
Diving Deep

I start walking back to the house and then some figure appeared in front of me out of nowhere 
 “Aa..... “ I screamed but there was no sound coming out!! I'm terrified, I step backward then I fell on the ground trembling I look again at the shadow in front of me what is this?!! it was too dark to see probably 
 The shadow approaches “ Aaaah... it's ok I won't hurt you “

BlackOrnella · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter(12) I Miss You

He laughed at me "Hahaha"

"Hey stop laughing I'm serious "

"That's the funny part, the prince's friends are weird just like him " I'm weird!! no, it's not funny I never thought that I was acting weird?! I'm always noticing people's weirdness and never assumed that I'm just like them

"I'll give you some advice at some point you need to pick a side don't forget that "

I nod at him he's right they are enemies for a long time it's not an easy task,

"And also about your fighting... You're good but when you fight your emotions holding you back so stop thinking unnecessary thoughts and focus on your goals... Do you get me"

At that moment Ryo returned after he calmed " I'm hungry and I bought some food "

We all are and after eating lunch Kami stands up and brushes off the dust "Okay kids that's my cue to leave "

"Where are you going, " I said sadly

Ryo is concerned "What are you going to tell my father?"

"As you told me but I advise you to return "

"Thank you, Kami I'll consider it "

He bowed to Ryo and nodded to me then wore his mask and left

"Ryo I'm sorry about before "

"No, it's okay I overreact "

We face each other "Thank you for everything I truly needed someone that night and you helped me so I'm very thankful "

"Don't Al... It's like a farewell "

"It's not, we both need to go through separate ways and we will meet no matter what I'll always be loyal to our friendship "

He looked at me sadly "Do you promise me that you never betrayed me "

I give him a faint smile "Never"


In the evening I was in the room alone he said he had some business in the village but I knew he was lying he just avoiding me, as I was laying on my bed I stood and grabbed a scissor from the table I sighed and then gripped my hair and cut it very short my hair was beautiful and long and wavy it's was every girl's dream but it stood in the way it needs a lot of cares and I don't have the time to even combed it suddenly the door open and Ryo walked in

He gasped "Hey crazy what did you do?" he rushed at me stumbling he then grabbed my hand that was holding the scissor and stared into my eyes

"I just cut my hair "

"Why did you do that your hair is your treasure what was the reason?"

I tried to break off from his grab I said while struggling "Are you drunk!!!... Ryo let me go you are hurting me "

I give him a warning tone he loosens his grip on my hand and then he Crouch and covers his flushed face while giving a big sigh

" AAAAH Al why are you always acting careless you don't need to cut that beautiful hair of yours"

As I rub my hand "It will grow so stop being dramatic"

"Huh of course this is you who we talking about the girl that doesn't care about anything except herself" he stares at me his eyes falling with anger and bitterness

I crouched in front of him supporting my chin with my hand "Hmmm Ryo does seeing me go pain you that much?" that's why he acting weird we got used to one another he looked down and nodded at me I smiled and patted his head he holds my hand and addresses me while looking at the ground

"Stop treating me as a boy because for me you are not just a girl..." he then stares into my eyes "You're more than that " his piercing stares I knew that looks it's the same look that Ian had given me that night OH!! Ian... my Ian I miss him extremely the bandits I need to help him right now to warn him!! I'm delaying for what??! He's going to die

In a frighted voice " Al why are you crying!!!.... I'm sorry if my words make you sad l...l... " he stopped there speechless I didn't notice that my tears were pouring like a waterfall that all the emotions I bottled in over the last few months and how much I had longed to see him is shown I do miss him

I smiled at him "It's ok you are not the reason "

"Then who? I Just confess to you and you start to cry if not me then who?"

"I'm sorry but I like someone else " I stood and walked away from him I gave him my back I didn't want to face him to see his sad face or disappointed reaction

"How about you give me a haircut as well?"

I turned to face him he was smiling at me but I knew how sad he was I nodded at him he pulled a wooden chair from the study section put it in front of me and sat on it

"Are you sure your hair is really beautiful and shiny and I'm not an expert "

"It will grow so stop being dramatic," he said with a mocking tone as he raised one eyebrow

I laughed at him walked behind him and started to cut his hair after a long time it was a mess... I'm able to see all the flaws but his face will cover for his bad haircut I hesitate then point at the mirror

"What do you think?"

He walks and looks at his reflection he starts to touch his short hair with no response

I start to get anxious "Weeell?"

He turns to face me with sparkling eyes and a big smile "It looks amazing you have a talent for cutting hair "

"Are you serious!!!" I know that I don't have that but his reaction surprised me he was really genuine

"I AM... the short hair really suits me From now on I'll keep it short "

"Please promise me to go to a professional hairdresser "

I feel guilty why did I think that I'd be able to make him a perfect haircut stop assuming that you know everything

" Al I really like it "

"Suite yourself" I smiled awkwardly "OK then with the first light I'm leaving "


I smiled faintly " Ryo thank you for everything "

"If you ever needed me please give me that sign that I taught you OK"

"Don't worry I'll manage...

He interrupts me "Please I'm begging you "

"Ok I will but stop worrying about me and go and solve the biggest problem "

"Al I need you to know that I fully trust you and your skills right now but you have the habit of doing everything by yourself "

I nod then I walk toward him and hug him he stiffens at the beginning then he hugs me back

"I hope you have a great journey, " I said that and he tightened his grip around me.


I woke up at dawn I found Ryo sitting on the couch

"Good Morning... $I stretch my body $ When did you wake up?"

He stands fully dressed up " I couldn't sleep "

" why is that?!!" he's truly breaking my heart but I can't give him hope I need to draw a line in our relationship

"It's nothing don't worry I'll wait for you outside change and meet me up "

After I changed I took my stuff and met him by the horses he helped me stock my stuff in my horse he signed "And that's it... " he looked at me "So this is goodbye?"

I frowned " I told you we'd meet again "

"Al be realistic even if we meet we will be on different sides... I lost to him this time as well" Stop giving me this expression I'm sorry Ryo I truly am

"I'm lucky to know you, you are one of the most beautiful and kind people I ever met and I mean that from the inside... So thank you for giving me the chance to get to know you" I smiled at him I hate goodbyes but we will see each other again and I'm sure that is not on a battlefield

"Al... Oh my God, I really like you and adore that smile of yours " he said that, and Immediately hugged me tightly I stood there in his embrace while the sun slowly rose...

After two days, I stop to rest beside a lake I open the map that Ryo gave me, check out my direction

( I'm close to that city just a few hours and I'm there)

I resumed my journey until I reached the city I slowed my horse down it was noon, and the city was crowded the kids were playing around

"Damn it!! where should he be " I dismounted my horse near a flee market it was in a narrow alley I walked observing my surrender hiding my face with my cape

"Welcome sir my products are one of a kind it's all rare and valuable you can gift them to your lover "A salesman grabbed my hand and showed me his goods which were women's accessories I looked at them and I noticed a beautiful man brooch in a flower shape I pointed at it

" That brooch " the salesman looked confused at my pick and gave me that marketing laugh "Hahaha good choice, you have great taste, sir... Maam?!"

"Isn't too feminine?"

"Oh... It's okay some men prefer it too simple it's the trend these days it won't make you look girly if that's what you ask "

"No, that's fine how about that gallon?"

"Ah that's one of the best products that I have and it's really expensive it belongs to a bankrupt Nobel family

The details and the wood is one...

I interrupt him " 3 coins "

"What are you fucking crazy "he screams unsatisfied

"OK then 2 "


He waved his hand at me and pushed me out of his stall (I know this kind of person who tries to fool strangers ) I stepped closer to him again and said

"Sir this is your last time 1 golden coin after that I will bargain with you by silver and then I will go by the leric save yourself the headache and seal the deal on 1 golden coin "The salesman was stunned by my shameless attitude

"Take the fucking pipe and don't show your face again " I scream in my head celebrating my victory I tossed the coin at him and took the gallon then I felt the ground shaking I looked at the end of the ally and there was an army moving and the people are making space for them

and in the first lines there he is in the middle of them, graceful and elegant even when he wears his armor like the rest of them but he's the only one who shines the most among them... my Ian I missed you so...so much more than I ever thought suddenly there was a big explosion $Booooomb$

I flew and slammed into a nearby wall I didn't hear anything except a ringing sound I held my head and looked at my surroundings watching people running and some of them on the ground injured I felt someone pull me and help me to stand I looked at him and it was the salesman talking to me but the ringing sound slowly faded and I start to regain my hearings " are you, ok miss?! "

He helped me and took me away from the narrow aisle

And we enter one of the stores

" thank you... I appreciate it "

"Shit your fucking bleeding " he put me on the floor there were some people sheltering as well, the man start wiping my forehead I took the cloth from him

"Thank you I'm okay I will wipe it myself " I stood and looked through the small window and the soldiers were fighting with the bandits

A scared woman approached me and screamed "You stupid stay away from the window they will notice us and kill us all "She was shivering

Another man " I saw them they were those assholes the mercenaries the ones who blocked the road I thought the army will solve it peacefully but it's useless scam"

In the corner, a little boy covering his ears his hands covered by blood, he was repeating "Blood...blood everywhere "

I addressed the salesman "You need to get them to safety until the problem is solved "

"How??! There is no way out they blocking both of the exits "

"I know that I'll help you out " I hesitate for a moment if I open the portal I know they will panic and maybe that is the end for me but what if there is another explosion and this old building collapse They will die I took a deep breath and raised my hand and opened a portal everyone was shocked staring at me with fear ( please go save yourself stop judge me I won't hurt you)

the salesman shouted "What the fuck are you standing, go hurry we don't have all-day move "

They started entering the portal one after the other until there was just me and the salesman he grabbed my shoulder "Let's go it's your turn "

I shake my head to him " I'm not going... I need to help them "

" no that place is not for a woman like you to be in it they will handle it come with me" he saw that I was not going to come he signed at me "You know that I'm gonna cover for you and make sure non of theme will rat about you so don't worry "

" sir please take care of them and as I said don't return until the problem is solved "

"I have a daughter as stubborn as you... $he sighed $I can't force you but thank you don't get fucking killed " he laughed and entered the Portal I closed it after him and walked out

The smell of the blood was sickening, the clanking of the irons and the screams. all were new to me I'm not sure if I can do it!! no stop... Stop now... Ian needs you I teleport immediately above a building and saw clearly the battle, that bastard! he ambushed them suddenly I saw one of the bandits throwing another bomb toward the knights I contained the bomb in a small shield that locked up the explosion inside of it I signed in relief no one got hurt all of them looked at me confused wondering who was that mage Who's helping their enemy... So They all staring at me I shifted my gaze from face to face until I found him staring at me stunning, the bandits panicked they ran away I quickly blocked both ways to prevent them from escaping half of them still fighting and the rest were hitting the magic barrier with that Ian coldly started to attack them killing one after another and giving them no mercy for me that a side that I never know he was like a killing machine... So frightening but the funny part is that I want to run to him to hold him closer to me once again my sweet Ian

Within a few seconds, I teleported near to him to fight beside him one of them charged at me he was twice my size his skin was tanned because of the sun full of scars

I calmed down

I fought him, by teleporting after every attack, and when I almost stabbed him I hesitated I stopped... I couldn't kill a human it wasn't easy to stab him in the heart to look at his eyes while he took his last breath suddenly I felt someone behind me pulling me to his chest covering my eyes from the view everything went pitch black I couldn't see anything I heard aloud scream I know that the man I was fighting was killed... I stayed in his embrace I smelled his scent of orange blossom with a little bit of blood even though his armor was cold and uncomfortable to be held I knew it was him and I wanted to stay by his side

He shouts "Finish them I tried my best not to spill any blood but rats always remain rats "

I held his hand and removed it away I looked at his face he was frowning he said "Thank God that I got to you on time" he looked at his men finishing the rest and claiming their victory "I missed you... I thought that I'd never get the chance to see you again "