
Dimension X Dragon (DxD)

Synopsis: [Odd Double] Also Known As The Odd Eyes Gauntlets a mid-Tier Longinus That Can Double The Damage Dealt By the User upon Impact Little Is Known About [Odd Double] And Sakaki Yudai Will Unravel It Secrets.

27_BuddyXBurst_39 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 3 {School Day}


Yudai: "I'm off"

I left the house, During the walk to school I can't Help but wonder.

Was that dream real...I mean It felt real, the pain i felt was real, The power Felt real.

I touched my Left shoulder to fell if there's a hole in it, None There was no hole.

Yudai : "Maybe It Was just a very realistic dream or maybe more of a nightmare?"

My thoughts were stop by someone putting their hands over my eyes.

??? : "Who am I?"

Yudai : "You're stupid Yuu know that"

I Pulled a quick one there, It was no other that Yuu

Yuu : "Hahaha correct Yudai-kun"

Yudai : "So you just admitted your stupid" Yuu removes his hand but slowed down when his hand was on my back and walked besides me.

Our homes are kinda near from each other so we always walk together to school and sometimes.

Yuu : "Y E A" Yuu got Closer to my left ear and whispered.

Yuu : "The joke you just did back there was Kinda lame not gonna lie" And then Yuu ran way ahead of me.

he just leaves me.


I grabbed Something on my back it was a whole sheet of paper and written on the paper was 'Bitchless' I crumble the whole sheet of paper and threw it in the nearest trash can.

Yudai : "When I get my hand on you I'll swear I'll kick your ass Soo bad you'll be stuck in a wheelchair forever!" I started to run after him.

Today is a very normal day.

~\Scene Chage\~

I'm almost at Kuoh Academy, there's a lot of students talking to Each other, Like the new episode of some anime that aired last night or if they did they're home work...

Crap did I do my homework...

Think Yudai Think, Did you do your homework...

Meh I'll probably be fine.

Tsu : "Oiy! Yudai" Tsu waved at me so I waved back.

Yuu : "Tsu-kun Big mean Yudai said he'll kick my ass please help me"

Behind Tsu was that slippery clown Yuu.

Tsu : "If he's mad at you then you probably did something to upset him"

Yuu decided to walk beside Tsu

Yudai : "Good morning Tsu"

Tsu : "Good morning to you to Yudai"

We were walking walking with the crowd of students.

Yuu : "How about Me Yudai aren't you gonna greet me too"

Yudai : *Sigh* "Good morning to YUU to"

Yuu cringe at the joke

Yuu : "Stop using my name for your lame joke's you're gonna ruin my reputation"

Yudai : "Oh You mean your reputation as the school clown"

Yuu : *Gasp* "How mean of you, At least I Have a reputation unlike you Yudai"

Yudai : "Oh really now?"

I cracked my knuckles

Yuu : "Wait wait time out" Yuu hid behind Tsu.

Yuu : "Tsu-kun Tell him that what he's about to do to me is wrong"

Tsu facepalmed seeing us two bicker

Tsu : *Sigh* "Come on you two lets go-" Right as we were about to go we heard one of the students in front of us scream.

Matsuda : "WHAT?!!"

Motohama : "H-HOW?!"

It was the Perverted Trio but with a twist.

Issei : "This is amano yuma"

Issei pointed toward his girlfriend?, How was that possible The Infamous leader of the Perverted Trio get a lover?

Meh I don't really care if he does get one.

Me, Yuu And Tsu walked towards school again.

I caught a quick glimpse of the girl known as 'amano yuma' she seems bad news.

~\Scene Chage\~

After saying goodbye to my friend, I arrived at the door Classroom I Slowly opened the door to see half of my classemates are already here.

I got to seat as soon as possible my seat was in the third row right in the middle, I opened my bag and grab all of my notebook to see if I really did my homework or not.

luckyly we had no homework

Girl 1 : "Have you heard?"

Hmm morning gossip music to my ears.

Girl 2 : "Heard about what?"

Girl 1 : "The leader of the Perverted Trio got himself a girlfriend"

Wow news spread fast around here.

Girl 2 : "What? are you sure"

Girl 1 : "Umu Ive heard it myself on the way here"

Girl 2 : "If that so that poor girl don't know what she's up to"

Girl 1 : "She won't last long with Hyoudou They'll probably break up in a week"

Now that's just mean, The door opened by a smiling Issei along with his friends who looks like the lost the will to live, The two girl stopped gossiping, they decided to sit to they're respective Seats.

After a while all of my Classmates arrive at the classroom, soon after that the teacher arrives.

Class Has Started...

~\Scene Chage\~


It's Finally lunch break, Alot of things happenend during class we did math, english and uhhhhh, never mind that, I need to meet up with the boys and ask them if they're free later.

I stand up and got out of my classroom and go to Room 2-C, The Door to the room was open so I took a look if Tsu and Yuu were there, They were sadly not there, well Time to ask someone, I entered the room.

Yudai : "Umm excuse me?" I ask someome, a guy with short blond hair.

??? : "Yes?"

Yudai : "Have you seen Takashima-san and Sakaguchi-san?"

??? : "Oh them if I heard them correctly they said they were going to the cafeteria"

Yudai : "oh I see thank you"

??? : "Don't mention it"

I left the room, That guy was nice but I think I've seen him before hmmmm.

Ah right if I'm correct that was Yuuto Kiba, He's pretty popular among the girl's and the natural enemy of all the guys in the school.

Well To the cafeteria.

~\Scene Chage\~

(3rd POV)

Yudai : "Where could those two possibly be?" Yudai can be seen Eating a sandwich under a tree that was in the academy's Yard.

Yudai : "I've looked everywhere" Yudai said while Eating his sandwich.

??? : "What are you doing here?"

Yudai : "Ahhhhh!" Yudai screamed at the top of his lungs as an emotionless voice talk to him at his side.

Judai looked at the source of the voice and saw a petite white haired girl with yellow eyes looking at Yudai while sitting besides him.

Yudai : "You almost scared me to death" Yudai Said to The girl.

'White hair yellow eyes petite structure this girl is the school mascot that boys and girls adores Koneko Toujo' Yudai thought to himself.

Yudai : "Where did you come from anyway?" Yudai asked Koneko.

Koneko : "I was already sitting here" Koneko replied with the same emotionless voice as before.

Yudai : "Uh sorry for not noticing you" Yudai said sorry to Koneko

Koneko : "It not a big deal, So what are you doing here anyways?" Koneko asked Yudai again.

Yudai : "Well you see I was looking for my friend but I wasn't able to find them so I decide to go outside" Yudai answers Koneko.

Yudai : "What About you why are you outside?" Yudai Asked Koneko.

Koneko : "To noisy inside" Koneko Opens her homemade lunch and takes a bite "I came here because it's quite"

Yudai : "Oh my bad I'll leave you alone then" Yudai was about to stand up and leave.

Koneko : "You can stay" This Surprised Yudai, Yudai thought Koneko was the type of person that didn't like people around her. " As long as you're not too noisy"

Yudai : "Thank you for letting me stay" Yudai stayed, Yudai grabs 2 Chocolate Bars from his pockets "Here as a thanks for letting me stay" Yudai then took one of the candy bar and handed it to her.

Koneko : "You sure?" Yudai nodded "Thanks" Koneko accepted it.

Yudai : "No problem" 'Wait I know her name but she doesn't even know me, Time for an introduction' Yudai remembered. "Sorry for the late introduction, I'm Sakaki Yudai Nice to Meet you"

Koneko : "Toujou Koneko" Koneko already knows who he is, Yudai was one of the people she has to keep an eye on, She only told her name out of common courtesy.

Yudai : "Well Toujou-San I hope we could be friends" Yudai smiled "Well Time to eat" Before Yudai was able to take another bite out of his sandwich, He was called by his friends.


Tsu : "Oiy don't shout" Both of Walked towards Yudai.

Yudai : "Where the hell did you guys go?" Yudai stood up and approched them.

Yuu : "Well you see..." Yuu explained that both him and Tsu were helping out a teacher with moving old equipment and haven't gone to the cafeteria yet.

Yuu : "Let's go to the usual spot and eat there" Yuu raised his lunch box.

Yudai : "ah I see" 'Me and the boys are probably just end up annoying Toujou-San anyways' Yudai walked towards Koneko. "I'll see you later Toujou-San"

Koneko : "Oh Take care" Koneko replied with the same emotionless voice, Koneko watches as Yudai and his friends leave.

~\Scene Chage\~

Yuu : "Man this stuff is the best" Yuu Said while eating his lunch.

Tsu : "Oiy slow down a bit you might choke" Tsu warned Yuu

Yuu : "I'll never cho-" *Cough* *Cough* Yuu chocked due to him talking while eating.

Yudai : "Serves Yuu right" Yudai said, Right now the three of them are in their usual spot.

Tsu : "Here drink up" Tsu gave Yuu a can of cola, Yuu grabs it immediately and drinks it all.

Yuu : "Ahh" Yuu the looked toward Yudai "So what happened" Yuu asked Yudai.

Yudai : "What Happend to who?" Yudai looks confused at Yuu question.

Tsu : "What Yuu is trying to say is what did you and Toujou-San did when you where alone" After Tsu Said that he took a bite out of his lunch.

Yudai : "Ah that, Nothing special really we just talked for a bit" Yudai answered Tsu question truthfully.

Yuu : "Really"

Yudai : "Yes" Yudai decided to change the topic "So how about it you guys free? later if So let's hangout after school" Yudai Asked His friends.

Yuu : "Oiy don't change the subject"

Tsu : "Sure I have nothing to do later anyways"

The three friends ate lunch till the bell rang and went back to their respective classrooms.

~\Scene Chage\~

School has ended all students were all either going home or staying due to club activities, Yudai, Yuu and Tsu were going to the plaza.

Following Them was Koneko she made sure she was not seen.


Inside of the old school building is where the members of the Occult Research Club reside's.

There were Four People inside the room Kiba Yuuto who was cleaning his sword and Toujou Koneko who was eating a chocolate cake where sitting on the couch while Hijema akeno was beside Rias Gremory who was busy doing some paperwork.

Rias : "Koneko?" Rias Asked.

Koneko : "Yes president?"

Rias : "I want you to prioritize Sakaki Yudai Today, the fallen angle that tricked Hyoudou issei might not strike just yet, for now follow Sakaki Yudai and immediately report if something happens got it?"

Koneko places the chocolate cake to the table and stood up.

Koneko : "Yes president"

/~\Flashback End/~\

Koneko followed Yudai and his friends by blending in with the crowd of students on their way out of school.

Yudai : "First we'll go to the arcade then?"

Yuu : "Then We try the new item at Wacdonals"

Tsu : "Then Shop for the newest game Dragonic Knight V : Everlasting Enternity"

Yudai and His friends ran to the direction of the plaza unbeknownst to Yudai, That He was being followed.