
My Soulmate.

"I love you," she said. As she walks into the beautiful sunrise, her silky hair in the wind, her beautiful brown perfect eyes, and the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. "Wait" a few moments before she gets in her car, "What is it, my dear?" I replied. "I forgot my phone, may I go get it?" she answered back, "of course, dear." I said with a smile. "Thank you," she replied. After she left, I fell asleep. I woke up, and something was off. I didn't know what, but something was. I had eight missed calls from my mother and 2 voice mails. I opened her first voice mail. "Honey, your girlfriend, she got into a wreck." I listened very carefully. I heard those words, and I felt conscious. I dont remember what else she said. I mostly didn't care, tho. I waited 2 minutes before opening the other voicemail with teary eyes, which I could not see out because of the sorrow. "I'm sorry, sweetie.. she died. " voice-mail number two said, I threw my phone out of rage, causing me to wake up. I cried even tho I knew it was fake, I can't think of my life with her. I went to school later that day with puffy eyes. My girlfriend hugged me, and I hugged her back as tightly as I could. "Are you okay, mi amor?" she asked, worried and confused. "Yes." I said, starting to walk to class. I gave her a kiss and told her I loved her, "I love you," I said very fast. She looked confused about how I said it, but she said it back. "I love you too, francis." My name is Francis her name is Katelyn. Let's continue, shall we? I thought something in my head.. something felt off, she said my name. I rubbed it off and headed to class. Later that day, in the 5th hour, I went to go sit next to her, and she told me something that made me want to cry.