

The unknown man in the corner of the room raises his hands to his head and pulls off the cap and his pretty long chestnut blonde hair packed into a bun comes loose and falls scattered over his shoulder. 

I would recognize that hair anyday, the colour, the length and the general look.

My eyes widen in surprise. Positive surprise though.

Oh My God.

I drop my cup hurriedly and rush to him and give him a bear hug.

"Buff..." I scream excitedly into his chest

He is a few feet taller than I am so my head is buried in his chest.

Buff's real name is Toni. He got the nickname from I and Leo when he started to go to the gym and he started to put on so much muscles and he became a military man.

My Buff is here.

"You're choking me" He fakes a choking sound and suddenly goes quiet like he is pretending to be dead.

I pull off him and burst into laughter.