

Chapter 3

"Greatest surprise"

The missed calls were from the *LiDack*company,I have been waiting patiently for this day,I have finally been hired to work as a PA to the manager of the *LiDack* company,I have been HIRED,Finally,Not only that,they also sent an email which states that I will be resuming for work tomorrow morning,I was so excited until I realized TOMORROW MORNING?,I can't resume tomorrow morning,I have an appointment tomorrow with the boards at the university of Dublin,I have to make sure I get into the university of Dublin,Oh no,I am stuck in a dilemma,What should I do?,That was the question i asked myself,I was so confused.After a while of so much thinking then an idea came up to me"Why don't you postpone the appointment you have at the university of Dublin till next month,I mean by then you would be so much prepared for the appointment",I immediately sent an email to the higher board of Dublin university and it was decided,I would resume for work tomorrow.

I immediately went to bed and I fell asleep.Next morning,The annoying noise of my clock alarm woke me up as I stretched and turned off the alarm,After some minutes of my morning exercise,I went to go freshen up,I ate and I dressed up ready to go to work.Well yes,The thought of losing Ashley,my best friend didn't bother me anymore,cos I thought "If she really valued our friendship which we maintained for 10 years then she would never have forgotten me"After some minutes I left for work and finally arrived at *LiDack*company,I entered and walked into the reception office and was told to wait there for a while because I was given the news that the manager was having a meeting,After waiting for some minutes,the receptionist received a phone call and I was given the direction to the manager's office,I immediately went there,I knocked twice on the door and I immediately heard an harsh tone of a lady saying"Come right in"and immediately I walked in only to discover that the manager was none other than....