
Prologue Pt. 3

[Percy was so lost in thought that he almost missed the fact they were getting near the dolphins. That was until he heard the tell tale signs of a child throwing a tantrum.

What he didn't expect to see, however, was a very large small child throwing a tantrum. An obese father red in the face glaring at Alma as if she was the one doing something wrong. Then there was a woman that had extreme neck that made Percy wince.]

Everyone's eyebrows were raised in interest. What kind of peculiar family description he had. Nobody was aware of the context in which he described the family. Despite their curiosity, they don't give much thought. Simply wait patiently and disregard that strange justification.

The Golden Trio, on the other hand, understood why Percy described the family in that manner. The Dursley were they. They had seen Harry's foster family as well. Percy's explanation hit the nail on the head.

Harry tried hard not to let his amusement show on his face, but his lips did curl. He was aware of his adoptive father's greatness, but he had never thought himself to be that great. His adoptive father had excellent vision. He was growing to like his adoptive father more and more.

Severus Snape, who was on the side of the professors, scowled upon learning about the family. Potter has never really interested him, but the way Percy is concentrating on that particular family suggests that it is connected to Potter. His body began to feel uneasy. He was forced to wait.

[But what stood out to him was a small child, smaller in height than the obese, hiding behind the small family. He had round glasses and baggy clothes that looked like they might've once been able to be worn by the soon-to-be obese child.]

Snape's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he heard that. While his instincts told him otherwise, he wanted to deny it. In annoyance, he thinned his lips. Whatever occurred next, he wouldn't like it.

Unnoticed by anyone, Harry made a small flinch. He wanted to disappear. He began to feel more exposed with each passing second. He doesn't want anybody to find out. Everyone would now be aware of this.

[What caught Percy's eye the most was the black bruising around his right eye, the pretty smashed up glasses, and the way he was holding most of his weight on his left leg. The reason it stood out to him, was because it mostly reminded him of himself when Gabe was still a factor in his life—minus the smashed glasses.]

Everyone grumbled in displeasure. They were curious about who they were, but there was no information in the story about them. Frustration swept over them in an instant.

Silence descended upon the Golden Trio. They knew who the boy was. It was obvious to them that the boy was Harry, but they kept quiet so as not to make Harry feel pitied. Nearby Harry had a slight frown on his face. He is so preoccupied with something else that he isn't even aware of what his friends are doing.

When he was a child, his adoptive father may have experienced the same thing. Gabe in particular. The idea that this person has previously been involved in his father's life bothers him. His emerald eyes lit up with emotion. Perhaps his father is entitled to do something as a result of the same experience.

["What seems to be the problem here?" Percy put on a fake pleasant smile, though it was obvious to him that these people won't be willing to take 'no' for an answer.

"Are you the person in charge." The woman demanded. Percy winced at the screech in her tone of voice.

Trying to be kind, Percy threw the smile back on his face even though he really wanted to sneer at these people (and he rarely gets that feeling!). "I am the boss of the aquarium."]

"I really don't want to disturb the reading but I'm really curious about this aquarium."

~a building containing tanks of live fish of different species, especially one that is open to the public.~

["I want to feed these fish!" The annoying boy demanded with a stomp.

"Mammals," Percy absently corrected. Though it seemed to be the wrong thing to say.

"Are you saying my son is stupid!" The woman screeched once more. Off to the side, Percy saw Drake wince.

Percy let the smile slipped off his face as his annoyance grew. "I do not remember those words coming out of my mouth, ma'am." Percy tried to be pleasant, but the feeling wasn't recuperated.

"Don't get snarky with us." The male snarled and Percy finally had enough.

"If you do not calm yourselves this instant, I will have security throw you out of this place. This is a family environment and people wish to look at the dolphins. Something they are unable to properly do with you screeching in these halls," Percy threatened them, getting fed up with this conversation.]

Harry's eyes twinkled with awe. He had an awesome father. He had never met anyone who was unbothered by the Dursleys. Regardless of how absurd and unpleasant their demands are, people always seem to comply with them.

[The man of the family seemed to have gotten even more red in the face, and Percy had a sudden memory of Gabe looking similar to the man when he was angry. "We will do no such thing! You are not hearing us not!" The man shouted.

"I am not hearing you out, because I am not talking to calm rationalized people. I believe that was my last warning. Guards, do remove them please. Make sure they stay out for the rest of the day," Percy said as a headache started to form.

It was very rare for something of this event to happen. Most of the time, Percy rarely threw people out of his aquarium, but these people were getting on everyone's nerves.]

Suddenly, someone snorted. His speech was laced with humor and sarcasm. "He'll do that, of course. Especially if they are the owner, who would allow themselves to be stepped on?"

[Just as the male head of the family was getting even more red in the face, security surrounded them, and the female looked very nervous at the people all around. Some of whom, were starting to get the camera out.

"Honey, people are staring," she whispered, and Percy tried not to snarl at her. It seemed she was more worried about people looking at their family then they were of scolding their son for his tantrum.]

Uproar arose among the students. Many of them were dissatisfied with the family thoughts. How could they do this. That was not a moral people actions.

Harry bowed his head in shame. The Dursley's action was obvious that a rational people would not do something like that. Although a silver of gratefulness lit up within him. The kindness showed by his father really touched his heart.

[The man grunted and grudgingly let the security follow them out. Not before grabbing the small boy tightly on his arm whom had been hiding behind them.

Percy frowned because from the way the boy winced, it surely hurt. It also seemed like it was common occurrence for the boy as only a small spark of pain flashed through his emerald eyes before they looked blank once more.]

The audience fell silent for a moment before erupting in disbelief and outrage. Potter was the small, in pain boy! Harry Potter!

Many people turned their attention to the chosen one. They couldn't believe their chosen one had been beaten, and it showed on their faces.

Hardening his fist, Snape tensed. He knew he shouldn't believe Dumbledore, but he couldn't break their vow.

[As he watched the uncle dragged the boy out, something twisted in Percy's stomach. He felt as if something bad was going to happen, and it revolves around that particular family.

"I'm going to make sure they go," Percy muttered toward his staff before following the way the security went.

Once passing the security (who stopped walking at the front door), Percy made his way through the parking lot in search for the angry family.

It took a few minutes to find them, but when he did something twisted in Percy's gut.

It was from anger and sadness.]

In tense anticipation, everyone held their breath. They were extremely curious about what had become of the boy, who is now known as Harry Potter. Nevertheless, based on how it was described, it was awful.

[For lying at the feet of the angry male from earlier, the small boy was holding his cheek that was already looking red and was twisted to protect his stomach.

"What is going on here." Percy's words practically came out as a whisper with barely restrained fury.]

After hearing Percy speak and vibrate with rage, everyone winced. It was scarier because the reading was accompanied by a video showing what occurred while the sound was playing. They have never heard or seen anything like that before.

The dark side was also taken aback, albeit subtly. They had only ever seen their Lord exude power, and now they are witnessing Percy Jackson do the same.

["Nothing that concerns you." The man snarled, his face red as he glared at the small child. The woman and other child were in the car acting like this was nothing new.

Fury erupted in Percy and he barely caught himself before his power acted up. "I assure you, this does concern me."]

"Wait! Wait! Did I hear correctly? Before his power acted up. He has power?"

Everyone froze in their rage and terror. They had realized the same thing. What kind of power does he have as a demigod?

~The demigod possesses the godly parent's power. Percy possesses the power of his father, Poseidon, God of the Sea, which includes the ability to control storms, earthquakes, droughts, floods, and horses. He possessed the powers of his father's domain. The greater the demigod's power, the greater the power he or she inherits from their divine parents. And Percy is a mighty demigod. His emotions could cause weather to change, and his rage could cause powerful earthquakes.~

Everyone inadvertently held their breath. What a dangerous character!

[Percy stepped toward the man who now seem hesitant, as if seeing Percy for a threat for the first time.

Slowly, Percy approached the small child and knelt beside him, he did a quick check over before glancing at the man—making sure he didn't try anything.

"I believe you should leave. This whole parking lot has security and I promise you that we will see each other once more." Percy's voice was hard as he slowly picked the small child up — ignoring the wince the child made and automatically leaned away from him.]

"Poor Potter." He was deeply hurt."

Everyone took a deep breath of relief. At least Harry Potter was saved by Percy. Some people sincerely thanked Percy for his actions.

[The man seemed to pale and frantically look around. He found that there were indeed lots of cameras all around. Snarling, but still very pale, the man stepped around the car and entered it.

Percy frantically stepped away as the car backed up very fast. If he didn't know any better he would've thought the man was trying to hit him instead of quickly escaping.

Once making sure the family was away, Percy looked at the small child who was staring right back at him.

Feeling slightly awkward as the action was gone, Percy tried to talk to the small child. "Well, it seems that you probably stay with me until we can sort this out. I'm Percy, Percy Jackson."]

A cheer broke among the students as the bad guy had run away. They were very happy seeing the bad guy scared of Percy. Some chuckled in humor seeing Percy talked to Harry Potter.

"What an awkward guy."

[The small child stared at him with slightly haunted eyes. The boy tilted his head slightly before responding, "My uncle and aunt refer to me as Freak or Boy. But my school teachers call me Harry Potter." His voice was small and hesitant, like he didn't know if he should respond.

Giving the child a small, reassuring smile. Percy hiked Harry a little and was rewarded with a small smile. "Well, Harry, I say you and I should get ice cream. Preferably blue. But any color works."

It was that day that the Three Fates groaned as once again, Percy Jackson decided to screw up with their plans.]

Their faces lit up in smiles. When their chosen one was freed from the annoying family, everyone was ecstatic.

"I don't want to spoil anyone's happiness, but I'm really curious as to why the Fates sound so frustrated."

"And what about the Fate?"

Everyone waited for an explanation, and they were given one.

~The three divine representations of fate are known as the fates. They are in charge of every living thing's metaphorical life thread, from conception to demise. The Fates predetermined that Percy Jackson would take part in two major prophecies that had the power to alter the course of history, and he essentially died in accordance with their predictions. But Percy managed to avoid their prophecies and complete the Great Prophecies alive and stronger. Because Perry ruined their plans, they resent him more or less.~

When he heard the word "prophecy," Voldemort twitched a little. He was aware of the difficulty in avoiding prophecy. When he couldn't, how did that man manage to do it? He hid his anger on his face, burying it deep within his occlumency shield.

Dumbledore and Snape talked about the information shared in the whisper as the rest of the group nodded in agreement and continued to wait for the next chapter. No a thing can be heard, not even the nearby professors.

I have to say that this chapter might be slightly long than previous chapter. Well, it's because I want to finish this prologue sooner

Mint_tea93creators' thoughts