

It's 11:00pm my eyelids feel as heavy as my weights every time i was drowsing to the other side were there is pure happiness no stress no nothing, anything you can imagine can happen you can have powers you've never imagined you could. Finally after fighting for so long, trying to stay awake i dosed off, falling asleep going into the other world were you can be anything you want. i woke up in some strangers house at 6:30 am seeing the time i got nervous for some reason like i had to do something i got out my room seeing a hallway i start walking to the light. Seeing some woman, wondering who it was, and what i was doing at their house she was making some soup with vegetables looked so good.

(Women): hey, come let me fix you a plate, it's almost time for school

Huh? i thought i graduated 5 years ago i already finished college was working hard going down in a good path in my life but in front of me was my deceased mother in front of me my eyes started to water up crying like if two waterfalls were in my eyes, running towards her crying on her glad that i could see her one more time in my life

(Mom): What's, wrong did something happen?

(me): No, nothing at all

Now everything was coming to me, this was the house my family lived in i ran to my room opened my closet and started to get ready to go to school, was excited to go back to the good old days to see everyone again. Once i was done getting ready i ran back into the kitchen seeing a bowl of soup, once i laid my eyes into the soup i started eating it while burning my mouth in the process.

(Mom): slow down your going to choke here drink some water

(Me): thanks, what time does school start?

(Mom): in 15 mins so slow down, usually you don't like to go to school but today you look energized today what's up

(Me): nothing, just wanted to see everyone again

(Mom): ....? okay?

I drink-ed the water and finished my soup i still had quite some time so i stepped into the bathroom and washed my face looking at my self looked like i did back in middle school, now i can relive those moments ill change everything i did all the bad things i did ill change them now that i have a chance ill do it.

(Mom): hey, it's time to go to school

(Me): okay, coming

i started walking towards the kitchen seeing my mom getting ready to take me to school

(Mom): Ready, okay lets go

We both walked outside got into the car and started driving to school on the way i remember how my mother would put on christian songs to the school i used to think of it as a nice relaxer and seconds later from thinking i was right she turned on the songs relaxing music in the background i kept thinking about the good times, the times were a really enjoyed my self by then we were at the school.

(Mom): okay were here have a good day at school

(Me): i will

i got off the car with excitement knew i was going to see all my old friends that i lost later in life so i might as well enjoy it while i can by then i entered the school and got to my first class knowing i didn't like this specific teacher she was always so hard knowing well that if it wasn't her way it was wrong, and it was the subjects i hated and i still hate in my current life, writing and history Ive never used it in my life but here i am taking it, while thinking about how bored i would be in the class i was walking towards it, passing through the cafeteria, front office and finally in-front of me was the seventh grade hallway i started walking towards her classroom and entered her classroom and sat on my seat 5 minutes pass by more students were coming per second then the teacher came in it was a women.

(Teacher): alright everyone take your textbooks out and a notebook as well as a pencil and a highlighter

Everyone did as she did, so as i did went through her class remembering how boring it was hating every second, finally bell rings started going towards P.E. class knowing well that my friends were going to be there i was excited went into the boy's locker room sounded like a club outside i looked inside to see if i got the room right everyone was screaming some heat was happening between some students so i just went towards my locker took out my gym clothing and took my clothes off and put on the other pair of clothes then i heard the voice i never thought i would hear again

(Mr. Bakker): alright boys go to the gym that you were assigned to hurry up i gave you guys 5 mins

I started hurrying to the small gym seeing my old friends going up to them saying a awkward hello

(Anthony): Hey, later when we go to lunch lets play on my switch

(Me): Sure, Cup-head right

(Anthony): yeah I'm trying to beat it i can't

(Me): ill help you lets see if we can do it together today in our next class

(Anthony): Sure

Me and my best-friend (Anthony) started to do our usual exercises then,

(Mr. Bakker): alright everyone were doing laps on the track

Everyone started walking outside going to the track i got an idea i told Anthony to tell all the boys and girls to see if they want to play tag while running on the track, Anthony took a couple mins telling me that some girls will play not all but some and all the boys will so i started as the one it and started to spread it and just having fun while running on the track it was such a good time time passed so fast not knowing it was time to go back inside to go to other classed so all the boys run to the lockers while the girls walk to their locker me and Anthony got changed went to lunch got a burger and started playing the Nintendo Switch, By then it was time to go to our next class so i went to band while Anthony went to computer class, when i got into band i remember how much fun it was to put so much effort into my instrument and seeing it getting payed off at the concerts, so i enjoyed my time there as well. when i got to my next class i meet up with Anthony, me and him in the pass never payed attention to our next class seeing as how it was our last and how we always played 30mins to 45mins of cup-head in class since we always finished our work fast and that day was like no other but at that day i before i entered the class i remembered i had a girlfriend i stopped before we entered the class pulled Anthony to the side,

(Me): Hey, Anthony do i have a girlfriend?

(Anthony): yeah, you forgot

(Me): yeah i just forgot

(Anthony): i get that, let's just go in

Anthony pushes me to the class and we go in we sit in our usual seats with no trouble since at that time we can sit with who ever we wanted, seconds later a girl starts coming up behind me kissing my check and sitting beside me notice that Anthony was in front of me when he sat his eyes on the girl sitting next to me he got uncomfortable i looked to my side and there she was the school bully who at that time thought she had the power to do anything she wanted and somehow she asked me out and i accepted to this day i regret that, she sat beside me and hugged my shoulder.

(Me): Can i help you?

(Girlfriend): nope just wanted to sit next to you

(Me): okay

i just continued my day wasn't going to let this girl get in my way to enjoy a time of a lifetime to enjoy the past so me and Anthony played for the time and this girl kept hugging me and holding my hand, i was just letting it happen i didn't care once class was done i got my stuff and got up and started leaving with Anthony before i walked out the door of the class the Girl graved my hand and told me something in my ear.

(Girlfriend): meet me outside

(Me): Okay?

me and Anthony started walking outside there i saw her, Me, Anthony, And this girl started walking home after me and Anthony started walking towards our houses he left he was literally 5 mins away from the school by walking, that meant that the girl and I were alone for 25-20 mins before me and her parted ways to go home she kept hugging me graving my hand i just let it happen i looked at her she looked happy so its fine right? once we got to the spot were we had to part ways she graved the back of my head and forced it with hers and our lips just collided with each other like if there meant to be together there i was making out with her for a good minute then i remembered that i need to go home so i push her away.

(Me): i need to go home ill see you tomorrow okay?

(Girlfriend): okay see you later ♥

she started walking off, then i turned around and walked towards my house knocking on the door

Knock, Knock, Knock

(Mom): yeah who is it

(Me): it's me

my mom opens the door i collapse in her hands


*breathing heavily*

i look around in my room seeing my alarm for 8:00 am gone off

(Me): (Crying) that was a good Dream.