If you were able to go to a different world, which world would you choose? furthermore what if you had 5 more wishes? [Note: This story has a gigantic harem, so for those who don't like it, I recommend not reading it, apart from scenes +18, be warned.]
Toki - "Our lives?"
Although the moment was strange, Toki knew what Luccyan's words meant.
Toki - "Kaido is really coming to the castle."
Without realizing it, tears flowed from her eyes as she spoke.
Everyone beside him saw Toki burst into tears, but they didn't say anything because their status was no different.
Beside Luccyan and Rouge looked at the mourning of these people, although Luccyan was a little sad, that was all.
Rouge on the other hand knew what that feeling was like, so she approached Kozuki Toki and hugged her.
Toki said nothing to Rouge, and just returned the hug by crying harder.
Soon Momonosuki, Hiyori and Kukinojo also joined Rouge and Toki.
This scene lasted for minutes until Orochi and Kaido's men entered the castle.
Several pirate beasts and "samurai" appeared, and among them was a medium-sized man with an enormous bald head.
Seeing this Kozuki Toki man screamed in anger.
Toki - "You demon."
And with the cry of Toki everyone saw the newcomers.
Guard 1 - "What did you do."
The tall, bald man said sarcastically.
? - "I didn't do anything too much, I just stated my position as a shogun."
Toki - "You ..."
? - "Me?, nothing."
Toki was almost mad with rage when a male voice rang out in the castle room.
"Now that everyone is together, I can get things done faster."
Everyone except Rouge jumped.
Before they could react, that voice spoke again.
"Mental Manipulation - Mental Arrest."
After the voice fell silent, the hall was deadly silent.
Both Kozuki toki and co, as well as the pirates of the beast and the "samurai" of Orochi looked shocked at Luccyan.
"Why are you looking at me?"
Luccyan felt a little uncomfortable with the looks around him.
After a few seconds, the malicious pirates and samuarais fell to the ground, like leaves of wheat when cut.
It shocked everyone there.
Kin'emon - "But what the hell happened?"
Not just Kin'emon, but Kanjuro, Raizo, Kukinojo, Momonosuke, Hiyori, Kawamatsu, Denjiro, Ashura Doji and etc.
Seeing that all his enemies were lying on the ground, his eyes flashed in surprise.
Toki - "How did you do that?"
Toki approached Luccyan with bright eyes as he asked.
This took Luccyan by surprise.
'Isn't that a little too fast?'
Not only was Luccyan surprised, everyone was also shocked by Toki's proximity, of course Rouge was not because she knew his charms.
"This is a secret!"
Luccyan said leaning forward to face Tokyo and smiling.
Toki was embarrassed and noticed their proximity, but did not back down.
Something made her not want to leave him.
Toki - 'What am I doing ...'
Toki - 'Oden just died, and I'm here looking at another man ...'
Toki - 'But why can't I resist?'
Toki - '... This security ... It is something that even Oden did not make me feel ...'
Toki lost in her thoughts, did not know that her face and eyes were abnormal.
Seeing this situation, Luccyan resolved to retreat.
"Well, it's not over yet, I have to solve the hundreds of other pirate pirates out there."
For this, Luccyan had a newly created ability, on the way to Wano.
To be continued...