
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Mana initiation ceremony part 4

As I stood there, my heart racing from the encounter with the malevolent entity, a sense of relief washed over me.

Escaping its clutches was indeed a stroke of luck, for I knew deep down that I was not yet strong enough to face such formidable opponents head-on. It dawned on me that these entities lacked the power to directly interface with the physical world; otherwise, with his power he would have surely killed me.

The room around me felt heavy with an eerie stillness, as if holding its breath in the wake of the recent confrontation. But what puzzled me deeply was the fact that the figure, amidst our intense exchange, failed to acknowledge the pendant's luminescence. It was as if he was blind to its brilliance, unable to perceive the glowing necklace that radiated heat in front of my chest.

This realization stirred a mix of frustration and suspicion within me, fueling my determination to not trust him. Even when asked twice he was not able to see the necklace.It was quite odd as Agnes and others were able to see the necklace and if it was glowing anyone normal would notice and comment or atleast say something about it but the figure didn't.

Now, I needed to find a way out. Agnes and the others would surely be consumed by worry over my absence, and I couldn't afford to remain here any longer. I scoured the platform, searching for any clue that might lead me back to my mother's room. Regrettably, my efforts yielded nothing unusual. Resigned to my situation, I returned to the temple, hoping to find an alternate route.

Resigned to my situation, I returned to the temple, hoping to find an alternate route. To my surprise, I discovered one of the seven carved holes emitting a faint glow, casting a gentle radiance into the otherwise dim surroundings.

Astonishment coursed through me as I approached the doors, inspecting the intricate carvings. However, my attempts to push the door proved futile—it remained firmly shut.I tried to push the door again after sometime but it won't budge I tried my best but nothing happened.

After some thinking and recalling the words of that bastard I sat down in front of the door in meditation and focused.

I opened my mind's eye once again to see the surrounding differently and and it might help me find any clue about where I was and as I did that my perception of the world changed it looked more clear more alive, more vivid.

It looked more beautiful with lights of different colours floating around me like the famous aurora borealis that I often heard in my previous world they were dazzling like colourful,glowing,sparkling rivers floating in the air when I focused closely on these different streams of light I found that they were made up tiny particles that were shining brightly and together they formed this stream flowing from who knows where but all around us,I felt like a little child who found his new toys and tried to touch the lights but they just burst and scattered,some these particles and residue sticking to my hands making my hands glow.

I kept looking around for more clues, and I saw it—a dark, twisted thread like a chain snaking its way from somewhere distance to my heart. In that instant, understanding flooded my consciousness like a torrential wave.A relationship had been forged between the entity and me, an intricate intertwining of destinies.

The chain symbolized the law of karma the intricate web of actions, consequences, and debts that bound everyone together.The law that held both divine and mortal beings accountable, sparing none from its grasp and I was able to see it.

With a heavy heart, I comprehended the grim reality before me. To sever the entangled thread, to break free, there was only one path laid out before me—I had to end the entity's existence, to end its life and among us only one would survive and I had a feeling I would see him again it won't be soon but it will happen eventually that was the law of karma and I knew I couldn't avoid it.

I looked around and tried to find other karmic threads and really as soon as I tried to look I found myself attached to many different threads some were red,some were golden,some were green and here and there some pinks were also within them as I took one of the golden threads and tried to focus on it to find where it came from and to whom it was connected .

A severe headache assaulted me and I had to close my mind's eye.Gasping for breadth I sat down on empty floor after some time and started thinking and soon realised the way out of this place.I closed my eyes and focused my thinking on getting out of here and soon I was back.

I stood there, taking in the disheveled room,disarray reigned, as if a violent tempest had swept through, leaving its mark on each person present. Agnes, her eyes bloodshot and swollen,like she was fighting a battle. Her lips and gums oozed blood, evidence of the pain she had endured, as if she had bitten down hard to stifle her anguish.

Beatrice stood nearby, her right arm bleeding and adorned with teeth marks, her disheveled hair a testament to the tumultuous struggle. Despite her own injuries, she held Agnes tightly.Eleanor and Matilda lay on the floor, their breaths ragged and labored, exhaustion etched upon their faces.

They appeared as though they had just completed a grueling marathon, teetering on the precipice of collapse.Then, amidst the chaos, my voice broke the heavy silence.

"Everyone, I'm back. I'm home." The words hung in the air, a lifeline thrown to my maids. Agnes, desperate for my presence, released her grip on Beatrice and rushed into my embrace.

Tears streamed down her face as she clung to me, seeking in the familiarity of my presence.Moved by the reunion, Beatrice joined in, wrapping her arms around both of us.

Eleanor and Matilda, battered and worn, crawled toward us with their tear-streaked faces and they hugged the three of us from sides.

For what seemed like an eternity, tears flowed freely, releasing the pent-up emotions that had consumed everyone.

In that small, chaotic room, they found refuge in my arms. As the minutes ticked by, the tide of emotions began to recede, replaced by a sense of calm.

Agnes, her voice trembling with a mixture of relief and gratitude, managed to utter the words that lingered in the room. "Welcome back, Arthur."