
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime e quadrinhos
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75 Chs

73. Sudden News

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The Laventine Royal Palace...

"So, tell me. What did those 'War Lovers' said?"

The king loosely dressed was sitting on a soft couch, resting and gulping high class wine. But his expression from no way seemed to be look like having a rest. It is better to say he is angry.

In late night, he was informed about the important meeting. And King Leo, had to come from his bed just to listen what the person in front of him has to say.

"Your Majesty, the Empire have summoned Heroes!"

The figure sitting in front of him said very seriously. The man was middle aged but still retained handsomeness in his face. He had brown long hair tied up in a ponytail that matched with his brown eyes.

And with all, the notable thing was his left monocle.

"What?! Are you sure, Duke Aleph?! It's not a matter to speak lightly!"

The person who said this news to the King Sun was nobody other than the minister of foreign affairs - Duke Trion Aleph.

Because of sudden message from the Empire, all ambassadors of the different countries across the world went to Empire.

And Laventine wasn't an exception. Though they defended the attacks of Empire from the past times, it is an undeniable fact, that in terms of money, territory and military - The Empire is the behemoth in this world.

Even the Laventine comes behind it in terms military. Though winning wars depend in different factors. And Laventine took advantage of those factors.

But if sometime, Laventine fells into the hands of Empire, it's not surprising.

But the current issue is something more than that.

Heroes. The synonym of the Weapon of war.

"Yes, your majesty. I am sure of it."

"And they if called us, it means they have or trying to show a justification reason for their summoning?"

"Yes. They have received an oracle from the Holy Empire Aria that demon king is going to born."


Holy Empire Aria. A nation that is ruled by religion. It's one of the nation that has highest capability in healing powers.

And in normal, it is the neutral point for all nations.

The Great Empire of Rosa, the war lovers and destined enemy of Laventine have summoned Heroes.

Heroes. The beings with overwhelming power who come from different world. There are good heroes but if someone becomes bad, then...

"Duke Aleph. I can understand the reason they gave to summon heroes. But did the Elves agreed to this ritual?"

"Yes, your majesty. I met the elves ambassador in the Empire."

Elves, a race that lives in the forest of fairies. This race have too much magic capability, then any other race. And normally, to do a large scale magic like to summon heroes which need tremendous amount of magic power is usually done with the helps of elves.

"The era of turmoil is coming."


"Your majesty, this may be a real issue but still the political power is going to tilt towards empire more."

Late in night, just after Duke Trion Aleph returned to his territory, King Sun quickly ordered for his personal adviser Duke Fiore to come in.

"Yeah. I know. But now it's time to think after it. After all they have already summoned Heroes. The princes of Empire must be in rage."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Their throne finally have one more contender. But majesty, what I want to say is about Duke Lockhart."

Duke Fiore said in a very serious manner. King who was seeping the wine in a worried manner kept the glass and looked at him.

"I know what you want to say. It's that he have too much power in his hands."

Duke Alex Lockhart. The Barbarian Duke. In nobility this is Alex's nickname.

And the reason for it is very simple. He is not a descendant of some noble blood and just because of his strength he got his title.

"Yes, it's about this matter."

"You know Fiore, I know about it. But you know that I had no choice."

Being King means more than people think. Alex Lockhart who suddenly emerged out of nowhere in this Laventine kingdom with tremendous personal strength.

After his achievements in army, the king was scared. Too much power in no control will only bring trouble.

And to bind a lease on Alex, he purposely gave him the title of Duke.

But despite giving a nobility title, he didn't gave a territory.

One reason he didn't gave a territory to him was because to keep the prestige of other nobles.

And the other reason was to not let him accumulated power to overthrew him.

King Sun, himself knew what it means to be king. The lavish life with surrounded by gold and silver.

He kind of loved this life and at the same time hated it. But still he wanted to rule.

This is how a king is. Greedy, ambitious and the one who wants to stand above others and make the ones who wants to stand fall down.