
Distraught love

Bella Dominguez, the daughter of the famous marketing director, Kathleen Dominguez, and the most popular and famous lawyer, Jason Trujillo. Bella have to leave her home in Vaughan to go to a new school. At her school in Vaughan she always gets bullied, and sexual harassed everyday. That's until she goes to a new school in Darial Erya all the way in Laencaster that she fell in love with her teacher. The teacher she fell in love name is Dylan Dalton a history teacher. The two then fall in love with each other at first sight. After time goes by Dylan confessed to Bella. Bella feeling the same accepts the confession from her teacher. But then Bella parents found out and got mad at the teacher about loving their daughter. Some days after that before graduation Dylan decided to do something that he never wanted to do but he know that Bella parents are right. The two are separated when Dylan decides the relationship is inappropriate. Bella comes home crying, and sad from school and her parents confronts her. Four days before graduation Bella finds out her parents was the reason why her and Dylan broke up. She gets in a fight with her parents when she goes to school as she tries to tell Dylan that he shouldn't listen to her parents. Dylan tells Bella that her parents are right and they can't be together. A day before graduation Bella do something that no one saw coming not her parents, friends, or Dylan.

Luvaabxby_ · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Bella Dominguez past

"Momma" A five year old Bella tug on her mother shirt. "Yes Bella darling?" Her mother said looking down at her. "Can I be a lawyer or something like you in the future?" Bella asked. "You can be whatever you want darling we not going to force you to be something you don't want to" Bella mom said. "Okay mommy" Bella said as she let go of her mom shirt and left to play with her friends.

| 10 years in the future |

"That was years ago" A now 16 year old Bella said. "I believe that parents didn't want kids to be who they want to be" Bella said. "But I know everything now. I'm like a dictionary knowing everything but mostly the law" Bella said with a smile.

"Today is another day at my horrible school no I mean prison" Bella said as she gets ready to go to school. "Oh, you're going to see how horrible this school is" Bella said as she goes downstairs.

"Good morning mom, dad" Bella said with a smile. "Good morning Bella, darling" Kathleen said with a smile. "Good morning figlia" Jason said with a smile.

"Com'è andata la tua serata papà?" Bella asked. "È stato bello Bella, e il tuo?" Jason asked while Kathleen just look between them both. "È stato bello" Bella said the she talks to her mom.

"Cześć mamo" Bella said turning to her mom. "Hej Bella, jak ci minęła noc?" Kathleen asked. "To było dobre! Ty? Bella said back. "To było dobre, Bello, w każdym razie oto twoje pieniądze na lunch na dzisiaj" Kathleen said. "Bye mom and dad I love you!" Bella yells while leaving going out the door for school.

"Anch'io ti amo!" Jason yells. "My kochamy Cię bardziej!" Kathleen yelled.

| At school |

"Hello girls" Bella said walking towards her friends. "Hi Bella!" They say as they start walking closer towards the school. The school was big and wide they even can have lunch outside if they want. In the middle it has this sign that says 'Welcome to Littlerock high school' When we got their people was already arriving.

"I can't wait until this prison is over" One of Bella friends say. "Camila! You know it's going to be awhile" Bella said. "I hate school! Why does it have to be so long?" Camila question herself.

"I hate it here too! I'm always getting-Well I'm not going to say anything " Bella said as her friends give her a knowing look. "Well let's get to class early" Camila said. They all walk inside the school and take a stop. "Why did we stop?" Bella asked. "Because we all have different classes the only thing we got together is lunch. And you know what Bella is going through in this school so....If we leave Bella by herself she going to get bullied and stuff " Camila explained.

"It's going to be okay Mila! I'll be fine just go" Bella said with a reassuring voice. "I- fine! If someone is doing something to you let me know and I will knock them out!" Camila said with a deadly but soft voice. "Ummm....Okay" Bella said as her and her friends go to their first class.

"I realized my mistake when I was walking to class. I should of let my friends take me to my class but I didn't want to be a wimp. I wanted to be strong but I know I can't take going through this stuff in school " Bella said walking down the hallway.

"Hey s*ut" One of Bella sexual assaulters said. "H-hi" Bella said with a scared voice stumbling on her words. "You are going to come with me before you go to lunch. You know what never mind come with me now!" The boy said as Bella just follows him.

"I was scared that if I don't do what he says I'm done for. They always say something about killing me if I didn't do what they say. So I just do what they say for my own life." Bella said follow the boy.

A guy takes Bella to the forest where the school is. Bella then takes a run out of the forest all the way to school. She makes it to the school then to the principal office.

"Woah! Woah! There Bella. What is the problem?" Bella principal asked. "It's Jimmy! He told me to go with him and we went into the forest. I took a run for it to the school until here and I know it's like 1 mile away from here." Bella said as she was calming down her breathing.

"Why did he take you to the forest for Bella?" The principal asked confused. "Because they last few years I have been here he always sexual assault me. He like to touch me all over the place and I don't like it. I don't wanna leave this school! I have friends here and they are good and nice" Bella said with tears streaming down her face.

"Bella! You should have told me this years ago!" The principal said. "I was scared okay.....They said that if I don't do what they say I'm dead." Bella said. "Okay this is what we going to do. I'm going to call your parents to pick you up okay?" The principal said. "Okay..." Bella said in a small voice.

| At home |

"Darling!" Kathleen yelled. "Yes?" Jason came into the room. "The principal just called saying we need to pick Bella up." Kathleen said getting ready to go. "Why?" Jason asked confused. "I don't know the principal is going to tell us maybe" Kathleen said as they walk to their car to go to the school.

"Do you think Bella got in trouble?" Jason asked. "No the principal didn't say that she just said to come down" Kathleen said. "Oh that weird" Jason said as Kathleen just said "Yes it is" Kathleen said.

They both make it to the school and went to the office of the principal.

| The principal office |

"Yes Mrs. Macedonian?" Jason asked sitting down. "Well.....I can't tell you what happened but Bella needs to go home" The principal said. "Oh-okay then...." Kathleen said confused. "Um...Bella sweetie how about you go to the car?" Jason asked and Bella just nodded leaving the principal office.

"Okay now that's Bella gone can you please tell us why" Jason said. "Okay so Bella said people sexual assault her. They like to touch her all over the place and she don't like it. Basically saying that she's scared to tell someone about this. And it's been going on for years" The principal said.

Kathleen, and Jason eyes widen in shock. They didn't know that there daughter was going through this. "święte dymy" Kathleen said under her breath. "I have a suggestion even if Bella loves this school because she have friends.....Maybe you should take her to a different one. Somewhere far from here so her bullies and stuff can't harm her" The principal suggested.

Jason and Kathleen just looked at each other then nodded. "Yeah we should do that plus she have her friends on Snapchat. So she can just text and call them anytime" Kathleen said. Jason nodded and they get up to go to the car. "Thank you for telling us!" They both said to the principal as the principal just nodded.

| In the car |

They make it in the car and tries to small talk Bella. "So.....Bella we going to move...." Jason said. Bella eyes widen thinking the principal told what happened to her today. "She told you both... Didn't she?" Bella said with a tumbling voice. "She did Bella....She did....." Kathleen said don't know what to say at the moment.

"We are going to move too...Darial Erya all the way in Laencaster" Jason finally says. "But that's so far away!" Bella said voice cracking up. "We know darling but we want you to get away from them. And you already went to the other school but got kick out because of us. So you can't go there but they have nice school's in Darial Erya" Kathleen said looking through the mirror to see Bella.

"I don't wanna go mom...." Bella said turning her face away from the mirror. "Bella sweetie. It will be good that you can get away from them. I'm not going to let my daughter go through that no day or any other day. You are our światło słoneczne our blood and flesh we not going to let anything happen to you. Now it's best if we move away from here. So don't worry Bella you have your friends on Snapchat you can talk to them on there." Kathleen said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm not going to let you go through what I had been through before Bella. YOU are my daughter! And I would never, EVER! Let something happen to you" Kathleen said with the tears now flowing down her face. Bella eyes widen with her mom said she didn't know that her mom have been sexually assaulted before.

"Przepraszam mamo, nie chciałem żebyś była smutna." Bella said looking down face full of regret. "Nie ma sprawy Bello. Ale powiedz nam, jeśli ktoś ci coś robi." Kathleen said. "Okay mom I will" Bella said look up and giving her mom a small 'I love you'.

"Ja też cię kocham Bello" Kathleen said as the drove back home.


So I been working on this for days but I wasn't confident enough to publish it. But now I did and I feel great.

- translated -

"Com'è andata la tua serata papà?"

(How was your night dad)

"È stato bello Bella, e il tuo?"

(It was good Bella, what about yours?)

"È stato bello"

(It was good)

"Cześć mamo"

(Hey mama)

"Hej Bella, jak ci minęła noc?"

(Hey Bella, how was your night?)

"To było dobre! Ty?

(It was good! You?)

"To było dobre, Bello, w każdym razie oto twoje pieniądze na lunch na dzisiaj"

(It was good Bella, anyways here your lunch money for today)

"My kochamy Cię bardziej!"

(We love you more!)

"Anch'io ti amo!"

(I love you too!)

"Przepraszam mamo, nie chciałem żebyś była smutna."

(I'm sorry mom, I didn't want you to be sad.)

"Nie ma sprawy Bello. Ale powiedz nam, jeśli ktoś ci coś robi."

(It's okay Bella. But tell us if someone is doing something to you.)

"Ja też cię kocham Bello"

(I love you too Bella)