A Brony reincarnated in Equestria after an unfortunate accident. "Magic? I can do magic?! Heck yeah!...but why Is my surname Blueblood? I don't even look like that ponce..." What would happen if there was an unicorn with potentially unlimited resources, an inexhaustible love for anything magic, and future knowledge in a single package...
AGH...This week is terrible...Like... Everything is going bad for me...
I mean... At least I passed all the exams so far, though there's still at least one or two remaining but that's not what's bothering me right now.
Like...Just the other day, I burned my hand while baking pizza and ended up with a 2cm large burn on the back of my hand that's probably gonna stay there for weeks as a pink reminder if not longer. Then a day or two later I dig my kitchen knife a third of the way into my thumb on the side of my nail while cutting an onion...
And now the best one. I seem to have ended up with an ear infection, a "swimmer's ear" to make it even better...and since I didn't swim at all recently, then the only reason I can think about for getting it is because I have been sweating a lot while constantly wearing my "over the ear" headphones, the hot and humid environment leading to the germs in my ear multiplying. Do be careful out there everyone...And I think I'm allergic to the ear drops "cetraxal" that the doctor prescribed me because my ear canal had swelled and hurts much worse than before I was taking it...
So here I am hurting to the point of doubting whether I am going to be able to write anything when all my mind is focused about is that damn ear which already woke me up at 4am and doesn't let me go back to sleep.
And here I was even looking forward to writing this chapter...After all it's a big villain arc yet again...
I'll try my best to write it for you guys anyway though If I don't, then at least you'll know the reason why it's not there. Sorry for the rant guys, And hopefully y'all have a better week than me. After all it's almost or already summer vacation for most of you. Stay healthy and hopefully see you soon!