
Planet Hell

It was several days since I made the decision to release Vezena to follow her own fate. At first, I was planning on informing her of my decision the very next day, but the time never felt right. Is there any way to bring up this topic out of the blue?

The troubles I have had, in the past, of introducing a topic of importance, number more than I can count. For all that I can recall, I have never actually initiated an important discussion. Nearly every time that I have had cause for it, the topic flows from an existing conversation. Thinking about commencing the talk, I have no idea on how to proceed.

Part of the problem, is that I am not conversing too much with her. Other than a few words here and there, exchanges of words, between the two of us, is mostly utilitarian. I, for the most part, say what I need to say, and that is that.

With the time I have spent with her, I have no need, or desire, to wish her any ill will. I have the wish that she will live a life of satisfaction, once she leaves this place. And, if needed, I wish to help her out, to some extent.

That is my problem. I do not know how to convey what I need, or should it be, should say. I have the words to access, but I have not a clue on how to transmit those words to communicate properly.

Instead of being burdened by this power, why could I have not been favored with the ability to be a wordsmith?

* * *

After several more days on trying to figure out have to broach the topic of discussion, I still could not come up with a good way to go about it. Ultimately, I decided, today, during my labors, to just be blunt and let her know my decision. If I keep on putting it off, I will never be able to find an opportune time to have this conversation.

Having spent all day, almost till early dusk, toiling away, I returned to the house. In a new green skirt, made from the fabric I had bought her previously, I saw Vezena waiting outside. I have to just come out with the news of her future.

"I have something to say to you." (Rehor)

"Yes?" (Vezena)

"You are no longer confined by me." (Rehor)

"And?" (Vezena)

"You're free to leave." (Rehor)

"Oh…?" (Vezena)

The comment was not one of happiness, but of a slow grasp of the new reality. She was completely silent after that. It had to be a shock to her that she was now free. But, really, that is all that she said? What does she mean by such an ambiguous statement?

"I will give you some funds, that you can do with what you want. I can also give you some support if you wish." (Rehor)

"What will I do?" (Vezena)

"I don't know. It's up to you to decide. You can try finding your family, if that is what you wish. If you don't want to do that, you can create a new life of your own." (Rehor)

"Yes…" (Vezena)

I left her alone after that constructive conversation. Maybe I am being a little sardonic with calling it a constructive conversation. I said the bare minimum and nothing else. Not much of a conversation, to be honest.

Heading inside the house, where the dinner that she had made, was waiting for consumption. Like every other day, for the past while, I did not have to complete my work for the day, and then make food for myself. I had grown to be expectant to be greeted by her food. I would miss this, from this day forward.

"Let's eat." (Rehor)

"Okay." (Vezena)

"Think over what you want to do, and let me know your decision in the morning." (Rehor)

"Mhmm." (Vezena)

For the last dinner together, we commenced our meal.

* * *

Could it have been a worse day for Vezena's future. While I will admit, I did not think about the direct future when I announced to Vezena that she was free, but I should have foreseen this. Am I that blind?

The weather was miserable.

I am no expert on weather, but anyone with a brain could have seen that there was a storm approaching. When I told her that she was free, I did not even consider that she might be trapped in this house on the first day of her new freedom.

From her point of view, it will probably seem that I have still entrapped her. Either she continues her confinement voluntarily, or she has to brave through a storm to leave here. The scenario is that I gave her her freedom, and she has to stay her, still. To Vezena, it will seem that I had planned this devious deception of depravity.

If I bring up the conversation from the previous night, it will look as if I am taunting her. That I am giving her the freedom of choice, and that she will have to stay here. She will have to willing stay here.

That is not what I wanted.

I truly wanted to give her the freedom she deserves, with no strings attached. I do remember what it is like to not have the freedom of choice, and to blindly follow along with those who have power over me.

When I started to allowance to indulge in my own choices, I did not know how, or what, I should do. After being put through the wringer, during the early part of the training, I learned to only follow along with what was laid out. I had no faculty to express myself and my desires.

I do not believe that I have been a harsh master, prohibiting her from doing things. Yet still, she has been prevented from being from, from a perceived threat of my being. My power has been a looming watcher, a warder against her freedom.

Yep...that's that chapter done.

Thanks for reading

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