
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

There are not many second chances in life part 3

Following Jeffrey's lead, we traversed through the corridors of his house, moving silently without any noise. Each step brought us closer to our destination - the basement. As we descended the stairs, the sight that greeted us was both intriguing and unsettling.

In the dimly lit basement, six individuals were bound to chairs, their bodies restrained. One among them remained unconscious, while the rest seemed to be in a deep slumber. The sound of the door opening alerted two of the captives, stirring them awake, their senses heightened.

Turning my attention to Jeffrey, I spoke in a playful manner. "Why don't you wake the others? The time for rest has already passed."Jeffrey swiftly complied with my request. He approached the remaining captives, his actions resolute. With forceful slaps, he roused them from their sleep, jolting them back into consciousness.

"Now that everyone is awake, it is time for a small question and answer session," I announced, my voice filled with a firm tone. "Before we begin, let me make myself clear. I don't want to hear the obvious questions - 'Who are you?' or 'Why have you captured us?' You all know why you are here. Is that understood?"

The captives nodded, a mixture of fear and uncertainty evident in their eyes. They understood the gravity of the situation and the stakes involved. Their fate hung in the balance, and it was up to me to decide their fate.

"Why don't you all introduce yourselves to me first, but with a twist you will not introduce yourself but your other companions and those with more details might earn some good points in my book? So whom do we start with?

Taking charge of the proceedings, I decided to start with the weakest among them, pointing directly at him. "Why don't you start?" I said, emphasizing my request.

As I continued questioning the captive, he remained unresponsive, his face displaying no signs of recognition or understanding. It seemed as though his memories had been locked away, shrouded in darkness.

Observing his lack of cooperation, I turned to Agnes, seeking her assistance. "Agnes, it appears that our friend here is unable to recall anything about himself or his companions. Perhaps a gentle electric current could help stimulate his memory and bring forth the forgotten fragments of his past."

Agnes nodded, understanding the task at hand. With her usual stoic expression, she approached the captive, placing her hand upon his head. Suddenly, crackling lightning began to emanate from her hand, coursing through his body. The captive convulsed and trembled, his agonized cries filling the room. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the traces of pain etched upon his features.

After what felt like half an hour has passed the electric surge ceased."Now, do you remember anything?" I asked, my voice resonating with a mix of authority and curiosity. "Or shall we administer another treatment to jog your memory?"

Startled by my voice, the captive flinched, fear etched in his eyes. With a sense of urgency, he replied, "I remember everything, please don't subject me to that again."Seizing this opportunity, I directed his attention to one of his companions. "Tell me about him," I demanded, pointing towards the individual in question.With a hesitant voice, he divulged, "His name is Matthew. I joined this task at his recommendation, enticed by the promise of easy money. Matthew, Gustav, and I work together, collecting information for the organization and assisting them when needed. Matthew is cunning and known for deceiving young adventurers. He's gained quite the infamous reputation in his neighborhood."Angrily, Matthew interjected, shouting, "What are you blabbering about, you fool? Keep your mouth shut!"

"Oh what do you have to say in your defence Matthew" Unyielding, Matthew spat at us, defiantly refusing to speak.

Turning to Agnes, I issued a new command. "Agnes, it seems we have someone here with a hardened resolve. Perhaps a gentle persuasion will loosen his tongue."

Agnes, following my orders, approached Matthew and swiftly dislocated his shoulder joint. The excruciating pain elicited a bloodcurdling scream from Matthew, but his suffering was far from over. Agnes then unleashed a surge of tearing currents through his body, causing Matthew to writhe in agony, his body contorting like a fish out of water.

After some time, I asked Matthew once more, "What were you going to say, Mr. Matthew?"Gasping for breath, Matthew managed to speak, "That Connor, he's no better. While we were cheating and looting adventurers, he would take his share of the spoils. He's just as much of a bastard as me."

"Now Gustav what do you have to say about your two freinds"

Trembling with fear, he pleaded for mercy, denying any involvement. He claimed innocence, stating that he had no knowledge of the deeds committed by Matthew and Connor.

"You dare lie, Gustav?" I interjected, my voice stern. "Did you not keep quiet and pocket your share of the ill-gotten gains?"

Gustav's voice quivered as he attempted to justify himself. "If I hadn't taken the money, those two would have killed me!"

Matthew, enraged, rebutted Gustav's claims. "Stop lying, you bastard! You were just as thrilled as we were when those golden coins found their way into your pockets!"

As their bickering escalated, I intervened,"Shut up you three"

Hearing my voice they immediately became silent.

As I turned my gaze towards one of the women from the cat tribe, a mixture of fear and desperation painted her face. I directed my inquiry towards her, urging her to introduce her fellow tribe member to us.

Trembling, the woman began to sob, her words choked with tears. "Please, forgive us. If you wish to know anything, I will tell you.Just please, don't hurt my sister."

Her plea was met with an immediate response from her sister, who fervently implored me to disregard her words. "Please, my lord, do not listen to her. If you require anything, I am prepared to comply. Just spare her from harm."

Witnessing their heartfelt pleas for each other's safety, I couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy. Sighing softly, I considered their request and said, "Very well, let us begin by first hearing about both of you and why I should consider sparing your lives."

As She began to share their story, tears streamed down her face, and her words carried a hint of desperation."My name is Aurora and my sister her name is Luna we were both bought by the organisation as slaves and since then we have been for them but my lord we haven't killed a single innocent person.All the assasination mission we have taken are of those people who deserved it.we didn't wanted to take this mission but if we didn't do it then they would have killed my sister"Saying that aurora started crying.

Seeing Aurora's unstable mental state I undecided it is best to talk to her sister Luna.

"Luna, I understand the predicament you and your sister are in. I acknowledge your desire to be free from this life. However, I cannot grant you that freedom just yet. If you cooperate and provide me with information about the organization you mentioned, there might be a different way to help you. Perhaps, together, we can dismantle the organization and ensure your ultimate liberation. But remember, this is the only chance I can offer."

Luna nodded in acknowledgment and began to speak, her voice filled with a mix of determination and fear. "The organisation we belong to is named.... ahhhhhhh ahhh"

As she started mentioning the name of the organization but abruptly stopped, screaming in agony. The pain overtook her, and she collapsed to the ground, unable to utter another word.

"Young master it seems she is under some curse or contract which prevents her from revealing any information about the organisation"Agnes quickly explained the situation.

To confirm her hypothesis I turned towards Matthew and said "Why don't you tell me the name of the organisation you belong"

Hearing me asking Matthew flinched a little but soon remembered the pain he went through and started speaking "it's name is ouro..ahhhhhh ahhhhhhh"He also collapsed from pain some time after.

"It seems your conjecture is correct Agnes"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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