
Change of Plans

"Ditto, wake up it's 10 am!!!"

10? omygosh. 10?!

I check my phone. phew. It's Saturday. Nearly had a heart attack.I brush my teeth and go down to have breakfast. Ah. There, sitting on the dining table is my sister, Day. Lemme just say, She can get away with murder.

"Help me set the dishes, Ditto"

I get up and go to the kitchen and take the plates from Mom to put it on the table.

"Where's Dad?". I ask Mom.

"At work. He got an important call from his workplace today"


I go and put bowls on the table for me and Day.

" Mine should be closer to me". She whines.

I move the bowl closer to her. Why couldn't she do it?. Whatever.

Mom brings the cereal box and milk. I pour myself a bowl of milk and hand the bottle over to Day. Did I say that she's eleven and almost as tall as me?(I'm 14 and pretty short for my age. 155 cm, to be precise). She makes me do whatever SHE can do by HERSELF. Her school projects, for example, and also borrows my stuff without asking and later, lose them. Sisters shouldn't be THIS annoying.

I eat my cereal slowly, knowing I'd forgotten something. Yeah. Now I remember. Addy and I had made plans to go up Lavender Hill and camp there. But what time?. Yeah. Six-thirty pm. But I forgot to ask Mom if that was okay.

"Mom, can I go camping with Addy today?"


"Up Lavender Hill"


I finish up my cereal and plan to go study for a while. Maybe take a shower BEFORE studying. I didn't shower yesterday. Yeah, it's gross, I know. I'm just a lil' lazy at times okay?


It's six pm. Addy said she'll set up the tent at six. I just have to run up Lavender Hill now.

I pack my essentials like water and food, into my duffel bag. By the time I'm done changing my clothes, its six-fifteen pm.

I tell my Mom I'm heading out and um.. well..head out.

I was at the foot of the hill when I saw Addy running behind me.

"Hey, Ditto. We can't set up camp today. Mom said that my Grandpa is coming today and I need to be here to welcome him. He just arrived. Sorry for letting you know a bit late"

Grandpa Ben is arriving from London today?. I thought it was next week. Nevermind. I'll go and see him tomorrow.

"Oh, that's okay. Can I come to see him tomorrow?"


We both walk back home and plan to camp together next Friday.

Okay, I'll admit it. I was a little disappointed to hear that news. Me and Addy haven't camped on Lavender Hill in about three months and I was really looking forward to camp together again. But there's nothing she can do about it today. She has to spend time with her grandfather.

I go to my room, a bit disappointed, and start reading my comics.

I want to be an illustrator. It just really seems like a cool job. I'm pretty good at drawing and it seems quite amazing if the world saw my drawings someday.

Hey guys, thank you all for reading my book. It would be a very great help if you let me know your feedback in the comments.



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