
Chapter 19- Aching Pleasures

I asked the cab driver to take me to the nearest jewelry shop for obvious reasons.

'I guess all of them are closed by now sir' he replied.

I start thinking about all other alternatives and possibilities.

But as we neared the shop , I noticed the shop lights still turned on, and asked the cab driver to stop.

It was huge inside, like a palace..chandeliers hanging, Shining elements caught in the reflection of mirrored walls, and finally a young woman in her mid 20s asked me what I was looking for.

'A ring..umm I'm going to propose someone!' I said realizing I sprouted more information than needed.

'Sure sir..I'm sure u will find the perfect one.Please follow me' And I followed her to climb the stairs leading to the second floor.

She produced a huge variety of rings.

But among the multiple alleys of ornaments,one single ring caught my eye. She showed me the ring and it was perfect.Perfect for Reema. It was made of gold and  had a rose structure which was beautifully carved. I asked her the price and was made to know that it was worth 32k, which to be honest,was not very cheap, but then I said to myself ' dude you've come to get rings not crockery'. Giving it no dirther thought, I paid for it , though cash wasn't available with me at the time, I always carry cards , maybe they were meant for circumstances like this ..!

I got out and saw lightning.

I should hurry, but I guess I'm forgetting something , I said to myself.

'Oh yes A bouquet' of course, that should be a cherry on top amidst the whole situation.

I got the bouquet and as soon as I left the shop, it stared pouring cats and dogs. I ran saving myself, the ring and the flowers with my overcoat . By the time I reached home I was soaked and so were the flowers.

Reema came down hastily and screamed ' where did you run off to dumbass?' 

'I went to get something important' I replied.

'A bouquet of flowers?' she asked !

'No ..no ..I've something else as well' I replied panting, gasping for breath. I gave her the bouquet and murmured ' shit this is going to be filmy.'

I took the ring box out, which was soaked as well, 'hopefully the ring is in proper condition', I thought to myself. I opened the case and knelt down on my knees.I was drenched,but warm , feelings gushing throughout my body as I spoke up.

' I haven't prepared any speech but I guess I don't need to , why? cause its you, who has known me since my youth  and its you who always accompanied me when there was no one else to play hide and seek ,  when there was no one else to take evening rides, to chase cattle, break jars , and watch sunsets together live together and start things all over again, take care of Jiera until she grows up , get old together, we  are meant to be together aren't we? So why not settle things for  good .. I mean it all fits just like a jigsaw puzzle.'

I saw her overwhelmed with joy and she started crying out of it , 'I thought you were going to leave after what I said !'

And 'that's it?' she said,teasing,like where's the ending ?

'Ending to what ?' I asked, puzzled

Oh my god Nischit!! she gasped.

Oh fuck yes.

And I continued ….

' so would you like to marry me Miss Reema?' I asked ,almost bursting out with laughter , probably her comfortable expressions beforehand brought out that part of me.

She ran towards me and hugged me tight , I place the the gold ornament on her ring finger of her left hand and we exchanged a brilliant and passionate kiss which relased a cockatail of chemicals in my brain that left me  awestruck.

'Its beautiful!' she exclaimed.

The hug did not last long and she left me obviously cause still was soaked,from head to toe. 'Go freshen up solider' .. she said.

The process of drying up and getting changed,was still hasty,adrenaline from the recent events still running through me. I went over to Jiera's room and found that she was sleeping and her mom was going through  magazines  laying beside her .

She showed me her ring finger  and smiled faintly . The gold shone brightly in the room which was dim-lit. She got up and passed by me , on the way she whispered , I'll be in your room , 'I guess I need a bit of accompany' she declared.

'Um..sure I guess' I said , not very clear where she was heading to.

She unlocked the door knob and got into the room which was mine, for the moment. Then grabbed me by  the collar of my tee and pushed me in.

I straight away dropped on top of my bed , a bit of miscalculation and I would have broken my backbone , or worst case scenario , I would have hurt my head real bad and forgetting everything that happened till date. Jokes aside

'Umm, your calculations were spot on ..' and before I could even finish I felt a weight on me , when the lightning shone through the glass window , I could see her glowing face, eyes filled with passion and then in no time I felt her glossy red lips on mine, it had the scent of the strawberry lip gloss she'd always preferred. Her tongue was moist and drenched. It tasted exactly the way I remembered it to be, she wrapped her tounge around mine just like a snake. The kiss turned heated in no time,neither wanting to break away,we continued until our lungs almost gave out,pulling away for some air.

It started pouring even more heavily , more so than usual.

'should we keep the lights out?' she asked,panting.

'Yep!' I replied.

Another look from her, and I was scrambling to get my T-shitt off, that soon lay on the floor, and soon enough accompanied by Reema's, which she'd thrown away just as hastily.

'were you sure about that?', I asked,humour lacing my words.

' I don't know, turns me on. Will you stop talking for gods sake?' she ordered.

I thought that this was my turn to make things a bit more sexually intense.

I pecked her on her neck to which she replied with a moan and then budged my fingers to her back and unhooked her , she got up and opened her jean shorts.

I could feel her innocent skin , it was soft and warm and I could sense that she had a relaxed body posture , I slowly moved my fingers around her gut and then gripped her , she unzipped my trousers and started grinding against me, leaving slow moans. She was giving in slowly now, and I could feel her glute muscles beating against my skin. Soft touches now turned greedy both of us impatient to explore one another.

As the lightning shone through the window, I caught the glint of lust in her eyes.

'are you sure?'

'never been more so ever ',she replies,voice heavier now.

And I pushed in the first finger,checking to see her beautiful face in the vague light.she nods.And soon I was three fingers in earning loud groans.

'are you all right ?' I checked up on her.

'PERECTLY FINE,please keep going, I want you inside me,can't wait anymore' she said,any hint of her usual bossy tone,gone .

I was eager too,almost as impatient as Reema, my cock soon replacing the wet fingers.Thrusting in slowly at first,pace slow,checking up on her,I asked,"is this okay".

"yeah,keep going.Fuck,I need you inside me".

"Fuck!!!". She exclaimed.

Soon I was loosing control over the my pace,faster now,skin slapping against skin now and I could feel her, hot and damp,a thin layer of sweat painting her body.

"are you close"

"yeah keep going"


We were both panting,barely able to speak between heavy breaths.But we were so much in sync,with or withtout sex.It didn't matter if we heard each other clearly,but I knew,knew what she wanted.I moved harder,she moaned so loud,I struggled not to come just by the sound of her voice.Figuring I found her G-spot,I continued each thrust with more force and with one last thrust,She coiled her form , and grasped my shoulder hinges ,coming with utmost pleasure , I slanted coming right after her, and found myself collapse near her face slowly decreasing my speed,my nose nuzzled in her hair, as we came down from our highs,oh the way it smelled, the scent of her jasmine shampoo filling my system,butterflies never leaving my stomch.We lay there comfortably as I pulled out after a while.

I felt content.