
Divine order

In a world where the strong lives and the weak die, Samael knew the only way to survive was to be god himself.

Tarnished_18 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


After Samael successfully opened the door of the VVIP room, Mikhael and the rest of the people inside the room were shocked. They did not expect Samael who was barely at master rank bust the door open. 


Even Mikhael would've found it hard to cut the door even if he was at Hero rank. Although he could bust the door down he couldn't just do it as he had to reserve his strength for the enemies and to ward off the toxic gas. 


The room was filled with smoke from the after attack of Samael. He was breathing hard and trying to catch his breath as the attack took his all to perform. 


Even with the help of his buffs and divine weapon he still needed to use all his energy to make such damage. Before Samael could step out Mikhael went pass him, forward to the dark. 


After a while a sudden chill ran through Samael's spine as he felt the cold killing intent of the war hero Mikhael. It was the first time in a while he felt this degree of power. 


Soon, a blinding light enveloped the auction house, and a sonic boom soon followed. It has begun. Samael knew this was his chance, and he stealthily vanished in the shadows. 


The siblings were too occupied checking each other so they didn't notice Samael leaving. By the time they noticed he was gone, he was already far. 


Samael used [Void movement] to avoid being seen. His affinity to the void made it easier to blend with the shadows as his skills never made any sound to begin with. 


This made it easier for him to move undetected and even gave him the chance to take down a few assassins. By now it was obvious that the target of this attack was the core of the fallen deity. 


Samael contemplated whether he should try and take the item from the enemy's hands. After a while of weighing his chances Samael decided to give it a try. 


While he was in a disadvantage in terms of number and strength, he had the advantage of the dark. While assassins were also very skilled at stealth attacks, they would still find it difficult to find him. 


Samael flickered before disappearing in the dark once more. He carefully analyzed the situation around him. Fortunately Mikhael already took care most of the assassins and was currently keeping company the leader of the assassins. 


All he had to do was take care of 7 assassins who were carrying the goods. Samael activated his skills and patiently waited for the right moment. 


When the Assassins made it near the exit Samael finally made his move. He immidiately used [Void Manipulation] and formed thin spikes that appeared below the Assasins. 


A few of them managed to dodge the surprise attack and gain distance, but their two unfortunate comrades fell for it. They were impaled with no resistance; they couldn't even make a sound as they fell limp on the floor with holes in them. 


Samael used [Void movement] once more and chose to reposition. Soon his previous location was decimated by the barrage of enemy attacks. 


Samael smirked as he confirmed his speculation. The Assasins couldn't sense him and everything was going according to plan. 


"Show yourself bastard!" The assassin said. 


But before the Assassin can say another word he felt dizzy before he saw his headless body falling on the floor. The other assassins saw this and immidiately launched magical attacks towards Samael. 


He used his movement skill once again leaving the spot as fast as he arrived. Samael circled the enemies causing them to fire attacks at random in hopes of hitting him. 


This caused smoke to eventually rise up forming some sort of smoke bomb. This only further increased the chaos in the room increasing the panic of the assassins.  


Samael slowly picked them down one by one until there was one left. The guy had the treasure in his hand and his teammates died protecting him. 


But before Samael could finish the last assassin, The enemy took out some sort of talisman with runes on it. The assailant then crushed it before vanishing in a burst of lightning. 


Samael was caught off guard by this and had no choice but to watch the leaving streak of lightning in the distance. 


'Could it be an escape item with runes on it?' Samael wondered. 


Samael chose to think of it later and focus on whats important right now. He had just lost his target and his plans were ruined. He also noticed that the other assassins were approaching him at an extremely fast pace, it seemed they noticed the fight earlier and decided to prioritize him first. 


He was running out of options. Samael observed his sorroundings carefully to see if he can make an escape for it. Unfortunately, he had no time anymore as the assassins were already halfway to him. 


Samael was preparing to fight when a sudden notification took his attention. 


<Does the host require assistance.> 


Samael didn't think twice and immidiately said Yes. 


<Scanning possible options.> 


<Scan complete.> 


<The host may use [Conquerors touch] to destroy the pillars of the auction house which will make it collapse, buying the host more time to escape.> 


'That might just work!' Samael thought. 


He then used [Void movement] and instantly reached the nearest pillar. He used [Conquerors touch] and sent a massive shockwave which destroyed the pillar effortlessly. 


Samael did this again and he was left with the last pillar. However, in order to reach the pillar he had to first somehow pass through the dozens of assassins heading his way. 


While thinking of a plan a thought came to him. Samael didn't think twice and immidiately summoned 2 [Abysmal bomb] the size of a cart. 


Samael never really saw how the skill worked as he went unconscious after using it back at the cursed king palace. He was purely trusting his luck on this. 


The assassins all came to a halt as they felt their instincts shouting for them to run and escape as fast as they can. When they looked ahead they were met with two giant black spheres with a hint of red coming their way. 


When they tried to escape a sudden pressure crushed them slowing them Greatly. The others who couldn't escape watched hopelessly as the bombs dropped on them.




A sudden violent earthquake hit the ground, shaking the whole auction house and its nearby buildings. The explosion looked like a blackhole which gave out a white light. 


Samael was almost thrown back by his own attack as it decimated half the auction house including its very foundation. This attack killed 75% of the assassins chasing him and brought the establishment to the ground. 


'Shit! I did that?!' Samael thought as he looked at the destruction he caused. 


Mikhael and Jeremiah were also forced to disengage and take cover as the explosion sent violent shockwaves. Silvy and her siblings were also forced to grab tight as their rooms were almost swept away by the explosion. 


Samael looked at the chaos once more before leaving the place to chase after the treasure. He had no time to waste as the longer he stays there the farther the Assassin will go. 


Samael sprinted and constantly used [Void movement] to catch up. However, midway in he lost track of the assailant. 


"Fuck!" Samael cursed out loud. 


'Ive already gotten this far I can't surrender now! System got any advice?' Samael asked. 


<The system suggests the user to use the remaining 4 skill points to upgrade [Abyssal Eye]> 


'Why Abyssal eye?' Samael asked. 


<The skill holds unmeasurable potential. But due to some restrictions I cannot say why it is the most Optimal.> 


'Okay.. Ill trust you.' Samael said before Pouring all his skill points in. 


Samael noticed that the amount needed to upgrade increased everytime he used a skill point. From one to two to four. In the end he only managed to upgrade it two times but it was enough. 


When the upgrade finished Samael felt a sudden vertigo before it vanished and the first thing he noticed was the notification of the system. 


<You have successfully reached level 5 [Abyssal Eye] (dormant) you have unlocked the first special passive of the skill.> 


<You have unlocked (All seeing V1) >.


He unlocked a skill and aside from that he also had a sharper vision and he can now notice even the slightest details. The (Slow down) passive also increased by a tiny bit. 


Samael immidiately Activated the newly obtained special passive and the first thing that came out was that he can see a very thin strand floating in the air. 


The strand was color red and it was coming from the direction the assassin ran off to. Samael followed the strand and realization slowly came to him. 


The passive allowed him to track people! He was shocked by the skill as tracking skills were highly rare and were most of the time hogged by royalties. 


He also noticed that the strands started vanishing after a few minutes. It appeared he can only track recent strands the enemies left behind. Nonetheless, the skill was still very helpful. 


Samael followed the strand with Great speed before it stopped. Right now he was looking at the assassin that ran off earlier. The assassin was holding some sort of communication device. 


Samael didn't waste any time and used [Void movement] almost instantly appearing behind the Assailant. He then swung his weapon forming an arc. 


Unfortunately the assassin was very skilled and manage to nimbly dodge him the last second. It also delivered a counter attack which Samael parried. 


The assassin jumped back and threw projectiles infused with fire. Samael's [Abyssal perception] warned him of the attack so he decided to not parry it but rather dodge it. 


The moment the knives struck the ground it combusted and exploded. Samael looked at the crater and gulped. He thanked his [Abyssal perception] and charged again. 


He used [Void manipulation] and formed multiple thin spikes below. The assassin skillfully dodged the spikes and would constantly send fire waves towards Samael. 


Samael also continuously dashed around dodging the flame projectiles and formed a grappling hook. He then launched it to the ground and used it as a catapult. 


The assassin was caught off guard by this and was hit by the attack. Samael managed to cut off the assailants leg and arm in the process. 


The forest was filled with screams of agony as Samael's every attack damaged the soul. Even trained assassins like these didn't stand a chance against the pain caused by the soul damage. 


Samael stepped on the assassin before snatching the storage ring and taking the treasure with him. Samael didn't make it any harder, and with a swift slash, he ended the assassin. 


Samael breathed a sigh of relief and drank stamina potions he bought earlier when they went shopping. The potion brushed in his throat and left a cool feeling. He felt energized already by just drinking a few. 


Samael searched the dead body of the assailant, taking the treasures he had before crushing the communication device of the assassin. 


He then left the place heading towards the auction house.

















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