

Just before Christmas Luna nearly caused Xander a heart-attack.

"Daddy? I need your help to publish the latest addition of the Quibbler." Luna had taken the whole family deal literally. She called Xander 'Daddy' and Joyce 'Mummy'. Xander rolled his eyes as he didn't have the heart to stop her.


"My family newspaper." She said handing over an edition of the aforementioned paper. "My mother and I used to write for it and Father was the editor. When Mother died, I carried on by myself. Our elf handled the printing as Father got sick. He and Mother were soul mates. He should have died when she did, but I think he tried to stay for me and… well, you saw what happened."

"Ok… and why do you need my help?"

"Oh, I can handle everything on my own. I just need an adult signature and Father is unavailable." She said happily.

Xander sighed. "Ok, this looks pretty good to me. I want to see it before you send it out and sign anything."

That sorted, Luna bounced off to compile the latest edition. The articles were already written, they just required typefacing and laying out.

That evening Xander was handed a copy of the next edition of The Quibbler to read whilst Nym was over for her weekly fun time with Harry and his friends. It was quite amusing, a conspiracy rag of sorts. Xander had done a little research and spoke to Nym and Kingsley to see if there was anything to worry about. But he had been assured that most people thought it was a joke paper.

The articles that piqued Xander's interest were the nature watch articles. Piqued in so far that he went deathly pale and nearly had Joyce put the castle on lockdown.

"Luna, honey. Where did you see these… Crumpled Horn Snorkacks?"

"Only in my visions. They look very cute. Father and I were going to go on an expedition to see if we could find them when I was older."

Xander paled. The things did look very cute. Almost like anteaters. Except for the golden shining eyes and a sharp yet crumpled looking horn on the forehead.

"Luna, under no circumstances are you to go searching for these creatures without a fully trained Harry, myself and two squads of US Seal's." He said seriously.

"But why? They are cute?" She pouted.

"It's a disguise. I came across these back home once. One of them decimated an entire village and it took my whole group of girls to kill it. They use that horn to impale and make a hole in you before sucking out your innards. They are very fast and hard to see as they are like chameleons." He said with a look of horror. "I really hope that they don't exist in this world, because if they do we are in a lot of trouble."

Luna's bottom lip quivered.

Xander had spent enough time with young girls to see the water works approaching. "Luna what if I let you see my memories of anything you've seen that existed in my world? I'll also write up the details of any encounter and of the creature. Hell, I'll even let you print the story of what happened back home. If Harry agrees we'll let you print about his adventures here."

The water works dried up and the bottom lip stilled.

Luna suddenly grinned. "Ok." And she bounced happily away.

"I think you've just been played." Nym said with a smirk.

Xander sighed. "Wouldn't be the first time."

Harry was relieved that Christmas had arrived. His second real Christmas. They had decided not to leave the castle this year. Primarily so Xander would be on hand for security. Dan and Emma were teleported up by Xander for the holidays.

The big surprise for the non-magical born, was the New Year's Day Party. All non-magical born and their families were invited to the castle for the party. Xander and Minerva had been discussing logistics, as it didn't seem fair to make families who lived up north travel all the way to London just to head back to Scotland.

A solution was available in the form of the Knight Bus. Xander and Minerva spent thirty minutes being thrown around on the rollercoaster ride of Magical Public Transportation as they made arrangements with Ernie and Stan, the driver and conductor.

The turn out was huge. Every family came as no one wanted to miss the opportunity to see their children do some magic.

Nym, Kingsley and even Amelia turned up so they could answer any questions parents might have about the wizarding world. Nym spent most of her time dragging Xander on to the dance floor.

The party ran through the night and till midday on January 1st.

The year started with disaster as Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick were found near the writing, Justin was petrified and Nick was… not his usual self. He was completely inert and had to be moved by wind charms.

Minerva was livid. She intended to put the boy in detention for a whole term for taking such stupid risks. Judge Finch was in agreement when she and Xander visited to explain the situation to him.

This incident, and Malfoy's gloating and threatening of non-magical born, strengthened the resolve of Harry, Hermione and Neville. They needed to get into the Slytherin Dorms to catch Malfoy in a confession.

January flowed into February and Valentine's Day dawned.

Xander and the kids arrived in the Great Hall to discover disgusting pink decorations that were making even Lavender and Pavarti ill. Then there were the Dwarves dressed as cupids.

Hairy, short, foul-tempered men in nappies do not create an air of romance. What made it worse was when most of them suddenly lined up in front of Xander as he stood in entrance way.

"What?" He asked.

The lead dwarf straightened himself up and began to read from a piece of paper.

"In touch with the ground

I'm on the hunt I'm after you

Scent and a sound. I'm lost and I'm found

And I'm hungry like the wolf.


"Stop right there." Xander said with a slightly crazed look in his eye. "I'm fairly certain Duran Duran are, as we speak, building a lawsuit. Why don't you actually tell me why you are quoting 80's pop songs at me?"

The dwarf sighed in exasperation. "It's Valentine's day, init? I'm a cupid and this is your Valentine. Are you gonna let me finish? The blond geezer says we get paid by the hour, but these nappies are chaffing."

Xander stared at him for a good thirty seconds, the dwarves began to get nervous. Then the first dwarf started up again.

"Strut on-"

"STOP!" Xander shrieked. "No. This is bad… very bad. Your services are no longer required. Please collect the rest of your… flock of cupids and vacate the premises… quickly."

"We still get paid for what we done." The dwarf said.

"Don't ask me, ask the 'blond geezer'. He hired you."

The dwarves turned and marched up to Lockhart at the staff table.

"Well? Pay up." The lead dwarf demanded.

"Yes… well. Headmaster, I assume you can write up the cheque?" He said turning to Dumbledore.

"Hell no!" Xander declared as he sat at his place next to Lockhart. "The school is not paying for this. It wasn't even cleared by me. It's a huge breach of security."

"But… but… but… there's over fifty dwarves to pay!" He stammered out incredulously.

"Dwarves you hired. Dwarves you let into my school without permission. Dwarves who don't look particularly pleased with you."

It was true. The dwarves looked ready to commit murder.

"You told us you were responsible and had permission." The lead dwarf said. He then turned to Xander. "We apologise. We were mislead, we hold security and honour highly."

Xander did his best to hold back his comment about honour regarding a bunch of men in diapers.

"Not your fault. Lockhart will begin to make amends by paying you what he owes you. He makes tons of money with his books. Furthermore, he's fired. He was already on probation for recklessly endangering my son and now he has endangered everyone in the castle and dragged you into it. Go pack your bags and get out of my castle." He growled.

Within the hour, the students were treated to a sight that would live on in infamy… mainly due to Xander grabbing Colin Creevey's camera. The students watched, laughed and cheered as Gilderoy Lockhart was chased screaming like a little girl from the castle by a group of very hairy Cupids.

In order to give Nym or Kingsley a day off, Xander would switch out with one of them a few times a week. Today was Kingsley's day off and this led to Xander and Nym patrolling near the bathroom.

"This used to be a haunted bathroom." Nym remarked as they passed the door. "Wonder what happened to Old Myrtle."

"She decided she wanted to cross over to the other side." Xander shrugged. At Nym's look of curiosity he elaborated. "On the first day of classes I had with Harry, he had History of Magic. I noticed that Binns looked like a ghost. So…"

"You exorcised him?" She gasped in amused horror.

"I was afraid he was going to literally bore the kids to death!" Xander defended. "Hardly the result I was looking for on my first day as bodyguard, can you imagine the headlines?"

"Boy-Who-Lived Victim of History!" Nym giggled.

"Yeah, my job prospects would plummet… and Joyce would kick my ass." He grinned.

"I have a question." Nym stated quietly and very meekly.

"A preacher working for an ancient evil squashed my eye and broke the surrounding bone. He was very strong." Xander sighed.

"Wha – How did –"

"Everyone gets curious. I'm surprised Harry never asked. Dan and Emma did, but I think they were more interested in making sure it was clean and being cared for." He shrugged.

"I'm sorry."

"Meh… wait, what for?"

"Being nosey, that you got hurt so horrifically."

"Ah, well… I'll survive."

"Do you have nightmares about it?" She asked.

"Far too often. Now that I am here, Joyce keeps an eye on me, makes sure to wake me."

"Maybe I should join you then?" She said with a sad smile.

"Nightmares of your own?" Xander queried as he saw the sadness in her eyes.

"The last time the castle had to deal with a sexual assault, I was the victim." Nym admitted quietly. "As you would expect, I was a bit of a novelty amongst the boys. I could be their fantasy woman. I was saved in time by the suits of armour, but nothing happened to the bastards, not even detention." She spat.

"Is that why you never revert to your base form?"

"Most people are put off by the pink hair, and it makes me stand out, more people watching me, less likely someone will try something."

"An interesting approach. Most people would hide away." Xander mused.

"Technically, I am. I am hiding my true looks." Nym looked at Xander carefully, as if scrutinizing him carefully. "You sort of started doing the same thing, with your wolf eyes, and I've never seen you with the patch off."

"In a sense, but to be honest it is more that I prefer having two eyes, I never take the patch off because… the sight is horrible even for myself." He whispered.

Nym moved in closer and put an arm around his waist as they walked.

"What do you really look like?" Xander asked after a few moments silence.

"Maybe one day I'll show you." She said with an impish grin.

After a few moments comfortable silence Nym smirked. "So, I heard you got a valentine today."

"Oh god, can you really call that a valentine? Besides, most of these kids wouldn't know Dur- wait a minute!" Xander grabbed Nym by the shoulders and stared at her. "It was you! You sent me that thing!"

Nym just laughed. "Well it seemed like the thing to do. Those dwarves were looking for work after all."

"I will get you for this Nym." Xander declared with a laugh.

A few days after the Valentine's Day Debacle, the Polyjuice Potion was ready. They would wait till that Saturday and then incapacitate three Slytherins and get some hair from them.

Crabbe, Goyle and Millicent Bulstrode were their victims. They were in a small broom cupboard that Hermione had cast a notice-me-not charm. Their victims were sleeping in an empty classroom.

"So we put our bits of Slytherin in and then drink up?" Neville asked.

"According to the book, yes." Hermione said primly as she dropped her hairs in.

They had struggled to change in the cramped space as they needed to wear the clothes of their substantially bigger counter-parts. They had taken turns using their ties to blindfold themselves and prevent peeking.

Neville and Harry dropped their hairs in too. The result was… disgusting.

"Seriously? We have to drink this?" Harry asked.

"Only if you want proof that Malfoy either is or knows who the Heir of Slytherin is." She replied with a little annoyance.

Harry grinned as he suddenly got an idea. He conjured a full length mirror in the cramped room and then stood in front of it and began changing his shape and features with his Metamorphmagus abilities.

Within seconds Vincent Crabbe was standing in front of them.

"And how long can you hold that?" Hermione asked.

"Couple of hours. Provided I don't get surprised." He shrugged. He then grinned cheekily. "Drink up guys."

Neville and Hermione looked at their drinks, then at each other.

"The things I do for you guys." Neville muttered as he held his nose and started gulping.

Hermione followed his example as Harry tried not to vomit from the sight of the other two drinking something… unspeakable.

"Sweet Merlin that's gross!" Neville gasped.

"Oh god… I think I'm goi-" Hermione didn't get any further as she turned to a corner and threw up.

Neville doubled over in pain as his body began to ripple and change. He noticed Harry tending to Hermione who was in a similar position.

What seemed like hours later, but was merely seconds, everything subsided.

"Ok…" He gasped. "If Malfoy… is the Heir… we can punish him with that."

"Neville… I think something was wrong with Hermione's bit of hair." Harry said worriedly.

Neville stood up quickly, struggling slightly in his unfamiliar body. He was shocked as he saw a long furry tail poking out of the bottom of Hermione's skirt, as she turned around he saw she had pointed ears, fur all over and definitive cat features.

"I think Millicent has a cat." She said morosely.

"We should get you to Poppy." Harry said clearly worried.

"No!" She said frantically. "Maybe it will wear off? It's only supposed to last an hour." She said hopefully. "You and Neville go and finish the mission. I'll just wait here."

Neither Harry or Neville were happy about leaving Hermione on her own in her current state. But they knew they had an important task.

"Fine, but I'm leaving my cloak here. If an hour passes and you haven't changed then you take it and head to Poppy." Harry said firmly.

Hermione just nodded sadly causing Harry to do something he never usually did. He gave her a hug.

Hermione gave a wet sniffle topped with a little giggle. "This would be so much better if I wasn't a part cat and you didn't look like a gorilla."

Neville started snickering and Harry just stuck Vincent's tongue out at her.

The two boys left on their mission, leaving Hermione behind, the first thing she did was transfigure a hole in her knickers for her tail, she had been so glad when the boys left as they were very close to falling down.

She didn't want to have to go to Madam Pomphrey as it would not only be very embarrassing but would mean admitting she had stolen the ingredients from Professor Flamel's stores. She really liked and respected the Professor. All his students grades were Acceptable or higher. Neville never made the mistakes he made under Professor Snape.

As the minutes ticked by, Hermione paced and worried. Eventually the hour passed and she started to cry a little as she knew what this meant. She was stuck like this and Madam Pomphrey was likely her only hope. She was just about to put the cloak on and make her way to the Hospital wing when Harry and Neville arrived in their own bodies.

Harry took one look at his crying friend and pulled her into a hug. He hated it when she was sad.

Neville took the cloak and threw it over his two friends and teleported them up to the hospital wing.

Hermione was upset to discover that she would be stuck this way for several days to weeks. Worse was that their mission was a bust as it was obvious that Draco had no idea who the Heir was. The three were assigned a weeks detention for stealing with Mr. Filch. But Professor Flamel was kind enough to allow them to serve it together after Hermione was returned to normal.

Nicholas also gave Hermione something to enjoy and help make her accident useful. No one had ever tried or considered using animal hair in Polyjuice. He offered to help her author a paper on the subject with her as the case study. It would be published under his name with Hermione listed as his assistant and co-author. Her first published work. She was thrilled.

Her parents were not. The three children were severely scolded by Emma for their actions. In the end, Xander rescinded their punishments with Nicholas' consent as they had honourable intentions, despite the less than honourable methods. As Joyce pointed out, it would be pretty hypocritical for the man who stole a rocket launcher from a secure military base in order to destroy a world threat to allow three children to be punished for similar reasons.

Whilst Hermione was stuck with her confinement to the Apartment during her recovery, she continued researching both for the paper with Professor Flamel and on what could be causing the petrifications. What spells and the like.

Two weeks into Hermione's recovery, Harry was introduced to the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor Remus Lupin. A close friend of his fathers. The meeting was… eventful.

Minerva had informed them that Professor Lupin was arriving today and Harry and Xander were with her to meet him in the entrance hall. Harry was eyeing Xander quizzically. He wasn't wearing his wolf eyes but had his eye patch displayed. Xander had just shrugged at him and grinned causing Harry to roll his eyes at his adoptive father.

Soon enough Hagrid approached with a thin man with clothes more ragged than Harry's when he lived with the Dursleys.

"Professors, Harry." Hagrid greeted with a huge grin before turning to Minerva. "Found this young troublemaker hanging round the main gates. Figured he might be missing the old days when he and his mates were always getting up to mischief."

"I'll have you know Hagrid, that I was never caught! I left that to the others." The man said with a grin.

"I'm afraid he is quite correct." Minerva said as she pursed her lips to keep from smiling. "That doesn't mean we didn't know what you got up to Remus." She said knowingly.

"Hope you won't hold that against me." He said with a sheepish shrug.

"From what I hear, that's actually the plan." Xander said with a small smile. "The antics you got up to are useful in self-defence."

"Too true." Remus admitted. "I'm sorry, I'm Remus Lupin." He said extending his hand to Xander.

"Oh, forgive my manners." Minerva said with embarrassment. "Remus Lupin, this is Alexander Harris. Or Xander. He is also known as Lord Hogwarts and Harry's adoptive father."

"Minerva is actually his adoptive mother along with Joyce, Lady Hogwarts." Xander said accepting the offered hand.

"You're married?"

"No, my own adoptive mother… we have the weirdest family tree." Xander said with cheeky grin.

"As long as Harry is well cared for, that's all that matters to me." Remus said with a sad smile at Harry.

"Sir, why weren't you able to take me?" Harry asked.

"You've been told how close your father and I were?" He asked.

Harry nodded.

"I have this… issue. Your father called it my 'Furry Little Problem'." He said with a fond chuckle of remembrance. "It needs to be kept quiet, but I am a werewolf. It makes it legally impossible for me to do many things in our world. Including take responsibility for a child."

"What's the real reason?" Xander asked, sensing more was being withheld.

Remus looked uncomfortable. "I did everything I could to get Harry. The truth is, I couldn't even find him. I think there were compulsion and wizard-repelling wards around your home." He told Harry.

"There weren't. Since I adopted Harry, several wizarding friends of mine have been to his old home for… revenge." Xander said with a vicious smile. "Minnie, can you check our new Professor for spells?"

Minerva stepped forward and began casting.

She growled in disgust. "The compulsion spells are on him." She reported. "I have removed them."

"Well then, just a few last things and we can get you settled in." Xander said. "What precautions do you take during the full moon?"

"I lock myself away and when I can afford it I get Wolfsbane Potion."

"What does that do?"

Minerva answered. "It enables him to retain control of his body when in wolf form."

"So if you had that, you wouldn't need to be locked up?" Harry asked.

"In theory, but I prefer not to take the risk and I do both." Remus admitted.

"How did you become a werewolf?" Xander asked.

"When I was a small boy, my father did something to offend a werewolf named Fenrir Greyback. Greyback positioned himself near our home during the full moon so that he would attack us. My parents escaped unscathed… I was not so lucky."

"Fucking bastard." Xander muttered.

"Xander!" Minerva admonished.

"And Greyback? Is he dead yet?"

"No, he still lives, he joined with You-Know-Who during the last war and has been known to bite and attack even when in human form." Remus said sadly.

"You're an Alpha, yes?" Xander said sternly.

"I-yes… how did you know?" Remus asked in shock. Humans couldn't usually discern such things, and this Xander didn't smell like a wolf.

Xander transformed to his full wolf form. The size of a small horse. Remus dropped to his knees and bared his neck. It was instinctive, he was standing before an Omega.

Xander growled and sniffed his neck before snapping his jaws within inches of the mans skin.

"This Greyback is disgusting. Your summers will be spent tracking him." Xander growled shocking Remus who had never heard a werewolf speak in wolf form. "When you have found him, you shall send for me and we shall see that he receives justice."

"Yes My Lord." Remus said shakily.

"Stand up Alpha. You're no good on your knees." Xander snarled.

Carefully Remus stood. "Can you fulfil your duties with these conditions?" Xander asked as he flowed back to human form, but this time allowed his wolf eyes to remain.

"I can my Lord."

"Good. Then call me Xander."

"Only in private, My Lord." Remus said respectfully. "My Lord, might I make a request… as a wolf?"

Xander's curiosity was piqued. "Go ahead."

"I know many werewolves who try to live peaceful lives but are forced to live in squalor. Would it be possible for you to spend time among them? Especially during the full moon? I believe the presence of the Omega would be… helpful to them."

"I'll consider it. My first priority is to Harry, and then the school. But we will make every effort to visit them and help them as we can."

Remus Lupin was an instant hit with pupils and professors alike. Many of the professors remembered the quiet young student who was often the only one of four friends not in trouble. And only because he couldn't be caught. The pupils enjoyed his lessons and demeanour in class. He didn't patronize and was always willing to help his students. He also took over the Duelling Club although Xander still helped out.

Within the week was the first full moon. Xander had arranged to have the days when Remus couldn't teach, to have the students engage in physical activities such as jogging. Pretty much P.E. classes. Many of the students grumbled and moaned. Harry, Hermione, Neville and Luna couldn't understand the fuss as it was all done a lot slower than their morning jogs around the lake.

During the full moon, Xander accompanied Remus on a trip to a werewolf village with a batch of Wolfsbane potion courtesy of Nicholas. The trouble with the potion wasn't that it was difficult to make or expensive. It was the fact that the Ministry had placed huge taxes on the sale of the potion making it highly expensive to buy. Xander and Nicholas got around this by supplying it free of charge.

Xander found he was both feared and revered by the villagers. They had a system where they would lock themselves away at night in basements that were warded and would then lock their un-infected children away in separate basements.

"Why aren't some of these kids in Hogwarts? The ones old enough, anyway?" Xander asked.

"Because they are children of werewolves, they are considered outcasts, as if they were werewolves themselves. I am literally the only werewolf child in the past century or so to attend Hogwarts." Remus explained. "Many families will put children up for adoption anonymously to try and give them a better chance at life. But even orphans aren't given the chance."

"Is it the same in other countries?"

"Mainly those controlled by Britain. America and India for instance. The Eastern European countries and other continents such as Australia allow and support werewolves. They recognize the curse as an illness and provide treatment as such. Only Britain and Western Europe actively persecute us."

"Wait… what do you mean Britain controls America? America fought and won its independence." Xander countered.

"Muggle America did, yes. But Magical Britain has a firm hold on the Magical British Empire due to the fact it is run by Purebloods."

"Wow, guess that explains the motivations behind Voldemort wanting control of Britain." Xander mused.

During the full moon, the werewolf adults took the Wolfsbane potion. There were one or two children who were too young to take it. It seemed that they retained their minds thanks to Xander's presence as he played with the younger werewolves in both forms.

The following full moon Remus decided to forego the Wolfsbane to see what would happen. Xander and Remus locked themselves in a separate basement and awaited the full moon.

Harry, Hermione and Neville took to inviting Remus for walks in the evening around the lake. Being the middle of winter they were quickly taught warming charms and the basics of potions to stave off the common cold… not even magic could cure it altogether.

Remus would tell them stories about Harry's parents and his friends, whilst the children would regale him with tales of their adventures and Xander's escapades. The first meeting with Norbert, Fluffy and Fang had been… interesting.

Norbert didn't really care about anyone but Harry. She was happy as long as Harry was happy. Just as Xander was considered King among Werewolves, Harry seemed to be something of royalty with the dragons… according to Norbert at least. Her genetic memory had kicked in and her knowledge of his species was available to her, just as the Romanian dragons had predicted.

So when Norbert met Remus, she gave the professor a good sniff and then shrugged and turned to start batting at the three children playfully. Hagrid had assured Remus that it was just the way Norbert was.

Fang and Fluffy had taken a much more active approach when they instinctively met a fellow canine. Remus found himself pinned beneath the weight of the giant Cerberus as four canine heads growled and snarled at him until he bared his neck in submission.

Remus was very much aware that he was not the Alpha amongst this group. He would have to remember to warn the other werewolves about this.

As they made their way back into the castle after an evening walk, Harry suddenly froze as they mounted the great stairs.

"Harry?" Hermione asked warily. She remembered the last time this happened.

"I can hear it." Harry said quietly, his head tilting as he listened harder.

He suddenly took off running as he others followed, Hermione and Neville calling for Harry only for Remus to hush them.

Two floors up and Harry barrelled into Kingsley.

"Easy Harry, you know this area is off limits." The large man said gently as he righted the young boy.

"I have to find it, he's going to kill someone!"

"Who?" Kingsley asked worriedly, he and Tonks were now on alert.

"I don't know! I can just hear him!"

"Harry, you could hear this as you were running from the entrance?" Remus asked.

Harry nodded with a worried and scared look.

"Damn. Neville, call Xander for us please." Remus requested calmly. "We couldn't hear the voice because it was a snake. But my wolf hearing could hear the hissing. The only snake capable of causing this much mayhem would be a basilisk."

"King of Snakes?" Xander asked as he appeared.

"Indeed, but this complicates matters." Remus frowned.

"Meh." Xander shrugged. "Let loose the mongeese of hell."

"Xander, a mongoose would be just as vulnerable to the stare of a basilisk as anything else." Hermione informed.

"Do they have the bad breath or just the bad gaze?"

"Bad breath?" Remus asked.

"Some legends speak of a basilisk with poisonous breath." Xander explained.

"Ah, no the actual beasts only have the killing stare."

"Why aren't the victims dead?" Tonks asked.

There was a moment of quiet as they all reflected on this…

"Oh! Oh!" Hermione bounced excitedly. "Reflections! Mrs. Norris looked at it in water, Colin had his camera and Justin through Sir Nicholas… and Sir Nicholas… is already dead."

"Sounds a little thin to me." Xander mused, but then saw Hermione pouting. "But doesn't mean you aren't right about it. I agree with you and we will put something in place. Special glasses and ghosts to accompany all groups."

"I have already relayed the instructions to the ghosts and Minerva is getting the teachers together to inform them." Joyce said as she appeared. "There is another major issue. This basilisk is over a thousand years old. I remember little Slinky when Salazar hatched him." She said fondly.

"Seriously? Slinky?" Xander asked with dismay.

"What do you expect, he's your adopted brother. I used you as the example for my sons." Joyce smirked.

"A thousand year old basilisk will be relatively large." Remus mused.

"We also have to consider the possibility that we are dealing with another Parselmouth." Kingsley added. When everyone started looking at him he explained. "Someone had to open the Chamber of Secrets and write the message in blood. So someone is likely controlling the beast."

No one was found petrified or killed that night, but every student was forced to wear glasses. Many of the younger students enjoyed the novelty. Two red-headed students attempted to charm their glasses with things like x-ray vision. They succeeded and attempted to sell the charms before they were caught by Minerva and given a months detention and then fifty points a piece and marks towards their future OWLS by Filius.

Molly Weasley didn't know whether to scream or cry at her twin sons.

Discussion in the apartment became focused on where the Chamber might be. Joyce didn't know and neither did the ghosts. Based on the attacks they assumed it to be around the second floor. Tonks and Kingsley called in an Unspeakable to investigate further.

Nothing was found and no hissing or angry voices were heard.

The following night was a huge wolf celebration as none of the werewolves took the potion after Remus reported that Xander's presence allowed him to keep his mind. Furthermore, there was far less pain during the transformation.

The village was located in a magically hidden crevice amongst the peaks of Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in Great Britain. It was cold and barren and isolated.

Xander discussed the issue with Joyce and then approached the Centaurs to see if there was a suitable place in the forest that could host a docile and peaceful werewolf village.

Arrangements were made and treaties drawn up between Alexander Harris, Lord of Hogwarts and King of the Werewolves and the Centaur Nation. It was pretty straight forward. A werewolf found in wolf form and without the influence of Lord Hogwarts or Wolfsbane would be executed on sight. No risk was to be taken. Any caught in human form would be sentenced to work the goblin mines until such time that Lord Hogwarts, the Centaur Nation and the Goblin Nation deemed them to have truly learned their lesson.

The werewolves were scheduled to move in over the summer holidays.

By the end of April another attack had occurred. A group of Ravenclaw second years were petrified along with two ghosts. The hospital wing was filling faster than Poppy had ever seen.

The only good news was that Dobby seemed to have backed off. The bad news came when Joyce informed Xander that the Minister of Magic had arrived and was accompanying Dumbledore to see Hagrid.

Neither Minerva nor Xander liked the sound of that so they teleported straight to the hut.

"Hey Hagrid, just got word that Albus and the Minister of Magic are on their way down here to talk to you… any idea why?" Xander asked as Hagrid let them in.

"Really? Can't say as I do. I ain't exactly the type to be rubbing elbows with two gentlemen like that." Hagrid said in bewilderment as he rubbed his chin.

That was as far as they got as he had to let the two men in.

Both men seemed to be very apologetic and Albus was clearly against the Minister's plans. When Azkaban was mentioned Hagrid began to panic.

"Just to clarify… you want to lock Hagrid up in the worst place in Britain based on something you can't prove he did fifty years ago?" Xander asked.

Minerva was fuming.

"We have to do something!" Fudge argued.

"Well how about providing more Aurors to patrol the castle!" Xander cried angrily.

"Yes, well… that's a perfectly reasonable suggestion but simply not practical." Fudge said uncertainly. "No. This is what must be done. For the children of course."

At this point there was another knock on the door and Albus saved Hagrid from having to regain his wits as he opened the door… only to find Lucius Malfoy on the other side.

"What the hell are you doing on my property?" Xander growled.

Lucius swallowed heavily, but showed a disturbing amount of Gryffindor Courage by soldiering on. "I have just come from the Governors. They have voted to suspend you Dumbledore as you clearly have lost control of the situation."

"Governors? We have Governors?" Xander asked Minerva.

Lucius continued before Minerva could respond. "I have here the signed orders with all twelve signatures."

"Right. That's it. You. Malfoy. Get off my property. Tell the Governors that they are dismissed with thanks for their long service but they clearly have lost their minds if they are going to remove one of the leaders of the school at a time of crisis leaving a vacuum for whoever is doing the petrifying to take advantage of. They obviously don't have what it takes to act on the behalf of the children."

"I say! You can't just do that!" Lucius declared in outrage.

"I just did. Goodbye." With a wave of his hand, Lucius vanished.

"You. Fudge. Are an idiot of the highest order." Fudge began blustering impotently as Albus looked on in astonishment and Minerva simply had a look that said 'about bloody time'. "Unless you can give me proof that Hagrid is doing something wrong then he stays here and on the job."

"This is just like fifty years ago! The Chamber of Secrets are open and people are being attacked!"

"Tha' wasn't me!" Hagrid declared desperately.

"Any particular reason why they would think it was you?" Xander asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hagrid shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "I… erm… I don't know nothing about the Chamber, but I had this pet and another boy, Tom, he ratted me out and claimed my pet was doing tha' killin's."

"And what was this pet?"

"Jus' a li'l Acromantula. No bigger 'an Norbert when he hatched."

"Acromantula?" Xander asked Minerva.

"Grows into a giant spider… very dangerous but not capable of petrification." She explained.

"What happened to your… 'little pet'?" Xander asked.

"He escaped in ta the forest. Has his own little colony now." Hagrid said proudly.

"You started the Acromantula colony?" Minerva asked incredulously. "Oh Merlin! You can explain to Joyce why the Magical Forest is now the Forbidden Forest!"

Hagrid just looked sheepish.

"We only have Hagrid's word!" Fudge argued. "Once this is all cleared up, if he is proven innocent he can be released."

"Willing to answer under the truth potion, Hagrid?" Xander asked.

"Absolutely." He said firmly.

"I will ask Auror Kingsley to arrange the interview. I'm sure Madam Bones would be willing to attend and witness. But until you bring tangible proof of Hagrid's guilt, he stays here and he stays on his job."

"You can't do this! I'm the Minister of Magic!"

"And I'm Lord of Hogwarts and King of the Goblins… so unless you want me to break out the Goblin Army… I suggest you get the hell of my property." Xander growled.

Fudge looked torn between running for his life and exhibiting some of that Gryffindor Stupidity or Gryffindor Courage… they seemed to amount to the same thing in Xander's view.

Instead, he showed Ravenclaw Intelligence and quickly waddled out.

"Thanks for that Xander." Hagrid said gratefully.

"No worries Hagrid. You'll still need to answer the interview, but other than that, you don't have to worry about Fudge. Might be best if you stayed on the grounds until we sort this out though… don't want them catching you in Diagon Alley."

"What about Hogsmede?" Hagrid asked. He didn't want to miss out on Madam Rosmerta's fine Butterbeer.


"Hogsmede is actually part of the Hogwarts grounds. So you can go there." Joyce said as she appeared in the hut. "Nice work Xander." She said proudly.

"Thanks… but I feel so cheated… I really feel the need to kick some demon ass right now."