
Divine online: path of the patron

my name is itsuki .Ever since I was a child I would read only a few types of novels but my up-most favorite was god protagonist. I all ways hoped to be transported to another world to become a god and build a religion. So when the game divine online Released. I was the first in line. Divine online offered the players a place to explore and be them selves. Because the game was a game of gods If the player wished to rule over kingdoms or even intergalactic empire. In the world of divine anything is possible as long if the play has enough faith points to do so. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- But what would happen if the players of the divine online was chosen to gods in the real world of divine online? But most importantly, what would ituki the top player in the world that has played 17520 hours(3 years worth of hours) do If his dreams came true. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [USER has created 6 lesser divine cores from users own divine core. would user li,like, to give birth to lesser deities] [USER has Created 6 lesser deity] [USER has created a fay court in the fey wild ] [USER is beinging summoned. would user like to answer the summons] [USER has gained 10,000 followers] [your followers have started a holy war in your name would user like to bless his armys]

Trueone_king · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

The courts part 3 (help) ch 15

As the tension in the clearing reached its peak, the gentle rustling of leaves heralded the arrival of Fathaghn, the Dryad Queen. Her presence was calming, a soothing balm against the charged atmosphere. With her skin the color of fresh bark and hair a cascade of verdant leaves, she exuded the essence of the forest. She stepped forward gracefully, her movements almost melding with the surrounding flora.

"Honored Queens, Great Gark, and Aither," she began, her voice carrying the tranquility of a forest glade, "if I may offer a different perspective."

The assembly turned their attention to her, the contrast of her calm demeanor striking against the previous intensity.

Fathaghn placed a gentle hand on a nearby tree, as if drawing strength from it. "Aither's decision, while surprising to many, stems from a desire to explore and celebrate aspects of our world that are often overlooked. The stars, fate, and the moon are as much a part of our realm as the forests, rivers, and mountains. They deserve a court that honors their unique beauty and influence."

She turned to Aither, her gaze steady. "While it is true that turning down the invitations from the Seelie and Unseelie Courts is unprecedented, it is not necessarily an act of disrespect. Aither seeks to add to our collective tapestry, not tear it apart. His new court could offer insights and strengths that complement our existing structures."

Fathaghn then faced the Seelie Queen Titania and Unseelie Queen Mab, her expression respectful. "Your Majesties, I understand the gravity of Aither's decision and the concerns it raises. However, I believe there is potential for harmony here. Aither's court could serve as a bridge, connecting the celestial with the terrestrial, the ethereal with the material."

She took a step closer to the Queens, her voice imbued with earnestness. "Let us not view this as a division, but as an expansion of our realm's beauty and complexity. The Feywild has always thrived on diversity and the interplay of different forces. Aither's court could be a new chapter in our ever-evolving story."

Great Gark, still bristling with indignation, crossed his arms. "And what of the traditions? The respect for the ancient pacts?"

Fathaghn nodded, acknowledging his point. "Traditions are the roots that ground us, but they should also allow us to grow. Aither's actions are unconventional, yes, but they are also an opportunity to expand our understanding and appreciation of the Feywild's myriad wonders."

With a final, sweeping gaze that encompassed everyone present, Fathaghn concluded, "I urge us all to approach this change with open minds and hearts. Let us find a way to support each other, even in our differences, for the greater good of our realm."

Her words hung in the air, a plea for unity and acceptance amid the storm of emotions. The clearing, momentarily calmed by her presence, seemed to breathe in her wisdom. The future of the Feywild, shaped by stars and trees alike, awaited their collective decision.

As Fathaghn's words settled over the gathering, a soft, radiant light began to emanate from the opposite side of the clearing. The ground shimmered as Lurue, the Unicorn Queen, gracefully emerged. Her presence was majestic and awe-inspiring, with a coat as white as freshly fallen snow and a mane that shimmered with every color of the rainbow. Her horn, glowing softly, was a symbol of purity and magic.

"Fathaghn speaks with the wisdom of the forest," Lurue said, her voice melodic and soothing, yet carrying an undeniable authority. "I, too, see the potential in Aither's vision."

The assembly turned their attention to the Unicorn Queen, her arrival adding a new layer of gravitas to the discussion. Lurue approached Aither, her eyes kind and understanding.

"Aither," she began, "your dedication to the stars, fate, and the moon is admirable. These celestial elements are indeed integral to our world, and their mysteries deserve to be explored and celebrated. Your intention to create a court that honors these aspects is not a sign of disrespect, but a testament to your desire to enrich the Feywild in your unique way."

Lurue then turned to address the Seelie and Unseelie Queens directly, her tone respectful yet firm. "Queens Titania and Mab, I understand your concerns and the weight of tradition that guides your actions. However, the Feywild has always thrived on diversity and the unique contributions of its inhabitants. Aither's new court could provide fresh insights and strengths that benefit us all."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "The stars, fate, and the moon offer guidance and illumination. They remind us that the Feywild is a realm of infinite possibilities, where every being has a role to play. By supporting Aither's endeavor, we are not fracturing our unity but rather enhancing it. His court can serve as a beacon, guiding us toward new horizons."

Lurue stepped closer to Titania and Mab, her gaze earnest. "Let us not view this as a threat, but as an opportunity to expand our understanding and appreciation of the Feywild. Aither's court can coexist with ours, enriching the tapestry of our world with its unique perspective. The unity we cherish will only grow stronger if we embrace this change with open hearts."

She turned to Great Gark, acknowledging his concerns. "Gark, your loyalty to tradition is commendable, but let us not forget that the Feywild itself is ever-changing, a place of constant renewal and growth. Aither's court represents that spirit of innovation. It is through embracing the new that we continue to thrive."

With a final, sweeping gaze, Lurue concluded, "I stand with Fathaghn in urging us all to approach this with wisdom and openness. Together, we can find a way to support each other, honoring both our traditions and the promise of a brighter future."

The clearing, bathed in Lurue's gentle light, seemed to pulse with a renewed sense of possibility. Her words, filled with hope and unity, resonated with all present, offering a path forward that embraced both the old and the new.

As the clearing filled with the radiant light of Lurue's arrival, followed by the calming presence of Fathaghn, the Seelie and Unseelie Queens exchanged astonished glances. Such esteemed figures rarely attended the summoning of new fey, making their presence here even more unexpected.

Queen Titania, her golden eyes wide with surprise, took a step forward, momentarily losing her regal composure. "Lurue, Fathaghn," she began, her voice tinged with genuine astonishment, "your presence here is a rare honor. It is not often that we see both of you at such gatherings."

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