
Divine online: path of the patron

my name is itsuki .Ever since I was a child I would read only a few types of novels but my up-most favorite was god protagonist. I all ways hoped to be transported to another world to become a god and build a religion. So when the game divine online Released. I was the first in line. Divine online offered the players a place to explore and be them selves. Because the game was a game of gods If the player wished to rule over kingdoms or even intergalactic empire. In the world of divine anything is possible as long if the play has enough faith points to do so. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- But what would happen if the players of the divine online was chosen to gods in the real world of divine online? But most importantly, what would ituki the top player in the world that has played 17520 hours(3 years worth of hours) do If his dreams came true. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [USER has created 6 lesser divine cores from users own divine core. would user li,like, to give birth to lesser deities] [USER has Created 6 lesser deity] [USER has created a fay court in the fey wild ] [USER is beinging summoned. would user like to answer the summons] [USER has gained 10,000 followers] [your followers have started a holy war in your name would user like to bless his armys]

Trueone_king · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

messenger ch21

Prince Alex listened to his siblings' concerns with a patient understanding, but as they finished, he stood firm, a glint of determination in his eyes.

"My dear family," he began, his voice steady and resolute, "I understand your apprehension, but you must know that my devotion to Aither goes beyond mere belief. It is rooted in an oath, a sacred contract forged between myself and the Knight River under the watchful eye of the blind god that walks among the stars."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle among his siblings, before continuing. "Through this contract, I have pledged my service to Aither forevermore. And in return, he has granted us a boon of peace, sending his angels to escort the Solarnelle soldiers back to the capital without bloodshed."

prince Henry's skepticism remained evident, but his curiosity was piqued. "Angels, you say?" he questioned, his tone bordering on disbelief. "Surely, this is but a fanciful tale spun from the depths of your imagination."

Prince Alex shook his head, his expression earnest. "I speak the truth, brother," he insisted. "The angels were real, their presence a testament to the power and benevolence of Aither. They ensured that the soldiers returned unharmed, sparing our kingdom from the ravages of war."

Princess Eleanor's diplomatic demeanor softened, her gaze filled with a newfound understanding. "If what you say is true, Alex," she mused, "then perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye. We must tread carefully, but we cannot ignore the signs before us."

Prince Andrew nodded in agreement, his earlier skepticism giving way to cautious optimism. "Indeed," he conceded, "if Aither has truly intervened on our behalf, then perhaps there is wisdom in honoring his presence."

Even Prince William, though still reserved in his judgment, seemed to relent slightly, his gaze lingering on his brother with a newfound sense of respect.

And as Prince Alex stood before his family, recounting the events that had led him to pledge his allegiance to Aither, he knew that while their concerns may linger, their bond as siblings would endure. Together, they would navigate the complexities of faith and duty, guided by the belief that even in the darkest of nights, the light of Aither would illuminate their path forward.

prince Henry's looks toward his brother once more. "If your deity is truly real as you say he is, show us undeniable proof" Alex turned around and starts walking toward the shrine, he says. "Belief is the silent force that transcends the limits of sight, guiding us through the unseen realms of possibility and potential. It is more than what you can observe with your eyes; it is the essence that empowers you to dream, strive, and achieve the extraordinary beyond the visible horizon. Just because someone's see's the truth does not mean that you will see the truth, but I shall do as you wish." 

As Prince Alex knelt before the shrine, his heart heavy with anticipation and devotion, he offered a prayer to Aither, the god of the moon, with every fiber of his being. His words were not rehearsed or scripted but flowed freely from his soul, a heartfelt plea for guidance, strength, and the presence of his deity.

In that moment of profound connection, a shimmering angel materialized before him, holding a spear aloft as if to convey a message from the divine realm. Prince Alex's breath caught in his throat as he beheld the celestial being, its radiant form emanating an otherworldly glow.

The angel spoke, its voice echoing with the resonance of the heavens. "Prince Alex," it intoned, its words carrying the weight of divine authority, "your prayer has been heard by Aither, but he is currently occupied with a matter of great importance. He is dealing with an arrogant goblin king in the Fey Wild."

Prince Alex's heart swelled with a mixture of awe and gratitude at the confirmation of Aither's attention to his plea. "What must I do?" he asked, his voice trembling with reverence.

The angel lowered its spear, its gaze unwavering. "In five days' time, pray to Aither once more," it instructed, its tone resolute. "He will come to you then, ready to receive your devotion and grant your request."

With a final nod, the angel dissipated into a shower of shimmering light, leaving Prince Alex alone with his thoughts and the promise of Aither's imminent presence.

Rising to his feet, Prince Alex felt a renewed sense of purpose coursing through his veins. Though the wait would be challenging, he knew that in five days' time, he would stand before his god, his faith unwavering and his heart ablaze with devotion.

Turning to leave the shrine, Prince Alex's mind raced with thoughts of the encounter to come. With each passing moment, his anticipation grew, fueled by the knowledge that he would soon commune with Aither himself, the blind god that walked among the stars.