
Dimension System Initialize

A man finishes an ordinary life, dying of old age. Then finds himself graced with a system after death, and reincarnated. Now he will set forth on adventures to different places and meet many people. As a dimensional entity.

GoldDragonMachina · Fantasia
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15 Chs


I lived a long life. A long 110 years of life.

I worked, became rich in my 30's and led a lavish life. I never married as no one ever felt to be right. I did have many children through other means though. Many children indeed. I raised and loved them all. They brought great amounts of love into my life.

It is my luck that I never buried a single child of mine. Yes, they would get and injured at times. However, I used my wealth to make them well again. Even when 2 of my children got cancer, it was caught earlier and I got them the best treatment. For what better use of my wealth is there, if not to keep my children alive.

Upon my deathbed, my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even great-great grandchildren were in my large mansion. A mansion I built to be large enough for my entire family to reside. I wanted a place all could come back to after all.

I passed away in the night, in my sleep, with all I love around me. I died as I dreamt.

It is off to die peacefully while dreaming. Everything goes black and fades away. I do not forget though. I do not forget love. That stayed with me. I forgot about many things when I died. The faces and voices of my family did not fade though.

So even in this darkness al around me, I still felt warm.

While I still can, I remember something I once heard, "It is love that stays with you, it is love that defines you, it is love that never leaves you even in death, as it resides in your soul."

I suppose I am but a soul now then. I am glad I could keep my love at the least. I imagine it would be cold here in the dark without it.

I rest in the darkness for an unknown amount of time. Then I hear someone speak to me.


I hear the greeting and look to find its source. I see the source and a word comes to me, "Dragon."

"Yes, I am a dragon. The Gold Dragon, Machina.", the dragon says to me.

Machina, radiates light in this darkness. Creating a bubble of gold around us. I ask Machina, "Why are you here Machina? Are you dead too?"

Machina laughs, "No old man, I am not dead. I can traverse here whilst alive."

I then ask, "Why are you here?"

Machina smiles draconically, "I came here for you. You are a good soul. Not great, not unique, not odd, weird, or grand. Just good."

"Do you need me for something as you came for me?", I ask him curiously.

Machina answers, "No, I did come for a need. I came to present a gift to you. A special gift. A gift that would not be good to give to anyone, but a good one."

"Why just,...good?", my curiosity continues.

"If I gave the gift to someone great, they would abuse it. If I gave it to someone unique, they be poisoned by it. If I gave it to someone odd, they would mess around with it. If I gave it to someone weird, they would make a mockery of it. If I gave it to someone grand, they would be corrupted by it. Hence, why I need someone that is just...good. For being just good, is perfect. You would use it well, and do more good. It will not corrupt you, you would abuse it, you would respect it.", he explains to me.

I ask, "What is this gift?"

"The gift is a SYSTEM. Along with three wishes.", Machina answers.

I inquire about this SYSTEM, "What does it do? What is the SYSTEM for?"

"The SYSTEM is the DIMENSION SYSTEM. It turns you into a source of dimensional energy. After generating enough of it. An original dimension forms around you as its source. Making you the sole controlling entity of said dimension. The SYSTEM is all about aiding you in growing your dimension, dimensional energy, all that come with such things. It also makes you immortal of course. Do you accept?", Machina explains the SYSTEM to me.

I having better to do in this darkness anyway. I answer, "Yes, I'll accept this gift. As for my wishes, I'll make them to. Just give me a moment to think about them."

A moment later...

"For my first wish, I want to send a message to my family. I want them all to know, that I'm going to be doing just fine. As for my second wish, I want to SEE. As for my third wish, I would like my old boy, Gabriel, to join me on my new adventure.", I say my wishes.

"All doable. Well, I have to check in with dog heaven first. I can not force Gabriel to accompany you if he doesn't want to leave heaven. Give me a moment.", Machina says as he closes his eyes.

A moment later, my old boy Gabriel, a Kuvasz dog, appeared in front of me. His eyes shown brightly and jumped onto my soul body with licks. I lost Gabriel when I was 80 years old. I dearly missed my loyal friend.

Machina speaks, "He was eager to come. Your souls will be bound. This way, he can stay with you forever, wherever you go. He'll be the one being, that'll never leave you. He'll also be connected to the SYSTEM in a way. This way, your friend can get stronger alongside you."

"I suppose, I am ready to go then?", I say with an expectant smile.

The dragon concurs, "Yes, you are ready to go. First, a small warning. You will ending up in your dimension when you leave here. It will grow according to the SYSTEM. Eventually, you'll be able to access other worlds from your dimension, and other dimensions. Have fun."

Machina disappears abruptly, and so do Gabriel and I.

My vision is now filled with an odd silver space with colorful particles floating around.

"I guess this is our new home Gabriel.", I say aloud.


I hear a robotic voice. Then a screen pops up in front of me.

[ Name: ____

Dimension Name:______

Age: 110 years old

Dimensional Energy(DE):60

DE/sec: 1

Life Points(LP): 100,000

LP Regeneration/sec: 1000

Companions: Gabriel

Dimension Volume: 1 Cubic Kilometer(km^3)

Tethered Locations: None

Dimension Inhabitants: Entity, Gabriel]

Wow, so this is the SYSTEM. Looks pretty basic, at least for now. This is quite exciting.

<Host, please assign yourself a name, and name your dimension>

Must be the SYSTEM A.I., sounds like a basic one. Should I use my old name though?

No, I'll give myself a new name. New me after all.

I'll go with Oro. As for the dimension, Oroum. That should do nicely.

I set the names, "My name is Oro, the dimension name is Oroum."

<Names set>

"To make this less dreary, I'll name you Zero. I can name the SYSTEM A.I., yes?", I say.

<Yes host, A.I name is set to Zero. Other parameters can also be changed.>

"Great, change the robotic neutral voice to a a feminine voice that isn't robotic."

<Changes saved.>

I hear the feminine non-robotic voice and smile. Actually, I'm still in a soul body. Which is just an energy form that is vaguely humanoid. I should be able to change my own appearance. Let's try.

I imagine myself before I died. I kept myself looking old, as I wanted to look my age. I got rid of most of wrinkles. I kept the white hair of an old man. Gave myself my long beard I had and kept. My eyes went back to being a dark brown that glows gold in the sunlight. Finally, a dark-brown double-breasted suit. Wearing a maroon dress shirt underneath with a red velvet vest. Maroon dress shoes. The clothes are not really clothes though. Although they would feel like real clothes. It is just my energy body simulating it. Back to being a handsome old devil.

Now to that my look is taken care off. Time to find out how to advance.

I ask Zero, "Zero, how to do expand my dimension? How do I increase my DE/sec, how do I tether to a location? How do I change and add things into the dimension?"

<Answering 1 100 query. You can expand your dimension by spending DE to do it. It takes million km. At De sec rate. It'll be 11.5741 days before you gain DE. To tether a location within existence, the cost is will 3.171 years until increase sec, or sources of energy generation. add and change things in dimension. All need spend make it happen. The SYSTEM display any wanted action thinking it.< p>

All useful information. I thought about different actions I wish to do in Oroum, and a separate screen from my status appears. It shows me the DE cost of dimension changes, additions, and other general actions.

I check on Marble.

1 cubic meter of Marble = 400 DE

Oh, how convenient it is. I have to wait 400 seconds, around 6.67 minutes before I can buy a cubic meter of Marble.

"Oh well, I got all the time in Oroum to wait. Isn't that right boy?", I say to myself and Gabriel. Gabriel barks in agreement.

After enough time has passed, I start shopping for some shelter.

I look for a comfortable queen-sized bed along with some building to put it in.

Comfortable Queen Sized Bed (White Grade) = 200 DE

Simple wood cottage(White Grade) = 1000 DE

It is quite cheap. Probably due to its grade. I'll buy it and then I can sleep while my DE fills up.

The bed appears, spacious enough for the Gabriel and I. It came with sheets, a blanket and two pillows.

"Come on Gabriel, let's get some sleep. Been a exciting day for us.", I say as I get into bed. Gabriel makes himself comfortable on the other side of the bed.

Time to find out if I can dream as I am.


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