
Chapter 7: Into the Dogs month

The trio after a night's rest continues there journey. Together they make there way down the well-worn path towards Bonze. The cold morning air blows around them, brushing through the tree leaves as they walk. As they crest a small hill, a large city enters their view in the distance.

"There she is! finally, we made it to Bonze!" Pallas exclaimed as he spotted the large city. Groups of people were already visible, making there way into the city, each lining up at the city gates.

"We should make hurry to avoid a rush of traders" Oliver suggested as h noticed the people already lining up. Quickening his pace, Oliver walked down the road with determination to beat the crowd. Pallas watched with a smile, seeing the aged man hurry.

"Good idea lets race down!" Pallas roared as he rushed down the hill, pushing Dipp along as he scurried down the mountain. With Pallas' motivation, the trio found themselves at the gate of the city walls. Two guards stood to watch as people lined up to enter the city. Each person was stopped and questioned about why they were visiting there city. Together they waited in line, due to there quick speed only a few people managed to beat them. Slowly, people in front of them faded into the city. The gate closing and opening for each person, giving them a small glimpse of the bustling city on the inside.

"Stop, what is your reason for coming to Bonze?" A large man wearing thick leather armour said with his hand out flat. Looking down at Dipp, he scrunches his face.

"We're adventures. The three of us will be collecting a quest" Oliver explains there situation to the guard, holding back his anger for how the guard looked at his short master.

"Yeah!, we want to go in and go on an adventure!" Pallas said excitedly, utterly oblivious to the man's expression to him and Dipp.

"So can we go in now?" Dipp asked with a big smile on face eager to get a quest for the three of them. The other guard on duty rubbed his forehead in disbelief that these two Forrest folk could be so oblivious.

"Alright, alright, fine. Head in. But don't start trouble and sir. you should probably find a better company." The guard said with a snicker as he signalled for the gate to be opened for them to pass. A white-hot flame burning inside Oliver, his fist clenched in near uncontrollable anger as the men insulted his master. Knowing better than striking a guard, he holds back the desire and breathes in slowly as he silently walks through the gate.

"Alright, let's go," Dipp said with a smile as he stepped onto the cobbled road of Bonze. The sound of footsteps and murmurs surrounding them as mesh into the crowd of people. Brick buildings lined the sides of the streets, Dipp and Oliver both stopped in their tracks as they tried to get there bearings.

"Master Dipp, We should stay nearby each other.it seems like people aren't too fond of Forrest folk" Oliver leans down to Dipps ear as he speaks softly. Pallas' ears perk up as he hears Oliver's worries.

"Don't worry. Yeah, a lot of people don't like Forrest folk too well here. But there's a well-known Inn that accepts Forrest folk here in Bonze. We'll be fine there." Pallas says with a confident smile, confident he's solved their predicament. Oliver rubs his chin as he ponders the idea of a haven for Forrest folk.

"Alright then, this Inn sounds like the best place for us. Should we make our way to this Inn and ensure the legitimacy of it." Oliver says in a cold tone, sceptic of the idea.

"I've only heard of the place from word of mouth, but from the rumours, we'll find it easy!" Pallas says in an optimistic tone as he racks his brain for where the Inn could be. Slowly be begins to walk down the cobbled road with a vague idea leading him.

The three treads around the bustling city streets aimlessly. Uncertain if the Inn even exists, they follow the smiling Pallas. Each hour that passed, Oliver's face became more frustrated with there mindless wander through the same streets several times over. Dipp and Pallas, consistently finding themselves distracted by each bright storefronts they passed on there journey through the city. Hours passed, as the sun hung high in the sky. Inside a tight back ally pathway, Oliver stopped where he stood, rubbing the brow of their nose in frustration.

"Mr Pallas. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but we've been walking around for hours. Your magical Forrest folk Inn you spoke of is nowhere in sight." Oliver says in an annoyed tone. Having wasted hours looking for something doesn't exist, Oliver rubbed his chin, thinking deeply on what they should do next.

"Uh, Oliver. I think this could be the place" Dipp says in a slow and unconfident voice as he stands on his toes to look through a window. Through the window, he notices tables of Forrest folk of all kinds, cats, dogs, rabbits. All gathered without the worry of prejudice.

"Ahaha! I knew it existed!. It's alright, Olly. We all make mistakes" Pallas says with a laugh in his speech, patting Oliver on the back as he heads inside the Inn. Oliver, flabbergasted smiles as he follows the pair into the quaint looking Inn. Inside they quickly noticed more Forrest folk of all kinds, mingling with humans casually. The three head over to the counter. A wall of bottles mounted and stacked behind it.

"Aye there, what can do for you lot?" A large burly dog woman said in a deep voice while maintaining a broad smile, showing off her large canine teeth. The Innkeepers caramel coloured fur filling the room with a warm atmosphere. Oliver still surprised by the existence of such an inn stares blankly around the room.

"Hi, Do you have any rooms available for three?" Dipp said to the Innkeeper with a sweet smile, barely able to see over the bar. A small giggle is let out from the Dog woman as she the just like Dipp look over her bar.

"There's a step for short folks like you next to you, but I got enough rooms. Do you want one together? It'll be a hella lot cheaper if you bunk together". She says in a partially laughing voice as she watches Dipp waddle over to the step.

"That's fine. We'll share a room then, how much for a few nights?" Oliver asked from behind Dipp. A formal tone in his voice. Instantly as she heard Oliver speak, her posture changed as she stood taller and throwing away the smile on her face.

"Since you have two Forrest folk with you, you can have the room for 9ap for 3days. Don't think it's for you, alright? It's only because of the Little Guy and the other bloke. I can let my kind have nowhere to go. You though, couldn't care one bit what happens." Her words stung deep, but he knew humans had treated them horribly. He understood their hatred wasn't unbiased. Humans brought their anger upon themselves.

"No, Mr Oliver is really nice! he isn't like other people!" Dipp yelled loudly over the bar, standing up for his companion. The Innkeeper giggling, surprised his quick reaction.

"It's alright Master Dipp. Thank you for the discount madam." Giving a gentle nod as he passes the coins to the woman. As the Innkeeper grabs their coins, she stops. Stunned momentarily she stood still processing his words. Never before had she met a human with a Forrest Folk master, or a Forrest folk willing to stand up for a human so honestly.

"Here yous go, last room on the left," The woman said as she passed them the key to the room. A smile resting on her face as the trio walked up the stairs to their room. As they left her view, she looked over all the others gathered around, enjoying their drinks and meals. A dream of other places like this sprouting throughout the city flashed into her mind.

The day carried on in the city of Bronze. Footsteps of busy citizen's echoed throughout the streets no end in sight. Inside the Forrest folk inn, a hooded figure stood from his seat, making his way out of the Inn. Quickly the unknown man made his way down the cobbled roads, through narrow alleys until he found himself inside a lavish room. He stood in front of a large desk, waiting for the man behind to acknowledge his existence.

"What is so important that you must intrude on me at this hour?" The man behind the desk said without looking up at the figure. His attention entirely devoted to the paperwork in front of him.

"I was scouting the Dog mouth Inn, for good looking Forrest Folks and I saw something you might want to know.." The man said in a slow and shaky voice, his body trembling as he stood waiting for the man's response.

"Out with it then, I'm a busy man. I can't sit here waiting for your theatrics all night" The man said in a loud voice, still refusing to look at his guest.

"I saw Oliver. That butler you had dealt with, he was with two Forrest folks. He even called one of the Master" The hooded man said in quickly, blurting out what he'd seen as fast as he could, scared of leaving the man waiting. Silence filled the room as the man behind the desk processed the ludicrous words he was hearing.

"How is he alive?!, he should be ashes in the remains of a crumbling manor. Find him, even though it was long ago he knows too much about the house of shadows dealings, find him and his companions and eliminate them before he causes a fuss in our business!" The man behind the desk yelled, looking up at the hooded guest. Sweat on his brow as he fixed his hair. Without another word, the hooded man nodded quickly before hastily rushing out the door living the man to his paperwork.