

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

Emanuelle12 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 1188 Use my life to protect your life

Chapter 1188 Use my life to protect your life

The sudden voice made Duanmu Anguo's heart tremble, the more he wanted to get out of the city smoothly, the more he would go on a business trip, he was too familiar with this voice. In order to curry favor with Emperor Qian Zhou, he tried every means to help Lord Qian Zhou eliminate hidden dangers, but he actually researched the method that can make people neither male nor female, and experimented with Feng Zhaolian, and made it Medicine man, so that he no longer has the ability to threaten the monarch.

Of course he knew that one day Feng Zhaolian would come to seek revenge on him, and he had been waiting for this day all along. After learning that Feng Zhaolian had also come to the Eastern Realm, he tried to lure Feng Zhaolian to Tongcheng, but he didn't expect that the person came, but he failed to capture her. Just when he was planning to forcefully enter and arrest Feng Zhaolian regardless of Zhizhou's face, there was already movement on the other side of the five-mile defense line.

After all, Duanmu Anguo looked at Feng Zhaolian who had come out of the tower, and Jingwei Yunxiao who had been by his side all the time, and suddenly felt a sense of retribution. Cold sweat appeared on his forehead. Duanmu Anguo, who used to live in the freezing cold of the northern boundary all year round, unexpectedly felt cold in Zong Sui's warm winter.

His intuition told him that in front of Feng Zhaolian today, he seemed unable to run away. But it doesn't make sense! Duanmu Anguo fumbled in his sleeve with one hand, and he hid a short gun in his sleeve. There were only three bullets in it, which was a life-saving thing that he was reluctant to use.

With this thing in hand, and how many people are there to protect him, he won't lose to Yun Xiao alone.

Thinking of this, I became more confident in my heart, so I glared at Feng Zhaolian, and sneered, "Who am I? ?You have never been very satisfied with our transformation of you, are you even more proud of your beautiful appearance after transformation? What? I used to love red dresses, but now I fall in love with men's clothing again? If you are interested, then you can't show your masculinity to others, the Seventh Prince won't like it. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I don't know if His Royal Highness Lian Wang has heard about that, the Seventh Prince of Dashun and Feng Yuheng The little bitch is already dead, just last night, he was killed by the general's thunder! One is a sweetheart, the other is a good friend, how is it, do you feel very heartbroken?"

Duanmu Anguo used all means to stimulate Feng Zhaolian, throwing out all the vicious words that could hurt her, successfully changing Feng Zhaolian's face time and time again. But he was not irritated by this low-level provocation method. Instead, he asked Duanmu Anguo in puzzlement: "Why are you still so angry at me? Don't you know that the more angry I am, the more cruel I will be to you? Duanmu Anguo, this king In this life, I don't blame heaven and earth, I don't blame fate, but I only blame you. As long as you live for a day, this king will be restless day and night, and even in his dreams, he wants to strangle you to death. Of course, this king also knows that you are powerful. There are terrible things in hand. Therefore, this king did not intend to capture you alive and torture you in every possible way as he had thought before. Now, this king has retreated ten thousand steps, as long as he can kill you, even if you It's good for me to die with you." He took a deep breath, looked at Duanmu Anguo coldly, "Heng is dead, the seventh prince is dead, very good, then, let's go down together to accompany them , there is an account, and we will settle it when we go underground!" After speaking, he took two steps back and said in a deep voice, "Yun Xiao, do it."

After the order was issued, Yun Xiao flew forward without saying a word, firing all the hidden weapons in his hands, and struck out at the enemy in front of him.

The people around Duanmu Anguo hurriedly protected him, using their weapons against each other, blocking those hidden weapons one by one from the sword. But there are still exceptions, Yun Xiao shot too many things, and the hidden weapons were almost thrown over one by one, so that there were always one or two that were not so easy to resist, so the broken weapons came and scratched them. skin.

I don't know what kind of poison was infused on the hidden weapon, but just a little scrape on the edge can cause people to faint quickly, almost without any process, as soon as it touches, they immediately fall to the ground.

Duanmu Anguo was shocked, and couldn't help but backed away. But he didn't dare to retreat too much, because Xuan Tianming's army behind him was also rushing towards the city, from west to east, and it would be here soon.

Feng Zhaolian laughed loudly, and he told Duanmu Anguo: "Scary, right? It was the anesthesia injection that Ah Heng gave me! You only need to get a little bit of it, and it will be fine if you sleep for several hours. How about it, do you want to try it?" ?"

Duanmu Anguo was shocked, what did Feng Yuheng give him? Anesthetic? He remembered that Feng Yuheng had also used this kind of thing that could quickly stun people when Feng Yuheng infiltrated into his mansion in the northern boundary, and it really messed up his mansion for a while. Now she gave Feng Zhaolian something, which is not a good thing. What's more... His heart sank again, Feng Yuheng had a lot of strange things in his hands, it was okay to only give him an anesthesia injection, what if he was given things like Tianlei guns as well? Can he still run today?

Yun Xiao's attacks continued, and the anesthesia needle in his hand was infused for quite a while, causing the people around Duanmu Anguo to panic. More than half of the few people were anesthetized in an instant, and finally the anesthesia injection was completely finished, leaving only five people around Duanmu Anguo.

The cold sweat on Duanmu Anguo's forehead flowed again, and he decided not to wait any longer, he put it in his arms, and took out the pistol that he had always regarded as a life-saving weapon. Just as he was about to pull the trigger on Feng Zhaolian, he suddenly realized that he was right by the wrong person. Right now, Yun Xiao should be killed first,

Feng Zhaolian doesn't know martial arts, as long as Yun Xiao is dead, Feng Zhaogong is just a toothless tiger, and since she has excellent martial arts, it's too easy to deal with him.

People are afraid of hesitation, a moment of hesitation will miss many opportunities that could have been had. Duanmu Anguo's gun was aimed at Feng Zhaolian and then directed at Yun Xiao, but within three breaths, Yun Xiao had clearly calculated his mind. I saw his figure flicker, shaking like a ghost, and disappeared in front of Duanmu Anguo in the blink of an eye.

Duanmu Anguo is not surprising, Qianzhou Jingwei is the same as Dashun Dark Guard, with superb lightness kungfu attainments, Yun Xiao is the first-class Jingwei beside Feng Zhaolian, his lightness kungfu is naturally even better. Since he couldn't aim at Yun Xiao, that's not bad, Yun Xiao's dodge made Feng Zhaolian come out, then, he should go and beat Feng Zhaolian! This is a great opportunity.

As soon as he thought about it, the muzzle of the gun moved towards Feng Zhaolian, and at the same time he shouted loudly to the remaining five people around him: "Protect me!" Line up and protect the people tightly to prevent that Yun Xiao from making a surprise attack.

But at this moment, only hearing a "bang", Duanmu Anguo was surprised that he didn't shoot! Why is there the sound of gunfire? Immediately, I felt a pain in my right shoulder, and the arm that was holding the gun suddenly dropped down and could no longer be lifted. The pistol fell to the ground, and blood flowed down the arm.

His face was disfigured from the pain, and when he looked up, he saw Feng Zhaolian pointing a black gun in his hand, and he was still saying, "Damn, the marksmanship is inaccurate, no one was killed. It was only then that I realized that the shot to the shoulder was really fatal to him. He originally wanted to hit the vital point directly, but he just missed it.

Seeing that Feng Zhaolian was about to pull the trigger again, Duanmu Anguo became anxious, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he lifted up the arm that was drooping from the bullets, and then took out a long object from his sleeve pocket. , and then pulled it with your hands, and immediately white smoke came out from under the thing. He laughed loudly: "Feng Zhaolian, this general will not let you succeed, go to hell!" After speaking, he threw the thing to the place where Feng Zhaolian was.

But seeing the object draw a semi-arc in the air, and the white smoke was drawn along with that arc, and a sense of crisis also followed.

Feng Zhaolian's scalp was numb. Although she didn't know what it was, she also understood that once she was hit, her life would be gone. But he hasn't killed Duanmu Anguo yet, that's impossible!

At the critical moment, Yun Xiao, who originally wanted to raid Duanmu Anguo, had already touched Duanmu Anguo's neck with his hands. He only needed to move forward a little bit, and with a little force, he could break the neck of the old thief Duanmu.

But the situation at Feng Zhaolian's end made him have to give up the opportunity at his fingertips, because the passing thing made him feel an unprecedented sense of crisis, and he knew that he had to catch it before it fell, Throwing it elsewhere can save your life. But that thing has already been thrown very far, and the speed is also very fast. Even if he exhausts all his internal strength, he may not be able to keep up with the speed of its fall.

Yun Xiao felt resentful, and the feeling of being separated from Feng Zhaolian, who had been guarded since childhood, came over clearly, which made him panic. As a result, his internal strength suddenly reached its peak state, he flew up and rushed forward, like an arrow leaving the string, regardless of it.

But when he jumped up, he didn't let Duanmu Anguo go. With a roll of the long sword in his hand, he took away one of his arms. Duanmu Anguo yelled "Ah", blood splashed in the air, and the thing that was thrown before flew past one after the other, a white smoke and a red blood.

However, Yun Xiao failed to grab the thing and throw it away. Seeing that the thing was about to fall in front of Feng Zhaolian, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Feng Zhaolian viciously. When she threw herself on Feng Zhaolian's body, she spread her arms and hugged her tightly.

The moment he landed, Yun Xiao could clearly feel the tremendous pain coming from the back of his heart, the back of his head, and the entire back of his son. It was the feeling of the flesh exploding, the feeling of the flesh being peeled off, the feeling of the blood splattering and the brains bursting...

The eyes began to blur, and the speed was extremely fast, from white to red to black, little by little, the pain was replaced by dizziness, and Feng Zhaolian's frightened face in front of her was no longer clear.

He knew that the end of his life was coming, but his thoughts suddenly became clear again at this moment. He remembered that his mother had told him when she was alive that she must protect Feng Zhaolian for the rest of her life, and as long as he was still alive, she would never leave Feng Zhaolian alone.

Yun Xiao smiled wryly, he was alive, so he would naturally protect Feng Zhaolian, but now that he is going to die, who will protect that person in the future?

After pulling together the last bit of energy, Yun Xiao opened his mouth and asked Feng Zhaolian, "Are you injured?"

Feng Zhaolian's mouth moved, but Yun Xiao couldn't hear a sound. But it doesn't matter, he can tell from the shape of his mouth, what the other party said is: no.

No, he was relieved.

"Use my whole life to protect yours. Now that the mission is complete, master, take care of yourself..."