
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs


"Interesting, maybe I should consume you for your abilities after all."

"Trust me buddy it ain't all that fun!"

On the outside Victor was smirking and still seemed like had the power to fight, but in reality he was constantly using up his Demonic energy to the point that even if his body was producing even more every second it would instantly be used up.

This was the price for Victor using not only Griffons demonic abilities but as well as Shadows, despite Victor's body being that of Nero's his body couldn't handle the stress that he's been putting on it. The amount of times his Adaptation and Regeneration had saved him on this mission was nothing but pure luck, but now he was directly fighting a stronger version of Akaza who not only had superior regeneration with his current self but he had the same level of strength as him.

Victor knew his Adaptation wasn't on the same leagues as other fictional characters such as Mahoraga and SCP-682, it worked more like a passive Zenkai boost that's always on no matter what.

"Enjoy fighting this puppet of mine, I have other things to attend to."

After saying those words Muzan stopped talking through Akaza and in an instant Akaza went into a stance cracking the ground, as he did so a snowflake like pattern appeared and started glowing.

"Oh crap."


Barely dodging Akaza's punch Victor tried countering but instead he was met with a knee to his face shattering the front part of his skull, his regeneration went overdrive and healed his injuries instantly giving him enough time to surround himself with his demonic energy before bursting it all out causing Akaza to be launched back.

'Thank you guilty gear!'

With the grip of his blade Victor tried to slash Akaza with an arc of his Demonic Energy but before he could he had to dodge a kick that was aimed at his head, but at the very moment he noticed something.

Despite Akaza's quick movements and powerful attacks they were all stiff and not fluid,he knew the real Akaza would be able to dodge his next attack but the puppet Infront of him couldn't.

'This better work!'

With his tightened Victor punched Akaza right in the stomach sending him away, but after a few seconds Akaza re-positioned himself before going into another stance.

But before he could even perform it fully the spot where Victor landed his punch exploded with demonic energy causing a hole to form in Akaza's stomach, what he did was delay the effect of his demonic energy similar to that of a timer on a bomb.

Taking advantage of the stunned Akaza, he rushed towards him at blinding speeds to the point that he left multiple after images of himself before landing a drop kick on Akaza.

"Alright no more flashy skills let's do this!"

[Dimensions May Die]

Sorry for being gone for like awhile had to focus on life and now I'm currently trying to get my brain to remember all the shit I've reviewed to pass my college exams, I may be asian but I'm not Chinese and I can't magically solve math I'm a different type of rice eater my ancestors really liked honor.

[Dimensions May Die]

[POV Victor]


My eyes were scanning everything around me looking for something I could use to beat this fake Akaza, my body is still strained from all the flashy skills and highly condensed shit I've been doing which I could admit was so stupid.

Some part of me was regretting on leaving the rest but I know that if they were to fight Akaza they would literally die in a few seconds, but I stopped thinking about them as I started focusing more and more of my demonic energy to my eyes.

My plan was to forcefully turn my eyes to demon eyes since I may have 20/20 vision but having demon eyes would basically give me enhanced vision.


'Crap that hurts!'

I looked at my caved in chest noticing I could literally see my heart being pierced by my fractured ribs how I was still alive something I don't even know, not much highly detailed gore is showed in the DMC games but I'm sure that the time Dante got up from being impaled his vital organs should have definitely been hanging on said sword that impaled him.

"I don't know if it's because I'm in so much pain but this tree really feels like a great chair- oh god here we go"

Akaza grabbed me by my head and was basically trying to crush it but jokes on him my skull was literally strong enough to survive a gun shot from Ebony which was something I definitely didn't do in accident.

"Got ya bitch!"

I flipped back before putting him in a chokehold with my legs before slamming him down, despite the pain I started forcing more and more of my infernal flames to produce ignoring what my so called father said about not cutting the connection off.

The more flames I produced the more Akaza kept trying to get me off, he might be a puppet with no emotions and I've never heard him talk on his own but he's definitely feeling pain.

"Hurts like a bitch right!?, how about this!"

I began using my demonic lightning and slowly his skin started turning black and rough I was basically turning him into charcoal, now he's just flailing around grabbing my sides pulling out my organs which were quickly replaced with new ones.

I've noticed how I've been really calm in this moment despite being mutilated to the point the only thing keeping me together was my spine and rapid regeneration, I didn't even feel my demonic energy being used that much.

'Did my body really adapt right now?, couldn't have it been a bit earlier!?'


Akaza let out a cry of rage like a mindless berserker as he was slowly dying, he might be a puppet but he's definitely alive.

"Finally screaming!?"

I wasn't feeling the pain of using my skills all at once it actually felt nice, I didn't know why but the more I heard Akaza scream the more I felt like I wouldn't die so I kept increasing my output to the point I was basically a ball of flame and lighting on his shoulder choking him with my legs.

Minutes passed and I didn't even noticed how he stopped screaming until his head snapped of like a piece of wood causing me to fall, but I quickly caught myself with my hand and without all the fire and lightning I could see the standing black charcoal body of Akaza.

"I still don't feel anything, this is really weird..."

Normally after doing what I had done I would be exhausted and rolling in pain, but instead I feel like I could fight Akaza again. My reserve's were only at half which was strange.

"Did I really adapt already?"

I didn't know the requirements for how my body would adapt it sure wasn't on the level of Mahoraga but remembering the beating I got a few days ago that was definitely the reason, my body feels lighter faster and I could feel my demonic energy becoming more easy to control and apparently using Demonic Lightning and my infernal flames wasn't hurting me anymore.

"Can't think about it now, I gotta get to thst bastard before he could finish his plan of his. What ever it was."

I began running at the direction Akaza came from to which I was able to figure out thanks to the markings of his tracks, It took me awhile but I was met with a bunch of mutated demons that looked a lot like the demons from Berserk and that included their giant Phalluses- who am I kidding giant d*cks.

"Really wish I had a gun right now, oh well Kon!"

Forming the handsign the Fox Devil's head appeared and ate up everything in front of me, and said Fox Devil was twice as big as last time and the fact that it's eyes were turning more of a yellow hue was noticable the same color as my demonic eyes.

"I guess feeding you my limbs is actually changing you buddy."

"I don't know whatever you are boy, but your limbs give quite the weird taste and energy."

The last time I summoned the fox it's voice was raspy but now it actually seemed clear and I was talking to a wise middle aged woman.

"How about those demon's you just ate?"

I couldn't help but asking, she could definitely tell the difference with the taste that they weren't devil's but I was still curious.

"Oh they taste like normal Devil's minus the fact that their blood seem to be trying to combine and control with me, a childish attempt almost similar to that of the old blood devil's tactics."

"The more you know I guess, anyways I'll probably not call your head in the next fight."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Don't want you getting hurt to the point you won't accept my summons anymore."

"Hmm handsome and thoughtful something I didn't expect from a demonic being like yourself boy."


With that the Fox Devil turned to smoke and disappeared.

"God I forgot that the Fox Devil basically likes people with handsome faces, once again damn and thank you Nero for getting the good genes."

[Dimensions May Die]

I've decided that I would give Victor his own Devil arms, of course it would all be different on how he would get it and it would differ from the original series but I'll still stick to the main premise of the soul.

[Dimensions May Die]

"The fuck?-"

In front of me was the wreckage of the village, a once prospering bustling onsen village was now reduce to a bloody mess. But that wasn't the weirdest part no, the weirdest part was that there was a giant tree on the middle of it all and hanging from one of it's branches was Hyakkimaru in chains and from what I could see a floating system panel In front of him.

"Shit he's planning on killing Hyakkimaru to finish his quest, I gotta make the quick."

I took looked at my sack and took out the scroll inside it before strapping it on my belt, it was something I would only be able to use once so I had to make it count.

I bent my legs before launching myself at Hyakkimarus direction while using Air Hike to form a magic circle under my foot, but I had to dodge a red slim and bony tentacle that was sent towards me thankfully I was able to form my wings so instead dog falling I was hovering in the sky.

I looked at the direction from where it came from and I was met with the sight of a fully transformed Muzan, he basically looked like his final form from the manga minus the fact that he wasn't poisoned I knew this because instead of long white hair he had long black hair so right now he was at full power.

"Congratulations Victor, you've successfully exceeded my expectations. But I sadly have no use for you anymore."

"Jeez that's quite the bummer, was really expecting to have dinner with you."

"Tsk, enough with the quips!"

He leaped towards me tackling me before multiple appendages formed on his back, from chainsaws, spears to even guns made from his skin and bones.

"Alright that's just unfair!"

I sucker punched him in the face expecting to stun him but instead I felt as if I was punching a wall, he looked at me with annoyance before he fired the guns on his back shooting out from what I could see were serrated bullets made from his bones.


He fired a volley of bullets point blank, I hardened my skin by turning it into scales but due to the fact I did it so quickly the bullets still pierced through them.

"Two can play it that game you fuck!"


I pointed my hand at him in the form of a finger gun before condensing a ball of my Demonic Energy at the tip, seeing it Muzan formed a bunch of skeletal armor all over this body before continuing to fire bullets at me.

"Spirit- screw that naming move bullshit eat this you piece of shit!"


The condensed ball of demonic energy was practically shot at Muzan point blank so he didn't have enough time to form a strong layer of armor, so the result was the top half of his body being torn to shreds but after a single second he instantly regenerated.

"God damn it!-"