
Divine Path of Destruction

"Obey my order! Do you think I'll go easy on you just because you're a woman? Ha. Well, what a pity. I'll tell you that I'm a proud supporter of gender equality. So if you keep wasting my time I'll show you how intimidating I can be!" One of the brightest minds of the year 5,000 dies after causing the zombie apocalypse. Due to strange circumstances he is transported to a different world, in this new world there is something called Cultivation, which is used as a means to obtain power. Due to his innate curiosity and great passion for research, he decides to delve into the mysteries of the world. Will he be able to make it? Will he finally be able to feel satisfied in life? He will embark on his journey on a path to success.

EIR_PEI · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 37

The entire river of blue fire managed to get out from inside the labyrinth. These flames began to shrink into the shape of a person. Bai Yingzu fell to the ground completely naked and somewhat dazed. It took a little time for her to come back to his senses fully.

His body trembled weakly while his head vibrated so hard with an unbearable headache. His persistent will was still encouraging him to seek the exit from the labyrinth even though he was already outside, they were like hundreds of voices that repeated themselves indefinitely inside his head.

"I would not dare to say that my will is eternal and constant, but if I dare to shout to the world that my will is tenacious and unbreakable. No matter how many tricks you have at your disposal, if it is simply testing my willpower I will go through all obstacles you put up for me". Bai Yingzu said after standing up and looking at the gray skies above him.

Bai Yingzu already knew that this was the test imposed by the world to break through to the next cultivation path, the realm of earthlings. Since he had managed to overcome it, it meant that he was allowed to ascend without any problem.

He was never stopped by the adversities in his previous world and he always kept going until the day of his death. Much less could he be defeated by a simple test of will imposed by the will of the world. Thinking of this he showed a mischievous almost mocking smile.

*Rumble. The sky rumbled loudly as if trying to replicate the words spoken by Bai Yingzu. The will of the world felt a little annoyed upon hearing such arrogant words and looking at that mocking expression coming from an earthly newly ascended, but since that person had managed to pass the test it couldn't do anything else with him.

If he wanted to punish that arrogant existence he would have to wait until he received the 'Heaven Tribulation', who knew when that would happen. But no matter what, he would keep in his memory everything that happened on this day so that next time he would give him what he deserved. Generating another rumble, the will of the world parted the gray clouds revealing the clear sky.

If Bai Yingzu knew that he had earned the displeasure of the world's will, just by his momentary actions she would be in disbelief, he would refuse to believe such a thing. "Brother, aren't you getting offended so quickly by something so miniscule? Must you feel annoyed by the words of someone weaker than you?"


In the physical world within the cultivation room Bai Yingzu opened his eyes radiating an intense blue glow. Slowly this brightness was fading until his eyes returned to his usual look. Bai Yingzu concentrated on feeling the changes in his body and spirit.

Taking a look inside his Mental Space she could notice noticeable changes. His sprawling gardenia garden had become even wider, and now there was also bright green grass growing all over the land without hindering the growth of the flowers. Compared to before, the sight just now was even more beautiful.

The only tree in his mental space, which was less than two meters tall, had grown to seven meters and its trunk had become so thick that it would take three people with arms outstretched to reach around it. Just a meter from the tree was the blue crystal flower, the Mystic Flower Of Heavenly Spring. And between the tree and the flower was a stone seat that could give space for two people to sit.

The gardenias covered the entire space on earth except for five specific areas. These gardenias had opened the way to a great circumference, inside which was the great tree, the blue crystal flower and the stone seat. The next four areas that were free of flowers had been four paths marking South, North, East, and West.

The path to the East led to the other end of Mental Space, in the direction of the futuristic city with great buildings that touched the heavens. The western path was the one that connected directly to those ancient structures and the great temple. As for the path of North and South, these led to the empty space where nothingness was.

Another of the great changes within Mental Space was the appearance of a vast blue sky and a brilliant golden sun. Before this was just a void, but now it seemed more like the newly discovered wilderness of a new continent.

The view of the extensive garden of gardenias that had a gigantic skyscraper thousands of meters high right on one side and a gigantic ancient temple on the other end, made him have a strange view, but at the same time mysterious. Both ends of that immaculate land represented two different times of the human being, the past and the future.

One of them was the ancient structures, the first architectures designed by man and his fervent devotion to entrust himself to a higher existence, the search for a God to believe in, in order to find answers that they lacked at that time.

The other was a vast modern city of the present day, with grand buildings demonstrating the pinnacle of modern architecture and advances in construction methods and materials. These no longer sought answers through the so-called Gods, they questioned themselves through logic and reason, and tested their hypotheses through scientific experiments.

Bai Yingzu was surprised by such great changes. He even came to think that this was no longer a Mental Space but a Spiritual Space, but with a little more observation and after careful thought he realized that that deduction was wrong.

This was certainly not an ordinary Mental Space, but it was still a long way from becoming a Spiritual Space, mainly because it had not yet reached the fifth spiritual realm cultivation path, and for that reason it was impossible for it to bring out the characteristics of a Spiritual Realm. true Spiritual Space.

The difference between a Mental Space and a Spiritual Space was as big as heaven and earth. In the first instance, Mind Space could only be created by a cultivator in the fourth earth realm cultivation path, Bai Yingzu could be considered a rarity in creating it since he had ascended to the energy realm.

The Mental Space contained multiple 'Representations of the self', which represented the aggregate of the cultivator's wisdom and experiences, which were gathered within the cultivator's own consciousness. The use of a Mental Space was limited, but with that it could not be said that it was something useless.

The Mental Space was a sacred ground for the fourth path cultivator, where he could relax and reach a state of optimal meditation that would give him the benefit of rapid learning and deep reflection.

It also served to strengthen the cultivator momentarily whenever he needed it, this was possible as it condensed willpower and converted it into energy. With each new experience that marked his life, new changes appeared inside the Mental Space and consequently it would be strengthened.

The Spiritual Space for its part was the solidification of the Mental Space, thus becoming an isolated real space within the cultivator contained within the cultivation core. This could function in the same way as a storage ring, and would retain its previous characteristics by being able to give a power boost to the cultivator.

The fourth cultivation path was about exactly that, it aimed to strengthen the Mental Space until it established a close connection with the earthly existence within each cultivator. In this way the attachments and desires functioned as the fuel that propelled the cultivator, and thanks to these he could break down the barriers that stood in his way.

Bai Yingzu stood up after finishing examining the changes in his Mental Space. He could feel a strange but comfortable sensation running through his body, the sensation of power motivated him so much that he felt invincible. But Bai Yingzu wouldn't be foolish enough to boast of being someone invincible, after all the fourth earthly realm path was merely a small step towards something much bigger.

With a thought the energy surged from his body and condensed into a thick blue mist on his right palm. Bai Yingzu smiled seeing that he had complete control of this power, an idea suddenly came to his mind. His eyes lit up expectantly.

He remembered when he had managed to summon weapons from his original world when he was inside his subconscious, and then he thought that he should at least try to see if this would be possible in the physical world.

However, to his disappointment he realized that it was impossible to create a fully functional firearm. In his right hand was a small pistol, an ancient model from his original world, being created with his energy it had a translucent blue color.

Bai Yingzu had created this weapon with the condensation of the energy in his hand, he had inserted the inner mechanism and the outer casing, but even with that this weapon could simply be considered a scale model for simple decoration.

His attempt had failed. But far from feeling defeated by a single failure, he analyzed the problem. Both matter and energy could neither be created nor destroyed, but only transformed. But even though they had similar concepts, that didn't mean that either of them could become the other so easily.

Theoretically, energy could be converted into matter, but to get a tiny part of matter, huge amounts of energy were required. Bai Yingzu with the energy of a fourth path earthly realm cultivator did not possess enough power to transform energy into matter. This was not left as something to be dismissed, but as a topic for future research, once he gained more power he could try again.

Bai Yingzu put the firearms aside, and immediately focused his attention on another idea. If making functional firearms was something complicated, could it be achieved by trying it with bladed weapons? The idea sprang from his mind, and without hesitation it changed his focus. The small pistol made earlier in his hand dissipated into smoke and gathered again as a dense mist, and subsequently concentrated into the shape of a small knife. This looked like a normal knife, with the only difference being that it seemed to be made of a faint blue crystal.

He played with the knife in his hand trying to analyze its durability, with each movement his grip on the hilt was firm, clearly this was also due to Bai Yingzu's good handling of his energy. As a final step he tried to cut something with the small knife. He ran the sharp part of the knife over the wooden table he had inside the room, but no matter how many times he scraped the surface of the table, it didn't have a single dent.

Bai Yingzu frowned at the fruitless result. He couldn't believe that his idea for the creation of sharp energy weapons was something so useless, if so, what was the use of manipulating energy in the palm of his hand? Was it only good for something as simple as strengthening?

If indeed that was the only use of it, Bai Yingzu would be completely disappointed. After all, even though the basis of strengthening was energy, Bai Yingzu could feel that he was physically only slightly stronger than Bai Hui and Bai Yi who were far below his current cultivation. Clearly the dense energy that he possessed would not strengthen his physique like the others, the only thing it would give him would be a temporary enhancer.

This was similar to burning fuel to drive large engines with incredible force, the energy would be the fuel, and as for the engine it would be his own body, but just like an engine once it ran out of power it would return to its normal physical state. , which was surprisingly very weak by the standards of the cultivation world.

It was assumed that with each increase in cultivation level one would also gain better physical fitness, although it would not be as good as those who practiced body strengthening techniques it would still be somewhat respectable. But for Bai Yingzu this was not the case, and therefore he had to find a solution to this problem.

Since with his normal physical state he would fall against the first blow of someone with greater potential than him, the only solution was to rely on special methods such as the use of weapons, protective and combat armor, and other things that arose according to your future research.

Thinking of this he smiled as he realized that he was in the same situation as in his original world. Since his birth his body was weak, and although he was able to get a little stronger with his strict training that he carried out for a full year, it was still far from enough. The main reason why he had managed to graduate from military service early was due to his own ingenuity, with which he was able to develop his famous three-layered combat armor.

Just like in his previous world, Bai Yingzu would employ his ingenuity and his other methods to survive in a world as chaotic as the current cultivation world was. He couldn't be upset or dissatisfied by this method, and he couldn't be jealous of the advantages others had over him.

In fact he seemed somewhat happy to be back to his old ways. With his extensive experience in solving problems and creating plans, this situation, both present and future, would be seen as something easily manageable. He wouldn't panic just over little unexpected details.


