

Connor and Aliah dejectedly left now that their plans were in ruin, after walking together for a while, they parted ways after all they had to deliver Khrone's message to their teachers. Aliah got to Alicia's residence where the latter was moving a few dozen large rocks around in the yard. Each rock could weigh over a hundred kilos, yet she was juggling them with telekinesis like pebbles. As soon as Aliah entered the yard, the older lady dropped all the rocks and shot one at the younger. Aliah managed to stop it midair with some difficulty though she had a nosebleed for pushing her limits in such a short time as her teacher began to do some yoga. "Good job it seems you have been training diligently, keep it up". "Anyway I doubt you came here for no reason at all, what do you need? "I don't need anything, Aliah responded, Mr. Khrone sent me to tell you that Will had an evolution, he said you needed to know". Alicia stopped her yoga and stared at Aliah with a bewildered look on her face. She immediately flew off towards the direction of Khrone's hill leaving Aliah more shocked than she already was.

Elsewhere, Connor entered the principal's office to meet the man almost buried in paperwork. Noticing his student's entry, the man stopped writing and stretched, groaning loudly. "Even at my level paperwork takes quite a toll on you", the principal said with a chuckle, anyway what can I do for you, Connor? "Khrone told me to tell you that Will was evolving", the boy answered, "he said it was extremely important". The principal sat in thought and mumbled to himself," An evolution huh so that was what the weird energy was". The principal's body suddenly flickered and disappeared leaving Connor alone in the office.

Outside the house Will was in sat Khrone and Valaria, it seemed like they were busy waiting for someone else to arrive and they probably were. A few moments later, Alicia and the principal appeared in front of the master and disciple duo. Upon their arrival, Khrone smiled smugly waiting to start tooting his horn. "Ebenezer and Alicia", the old man said with literal open arms," fancy seeing you two here, especially at the same time. Is it my birthday or something today to be gifted such personalities at my door – "cut that out old man", the principal interrupted, "you sent the kids to tell us about your student's evolution. Now you're playing dumb, you sly fox".

As they had their little discussion and ignored a very awkward Valaria, Will was having his problems. The boy could feel his body changing even though evolution happened on a genetic level, he was experiencing an inhumane and maddening level of pain but couldn't even control his vocal cords to let out a squeak not to mention screaming. It felt like he was going through all this but wasn't at the same time, it was simply indescribable.

Unbeknownst to him he had been releasing energy violently while evolving, suddenly the pain began to subside and Will slowly started gaining consciousness which stopped the violent release of energy. When he woke up and opened his eyes, he saw Valaria standing above his body. Seeing the one who put him in this situation, he tried to continue things where they had left off but he was too weak and in too much pain to do anything. The young lady looked at him with remorseful eyes, "Hey…Will, I know you can't talk but hopefully you can hear me. Honestly, this whole thing was an accident I just thought you were trespassing and reacted very badly though it was unintentional I went way too far and would like to apologise. Will looked at her unmoving but the look in his eyes showed that things were far from over.

A Greater East Federation island

Ento and Vince got off their hovering motorcycles after arriving on an island. Due to the situation on Earth traveling either by air or sea was too dangerous so you'd either need a hovering vehicle, a tamed flying beast, or the strength to fly alone. Due to the deal made with the federation, the duo were on a crusade clearing monsters on the federation's lands and had just landed on this one. Wasting no time they began slaughtering all threats to humans on the island. They spent the whole day massacring these beasts but towards the end of the day, they heard the crushing sounds of bones. Taking a closer look they noticed that whatever was chewing was incredibly strange. It was a weird being, neither man nor beast.

The thing suddenly stopped chewing and sniffed the air, turning its head left and right, it had probably noticed the two men's presence. Wanting to probe its strength, Ento used natural energy to push the beast smashing it through multiple trees before stabilizing itself. Now the men could see how it looked, its face looked like a mix between a warthog and a human. It had an insanely muscular body especially its arms which made its body look like an ape of sorts. "Rooaar…kill .. kill … all …. HUMANS". After this 'introduction,' it ran towards the duo not holding back its intent to kill. Seeing that it was trying to close the distance and engage in close combat, the men whipped out spears from nowhere and began attacking it.

The beast darted forward lunging at the duo, the men held their ground waiting for their chance to strike. Suddenly the beast saw a chance and lunged at Vince leaving itself open for Ento to attack, and he did striking directly at its heart. It managed to dodge with a huge gash on its chest, it roared angrily noticing the wound. Seeing it distracted, Vince went for its chest again causing another cut on its shoulder though it ducked and rolled off but suddenly stopped. A spear was lodged in its neck. The beast was dead and Ento stood with his arm still outstretched and panting with a large toothy grin