
Ignore Him At Your Own Peril

Reaper, Trihound and Traitor Numun stood still for a moment before looking at each other.

With all their experience, they thought they had the perfect grasp of the battlefield.

Varian's massacre of Reaper's forces was surprising but it was nowhere enough to treat him as a threat or a variable.

Even if they failed in this easy task, Varian's death or capture was one thing that had no chance of failing.

So, they ignored him from the start.

Yet, that guy…the weakest of them all, so weak that he wouldn't even be able to take a single punch from any of the six fighting was the one who flipped the table.

"Incapacitate him first," Reaper said, the fires burning in his eyesockets cackling. "He can survive with his head, so we'll just bring his head."

"As you say," Tri-hound sniffed in the air and sprinted in a particular direction.

"But that prince, I want him alive." Numan licked the blade of his axe and said.