
Dimension System Initialize

A man finishes an ordinary life, dying of old age. Then finds himself graced with a system after death, and reincarnated. Now he will set forth on adventures to different places and meet many people. As a dimensional entity.

GoldDragonMachina · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Cult of Nothing

A few years passed, on my orphanages have opened all across this human country. Each facility having at least 5 Roan in them. Which gained my orphanages a reputation for being the safest in the kingdom.

I even dispatched one roan for every orphanage under Ferias and Pathos. As the two divine beings asked for assistance on that front.

As for my realm of Oroum, it now has it's first Roan occupants. During this time, Nihla has grown very attached to me. She was also the only orphan I really interacted with frequently in any close capacity. There is magic that exists that can measure the bone age of a person. So when Nihla first entered my first orphanage we found out her real age. She was ten at the time.

Now, Nihla is 15. In other news, Princess Elia is 17 this year too.

Even Gabriel as gotten close with Nihla. Who has become an adventurer. She became one at 12 and has become a silver-rank at 15. She has a good amount of fame in this city, and even the county. She still calls this Orphanage in Haelith home though.

Then, at one time when it was just me, her, and Gabriel. We were just sitting down on chairs and having tea with snacks. Nihla nervously asked me a question.

"Elder Oro...I've been thinking about it a lot. I consider this place home. I've gotten offers for adoption before, but could never take it. Because, they were not the ones that I wanted to adopt me.

This question has eating away at me for a while, and I know it is selfish. But, could you...adopt me?"

Nihla became very shy and a bit afraid waiting for my answer. Which is all out of character for her.

As for her question, it has been a long time since I have looked after a child. I never even expected to have another, or adopt. Nihla is a good girl though. I have experience, I have the time, I have the power, and I have grown to adore her in these years.

I give a look at a Gabriel, and his eyes say yes. Gabriel has always been so full of heart.

I give Nihla my answer with a smile, "I will adopt you Nihla. I am too old to be called Father though. Call me Grandfather."

Nihla's green eyes lit up and see jumped over to me in a teary hug. Gabriel jumped up too to get into the hug.

Nihla then lived with me in my tower. I made an extra floor just for her. Now, I thought it was time to bring her to Oroum.

Nihla was going to be 16 soon. So I'll bring her to Oroum for her birthday.

In the meantime, a familiar customer came to find me in my tower. Bishop Bernard came to me with worry in his heart. Knowing that the conversation would be one to have in the shop. I brought him to the lobby room of the tower.

"I can tell you have something heavy on your heart. What is the matter Bishop?", I ask him as we sit down.

He sighs, "Problems with a cult."

I raise an eyebrow, "Oh, what cult? What god do they follow?"

His expression becomes complicated, "That's the thing. They don't follow a god. Which in itself isn't the true issue. They instead follow what they call the "Primordial Nothing". Rather than an entity, an idea that was coupled with a truth. Before there was something, there was nothing. The cultists want to return everything to nothing because they don't like the something. Essentially, a cult of godless people who hate, despise, or outright reject all of existence."

I laugh, "Their goal is impossible. They are mortal. They can never gain the power they want to achieve it. As even the most evil of beings don't want to destroy their own house and die alone in some void."

He nods, "I agree. Them achieving their goal was never a worry. It is all the crazy things they do in the attempt. Bombings, black alchemy, forbidden magic and complete disregard for life. As they believe life has no meaning in any sense and overall find life and living annoying. The only reason they don't kill themselves is to try and kill everyone else. So they often gain power through living sacrifices they kill. Steal their power and repeat the process as fast as they can."

"This Cult of Primoradial Nothing has been making a lot of trouble recently then?", I ask.

"Yes, they are. I...we don't know where they are basing out of, but we know their general location. Encirclement isn't helping, space disruption fields aren't working, divine firmament isn't stopping them from going in and out of the area either.", he explains.

"Which is why I have come to you. I ask for your help to exterminate them.", he finally asks me.

I think for only a moment before answering, "I will help you. My method of assistance may not be fully direct though. Come back tomorrow morning. I will prepared to come after them at that time."

We both rise.

"Thank you Elder Oro. I truly appreciate it." he sincerely says before turning to leave.

I then ask point blank, "Who did they kill Bishop Bernard? That made you come to me. That made you lose confidence in the handling of this situation."

He deep frown mars his face, "A cultists stole away my nephew. A boy talented in magic. He was to attend the Skypool Magic Academy this next academic year as a new student. He was 12..."

He continues, "I wasn't doubtful of the ones handling it to get them. I just wanted some revenge. Something a man of the cloth like myself should not seek out. I loved that boy though. So I apologize if I came off as, a bit manipulative. As I just tried to use you to get my revenge on them."

I sigh and pat his shoulder, "I will not fault you for wanting revenge, or moving towards it. Revenge is natural to seek out in this sort of case. I will still go after them too. For the appropriate punishment for hurting children is nothing less than being thrown into deep water, with a heavy stone tied to their waist. That is the bare minimum. I'll get them Bernard."

He silently thanks me and holds back his tears. I then see him out and wish him a safe trip back.

"Oro, how will help him?", Gabriel asked me as we are now alone.

"Well my friend, I'll make something to find them and trap them. Then I'll make them beg to live.", I say with some thought.

Gabriel wags his tell, "Good idea for those that don't value life. Make them value it and then take it."

I give a side eye to Gabriel, "Oh, when did you have such a ruthless side to you my friend, haha? I didn't know dogs were capable of thinking such things like humans."

"Its because I am a good boy. Good boys punish bad guys really well. It is what makes us good. I want to rip their throats out." Gabriel explains.

I laugh, "Now I know why all dogs go to heaven, haha. For dogs would destroy hell."

Gabriel and I then went to our workshop in the tower. I had a few ideas in mind. I will be making a music box, a mirror, and a book.

A music box that suck in people and doubles as a pocket dimension prison. A mirror that can entrance a person into an illusion. A tailored illusion at that. Finally, a book that can reveal location information.

The music box being a prison was inspired by a horror story I once heard. The cultists will stay there to serve their sentence before being sent to hell. The mirror will responsible for making these cultist beg for life. By showing them how wonderful it could have been for them. Once they fully become invested in the illusion, it will be taken away. Leaving them in a state of great want and despair. The book will reveal location through words appearing on the blank pages. It can find people, things and places. Although the words that appear may not always be clear.

The music box was ornamental, and had a ballerina in it that spun with the music. The music doubled as magic. The mirror was a full body rectangular mirror. It was simple, nothing fancy. The book looked like a leather journal. It had a key lock on it though. I didn't want any Tom, Dick, and Jerry using it. I made only one key too.

I worked on it during the night. Although it didn't take all night to make them.

When I was done, I saw a new prompt.

<SYSTEM Updated>

<New Quest Generated>




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