
Digimon- Exploring the world with Nevazhno

Transmigrated into digimon world! and now what to do? well! its to explore For sure! but our mc have to train hard you see -Digimon Aint Mine -Pic Not Mine

NvR_MnD · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Nevazhno

"For 14 years old your quite mature huh?" asked the clerk "I have to, circumstances and life being life" i answered while signing a document "Well here you… go, the mountain is yours now" He smiled while giving me the paper "Thank you" well then let me speed things up a bit okay, im in a rush, kind off, anyway names Nevazhno im a reincarnated person who struggled for almost 14 years, not hard but not

Easy, because my grampa was my last family in this life time but time took him from me when i was 7 so ive been preeetty much alone in the mountain, good thing that a friend of mine goes to the mountain and play with me, from time to time which i gladly enjoyed thank you very much, so if you're asking why am i wasting my time playing kids while i am alone? Well in my past life that was my life and we all know

It IS a lonely path, so instead of that i enjoyed myself and play with him when he comes, oh yeah let's go back to my gramps, my grampa lived for almost 420 years standard life for a rank 5 like him, and he had a son but his son died from an accident with his wife living a baby alone to him, and he took care of this baby and pretty much taught him life while telling this kid some advices, and who do you guess the kid

Is? Of course, it's me, he even said that my name has a meaning that i would totally learn if i will stay in my path, which is to take the path of the dark types or the viral types, so yeah before his eyes closed, he said that when i am going to be 12 i will be going to school so i could learn various stuff with also making friends to which i failed miserably, yeah, a loner is a loner huh… dang i suck at making friends, how do

Those mc's make friends!? Jeeez anyway as i go to school ive learned various stuff like there are some stuffs about potentials, ranks and most of all partnership… yeah, they taught kids about those stuff which almost took me in being a kind justice hypocrite that will do what his superior will do, which broke about before it buds so yeah, im not naïve and not stupid so i pretty much put it in the back of my mind… so yeah that's all about me for now, now sit tight and read your butts until i make you guys happy

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