
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Pendant's Power

Seeing Arthur's condition as he clutched his head Agnes quickly approached him and with a worried tone asked "What happened young master"

"It's nothing to worry about, Agnes. I was just exchanging a brief greeting with our future adversary."

"He seemed to notice that someone was spying on him but from his reaction I am sure he failed to tell from where and how someone was spying him "

"What was the skill you used young master I have never seen anything like that"

"It's a skill called Karmic Insight. Karmic Insight allows me to perceive the interconnectedness of causes and effects, the underlying threads of destiny. It helps me understand the consequences of actions and events, like how Eleanor's dedicated sword training leads to her mastery.Another convenient way of saying that this ability allows me to see the building blocks of destiny that is karma"

"Young master it is a very powerful skill since anything related to destiny can't be simple but this power must also have it's downside right"

I nodded, acknowledging the limitations. "Indeed, there are limitations. I cannot perceive the karma of beings much stronger than me, and attempting to do so could result in a severe headache or even harm my soul. It's a reminder that tampering with destiny has its risks."

" Young Master promise me you will use it very carefully,I don't want anything to happen to you "

Meeting her gaze, I gave her a reassuring nod. "I promise, Agnes. I'll handle this skill with great care. Your concern means a lot to me, and I won't take unnecessary risks."

After the interrogation was over we went back to the restaurant before the guards could get suspicious.

Finishing our lunch we boarded the carriage and went back to the castle.

To recover from my mental fatigue due to using the Karmic insight skill I went to sleep as soon as I returned to my room.

At night Agnes came to wake me up.

"Young master it is time for dinner".

Following her cue I woke up from my sleep and went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit before going to the dinning room.

As we were having dinner I started the conversation saying"Everyone I have some important news to share"

"What is it young master"Matilda asked.

"It is the information about the organisation the captives were working for."

"Let me give you a gist about what I found out"

"The headquarters of the organisation is inside the wintercrest city and it is located in the slum area where most of the criminals of the city gather"

"They have approximately five hundred members among them and about hundred of them are people who can fight or people with combat realted classes available to them"

"According to my estimation they have three king class professionals among them one assassin king and two warrior kings"

"The leader is the assassin king while the other two are Warrior king they maybe vice leader or whatever position it is called in their organisation they are beneath him further down are the executives a total of twelve of them and all are lord level combatants while the remaining remaining members levels are lower than lord they maybe great or senior level combatants,their numbers will be approximately eighty to ninety.As for non combat professionals their numbers are about four hundred,they maybe regular folks working as maids, workers, waitress etc.These people work as eyes and ears of the organisation and collect various intelligence according to the need of the organisation."

"The method of communication of the organisation is through letters once a week and a monthly report by the team leader personally by visiting the headquarters."

"The one backing the organisation are the city guards hence they have been able to operate freely in the wintercrest city."

"The usual client of the organisation are the nobles living in the aristocratic district ".

"Their job includes assasination,blackmail,slave trade, intelligence gathering,drugs etc accordingly to their clients demands".

"The last monthly report by Kevin to the organisation was a week before so it means that we have three weeks remaining to take care of the organisation before they become alert and start investigating Kevin's disappearance,since their client most probably is the Duchess in our case the investigation by the organisation may result in alerting her which may subsequently alert the Duke".

"But young master how will we take care of the organisation,if what you said is true than they have three king class professionals unfortunately there are only four of us and we are only lord class,even though we are stronger than general lord class it will be impossible to fight against a king class with our levels"

"So I am asking everyone of you,do you have any plans or ideas by which we can get out of this situation "

"Young master why don't you ask your grandfather for help,Miss Sophia is currently there to deliver your letter to him. When she comes back with margrave's message you can ask him for assistance through her".

"That is not plausible Matilda as to kill the three king class professionals of the organisation we will need atleast five king class professionals of our own and it will easily attract the Duke's attention if five king class professionals suddenly came to wintercrest."

"Moreover most of the king class professionals are famous people and they can be easily recognised hence the duke will easily be able to figure out who they work for making it more dangerous for us"

Beatrice thinking for a while spoke in a calm voice"You started the conversation young master it means you have already thought of a solution,why don't you share your idea with us and we will tell you if it is feasible or not"

"My idea is simple Beatrice I want to turn all you four into king class professionals by the end of three week period so that we can take care of them ourselves "

"That is impossible young master"Eleanor replied with her brows furrowed.

"Why is it impossible Eleanor "

"Young master there are two ways traditionally to become a king class professional the first one is through sheer talent and the second one is through hardwork and precipitation of time.One needs to master a second attribute if he wants to become a king class professional".

Staying silent for a while she continued"Young master just like you were born with incredible affinity towards elements of lightning,ice,fire and life there are people who are born with incredible affinity for more than one element or rare constitution which allows them to handle and master two attributes at the same time.One such example will be your mother young master.

She was born with the rare Volcanic body which allowed her master both earth and fire attribute magic easily but sadly she passed away before becoming a king class professional."

"So what you are trying to say Eleanor."

"I am saying young master even though we are talented that is only in a single attribute even though we have affinity for other attributes it is not so powerful to allow us to master a second attribute so quickly.It will take months or even years if we were to train to master our second attribute to become king class professionals since our affinity to other elements is not that great."

"So to my understanding if you had a great affinity towards a second attribute or an incredible talent which increase your affinity towards a second attribute you four can reach king realm within a month"

"It might be possible for Agnes and Beatrice young master if they train with their life on the line to achieve it.

Since they are not far from level required to become one but only if they had incredible talent for a second attribute as well."

Hearing Eleanor's explanation I turned towards Agnes and Beatrice and spoke with a heavy tone.

"Agnes, Beatrice if by any chance I was able to grant you the talent for a second attribute can you achieve it with in a month".

As I said that Matilda jumped into the conversation and said"But how will you do that young master because every treasure or material that increases one's affinity towards the elements are incredible precious and can only be encountered by chance.These treasures often lead to battle whenever they are discovered.These treasures are often in the hands of incredible powerful people,The duke might have few of them but he will never give them to you young master ".

"You don't have to worry about that Matilda I have my own way to do that.Now what is your answer Agnes "

Agnes after hearing me say that remained silent for a while then said in an affirmative tone"I will do it young master no I will definitely be king realm no matter what if that were to happen".

"What about you Beatrice."

"It will be hard young master but I will certainly will be able to do but for that the second attribute must match my first one."

"Since two conflicting attributes can often lead to increase in time required to master them".

Hearing them say heavy stone seem to lifted from my heart and I smiled and said"After dinner please come to my room you all and Matilda and Eleanor even though you two might not become king class with in a month but after increasing your affinity in different elements you two will be able to master your second attribute easily and it will be helpful in our upcoming battle and your future to becoming a king class professionals as well ."

After the conversation was over I finished my dinner and went back to my room.