
The Future Of Shadow Guardians

"She had to struggle fighting two level 9, now she's taking three! This is madness." Varian complained as he walked off the spaceport and into the ghost ship.

"I could say the same for you." Seth gave Varian a disbelieving gaze. "Barging alone into enemy territory is suicide."

Varian jumped through the ghost ship's entry door and turned around. "No, I don't plan on dying."

Seth clicked his tongue but followed in without a word.

The tutor and pupil were seated face to face as the ghost ship moved out of Neptune and waited in outer space.

Visible to the naked eye, millions of red drones—looking like red butterflies, left Neptune and spread out in space.

Every drone carried the device that Dr. Thomas recently invented—the device to identify a secret realm.

Varian crossed his arms as he waited impatiently.

Thankfully, the device was manufacturable. With this day's technology, mass manufacturing could be done in minutes.