
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Novice Village Part 1

"Pssshhh" vapor escaped from the Pod as it slid open sideways James slowly came to his senses as he opened his eyes. Recalling the past events he remembered he was waking up from his rank promotion.

<Beep! Please come to the front counter Terminal "Novice Veteran Adventurer James Morgan.">

James heard the Terminal calling for him so he stepped out of the pod and headed over to the front counter. The terminal asked him to insert his ID card so he did and out came a new card with the rank Novice Veteran now listed underneath his name.

Beep! Congratulations on being the first in this Village to Rank up to Novice Veteran. Adventurer is now able to leave Novice Village. James clenched his fist "Finally I can get out of this damn Village and look for Draven." James said almost angry that it took him this long. After unclenching his fist James noticed he had gotten stronger after briefly inspecting himself his scales had spread a bit further over his skin and they became thicker. Pleased with his progress James stepped out of the adventures guild and headed over to his home to grab all of the things he would need for the journey ahead. Roughly 20 minutes later he had stashed all his potions in his makeshift backpack and walked out the front door without a second thought.

He planned to just walk out of town without telling anyone, he had formed friendly relations with many of his fellow villagers. He regretted not being a more authoritative figure to ensure everyone was treated well. All the children had no one to look after them and none of the adults wasted a moment of their time to help them out in any capacity. Had Draven been with James he would have put in a lot more effort into helping those around him, especially the children. He didn't like how the weaker people were being treated as they were living off the scraps of those out-farming orbs. Most of them spent their days doing menial tasks such as cooking the orb hunter's ingredients, cleaning their gear, or processing their potions.

The women had it even worse no one was allowed to attack anyone within the village but to survive the women were inclined to sell their bodies in the hopes they would find a meal ticket in one of the orb hunters. It has gotten to the point that an orb hunter can basically point at any woman he wants and they would reluctantly follow them home that night. James knew he had the power to change things he could enforce a system that would help everyone, given more time he would be willing to start a monster hunting course that was supervised to get them started safely so they could take care of themselves but Draven was his priority and he wasn't going to waste his time on other people until he found his son.

In the end, he wasn't any different than everyone else as he simply ignored all that was going on around him and minded his own business. With a tinge of guilt, James made his way to the western exit. James walked through the first barrier and passed through the gate leading to the outside of the village he stopped right before the second barrier that normally prevented anyone under level 5 from leaving. James closed his eyes and took a deep breath before stepping forward as he passed through the second barrier. James couldn't help but clench his fists "I'm finally out of this goddamn Village!" he roared. As James looked ahead he could see a figure crouching down, James instinctively extended his claws while watching the figure closely. He was about to call out to it but then it suddenly jumped into the air and shouted "I finally found a goddamn town!"

Draven POV

Draven was ecstatic to have finally reached a town with a wide grin he puffed his chest out and walked up the road. As he got a bit closer he could see someone standing in between two pillars that looked like the entrance right outside of the blue sphere. He had long Black hair and red scales on his cheekbones his skin was a light red the scales and hair looked very similar to himself he thought. "Maybe he's a dragon as well or some other red-scaled reptile," Draven thought to himself. Draven felt a bit nervous at this point what if being a dragon wasn't very special at all and was common? Maybe he wasn't as strong as he thought he was. Draven decided to use his mystic eye to check this stranger out.

James Morgan

Race: Human, Ancient Dragon

Level 5 Berserker

Health: 400

Mana: 120

"Dad?!" Draven exclaimed. He sprinted over to his father and was in front of him in a mere moment. Draven moved so fast that his father couldn't react and was left stunned with a shocked expression on his face. James came to his senses and went on the defensive as he jumped backwards to create distance his claws fully extended in a fighting stance he readied himself for any attack this stranger might barrage him with. Draven cocked his head to the side with a sad expression on his face. "Dad it's me Draven I know I look a bit different now but it is me" James kept his guard up but he started to look intently at Draven as if he was trying to look for anything resembling his son in this Large-scale beast of a man.

"How are you Draven?" he yelled out. "You're Huge! My son was like 5 foot 10 before this started, you could have no talent in Basketball and still be a starter in the NBA." James shouted now pointing his Finger at Draven. "A lot has happened Dad," Draven said as he forced himself to keep his tears in check. He started having flashbacks of everything he went through this past month and how he wished his dad was there to help him out. Draven took a deep breath to compose himself. He didn't want to look like a crybaby in front of his dad.

"You know you still owe me a hamburger you woke me up and dragged me off the computer with the promise of burgers." James immediately dropped his guard after hearing that and rushed forward and gave his son the biggest bear/dragon hug he could muster. Draven was a good foot taller than him now so he had to look up to him for the first time in his life. "It's really you kiddo." He said with a few tears that ran down his cheeks "I thought I lost you too son" he said while still hugging him fiercely. "Only you could get stranded somewhere in a new body with monsters everywhere and still be mad that I got you off your game." He laughed. Draven had to chuckle as well.

"I'll have you know that game prepared me well for this world I'll be the one showing you the ropes from now on noob," Draven said with a maniacal grin on his face. "Now let me go my health bar is starting to drop, and I wasn't kidding about the burgers I'm starving for something properly cooked. James wiped away the remaining tears from his eyes as he beamed at Draven you want burgers? ill get you some burgers kid just don't expect cow meat not to brag but my cooking skill is pretty high." Draven laughed after hearing that "I knew you would level cooking!" He said while slapping his father's back. James nearly collapsed after that slap but tried not to let it show.

James put his hand on Draven's shoulder and led him to the second barrier and stopped for a second. "Everything all right?" Draven asked. "Yeah I just earned the right to leave the village I wasn't planning on ever coming back and now I'm going right back in." What do you mean by earning the right to leave?" Draven asked. "You can't leave this barrier until you are level 5" James answered while looking at Draven confused. "Was it not like that in the village you were at?" James asked. "Village? I woke up in the middle of the woods this is the first sign of civilization I found." Draven said a bit angry now that he realized everyone but himself got to start in a safe environment.

"The middle of the woods?" James whispered to himself while looking at Draven with a mixture of pride and terror. Are you saying that you survived by yourself in the forest filled with monsters that can reach above level 5? James asked but then waved his hand. "Don't answer you can tell me all about it after I get you some food in your stomach." He said as he led Draven to the barrier. Draven was about to answer his dad's question anyway until he heard the familiar sound of the system.

Beep! User Draven is about to enter Novice Village.

Entering incognito mode please wait…

Draven stopped a foot short of the barrier. "Everything all right bud? James asked his son. "Yeah just give me a minute the system told me to wait a second while it enters some mode," Draven answered. "What system? You mean a terminal?" James asked while looking around to see if there was a terminal somewhere.

Beep! Incognito mode activated. The user can now enter Novice Village.

Draven didn't know what to think about his father's reaction did he not have a system? And what was a terminal? Draven decided to learn a bit more of everyone else's situation before bringing it up again. "Never mind I'm good to go," Draven said as he walked through the Barrier. James scratched his head in confusion but decided not to press the matter and followed Draven into the village. Draven walked through both barriers and was surprised to see so many people well maybe not entirely human anymore but still people he could talk to. James observed his son with a smile as Draven walked through the village looking every which way marveling at every little detail like a tourist in a big city.

"You'll have plenty of time to look around later let's get some meat in the trader's market and head to my place I want to hear about your month in the woods," James called out to Draven. Draven turned around pouting "Fine… lead the way, Dad." Draven said smiling from ear to ear. It was nice being able to talk with his Father, Draven realized at that moment how much he took being able to talk with his dad for granted. You never know when you might get sucked up into another world to possibly never see him again. James led them down a few winding streets through the village until reaching the Traders Market. There were hundreds of people walking through the street with stalls lining up on both sides from all the way down the street. James walked up to a stall selling meat,

"Hey, James I was wondering where you were when you didn't show up this morning. Are you looking to sell meat again? Merchant asked. "No I'm taking a break today Randy I'm here as a customer, I'd like 2 pounds..." James paused as he looked over to Draven's large physique, "scratch that make it 6 pounds of minced boar meat." "I'll be damned the never resting James is actually taking a break for a change. Does this break have something to do with your large friend behind you?" Randy asked as he ground the meat and placed it on a large leaf. "That'll be 3 silver James," Randy said holding up his ID card. James pulled his out and tapped his card against Randy's, the cards briefly glowed and they both put their cards away.

Randy looked Draven up and down and in more detail now. "Say stranger I haven't seen you around before and I'm pretty sure I've seen everyone worth seeing in this village care to explain who you are?" Randy asked with a stern gaze. Draven walked up to the stall "I'm Draven I just came to Town and I'm this guy's son." Draven said pointing to James. James face palmed "Straight to the point without a thought before opening his big mouth, that's my son alright." James muttered under his breath. Randy went pale as he looked at James and then back to Draven. "What do you mean you're new to Town? Are you saying you came from outside the Village? And your James son!?"

Randy was practically yelling at this point he was shocked no one had entered the Town from outside before. If this was true then that would mean there really are other people in different towns. "Have you seen my wife Angelica!" Randy asked in desperation as he jumped over the stall grabbing Draven by the shoulders and shaking him like a madman. Draven was taken aback by being suddenly grabbed by this guy. Draven instinctually pushed Randy off him without thinking and with a swipe of his arm Randy fell to the ground. James jumped in between them "Draven do not attack anyone no matter what happens" James Yelled out to Draven.

Draven was even more taken aback now that guy just jumped over the stall to get to him and he wasn't supposed to defend himself? And how was he supposed to know where his wife was? Before Draven could ask why James already interrupted "Just don't do it I'll explain later" James said with a stern look Draven knew all too well. Draven just put his hands in the air "Right I guess I'll just dodge for now. Are all the people in here maniacs?" Draven said nonchalantly Randy got up from the ground "We're not crazy! We're desperate to find our loved ones and you're the first person from the outside to come here!" Randy shouted pointing his finger at Draven. Everyone in the market began to crowd around them now. Draven could hear the whispers, "Is he really from outside the village? Who is he?" "I heard he's James Son!" The whispers continued as more and more people started to get into Draven's space.

One guy reached out to Draven "What about my daughter Lucy?! Have you seen her?" A woman pushed him aside "Who cares about your Daughter?" She said with a very ugly expression on her face that turned sweet on a dime as she faced Draven. What about my son Paul you have seen him haven't you?" More and more people were pressing into Draven's space shouting the names of their relatives. James was trying his best to calm down the crowd but there were too many. Draven had enough as he activated Draconic Aura. An invisible wave radiated from Draven causing everyone to back up opening a path for Draven. Most of the people that had surrounded Draven had a terrified expression on their faces as they fell on their asses, their legs began to shake uncontrollably. Some fell on their knees and lowered their gaze while the women's faces turned a deep red as they looked away unable to meet Draven's eyes.

"Grab the food Dad they won't bother us anymore. James quickly grabbed the meat and led Draven out of the market and none dared to follow. "I did that yesterday as well," James said "But I can't seem to control it, it just kind of came out when I was angry," James stated. "It's a skill called Draconic Aura It greatly inspires fear, respect, or admiration to those around you" Draven replied. "Draconic Aura.." James whispered in deep thought as he kept walking. "How do you know what the skill is called? James asked. Draven once again spoke without thinking, he didn't want to explain his system as his father just further reinforced that no one else had one. But after thinking for a few seconds he didn't see a reason to not tell his father he was sure he could keep a secret. "I'll explain it when we aren't in public." Dravcn finally answered. James nodded the rest of the walk was in silence and after a few minutes, they arrived at James's small home.