
Divorce With Benefits: A Second Chance At Love

#Married #Office Romance Jerica Evans, a devoted wife and clerk at City Hall, feels her world slowly unraveling as the cracks in her once-loving marriage deepen. Her husband, Jared, a high-powered lawyer with a fierce courtroom reputation known as "The Siberian Beast," has grown distant, and his cold demeanor leaves Jerica questioning everything. Once the pillar of her life, Jared now feels like a stranger, more lighthouse than man—steady but unreachable, leaving Jerica adrift in loneliness and suspicion. When she catches him leaving work early with a mysterious woman in a red dress, her world shatters. As she balances her growing suspicion with the suspicious arrival of Harold Braddock, Jerica's former flame, the lines between loyalty, betrayal, and her own desires blur. Her once steady life spirals as her husband’s frosty demeanor and her own emotional wounds collide. As the emotional distance between her and Jared widens, Jerica must decide whether to fight for a love that seems to have slipped away—or walk away from the man who once completed her. What will she decide? What is Jared's secret? Was their marriage truly over? Has she truly stopped loving him? This is a heartstring-pulling journey of love, pride, and the devastating cost of hidden truths and unspoken desires, where one woman must decide if she’ll fight for the man she married or leave him behind to save herself. Please support the book by voting. Leave reviews and tell me what you feel in the comments.

Golda · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

What Was He Doing There?

Regina glided over with the confidence of someone who knew exactly how to command attention. "How's everything going over here? Anything I can help with?" she asked, flashing her pearly whites beneath her meticulously applied red lipstick. The word help hung in the air, sweet and syrupy, a reminder of her self-appointed role as the office's Queen Bee and unofficial caretaker—the Angel of the County Courthouse.

Harold turned to her, his laughter fading slightly but still in good spirits. "Oh, hey, Regina. Just catching up with Jerica here," he said, waving her off with the kind of casualness that could make any woman's blood boil. Regina's perfect smile tightened, her teeth grinding together behind her lips as she silently fumed.

Jerica, meanwhile, offered a small, polite nod, gripping her Caramel Macchiato like it was a shield against whatever nonsense was about to unfold. She wasn't one for office politics, and certainly not the kind Regina thrived on. In fact, Jerica had a particular talent for ignoring it altogether—as if the social dance Regina performed daily was beneath her notice.

But Jerica's expression brightened as Lila Anderson walked in. Lila wasted no time, beaming at Jerica while making exaggerated faces behind Regina's back like a mischievous child. Without hesitation, Lila plopped down beside her.

"Catching up, huh?" Regina echoed, her laugh polished to perfection as if the very idea of Harold having trivial conversations with Jerica was absolutely adorable. "Well, Mr. Braddock, you've been so busy lately. You should stop by my office today—we can go over those details about the Forester case."

Her eyes flicked to Jerica, a subtle reminder that while Jerica might have Harold's attention now, Regina was the one who dealt with the real business. But Jerica, uninterested in the silent competition, turned to Lila instead.

"You're late today," Jerica said, effectively dismissing Regina.

Lila pouted dramatically. "Is that a Caramel Macchiato? Where's mine?"

Jerica smirked and looked at Harold. "Yes, Harold, where's my friend's cup of hot coffee?"

Harold jumped to his feet with mock horror. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! Next time, I swear."

"Make mine a Coffee Frappuccino," Lila added, just as theatrically.

Regina's eye twitched. "Lila! How can you ask so shamelessly?"

"Why not?" Jerica said, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Worried Harold's going to go bankrupt buying one extra coffee? Harold, you should listen to your financial advisor," she added with a smirk.

Harold's smile wavered, glancing nervously between Jerica and Regina. Regina was stunned by Jerica's retort—Jerica was usually so quiet. What had gotten into her?

Harold recovered quickly. "Are you mad? I have no problem buying coffee for my precious Poodle Princess and her friends," he said, reaching out as if to pinch Jerica's cheek.

Jerica's gaze darkened, and she shot him a look sharp enough to stop his hand mid-air. Harold immediately yanked it back.

"Uh, I've got a press meet for the Forester case... so..." He muttered as he beat a hasty retreat.

Regina, undeterred, turned to Harold with a sugary smile. "Poodle Princess?" she cooed.

"Yeah," Harold chuckled. "Elegant, intelligent, and a bit high-maintenance... That's Jerica Evans!"

Regina's smile faltered as she processed his words. Jerica? She glanced over at her, trying to reconcile the sharp-tongued woman before her with Harold's glowing description.

With a quick, practiced smile, Regina caught up to Harold, walking closely beside him. Jerica rolled her eyes as she watched Harold's hand settle comfortably on the small of Regina's back.

"F*cking Serpent Prince," Jerica muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowing. "What does he want with me?"

Lila, oblivious to the shift in mood, giggled. "You finally snapped at Regina, Miss Gucci Glasses! What happened to your usual cool?"

Jerica adjusted her Gucci metal-frame glasses, her smirk returning.

Lila leaned in. "Wasn't Regina supposed to make Vitaly jump through hoops for her? She was so sure the Siberian Beast was going to propose with a ring the size of a grapefruit. What happened? Did she already jump ship?"

Jerica snorted, her expression darkening at the mention of her husband. Regina, in all her delusion, had nicknamed him "Vitaly" after the Siberian tiger from Madagascar 3 because she thought he was cute.


As if Jared, with his cold, brooding demeanor, could ever be cute for someone like Regina. He didn't even spare a glance at her, yet somehow, Regina thought she could make him leap through hoops for her?

Jerica's lip twitched in disdain. Only I've seen his cute side. What would she know?

"Clearly, she's upgrading to Harold Braddock—the rumored heir apparent of the Braddock dynasty," Jerica said dryly, hiding the bitterness in her voice.

Lila's eyes widened, eager to dig deeper, but Jerica's attention shifted.

An old man had just shuffled into the office. His slow, deliberate movements drew her in. He seemed familiar, though she couldn't quite place why.

Before she could dwell on it, Lila's excited voice rang out again. "He's here!"

Jerica turned, her heart suddenly pounding. There he was—Jared. Tall, imposing, and with that icy demeanor that seemed to freeze the air around him. What was he doing here?

She blinked, struggling to mask the wave of surprise—and something else she wasn't ready to name.

"What… what is he doing here?" she muttered, more to herself than to Lila.