
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Life is a race part 4

After finishing our lunch I once again started my previous conversation with Helena.

"Helena,now that you have decided to join us I have three choices for you each comes with their own benefits and implications."

"So what are terms young master."

"The first choice Helena is that you sign a normal contract with me using a magic scroll.The contract will prevent you from leaking any of our secrets to others.Under this contract you will do whatever I tell you as long as it doesn't harm your loved ones or go against your morals and ideology and return I bear the full expenses of your treatment and medicinal costs.

While there is no guarantee of a full recovery to your prime state, I can assure you that I will be able to help you regain and utilize a significant portion of your skills and powers once again.

In the event of dissatisfaction with the work, the option to terminate the contract and end it always is available.However you will have to work atleast five years for me before you can terminate the contract and you are also obligated to uphold strict confidentiality regarding our work for the remainder of your existence."

"Young master I will answer only after listening to all the options but I do have question to ask."

"What is it Helena?".

"How did you figure out that I used to fight young master."

"It's because I have these incredibly good eyes Helena."pointing towards my eyes I replied.

"Anything else you want to ask."

"Nothing else young master."

"Second option is pretty much same as the first one but in this you will be able to fully recover your prime self and there can even be advancement in your power.It includes all the monetary benefits of the first option and some extra perks as well but it doesn't have a termination period and can only be undone when both the parties agree to it.Consider it as a Pledge."

"And what's the last choice young master."

"Well the last option is different from the first two.It can't be undone.Once concluded there is no going back.But it also provides the best benefits not only will you go back to your prime but will be reborn."

"With more talent and more potential.Your enemies will be mine to take care of and mine will become yours to destroy."

"It will be an eternal Vow of loyalty."

"So what's your choice."

"Hey,young Master it means that if I choose the third option then you be obliged to help me in my revenge right."

"Technically correct that is how it works."

As I spoke, Helena's reaction was immediate and intense. She leaned in, her face hovering inches from mine, gripping my hands tightly with both of hers. Her right hand clenched my left arm, while her left hand grasped my right arm, their pressure conveying a powerful grip.

Her eyes, like orbs of blazing orange, gleamed with a wild and untamed madness. They appeared akin to burning coals, hinting at a smoldering rage simmering within her.

"I don't mind even signing a slave contract young master if that can help me getting my revenge fulfilled."

Before she could continue speaking Agnes immediately separated Helena from me and said to her in a very cold tone.

"Please keep your calm Miss Helena.Next time such activities will not be tolerated"

"Ah, sorry I just got little excited from thinking all this revenge stuff."

"So how should I Sign it."

As a response to Helena's query I activated my skill Vow(SS).In an unexpected turn of events, my activation of the Vow(SS) skill triggered a profound response.

The skill Karmic insight (SSS) spontaneously opened itself and the various karmic chains started to manifest themselves. Suddenly, a radiant white light enveloped my vision, momentarily blinding me.

When my sight returned, I found myself in a pristine white environment, standing alongside Helena.Between us stood a majestic pedestal, adorned with two ancient parchments and a quill pen. The abruptness of the situation left us both speechless, and an uncomfortable silence hung in the air.We both at first were stunned by this sudden event but the awkward silence soon ended as Helena opened her mouth.

"Where are we young master."

"I don't know Helena this is my first time using this skill."

"Why don't we first look at the parchments."

In response to my words, Helena curiously approached the pedestal and gingerly picked up one of the ancient parchments.

The parchment was adorned with intricate runes that shimmered with a mesmerizing array of colors, forming a script in an unfamiliar language.With the parchment positioned at my side, I extended my hand and grasped its delicate surface.As my fingers made contact,its contents became clear to me. Strangely, as we gazed upon the parchment, the words effortlessly translated themselves within our mind.

"I, Arthur Stormwind, solemnly swear to restore and bestow upon Helena Fox the necessary power to fulfill her quest for vengeance. In exchange for her unwavering loyalty, I pledge to honor her with the utmost dignity and respect she deserves.Her adversaries shall become my adversaries,her goals shall become my goals,Her achievements to be my achievements.

In her joys shall be my laughter and in her sadness my tears.

May the elements of Time, Space, Destiny, Karma, Life, and Death bear witness to this vow, while the elements of Fire, Metal, Wood, Earth, Water, Wind, Thunder, Light, and Darkness serve as impartial judges. Let this sacred pact bind our souls for eternity, never to be torn asunder again."

Following that below there was a blank space left which I presumed was for my signature as an acknowledgment for the vow.

Helena's parchment read something like this.

"I, Helena Fox solemnly swear to serve Arthur Stormwind with all my heart and soul.If there is a fight then I shall be the first one to raise my sword,If there are thorns in our road then I shall be the first one to walk the road.The swords of his enemy shall pierce through my body first before it reaches him.His victories will be my celebration and his loss will be my mourning.

May the elements of Time, Space, Destiny, Karma, Life, and Death bear witness to this vow, while the elements of Fire, Metal, Wood, Earth, Water, Wind, Thunder, Light, and Darkness serve as impartial judges. Let this sacred pact bind our souls for eternity, never to be torn asunder again."

Upon perusing the ancient parchments, I immediately grasped the gravity of the situation. It appears that the skill Vow(SS) is far more intricate than I initially comprehended. If my line of thinking is accurate, then the words inscribed here authentically embody their intended meaning. Countless texts expound upon the profound unity that exists at the highest level of existence, where words and their manifested essence are indistinguishable.

In the supreme realm of truth, the very word "water" is synonymous with the essence of water. Just like the Bible when God said "There shall be light"and the light manifested itself.There is no distinction between the words and their manifestation.The word water itself is water and word light by itself is light.Consequently, the words transcribed within these parchments undeniably signify the presence of the elements themselves and our names signify ourselves.