
The Birthday [4]

"STOP!"Sia's golden eyes were filled with tears until then, but they suddenly burned with rage.The world seemed to slow down. In an instant, Sia's eyes and hair turned into a dreamy mix of red, blue, and yellow.A mysterious aura similar to an ancient treasure spread out from her body."Die!" Her cold voice was like the decree of death.The wolf's teeth that were about to tear Varian's throat froze abruptly and the wolf was forcibly pulled back.The woman held the giant wolf by its neck and broke its neck with a flick.She threw away the creature like it was trash and turned toward the son and mother."S-Sia?" Amanda's emotions were a mess. Despairing her son's death to dumbfounded at Sia's transformation—it all happened in an instant.All she could do was stare at the unfamiliar girl in shock."S…Si..?" Varian's lips trembled as he looked at the strange girl in front of him.She was Sia a moment ago. But she wasn't Sia anymore.