

From the creators of '1000 Ways To Die' comes another very bloody (very edgy) story. After a witch puts a curse on an office tower, all those involved start to die off one by one.

MildlyHigh · Terror
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2 Chs

chapter 1: Dead Man's Tower

"HEY" says a man in his early twenties to an ugly old lady, she looks at him "get lost you pathetic peice of shit" she grumbles "hey Marcus when are you going to...hey what the fuck are you doing back here" a young man yells at her "none of your goddamn business" she hisses the young man then takes out his paint ball gun and shot her dead center in the forehead. "UGH you twit" she screams the man laughs and starts insulting her, she gets up standing an incredible 8ft tall.. the young man gasped in fear,, "I HERE BY CURSE THIS LAND UNTIL THE DAY I DIE"!!! she yells and with that a bolt of lightning comes along her after the smoke cleared from the lightning, she was gone...after that night construction began on the 60 story building.

30 years later

Joel Flandreson, a middle aged Technical assistant, has just road the elevator up to his floor *ding* the elevator comes to a stop "floor 56" joel sadly states "so close to heaven yet it feels like hell". He walks through the door from the hallway wear the elevator was. "Good Morning Joel" says a young woman in a purple shirt. "If it was a good morning then why the fuck do I feel like this" He responded in a angry tone. "Calm your damn tits Joel im just trying to be nice" she responds back a little more angrier. "Yeah, well fuck you too bitch ass mother fucker" he yells at her before heading to his own desk. "Christ Joel, do you for real need to pull this shit...at this time...on this day" says a bald African American man wearing a bright green shirt and yellow tie. "Well Jordan, Maybe if she would just shut her damn cock sucking mouth up I won't have raise my mother fucking voice"! He almost yelled "Man karma is gonna come crushing down on you" said Jordan. "Jordan why don't you go shave your pubes off and go put them wear your hair used to be, and fuck off" Joel said at a quiet yell. "Fuck you Joel I can't wait until your rugged ass gets fucked by karma" after this entire argument Joel does his work halfed ass like usual. Joel has cost the company thousands of dollars from emotional and physical abuse lawsuits. "Joel, may I see you in my office please" says Phillip Brentwood aka the Manager of the company. In Phillip's office Joel sat in his seat looking stressed and mad at the same time, "do you know why your in here?" Asked Philip "cuz you wanted to give me a raise" joel says. "NO JOEL YOU HAVE PUT THE COMPANY THROUGH HELL JUST SO YOU CAN STILL WORK HERE" Phillip yells " no longer will you be working here, your fired" those words finally drove Joel to his point he grabbed out his knife from his pocket "You think you can fire me!" "No one fires me" he yells as he charges to phillip, who was standing by a full body window, with his knife out Phillip quickly doges the attack. Joel weighing 235 pounds gained the speed of 20 miles per hour, broke through the cheaply made window. Here's the kicker joel died before he even hit the road (the reason?) Right before starting his decent a shard of glass slices his juggler, because he had such energy and adrenaline his heart was beating 2x the amount it normally does causing even faster and more blood to bleed out. Phillip looks out of the now broken window and says in a sarcastic tone "oh shit, what a tragedy, I wonder what I will do with his last paycheck" and with that he throws the envelope inside a shredder.

Poor dead bastard had it coming, hell just gained a new victim to torture, Rest In Peace Joel Flandreson.