
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Planning towards a better tomorrow

As I woke up in the evening, a sense of calm washed over me. I decided to indulge in a relaxing bath, allowing the warm water to soothe my weary body.

Afterward, as I stepped out of the bath, I had one thing on my mind: finding Agnes.To my delight, I found her in the dining room, diligently setting the table for dinner.

Determined to address an urgent matter, I called out to her. "Agnes, we need to talk," I said, making sure my voice carried the seriousness of the situation. Agnes turned to face me, surprise evident in her eyes. "Of course, young master," she replied, her voice tinged with concern.

As we gathered around the table for a warm meal, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the impending danger looming over us. All four maids joined for the dinner, their presence a reminder of the loyalty and trust we shared.

With a deep breath, I spoke up. "Everyone, we are in a very precarious situation. If we don't take action soon, our fate will be sealed,It might seem like a child spouting nonsense since I am only 5 years old but yesterday my mother came into my dreams and she gave me a message trust me and we will surely be able to snatch back our freedom,our lives from these wretched people ruling this castle."Their gazes locked onto mine, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Knowing that time was of the essence, I revealed that I had meticulously sorted out the details and proposed changes to our current predicament. However, I needed their input and suggestions to ensure our plan was solid.

Matilda,as always voiced her opinion "Young master, we comprehend the severity of the situation, but can we not discuss this tomorrow after the ceremony?"

Her words hung in the air, and for a moment, doubt crept into my mind momentarily swaying my resolve.In that moment of uncertainty, I remembered a verse from the Gita, a sacred text my grandfather had taught me in my previous life. "Again morning, again night, again moon, and again rising of the sun! What happens to the time? Nothing; It goes youth, but where do people understand?"

The verse echoed in my mind, reminding me of the fleeting nature of time.Mumbling the words under my breath, I realized the truth in them. Wasting time would only be harmful to ourselves. Time would continue its eternal cycle, unfazed by our deliberations.

Nothing significant would happen unless we took action With newfound clarity, I responded to everyone "Matilda, wasting time serves no purpose. We cannot afford to delay any longer.

We must address this now," I affirmed, my conviction.As I gathered the maids to explain my plan, a heavy realization settled upon me. The words spilled forth from my lips, laden with a sense of urgency. "Everyone, we must depart from this castle if we wish to secure our future.

Our fate hangs in the balance, but it must be done with the Duke's understanding first because it is very hard to escape from here without alerting the duke and second even if manage to escape we won't be able to have a normal life unless we leave the country as well hence it better to secure our freedom from the duke by his own will."

However, before we can embark on this path to independence, we must first address the pressing matter of our finances.

Financial stability can be only achieved if there is a source of income and if want to punish those who are guilty of my mother's death then we need to establish our own power and it must be strong enough to compete with the duke in both domain of politics and millitary strength.

Founding of an organisation takes money and one able to compete with the duke and even defeat him needs even more money.Only by doing business we can get that much money.

Business requires both investment and manpower, and money becomes an essential factor in our endeavors as it requires for both investment and hiring of manpower after saying that I turned to my maids,a glimmer of hope in my eyes, and asked, "How much money do we have?"

A somber silence descended upon the room as everyone's expressions darkened. Agnes, ever diligent, broke the silence with her reply. "Young master, after purchasing the ingredients for tomorrow's ceremony, we are left with nothing.

In fact, it is only through Beatrice's assistance that we were able to create our own potions, ensuring the ceremony can proceed as planned."Once again, a wave of astonishment washed over me as I absorbed the reality of our dire financial situation.

Yet, in that moment, a surge of warmth welled up within me, a testament to the unwavering dedication of my maids.

Their resourcefulness and commitment shone through, even in the face of adversity.Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I pondered our predicament and asked everyone "Could there be anything my mother left behind that could aid us in our endeavor?

Angrily, Eleanor interjected, her voice laced with frustration. "It was all taken by that fat bastard Chamberlain, under the orders of the Duke."

The reminder of my precarious situation and my father's callous disregard for my well-being hit me once again, stirring a mix of anger and determination.

After sometime thinking calmly I pressed on, seeking any possible avenues for assistance my maternal grandfather's image flashed through my mind even though I have never seen him "Is there any way we can contact the old Marquis?" I inquired, my gaze shifting from one maid to another.

Agnes hesitated for a moment before responding, "Beatrice might be able to establish a connection through the dark guilds." However, Beatrice quickly interjected, explaining the grim reality. "It's impossible. The members of the dark guilds are aware of my identity, and they have ties to the Duke's household."

The weight of the situation settled upon us like an oppressive cloud. It seemed that every path we considered had obstacles or dangers lurking within. However, the resolve in my heart remained unyielding.

I knew that we had to find a way, even if it meant forging our own path in the face of adversity.As the conversation continued I asked them if they had some close friends they can count on and a glimmer of hope emerged.

Agnes revealed that she remembered Sophia Evermore, her best friend and a professor at the Edelweiss Academy. A sense of relief washed over me, knowing that Agnes had a close connection with someone who could potentially aid us.Eager to utilize this newfound opportunity, I turned to Agnes. "That's excellent, Agnes. How close were you with Sophia?" I asked, hoping for a strong bond between them.

Agnes replied, her voice filled with conviction, "We both fought life and death battles together. Our bond runs deep."With a renewed sense of purpose, I asked Agnes if she remembers any signals or code languages she may have used during their battles to which she replied" yes, young master."

After sorting through my ideas I suggested "Agnes, use those signals to draft a letter to Sophia, requesting her help. It would be ideal to arrange a face-to-face meeting outside of the castle, perhaps in the town," hoping that Sophia's could aid us in our plight.

Shifting my attention to Beatrice, I recognized her intelligence-gathering skills as a valuable asset.

I assigned her the task of gathering information about the guards who were keeping a close eye on us within the castle. "Beatrice, your task is to uncover any incriminating information about the guards. Even if it seems minor, it could prove useful. However, I understand the delicate nature of this task. You cannot use the dark guilds' intelligence services, as it may alert the Duke. Take your time, but be thorough. We cannot afford any missteps."

I instructed, aware of the potential consequences if our investigations were discovered.

Beatrice nodded, acknowledging the significance of the task at hand.

"Understood, young master.If it were normal circumstances, I could accomplish this in a day using the dark guilds' intelligence service. However, since we need to investigate the Duke's guards, I must conduct the investigation personally. It will take approximately a week," she explained, highlighting the caution required in this situation.

Taking note of the timeline, I set a date for our next gathering. "Very well. After a week, we shall reconvene to discuss the plan based on the information gathered. Make sure to be thorough and discreet, as our lives depend on it."

I emphasized, the weight of our situation evident in my voice. After sorting out our plan I headed to my much needed sleep as tomorrow was going to be my awakening ceremony.