

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

Emanuelle12 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 1170 Action

Chapter 1170 Action

Fuck! Bai Ze, who was hiding in secret, was shocked. Could it be that this bastard Zhizhou has the ability to find him? Why is this direction where he is hiding? So accurate?

He froze on the spot, thinking whether to show up or flee quickly, or simply hijack the Zhizhou. While thinking, he saw Nazhizhou Zuo Da put down the luggage in his hand and walked towards him. Just when Bai Ze was dumbfounded, Zuo Dayi stretched out his hand and pulled out a little girl from behind the rockery.

Bai Ze was so angry that he rolled his eyes, shit, it's not the one who caught him after messing around for a long time!

"Didn't I tell you that I'm very busy these days, so I'll definitely see you in a few days!" Zuo Da pulled the girl and persuaded him earnestly: "I can't do anything about it. Someone from above has come, so I can't devote myself to it." Put yourself into the entertainment! Everyone in the mansion is busy with this matter, and I am also at a loss for what to do."

The servant girl pinched him very unwillingly, and said delicately: "As soon as I ask you, you say you are busy, and every time you don't see what serious business you are busy with. How many days have you not seen me? If you don't have me in your heart To put it bluntly, I won't move that thought."

"How could it not be?" Zuo Da patted his chest and assured: "I've got you in my head! If you don't believe me, ask the people in this house, which concubine's house have I been in these days? Whose house?" I didn't even go here, I was just thinking of you! Be good, be obedient, when I leave that Duanmu Anguo as my attendant, I will go and comfort you, ah!"

Zuo Da managed to coax the girl away, and Bai Ze hid in the dark, watching her pick up the luggage and bedding and walked forward, walked around a garden, walked through two corridors, and entered another In a small courtyard. Behind a calligraphy and painting in the main room of the small courtyard is an organ, when the organ is moved, half of the wall is opened, Zuo Da hums a little tune and enters inside, then hooks back with his foot, and the wall closes again.

It turns out that the so-called secret room is here, Bai Ze smiled, it seems that he followed Duanmu Anguo into Zhizhou Mansion from afar, it was a wise move, at least it will be much easier to find the old thief in the future. He thought, when the concubine comes, let the concubine come to visit the state capital overnight, cut off the head of the old thief Duanmu, and the battle will be over. Without Duanmu Anguo as a hindrance, it's no wonder that Zhizhou can win the fight based on Zhizhou's IQ.

He carefully wrote down the location of the secret room, and quietly retreated out.

Duanmu Anguo moved into the secret room that afternoon. Zuo Da enthusiastically sent him to the door of the secret room. He wanted to send him a little longer, but they closed the door and shut him outside. Zuo Da twitched his lips, but didn't say anything, he just yelled inside: "My lord, if you need anything, please call me at any time!" Just like the twenty-legged little one in the tavern. Unfortunately, there was no reply from him.

In fact, Duanmu Anguo had indeed entered Zuo's secret room, but Zuo Da didn't know that there were actually two other secret rooms in his secret room. A man wearing the clothes of a servant from Zhizhou's mansion came out of the small room, and after seeing Duanmu Anguo, he bowed and said, "Master, Zuo Da doesn't know about this room, so don't worry."

Duanmu Anguo nodded, he is a cautious person, when he made up his mind to come to Zong Sui, he made thorough preparations. Especially for the people who are stationed in Bincheng and Jiancheng, which are the closest to Dashun, unfortunately, Bincheng was not defended, and was plotted by Xuan Tianhua, Jiancheng must not fall again. Of course, the most important thing is to ensure his own safety. He doesn't believe that Princess Ji'an, who is rumored to be elusive, can come and go as soon as he hides in such a place.

At that time, a subordinate reported: "There are 701 wells in Jiancheng City, and Zong Sui's army is 200,000. It will take three days for our troops to gather. My lord, how will we arrange it next?"

Duanmu Anguo narrowed his eyes, and was playing with a night pearl guarded in the left secret room. Hearing this, he immediately ordered: "Do it tonight, put things into all the wells, don't overdo it at a time, take three days, one time Increase the dose little by little to ensure that the whole city will not be able to get rid of Bliss Xiaoyao San after three days."

The subordinate nodded, and asked again: "What about the prefecture?"

"Same." Duanmu Anguo waved his hand and said, "I want all the people in Jiancheng to be used by me, and I want everyone, including Huangkou children and eighty-year-old women, and of course the magistrate's mansion. Being able to serve Zong Sui and contribute their strength to defend their home and country should be the thing they are most proud of. As for our people, the antidote will be distributed to ensure safety."

The deployment of Duanmu Anguo brought a devastating disaster to the city. But he doesn't care. In order to realize his great cause, to satisfy his unrealistic fantasies, and for the future of his so-called Duanmu family, he has always been unscrupulous. He never cares how many people will be lost under his crazy actions. life. To him, the people who built the city were nothing more than worthless things. They were just tools in his plan. Once they were used up, they could be discarded at will.

Xuan Tianming visited the state capital that night, followed the location of the secret room given by Bai Ze during the day, and guarded outside for most of the night, but did not find any movement on the dark wall, not even a guard at the door, He almost thought that Bai Ze was wrong. In desperation, he searched around the Zhizhou mansion again, and finally found a place that was strictly guarded. After finally sneaking in, it turned out that the person sleeping inside was Nazhizhou Zuo Da. He also found a secret cave and sneaked in, and found Zuo Da's son having a private meeting with Zuo Da's concubine in it.

Xuan Tianming was a little impatient, and was about to leave when Zuo Dasheng, Zuo Dasheng's son, said: "The new Duanmu old man who came here is really strange, after he came in, he didn't know where he hid, and with It looks like a mouse. Ask my father and my father won't tell me, I really don't know if he came to lead soldiers to fight or he wants to come to our Zuo's house to eat and drink."

Xuan Tianming shook his head secretly, and backed out. It seems that Duanmu Anguo is hiding very well, the secret room is probably a place to hide his eyes, and his actual hiding place is definitely not there. He could turn the mechanism and go inside to have a look, but in case someone inside would easily be exposed, and now is not the time to be exposed, he has to wait for Ah Heng, and when that girl arrives, he can be ignorant. Unknowingly went in to find out.

Under the eyes of countless hidden guards, Xuan Tianming retreated. When he left the magistrate's mansion, he was smiling wryly. He had practiced martial arts since he was a child, and on the day he left the master, his master became his defeated opponent. Even so, he still lost to Xuan Tianhua in Bincheng. However, that palm not only failed to destroy the brotherhood between them, but instead made this family relationship even closer. For an older brother who could risk his life for him, what reason does he have to just sit back and let it go?

On the way back to the residence, Xuan Tianming discovered a very strange phenomenon. The construction of the city tonight didn't seem to be peaceful. There were too many hidden guards walking through the night. He only walked around two streets and found at least twenty people. At first, I thought it was a precaution because of the war, but I also thought that it was Duanmu Anguo who was careful, just in case. But the more he walked, the more he felt something was wrong, because he found that the hidden guards seemed to have a target in their actions, and the target was the wells in the city.

In the big mansion and mansion, almost every household has secret guards sneaking in, and when they come out, they go straight to the next one. The wells of Xiaomen Xiaohukou will be in the depths of the alley, and they are shared by everyone. Naturally, some people go to those wells. When they arrive, they will take out a small paper bag from their arms and pour all the white powder inside.

Xuan Tianming followed the two hidden guards for a few streets, and found that their actions were very consistent, that is, to find a well and then spray powder. There was no communication or hesitation during the process. After casting one well, they immediately rushed to the next one, which was very orderly.

Puzzled, he found a well, tried it with the decontaminator he carried with him, and found that it was not poisonous. But he also remembered that Feng Yuheng said that whether there is poison can not be tested by testing silverware. There are too many kinds of poisonous silverware in this world that do not respond to it, but they can still kill people.

Is it poisoned? He stared at the deep water well in front of him, somewhat puzzled. If it is poisoning, then who is poisoning on such a large scale? According to his estimation, after this night of tossing, basically all the wells in the city will be filled with this white powder. The well water is for the people to eat and use, that is to say, it is very likely that all the people in this city will be poisoned and died in the morning tomorrow, and Jiancheng will become a dead city.

Thinking of this, he moved and ran back to the magistrate's mansion. Zhizhou Mansion is not small, and there are several wells in it. When Xuan Tianming arrived, a secret guard just happened to throw a bag of white powder into the last well, and then stepped out of the mansion.

He was even more puzzled, he didn't even let go of the magistrate's government, obviously it shouldn't be Zong Sui's own people, and now the opposing side of Zong Sui is Dashun, Dashun has even taken down a city of Zong Sui, Could it be that it was made by one of us?

This idea was rejected by him as soon as it came up. It is impossible. Seventh Brother has the world in his heart, so it is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing of harming the people. But if it wasn't made by one of us, who would it be? Who hated Zong Sui so much that he wanted to poison the whole city to death?

Xuan Tianming was not idle that night. He explored the Zhizhou capital twice, and chased the mysterious guards in the city to watch them poison the well. In the end, he even followed into the camp of the generals stationed in Jiancheng, and found that the well there was also poisoned. Without exception, things were downloaded.

He was shocked that the other party's handwriting was so big, and he was also anxious about what the whole city would do when they woke up to drink water tomorrow morning? But he couldn't save the whole city, and even if he didn't consider going door to door to inform whether it would attract the attention of the poisoner, he didn't have time to save so many people. Seeing the east turn white, Xuantian meditated, maybe this is the fate of the people who built the city? Did Duanmu Anguo, who came here yesterday, follow this way?