
Do not take Eldritch surveys. Noted!

One day, Mira had just finished reading all of the current chapters for some novels when suddenly she got a pop up for a survey about her ideal reincarnation, but with a few twists.

Lilith_Zenon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 1: Always read the fine print!

???: "Ugh. I am already done with all the novels for the day again?"

I groaned as I just finished another chapter of a novel I was reading. Sometimes I wished I could just sleep for months at a time to queue up on novel updates

'But then I'll be either kicked out, or put in a hospital, and rack up the bills. Ugh.'

I sighed as I was going to close the website I was currently on. But before I got to the close button, a pop up showed.

???: "Eh?"


Greetings, Mira~

Would you like to take a survey about your ideal reincarnation?

[YES] [NO]


Well, this is interesting. I've filled out a few of these types of surveys for the giggles of it before. I wonder how this one will be any different. Maybe the website is taking a pool for some event they are going to hold for the authors. That'd be neat, more new novels to read! So, naturally I selected yes.



From this list of races, which would you like to be?

[Select Race]


Mira: "Okay, wow. There are a LOT of races here. What the hell, there are too many! Hrmmm…"

As I was browsing the frankly ludicrously long list of races, I thought about a novel I was currently reading. It was really good so far, and was about a girl named Eve who was in the overlord world as an Automaton. That idea appealed to me. I could forever advance myself with better and better technology.

'Heh, could show Cell what a real perfect lifeform is.'

Without any delay, I selected it as my race, and hit confirm.


An Automaton, eh~? Interesting! Now, what universe would you like?



The list has several dozen universes from all sorts of media. There was even a custom universe. But when I clicked on it, the number of options put the number of races before to shame, so I backed out of that real quick.

Taking a quick look at the clock, I saw it was 5pm. Not like I have anywhere to go, or things to do… Anyway, back to the universe selection!

All low technology universes are instantly gone. As fun as it would be in a medieval world, I want to advance. And if I am the leading authority in technology then it would take forever to advance enough to universe hop.

'Heh, I am putting too much thought into this. As I always do. But it's fun, and fine for a girl to dream once in a while.'

One of the universes that stuck out to me was of course the Star Wars universe. Another was Stargate. Oh nice, Halo was even here. I was really tempted to select the Halo universe, because the Forerunners had some extreme technology. But, there's also the Flood, and Covenant.

Mira: "Nah. That's too dangerous. I'd get steamrolled real fast I think. And the Flood is down right fucking scary. I'd go there for sure once I was a power house. Well, stronger than the Forerunners anyway. And at that point, it might be a moot point for their technology? Eh. Thoughts for never.'

Now I was torn between Star Wars and Stargate. Both had major pro's and con's. Star Wars had The Force to deal with, and such things. Stargate has the Asgard and Replicators. And maybe even the Ancients/Ori if they decide to step in. Both have great technology though.

I think I will go with Stargate. It has more dangers, and less dangers at the same time. The Force is really fucking scary honestly. And if I play my hands right, I could get in the good graces of the SGC.

Mira: "Yea, let's go with Stargate!"

Selecting Stargate, and hitting confirm the survey moved on.


Stargate universe, eh~? Next! What type of history do you want? Please note: These are randomly generated. You may "Reroll" the selection once. Select one to expand it.

[Sealed Automaton] [Wandering Automaton]


Mira: "Neat! They are going hardcore in to this survey. I can't wait to see what kind of stories people will make of all these they must be getting. Hrmm, let's see what the sealed one is first."


[Sealed Automaton]

You were sealed long ago by a race even more advanced than anything the universe had ever known. Your potential for growth and advancement scared the race, and they never activated you. The scientist that created you did it out of revenge but was stopped just as he finished building you. He however did not have enough time to fully arm and program you.

You have been programmed to destroy his race with no mercy. However, since you were never activated and that race no longer exists you are free of such programming. However, should you find a member of this mysterious race your programming might kick in.

The race tried to destroy you, but were unable too. Your body was made by an impossibly rare and now unknown metal that was impossible to even scratch, thus you were sealed instead. But every seal must one day be opened.

SG-1 found the planet and your containment. Not knowing exactly what you were, and unable to understand any of the warnings they removed your pod, and brought it back to Earth. (Because of course they did)


Mira: "Wow. Pretty detailed. But, if they were so advanced, why not throw me into a blackhole? Eh, whatever. It's just a tiny thing, and it can't tell a life story, hehe. But that sounds badass! And I would start at the SGC. And my body would already be immune to everything in the Universe? Well, maybe not the OP Ancients and Ori."

Deciding to not even bother with the wandering one, or rerolling incase I can not save this one, I selected it.


Are you sure? You have a reroll still.

[Yes] [No]


I selected [Yes] and it moved on.


Okay~. Now on to the best part for some. POWERS! But just getting powers for nothing is boring right? Where's the excitement right~? So, with every power comes a negative. The stronger the power, the more detrimental the negative.



There was a MASSIVE list of powers, the negatives that came with it. But, I had to agree with whoever made the survey. Sometimes getting everything for nothing was a boring read.

Mira: "Now, let's see… hrmmm…. Oohh, That looks interesting. I remember reading a story about that ability. Ah.. but that negative though…"


[Absolute combat] - Omniversal

The power to possess combat proficiency, capabilities and knowledge at a maximum and limitless level.

Negative: Can never advance or evolve past your start point. Even with other powers selected. If another power is already selected that power must be changed.


Absolute Combat is great. And would literally make me unmatched. Up to a point. I've learned to read between the lines because of some novels. Because the negative says I can never evolve my body, I bet it also means Absolute combat will not be able to change it. Meaning whatever my starting body's maximum is, Absolute combat will be well beyond it. I could very well destroy myself!

Mira: "Sneaky trap there survey creator. But I won't fall for it! NEXT!"

While I started scrolling through the powers again, I could have sworn I heard a giggle.

Mira: "Oh, there is a lesser version of Absolute Combat. Let's see."


[Supernatural Combat] - God Like

The power to possess combat proficiency, capabilities and knowledge drastically beyond what is naturally possible.

Negative: No proficiency beyond what is selected. All learning towards other forms of combat is slowed by 95%.


When I selected it, it also had a submenu that had general weapon types. That negative is pretty harsh, but as an Automaton I would have infinite time. Even if it is 95% slower, I would still be able to learn the other forms of combat eventually.

When I selected Unarmed combat, a notice flashed.



Due to Race {Tranquil State} will be removed. As a compromise, you will be given {Sniper Combat} instead.


Mira: "Oh, well hot damn! That's awesome. Now I don't need to worry about my range. Score one more for the Automaton race!"

Looking at the clock and noticing it was almost 6:30, I smiled. Time really does fly when you're having fun. I have 3 more powers to select as well.

'As Mr. Pool would say. "Maximum Effort!"'

While scrolling, I notice a unique looking 'power.'


[Made from Morphium] - God Like

The most advanced metal known to the True Omniverse. It is nearly indestructible, and is able to take on the best aspects of any metal added to it, while keeping everything already added. Non magnetic. With enough energy and understanding of what you want to add to yourself, it will simply create it. Can endlessly replicate itself to "add more" as long as it has energy.

This will replace everything about you with Morphium. Your old body was a variant of Uru.


Morphium takes an extreme amount of energy to morph and replicate. Your power source will also be upgraded to supply enough energy to repair yourself, but it will not be enough to construct really advanced components that are not already a part of you.

Negative: All memories of previous life removed. Personality wiped. Will have to select a new base personality that was "programmed" into you.


This. This was amazing. But just as staggering as this, was the negative. Losing all my knowledge of the Stargate universe, as well as all the other universes is HUGE. Not to mention, would this still even be me if my personality was gone as well?

Mira: "Wait. Let's see if I can be cheeky!"

I selected it, and for the new base personality, I selected "Advancer." I didn't even read what it was.

I went to the search function, and searched for "Negative removal", and I was smiling.


[Negative removal] - Universal

Remove the negative part of one Power selected. Can not be a Power in the "Universal" level or higher.

Negative: May no longer select "Universal" and above abilities beyond this one. If any Power is left, you will be forced to change it.


Mira: "Perfect! Only one power left though. Let's see. Oh! Gamer Body?"


[Gamer Body] - God Like

The power to have your body take damage as if you were in a video game. Will gain a Health Point Meter.


This is a sub skill of Gamer Physics. And thus will not allow your body to also have "stats". You will merely gain a health point meter. As you will be an Automaton the rest of the advantages of this power are moot. For compensation, you will gain a 200% increase in health, and gain the {Last Stand} passive which prevents one hit KO's, leaving you at 0.01% health, as long as you have more than 5% Health left. When triggered, it grants an invulnerability shield for five seconds. No cooldown.


Your health point meter will display in percentages. You can fully negate damage if your body is strong enough. The more you advance yourself the stronger your health point meter will be.

Negative: All emotions of any kind are heavily muted. Unable to ever express any emotions of any kind. Will start to think very logically. Morals stripped. Unable to ever change this.


This is NOT [Gamer Mind]. While muted emotions may indirectly help you keep calm, it will not prevent you from making bad decisions in the heat of the moment.


Well, that was a lot to unpack.

Mira: "But thinking about it, that negative isn't so bad right? It would just make me like a real Automaton. I don't really see a downside to that? Hrmm… Getting Last Stand is great though."

After I selected it, and hit yes, it gave me an overview of everything.

Mira: "Neat, this is like a classic status sheet, haha. Oh? My name was auto filled? I like it though!"



Name: Nova

Model: O-0001: Omega Class First Generation

Race: Automaton

Material used: Morphium- 100%

Health: 100%

Status: Sealed

Power source: Z-1070-U Subspace Power Generator 10th Generation- Upgradable

Racial Skills: [Accelerated learning] [Tireless] [Semi-Immortal] [Upgradable] [High Speed Thought] [Parallel Processing] [Limited Control: Technology]

Skills: [Supernatural Combat: Unarmed-EX/ Sniper-EX]

Passives: [Made of Morphium- EX] [Last Stand-EX] [Gamer Body- EX]

Permanent Debuffs: [Slow Combat training- EX] [Muted emotions- EX] [Forced Logical Thinking]

Common skills: N/A


You do not get a system~. This is just for your pleasure only. As you are essentially an AI, you will be able to bring it up whenever you want.


Damn. Whoever made this survey went ALL out. This is great. I am even able to select the new stuff I didn't pick.


[Z-1070-U Subspace Power Generator 10th Generation- Upgradable]

Generates an unlimited amount of power, but at a limited output of 10 ZPM's from the Stargate universe. Power output is upgradable.


Mira: "Whoa. That is awesome, and a LOT of power output. But, considering it is upgradable I bet I would have had to search for stuff if I wanted to universe hop huh. But still, even with that kind of output, I can't make advanced things right away for my body? Damn Morphium, you a thirsty bitch! Next!"


[Accelerated learning]

As an Automaton, you have a massive increase in learning speed. What takes organics years could take you seconds.


I got excited as I read the skill description. Doesn't this mean that I can bypass the negative from Supernatural Combat?!

I was instantly disappointed though. In the description for the debuff, it says it overpowers any other skills. Lame, but to be expected.

The only other skill that was not obvious under racials was Limited Control.


[Limited Control: Technology]

As an Omega Class Automaton you have limited control over 'lesser' technology. Like computers without sufficiently advanced AI, and tablets or smartphones. You may wirelessly connect to any technology within 1km of yourself. While connected, you may interact with it as if you were physically there. Anti-Hack measures mean nothing to you. The range, level of control, number of connections and level of technology you may interact with/control will increase as you upgrade yourself.


Mira: "Damn! That's badass! To be expected of an Automaton created by a super advanced race though. This looks great."


All done~?

[Yes] [No, review]


As I hit [Yes] I looked at the time. 8:30pm.

Mira: "Damn, this was fun filling out. I hope someone picks it, and… oh?"


You're all set~! Enjoy your new life.

We will eventually meet,

when you are strong enough.


Mira: "Wait, what?"

The next thing I know, I am falling face down towards my keyboard and blacking out.

Ugh. How can a site not have even the most basic of writing tools? I mostly post this on Scribble Hub. I feel like it's a better read over there~. Anyway, Hope you enjoyed my story!

Lilith_Zenoncreators' thoughts