
Dimension System Initialize

A man finishes an ordinary life, dying of old age. Then finds himself graced with a system after death, and reincarnated. Now he will set forth on adventures to different places and meet many people. As a dimensional entity.

GoldDragonMachina · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Gaining Some Fame

I spent a month writing a book. I even spent some DA on writing skills. The point of the book is to get people thinking, I took a lot of ideas from the famous philosophers of my old world. So I could right a good book on freedom, autonomy, rights, and morality. With the central focus on slavery.

As for how I published it? Well, I just went to a publishing company in Haelith and told them they can keep all the profits as long as not a single word in the book is changed. The Branch head there did not think my book would see too good, but still published it since it could end up as free money down the road for them.

2 months after that, I can only say that the branch manager has been fired and has left the city. The guy was too stupid to realize what sort of problems could rise for him. My book, named "Evil of Slavery", became a serious matter. Many influential people were already already calling for it to be banned nationally. In individual counties, baronies and even a duchy, it has been banned already. Many nobles coming out to say that slavery is a just institution.

Even calls for the author to be arrested. I did put my actual name on the book. No reason not to after all. Count Hanse was rightly worried about me. Even let me know that some people from the royal capital are coming here to "see" me.

Well, they can come and see me all they want. As about 2 more months has passed, I accumulated enough DE to get the Dragon Demi-God Combat Technique. Which made me a 4th tier Hero. The apex of mortal combat arts. I am confident I can defend myself if need be.

As for Gabriel, I don't have to worry about him. It seems that dragon Machina gave my good boy some bonuses.

So now, I was going by my days as usual. Working my odd shop, making odd things and enjoying the world. I even made a magic carpet. Although I won't be selling it, this one is for me and Gabriel. I was able to make it as I bought Divine Textile Craft with leftover DE. It had only cost 45,000 DE.

So I spent the days ways waiting for the people coming to see me. Didn't have to wait long, only 4 days and people were entering my shop that weren't customers.

4 walked in, 3 knight looking people and 1...inquisitor looking person.

"Hello Elder, I am Marquis Kalone. I have been given the task by King Normand to invite a Mr. Oro to the royal capital for an investigation.", the introduced Marquis says.

He is a middle-aged fellow. Brown hair, nice mustache, fairly tall for the world and has grey eyes.

I rise from my counter and gave him a smile, "Hello Marquis, I am Oro, the man you have to see. How may I help you today?"

"I have come to discuss your book with you today.", He answers.

I nod, "Well, that I certainly help you with. Let me take you all up to my lounge on the 3rd floor. Come through here."

I open a door that opens to the 3rd floor and we all walk in. I seat them all and magically serve some tea. I then sit down and take a sip, "So, what questions are you have?"

The noble takes a sip and sets down the cup.

"Well Elder Oro, your book is a subject of controversy. Slavery is an ancient institution and a profitable one. It is a powerful institution. Many people are taking your book personally. It is being banned in individual territories. I want to know if you had any malicious intentions when writing the book? If you are trying to create chaos in the kingdom? We also want to invite you the royal capital as the king himself wishes to give you a public audience."

I lean back in my chair, "Well, I had no malicious intentions or ill plans towards the kingdom when I wrote the book. I just wanted to enlighten the kingdom and the people about evil and its many forms. Primarily focusing on the evil of slavery in this case. As for your invitation, I accept. I would like to use my own mode of transportation though. I like my comfort in my old age after all."

Kalone smiles, "Glad to hear such assuring answers Elder Oro. If your mode of transportation can accompany us, then yes, you may use it. May I also know your full name, age, and birthplace?"

I answer, "My name is Oro, simply Oro. Age is 113 years old. Birthplace isn't here, I was born in wildlands long ago. Where no had settled. Family never stayed in one place for long, so I can claim no hometown."

He eyes for a second before accepting my answer, "That is good Elder Oro. Then are you alright with leaving tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, I good to leave in the morning. If you and your entourage have no where to sleep, I have a spacious and well kept guest room that can comfortably accommodate you all." I say and offer.

"We'll accept your hospitality.", he says.

I then set them up in the guest room. I guess my first trip on my flying carpet will be to the capital."

The next morning, they were all assembled outside the tower. Their carriage was there already.

Since, I was going to meet the king, I wasn't going to go empty handed. I was bringing a special gift. When I walked out carrying a large flat object wrapped in quality cloth, I was questioned about it.

My response was that it was a gift for the king. I had to show it to them, but they were fine with the gift once they saw it.

Kalone asked me, "Where is your mode of transportation Elder?"

I smile and give a sharp whistle. My magic flying carpet then flies out of the tower and goes to float beside me. Complete with pillows and a tea set. One of its tasseled corners wiggle at me in greeting. I step up onto the carpet with Gabriel and we lay down comfortably on it.

I say in a relaxed voice, "This magic carpet is my vehicle. I will follow your carriage from behind."

Marquis Kalona had a bout of envy in his eyes, then he sighed in resignation, "A unique vehicle Elder Oro. Following behind will do just fine. Let us be off then."

The road was smooth. Making the magic carpet was an excellent idea. No bumps being the major thing. The weather wasn't an issue either, the magic of the carpet kept away rain and sunlight did not burn. The heat was shooed away and the cold was kept at bay.

The trip was a few days, but nothing exciting happened. At least by my standards. Some bandits had the grand idea to try and stop us. A single knight from the entourage destroyed them all with ease. I didn't realize I would warrant such a good collection of people.

Leaving the Hanse County was a new experience. The county wasn't far from the capital, but it wasn't far either.

I did turn heads whenever we passed though towns and cities. My magic carpet is something no one has seen before after all.

When we arrived at the capital, it was a nice sight. The city is the most developed I've seen. Grand buildings with great architecture. Which looks far better than those damn grey modernist buildings of my old world that had no soul to them.

My accommodations were already taken care of apparently. I was to be put up in the guest room of the royal palace. Another surprise. As for where my carpet would be put? It rolled itself up and made the floor of my guest room its home. Gabriel was allowed to come in with me too. His charm is irresistible.

I was given permission to roam the palace except for some certain areas. As we arrived a little after midday, I wanted to go enjoy the garden. It should be splendid since it is a royal garden. So I go to the garden with Gabriel. It was easy to find. Gabriel and I walked around the garden. It was certainly a very well kept garden. Then we found a nice bench and took a seat to relax for a bit. All the flowers were fragrant as well. The smell on the air was soothing.

As we were sitting, I saw a young girl come towards us who was accompanied by a knight. A powerful one at that.

She comes over despite a small protest from the knight. She greets me, "Hello Elder. I am Princess Elia."

I rise and smile, "Hello Princess Elia, I am Oro. A pleasure to meet you."

She then asks me while eyeing Gabriel, "Can I pet your dog Elder Oro?"

I chuckle, "Of course Princess, Gabriel loves people."

I then say to Gabriel, "Play with the Princess Gabriel, she seems like a kind girl."

Gabriel gets up and goes to coddle up to the princess. He always liked to play with kids.


thanks for reading.