

When I woke up, my vision was blurry. I couldn't believe I had survived that fall.



I couldn't even make out where we were. We. Where are the others?.

Eventually, my vision was clear. I tried to stand up. My balance was wobbly. Everyone was lying around me. The only other person awake was Naz. Her eyes were open. Wobbling terribly, I walk over to her.



"Let's wake the others"


I help her stand up. It took a while to get her moving. She wobbles over to Jerry. I wobble over to Addy.

I shook her. She flinched, and suddenly woke up.

"Is everyone alright? Did we survive? Omygosh, am I dead?!"

"Everyone's fine," I say."We just have to wake Jean up"

"Can you help me stand up?"

"Of course"

I grab her arms and pull her up. She wiped the dirt off her body. Naz had wakened Jerry up. He looked dizzy. The four of us move over to Jean.

Jerry shakes him.

"Wake up, dude"

"What the h-" Jean whines.

"Jean, wake up," I say.

"Jean!" Jerry shouts.

"Wow. We survived. Now help me up" Jean mumbles.


We were in an unknown land at the top of a hill. The grass glowed and the flowers were like orbs of colorful light. This place looked so peaceful, I felt like I could be a hermit.

The five of us, now, standing, were trying to figure out where we were.

"These flowers are out of this world!" Addy exclaims. "Literally".

"Guys, we fell about a hundred meters below the ground. How can the sun shine brighter here than on the freaking surface" Jerry says.

"I know this!" Jean says, the excitement clearly lighting his face up. The sun shone directly over puffy, straight, dark hair. "This another dimension. Or another world. Or a pocket universe. The trapdoor was the portal. We opened a portal to a whole new world. Or a dimension. Or a pocket universe!!"

"What?! That can't be real!" Naz shrieks."That's crazy!. It's not crazy, it's wrong"

"It's not wrong! It's called quantum physics"

In the middle of their argument, someone shouted.


"Quiet, guys," Addy says."There's no need to shout"

"It's not one of us, "I say."It's someone else"

"THERE. RIGHT THERE!!". We all look towards the left.

A boy, about our age, was running towards us. He was wearing a pointy hat. Like a witch's.Behind him was a flying carriage pulled by what looked like a pair of white pegasi. Pegasi?!. Flying horses?!.

The carriage landed right in front of us. I moved away a bit because I'm not too fond of animals. Especially flying ones. Addy and Naz, however, move right towards pegasi and starts petting them.

A very beautiful lady walks out. She was slender, and tall and had golden eyes.

"Welcome, Wanderers," She says. "I am Ophelia, the High Queen" Her voice was like the sweetest honey.

"Who are the Wanderers?" Asks Jerry.

"You are"


"Yes," She says with a smile. It could melt a thousand hearts.

"And I'm Anther," Says the boy. "Nice to meet you. And I'm fourteen. And I can't believe I'm the one who found you". He chitters excitedly. His hazel eyes twinkled. His orange hair shone. He looked very mischievous, like an elf. He is an elf. I just noticed the pointy ears. So elves aren't short. They're perfectly normal, except for the pointy ears.

"Hi, Anther, I'm Adelia, call me Addy"

"And I'm Naz, short for Nazareth"


"I'm Jean"

They all cluster around him excitedly, shaking his hands. Anther looks stunned. And very happy. The Queen stands next to the carriage, smiling.

"And, you are?". I hadn't noticed that Anther had come over to me.

"Oh, call me Ditto"

"Is that short for something?"


I shake his hand. And then I realized, we still didn't know where we are.

I ask The Queen.

"Um, excuse me? Where exactly are we?

Smiling, she says


Hey guys, thank you all for reading my book. It would be a very great help if you let me know your feedback in the comments.


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