
Dimensional overlord

the fourth dimension collapsed and began to merge with the third and with it, mana, monsters, aliens and all kinds of weird creatures came our hero, the leader of a solar system who has the power to control space and time travels in the third dimension to build a base for his people he will experience multiple adventures through which he will conquer other universes

Ramling · Fantasia
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49 Chs

leveling up

Arthur has mastered the power of electricity , even in the fourth dimension, it was a rare power

pushed to the maximum, it allowed you to strengthen the body and at the same time increase your own speed which gave to the person who had this power a great advantage

finally some good news thought michael

sharing the base with General Skinner was already problematic, on top of that, Michael did not have enough power holders under his command but having found a person who could use electricity was a good news

after all , the majority of vehicles and buildings ran on electricity

Arthur had noticed that a strange power was dormant within him, and after 10 hours this sensation only grew stronger , he now felt stronger, more powerful and confident 

he therefore went to ask Secretary Adams for some explanations

mister adams said arthur, can i'll talk to you for a minute ? 

Yes replied adams

Mr. Adams, the meditation exercises you gave me are not normal, are they?

Yes Arthur and you seem very talented, these exercises can help develop the body of the individual, so don't forget that they should not be disclosed under any circumstances

yes mister adams, i will do my best

Now that Arthur knew that all of it wasn't imaginary , he worked even harder

Morgan had also succeeded in developing his power and could now materialize a ball of fire out of nowhere

Michael was thoughtful, he had to develop the power of the individuals under his command but how to do this quickly while using the minimal amount of energy ?

Country A was an exporter of fishes, so there were millions of fish in industrial ponds, even if the virus had killed more than 90% of them, there were still hundreds of thousands left.

Michael woke up Liam who was still asleep, even if he was talented, he couldn't afford to sleep that long because he would lose his advantage over the others

he then explained the situation to liam who was grateful to the team because they protected him in this situation 

he also talked with Arthur and he calmly explained the situation to him, Arthur couldn't believe him at first but when Michael took some forks that were around and made them levitate, Arthur had to 

he obviously let him make his own choice, join the group or return with skinner group but michael insisted on the fact that the majority of soldiers who are in general skinner's group will die sooner or later

Arthur chose to continue working for Michael, he was not stupid, between living and becoming stronger or continuing to be harassed every day, he knew what to choose

michael then took mia and morgan and the others and directly teleported to one of the fish ponds wich was 200 miles away 

it was the first time that the group teleported and apart from liam, no one vomited

Arthur and the others were shocked at the extent of Michael's power, their reaction was the same, how could such a powerful person exist

Michael, feeling their gazes, explained to them that he was only a small dimensional overlord and that there were much more powerful overlords than him in the 4th dimension

but that the barrier which separated the two dimensions did not yet allow individuals to pass it , that is why the vampire faction had attacked Ambrasia with a virus

michael had obviously succeeded in overcoming the barrier thanks to his control over space

the level of the fishes was between 1 and 15 because some of them had devoured the corpses of those who had died

They even started developing water type attacks like the water bullet and had little legs who were growing on their bodies 

Michael will therefore assist the group this time, he was going to suffer a little today to collect the rewards tomorrow

it was 10 a.m. and the sun was high in the sky, the surroundings were obviously deserted

corpses of birds were near the fish ponds which were killed by fish attacks

the virus ensured that individuals of the same species did not attack each other but that those of a different species killed each other

Michael teleported 5 meters from one of the 10 pools, he directly activated a spatial shield because several water bullets were thrown in his direction , he then summoned a spatial shield for each member of the group 

boom boom boom, it was as if a small machine gun was shooting at him but thanks to his shield he didn't get injured 

morgan and the others were wondering what level michael must have to do all this

Michael told them that he was going to get the fishes out of the water and that little by little they would have to kill them which would help them increase their levels.

the group nodded

Michael removed a small quantity of water from the pool and placed it on the ground, the fishes which could not breathe on the ground began to struggle and wriggled in all directions trying to reach one of the pools

michael said : now attack

and the group attacked, Liam and Arthur had not yet materialized their powers so they used large stones

the group did all this while thousands of water bullets were thrown at them, but they were protected thanks to the space shield