
DM Grimm In Game Stories

My players and I play d&d games. I decided to turn some of the stories into books. I do hope you enjoy. If you are interested and would like to join our games. My discord CountryGrimm#3800

DMGrimm · Fantasia
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19 Chs

F**k That Elf - 7

The drow whispers. "I nuked one, and another one got hit by a rock I think, so they are spooked." This causes many of the other kobolds who had thrown their weapons to flee also, having had one of their own killed as well. They flee screaming in terror and alarm "Death! Death cave!" "Rocks fall, everyone dies!" "Run for life, run run!" "This place cursed!" "Fuck that dark elf!" The drow sneaks back to where the small rock was where the monk was impaled, then moves another fifteen feet forward, and spots three kobolds acting as a rearguard, the rest tucked tail and running as fast as they can go. She aims at the one to her left and again pierces the creature, dropping it and killing it instantly, as this kobold was trying to speak to one of its friends. "Tell my clutch I loved ACK." An arrow punctures its throat going through it and flying down the tunnel and sticking into the tail of one of the fleeing kobolds. The drow then dances back moving back five feet, then around the rock on her left side ten feet, then again hides in the shadows. The two kobolds acting as the rear guard immediately begin to run, dropping their weapons as they do so, while the other group continues to run screaming. "Ghosts! Ghost cave death!" "Silent Death! Scared." "Fear, fear, fear! Much fear!" "Many dead, much dead, great loss." "It killed Scrag, Scrag was a good warrior, and hit the thing with a spear." "We flee, we run, Home to Home!" All the human and drow can hear are incessant yips, snarls, and hisses of fear as four of the kobold's bravest warriors creep forward and into the passageway coming from behind the human and drow, the four staggered out leaving five feet between themselves and ten feet from their bravest kobold, their leader, who sneaks up twenty-five feet away from the human, the human barely able to hear the footsteps.

The monk pulls another spear out of himself painlessly. The drow sneaks back over to the human and spots the leader but he is covered, so the drow stands even closer to the human and almost straddles him as she draws her bow. "Sorry about this love." Manages to kill the leader of the kobold recovery expedition, an arrow going through his forehead. The two of them hear another yelp from far away as the slug in the hole takes another victim. The drow drags the monk out of the narrow passageway and into cover. "Number one… OW! Two, a warning would cha." "Well, I'm sorry I saved your hide." "Will you get this last spear? Because I can't see." "I'll see if I can help you with this…. They hit you rather hard.'' One of the kobolds walks right up to where the drow is, and drops its weapons pleading for its life "Strong strong! You master now!" The drow hears only yipping and hissing. "Are you…. Surrendering to me?" The drow kicks away the weapons and then backs away ten feet and speaks in undercommon. "You speak? You understand?"

The drow casts dancing lights above the human and stands warily. The human pulls out the last spear, and he grimaces in pain as chunks of his flesh come with it. The kobold that threw down its weapon begins to scurry on all fours out of their sight thanking his gods for his life and the mercy of these strange creatures. The drow turns to look at the human in his wounded state and pulls out her poisoner's kit, pulling out a medicinal vial to pour on his wounds, but notices it is empty. "Shit. I'll have to resupply… shit shit shit shit shit... uhhhhhhhh." She cuts off a piece of her dress and uses it as a bandage for the human. "I'm useless….. I only got three of them. I think I wounded one on its way out, but they will be back, so we need to take this opportunity to leave this cave." The drow grabs the body on the tarp and pulls it out with her, lowering her bandana as they enter the fresh air. "So I never got your word. Do you promise to never speak of me?" The human looks at her. "After all the shit I just went through, do you think I want to mention your name ever again?" The monk glares at her and then walks away. "I didn't get paid enough to deal with your shit."

When the two of them get back to town, the drow explains to the man who gave the two of them a quest what had transpired and sells him the corpse of the creature living in the cavern. The human goes back to his temple, and forges a new quarterstaff, incorporating a hollow tube into its design, making the temple's first concealed blowgun. Thereafter every day in accordance with his vows he took. He says, "Fuck that no face elf."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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