A world where Data is a source of power where a strong creature be a source of evolution to the others WELCOME TO THE DIGITAL WORLD! where our hero starts as his favorite digimon line -Picture not mine -Digimon not mine -This is a Fanfic
It was already the 4th day after the attack and there is still no attack buuut we have new guys, the dracumon from before came back with Muchomon, Tukaimon, Demidevimon and lastly a Gabumon (Black), we accepted them since why not the new guys of course did what any of us did, DIG FOR THEIR ROOM, I showed them our farm room which pyocomon was in, The living room where most of our food and ingredients were, our storage room and lastly the training room that Most of us dug, we dug it because we were bored when there wasn't an attack it still is shaping but at least there is a start right??
Any way Dracumon's story is like this, after we separated, he saw muchomon looking around confuse he talked about how it came to be and ended that it didnt know the same as him after a few minutes of talking dracumon recruited the red bird and then started their little journey, they walk for half a day without eating and drinking and after they saw a meat tree they were drooling just looking at it
it was a small meat but that small meat was enough to fill the two of them their two little child stage bellies BUT they have competitors, it was demidevimon, tukaimon, and Gabumon (Black) yes, the three of them clearly at the same experience as they two of them are, they were all drooling for that small meat, as Dracumon came out the three Digimon's vigilance skyrocketed but but Dracumon talk to the three of them about how they could distribute the small piece of food, in the end they all agreed that fighting wasnt worth it if they are going to be eaten by other digimons...
Dracumon extended my invitation to the 4 digimons and started talking about me... even though it was a brief chatting dracumon sensed that i was strong and apparently being strong gives pressure to the weak, so they rested up a bit and started their introduction about how they came to be... the answer? well same as Dracumon and Muchomon... they didn't have a clue... anyway they took 3 days to find where dracumon met me which was weird... the reason for it was that dracumon senses is a bit messed up since his eyes are it his hands... which made them loss in the forest
they fought other digimons too such as a pack of gazimon's a group like them consisting of either another Dracumon, Gabumon (Black), Demidevimon, Gazimon, Muchomon, Tukaimon and Toy agumon (Black)
they fought for small territories that have an abundance of food just so they could replenished theyre energy a bit and rested for a while, while they were staying at that place, The 5 digimon's still continued their travelling and after a day they got to where i met dracumon... the 4 digimon described that it was quite far where they met dracumon... any way how do they know that it was our territory??
No Digimon was around the surrounding place and most of the trees were new? It was emitting that kind of vibe they said, it was a how a wild beast knows that there is a preditor in that particular place... and probably how dracumon felt my presence was abundant into the surroundings
I asked him if he saw other keramon's but he declined and said that they didn't saw any of them on other territories, after that we greeted our new members and told them how the rooms could be made and how it normally goes... yes they dug their own rooms... though some of the digimons helped, the new guys still did most of the digging
our days of training, Digging, Eating, Sparring, Exercising, and Experimenting on weapons, upgrading the existing once even though we don't know how but still did it in the end, any of the digi eggs didn't hatched the weird digi egg didn't have any sort of feeling is the same... like always, we continued what we were doing and it was a week before the end of the month but still no keramon's
Don't get me wrong it's not that i want the keramon's to attack but this kind of feeling is just scaring me, Garurumon X didn't visit either Ogremon's tribe too, I was kind of getting worried but my Buddies comforted me saying that i am just anxious, so i let it be... and i know i messed up... because there was that red flagging word the...
In the morning of 3rd day before the end of the month Explosions and Screaming started to invade the forest, our group started to wake up and stop what we were doing, Me and the group got out of our cave and what showed in front of our territory… was an adult stage Digimon… dont get me wrong adult stage is quite hard to kill but we could still do it but this one Algomon… A three eyed creep with mechanical arm a freaking green tentacles dangling in the wind a weird Mouth with weird tongue… it is creepy disgusting and terrifying
Impmon: "Guys RUN!! RUN!! RUN!!" i panicked and started thinking about how we are going to escape that hideous digimon... that that... but before i knew it i was pulled out of my thoughts by one of my friends
Gabumon: "Boss!! The allomon's are attacking the algomon, lets help them!!"
i knew they wanted to protect what we have built in this small amount of time... i know that they wanted to preserve what happy moments we have gotten when we were staying in this small underground cave... i woke up... it was a simple look... Their look of despair but at the same time how they were showing courage... i know this is a reckless decision because if i said yes
they would rush to the fight and die like a chicken... turn into a stream of data and vanish... if i said no we would run like cowards, escaping a danger that we could or could not solve... I know power difference and stuff but they ignited my fighting spirit... this burning sensation maybe foolish but... i trust them...
Impmon: "Put the babies on the run or hide them underground child stages well attack the child stage digimons that's surrounding the algomon at the same time help those in need and we WILL help the allomon's"
"Yes BOSS"
i was grinning at the sudden thought... a very very sudden thought...
Impmon: "You know what... will kill that algomon and get our piece of quiet"
the look of excitement... bubbling inside of us (1st subordinates) from them and the happiness creeping inside of me i knew it... every digimon wants a taste of digivolving... and digivolving using a card is still digivolving... i didnt want the others to digivolve yet... its risky for them...
Impmon: "Gazu ready the guys, we will Digivolve this time"
Gazu: "Yes Boss!!"
after a few minute instructions on what will my other subordinates will do... it was game time... i know it... we knew it... we might lose... or we might win... it was risky... but who cares...
Impmon: "Pulse are you ready to digivolve?"
Pulse: "Anytime Boss"
Impmon: "Everyone who has the evolution card requirement we will digivolve do YOU UNDERSTAND!!?"
That order just simply means that the 1st generation of my subordinates and friends who has the strength from the backlash of digivolving from a card will be the ones to digivolve, it doesn't mean that the other does not have any digi evolution card they do but they were scarce so we didn't use them and besides they are too weak and digivolving right now for them would make digivolving (Permanent) harder for them... and we don't want that