough room for his dog form to squeeze through.

There were goblins walking past outside his cell.

"Black is awake. Bring his food and alert our King." One goblin said dispassionately.

A few minutes later and Sirius was tucking into the best meal he had had in thirteen years. He figured he would be dead soon so he was going to enjoy this.

He was just tucking into his chocolate ice cream when a voice interrupted him.

"Might want to slow down. You'll make yourself sick."

Sirius froze and slowly looked up to see Lord Hogwarts standing there watching him. He did not look happy.

"For the record, that is not your last meal." Xander told him. "It's a taste of what I will allow you during captivity provided you answer some questions truthfully."

Sirius perked up at that. "You actually want the truth? You'll let me do it under veritiserum?" He asked excitedly.

His attitude caused Xander to frown. He had expected a belligerent and angry fanatic who would rant about his accomplishments, make various threats but refuse to cooperate.

What he got was an almost hopeful innocence.

"Erm… what?" He asked, somewhat at a loss.

Sirius thought for a moment. Staring at his ice cream. Then he picked up his tray and slid it towards the bars and Xander.

"I'll make you a better offer. You can keep your food and if you grant me two requests I will swallow a whole damn bottle of truth serum for you." He grinned.

"The requests?"

"First, you must go straight back to Hogwarts and retrieve Ronald Weasley's pet rat. Be very careful as it is an animagus named Peter Pettigrew."

"Didn't you kill him?" Xander asked.

"He faked his death when killing the muggles to escape me." Sirius growled.

Xander raised an eyebrow but didn't respond otherwise. "Second request."

"A trial. A very public trial. Without Albus Dumbledore as the judge and with veritiserum and memory testimony." He said triumphantly.

"I can try, but it may have to be a goblin trial. I have no real control over the Wizengamot or the Ministry of Magic." Xander offered.

"As long as it is public." Sirius agreed.

"What is the trial about?"

"My innocence and Dumbledore's guilt in framing me." Sirius growled.

"What?" Xander asked incredulously.

"You might want that veritiserum if we are going to cover this now." Sirius sighed.