
DIRT - Chronicles of Æstherfall

Welcome to Æstherfall, a cyberpunk metal planet where humanity's struggle for survival meets the enigmatic embrace of a world born of metal and electricity. Embark on a journey where the boundaries of technology and nature blur, and the very essence of what it means to be human is called into question. This is the chronicle of a world where soil is currency, and life blossoms amidst the metallic symphony.

Babazam · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Call of the Planet

Alex hears a faint voice calling out to him, a beckoning that stirs his curiosity. The voice is melodic and gentle, carrying a sense of familiarity that tugs at his heart. Guided by the ethereal voice, Alex finds himself walking through a dense forest.

The air is filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the soft rustling of leaves. Rays of golden sunlight filter through the canopy, casting a warm glow upon the path ahead. The atmosphere is serene, with a tranquil stillness that envelops the surroundings.

The path leads Alex to a hidden clearing, bathed in the soft hues of twilight. Before him lies a crystal-clear lake, its surface shimmering with the reflection of a thousand stars. The water is calm and inviting, exuding a sense of peace that resonates deep within his soul. Lush green grass surrounds the lake, dotted with vibrant wildflowers, painting the landscape with a tapestry of colors.

As Alex steps closer to the lake, he feels a surge of happiness wash over him, filling his being with a deep sense of contentment. He gazes out across the water, captivated by the beauty surrounding him. The voice he heard earlier becomes more distinct, a soothing melody that seems to emanate from the very essence of the serene place.

The voice is feminine, gentle yet powerful, and although it is not his mother's voice, it carries a sense of familiarity. It evokes memories of comfort and love, reminding him of someone he deeply cares about. As he listens, the voice whispers words of encouragement, reminding him of his strength and resilience. It reassures him that he is not alone, even in the face of adversity.

Amidst this dream, however, reality interjects. In the physical world, unbeknownst to Alex, he is sleepwalking. His subconscious desire to follow the voice and explore the serene place leads him out of his bedroom and towards the front door. Just as he is about to step outside, his father, Matthew, senses something amiss and shouts, trying to wake him up from his sleepwalking episode.

「 Matthew 」



"You are not wearing your Gear!"

As Matthew lunges forward, attempting to save Alex from stepping outside without the necessary protection, Aideen swiftly intervenes. She pulls her husband back, realizing the grave danger they would all face if Alex were to come into contact with the deadly energy current of the æsther outside.

However, in the chaos of the moment, Alex manages to slip past their grasp and steps outside. Their hearts sink as they watch their son, unaware of the impending danger, take those fateful steps onto the æsther's surface.

Horror fills their eyes as the energy current surges through Alex's body. His form convulses in agony as the electrical charge courses through him. They can do nothing but stand there, paralyzed by fear and devastation, witnessing the consequences of their inability to stop him.

Matthew's voice trembles with desperation as he screams out to Alex, desperately hoping for some miracle, some way to save their beloved son.

「 Matthew 」

"Alex! No!"

"Please, come back!"

「 Aideen 」

"My baby..."

Aideen's hands fly to her mouth, her eyes brimming with tears as she watches the excruciating sight. She feels a mix of anguish, guilt, and helplessness, overwhelmed by the knowledge that their precious child's life hangs in the balance.

As the seconds stretch into agonizing eternity, a surge of electrical energy engulfs Alex's body, momentarily blinding Matthew and Aideen. They shield their eyes, unable to bear the sight. And then, silence descends upon them.

With trembling hands and tear-stained faces, they slowly lower their hands, fearfully peeking through blurred vision. To their astonishment, they see Alex standing before them. His pajamas are burnt but he seemingly appears to be unscathed. The energy current that should have taken his life has mysteriously dissipated.

Tears of relief and disbelief stream down their faces as they rush to embrace their son, holding him tightly as if afraid he might disappear. The peril they had just experienced left them with a bewildering mix of emotions and unanswered questions.

「 Matthew 」

"Are you alright, son?"

「 Aideen 」


Aideen is left speechless, overtaken by a tumultuous array of emotions. She tenderly strokes Alex's face, her touch delicate yet carrying the weight of the fear she had just endured. Struggling to find her voice, she simply holds him tightly, her tears permeating his scorched pajamas. 

Meanwhile, Alex, still reeling from the recent events, gazes up at his parents with a sense of bewilderment. While he can sense the gravity of their concern and relief as they embrace him, he is unable to discern the underlying cause.

「 Alex 」

"I... I don't understand what happened."

"It was like..."

"Like something protected me."

Matthew, his voice filled with awe and disbelief, looks into Alex's eyes, searching for answers to the inexplicable events they had just witnessed.

「 Matthew 」

"I don't know, Alex."

"But whatever it was, we're thankful beyond words that you're safe."

"We'll figure this out together."

Aideen, finding her voice at last, adds with a choked sob,

「 Aideen 」

"We love you so much, Alex."

"We'll always protect you, no matter what."

As they reflect on the events of the night, Alex's mind returns to the ethereal voice and the serene place he encountered in his dream. He shares his experience with his parents, describing the melodic voice that guided him to the hidden clearing and the overwhelming sense of peace he felt there.

Matthew and Aideen listen attentively, their minds filled with wonder and curiosity. They ponder the connection between the dream and the protection Alex experienced, searching for answers to the inexplicable.

「 Aideen 」

"A woman's voice?"

"And you are sure it's not me?"

「 Alex (snarky) 」

"It sounded familiar..."

"Soothing, and comforting."

"Yours is..."

"Alex, do this."

"Alex, do that."


「 Aideen 」


「 Matthew 」



The next day, as the sun begins to rise, the family awakens from a restless sleep only to be greeted by a shocking sight. Their home is surrounded by a contingent of military vehicles, with soldiers strategically positioned around the perimeter. In utter confusion, Matthew, Aideen, and Alex cautiously look out through the front door, unsure of what awaits them.

From one of the Hummers parked nearby, a tall figure emerges. The stern man approaches the family with a purposeful stride, his expression unreadable. The tension thickens as stops a few paces away from them, his gaze intently fixed upon Alex. His voice carries authority, but also a tinge of curiosity.

「 Major Stone 」

"Morgan Stone..."

"Major Morgan Stone of GOD."

"You are the parents of Alexander Carmen, I presume?"

Matthew and Aideen exchange worried glances, realizing that the army has somehow become aware of the events that unfolded the previous night. They wonder how much information the army has gathered and what their intentions might be.

「 Matthew 」

"That we are..."

「 Aideen (trepid) 」

"What is the meaning of this, Major Stone?"

"Why are you surrounding our home?"

「 Major Stone 」

"We are here because of last night's event."

"Our surveillance cameras captured a glimpse of the events that occurred last night."

"The energy surge, Alex's survival—it is nothing short of remarkable."

Matthew's protective instincts flare up, and he steps forward, his voice filled with concern and defiance.

「 Matthew 」

"What do you want with our son?"

"He's just a child!"

"We won't allow you to take him away!"

Major Stone's expression softens slightly, and he raises his hand to calm the tense atmosphere.

「 Major Stone 」

"I understand your concerns, Mr. Carmen."

"But I assure you, our intention is not to harm Alex."

"We want to bring him to our headquarters for further assessment."

"GOD has the resources and expertise to help us understand what just happened last night."

Aideen's voice trembles with a mix of fear and defiance as she steps closer to Alex, shielding him protectively.

「 Aideen 」

"But what about our family?"

"What guarantee do we have that he will be safe?"

「 Major Stone 」

"I understand your worries, Mrs. Carmen."

"I can promise you that we will do everything in our power to ensure Alex's safety and well-being."

"We have a dedicated team of scientists, doctors, and caregivers who specialize in working with individuals like Alex."

"GOD did manage to save his life, wouldn't you agree?"

The family remains silent, torn between the fear of losing their son and the possibility of him receiving the support he needs. Major Stone's words resonate with uncertainty and hope, leaving them with a difficult decision to make.

As they exchange glances, a mix of emotions fills the air—fear, love, and the desire to protect. They realize that this decision will shape their lives and the future of their family.

Determined, Matthew finally speaks up.

「 Matthew 」

"We want assurances, Major Stone."

"We want to be involved in every step of Alex's journey."

"We won't allow him to be treated as a mere subject of research."

Major Stone nods, a flicker of respect crossing his face.

「 Major Stone 」

"I understand your concerns, Mr. Carmen."

"We can work out an arrangement that allows you to be actively involved in Alex's development."

"But time is of the essence."

"The longer we delay, the greater the risks."

"I implore you to consider the possibilities and the potential benefits for Alex."

The family huddles together as they weigh the options before them. The uncertainty of the future looms large, but so does the hope that their son may find the support and understanding he needs.

In the end, they make a difficult choice—one that combines apprehension and faith. They agree to cooperate with GOD, but under the condition that they remain an integral part of Alex's journey, ensuring his safety and well-being every step of the way.

With a heavy heart, they turn to Major Stone, ready to embark on a path filled with unknown challenges and unforeseen outcomes.

「 Aideen 」

"Very well, Major Stone."

"But remember, our family's well-being comes first."

"We will hold you to your promises."

Major Stone acknowledges their stance, understanding their decision.

「 Major Stone 」

"I appreciate your trust."

"We will do our best to honor our commitments."

"Now, let us proceed with ensuring Alex's future."

Sometimes, I will edit previous chapters' mistakes. If I don't state it in the latest chapter, the updates on the previous one are mere spelling and grammar updates.

Why did Alex survive the energy surge?

Next on Dirt: Æsther

Babazamcreators' thoughts