
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs

001 The Vampire's Financial Crisis

Ryan Anderson sat in a comfortable, padded Romanesque seat, his pale fingers groping through the logs of the handrail, his eyes wandering through the papers on the desk before him, smashing his lips with a touch of disdain.

Here was the Mayor's office in Porto, but, Ryan Anderson, wait, the vampire didn't like his full name.In order not to let him suck me dry, I can't let him see this manuscript. So I followed his habit and called him Ryan.

Well, where are we talking about it? Oh, right, Ryan, who was not the Mayor of Porto, just stared with his red eyes at the beautiful girl secretary outside the office, and the woman whose beauty far exceeds her talent opened the door for him. Ryan has a good-looking, thank to three hundred or four hundred years ago? Well, who knows, In short, thanks to his parents who have long since ceased to exist. This is the effect of a vampire's eyes charm on women and certain men.

The office door was pushed open, and a slightly fat middle-aged man did not notice that there was another person in his office.He took off his hat and coat and hung it on the hanger by the door, shrugging his shoulders and shivering. With crystal water hanging from the hanging coats and hats, it seemed that Porto had the first rain of spring.

Next, with spring coming, will Porto have its first murder after the New Year? Oh no, believe me, as a person who is writing this story, I hope that exciting start! But the hungry vampire did not want his only shield in Porto to disappear.

He straightened up and leaned forward, turning his fingers on the lamp on the table.

"Mr.Long Time No See, Mayor."Ryan's pale face was printed in wax yellow by a dim desk lamp.

"My God!"The slightly fat middle-aged man in the shock suddenly backed back into the door behind, but he also saw the people sitting there, frightened expression relaxed, became a little impatient, reached out on the switch on the wall, the whole office lit up," Ryan! How did you come in?"

Ryan shrugged, and his eyes turned from light green to red.

"Gina?"Anthony, Porto's current Mayor, was annoyed." It seems that her job is too idle! Maybe she should be transferred to Cologne (Porto police chief)!"

Although Anthony said so, he didn't mean to open the door and scold Gina, the female secretary.

"Don't do this, Anthony."Ryan's eyes had returned to light green, his hands resting on him and his eyes joking," Don't you see her shirt button? If you need help and let her undo the third button, you know I would love to help."

Anthony went up to his desk and snorted, " Forget it, Ryan. For vampires, you have long forgotten the human desire to conquer, and I am not interested in a temporary pleasure!"

Ryan stood up consciously, opened his seat, and watched Anthony sit down, with a little smile: " Want to conquer? My friend, we all know that it is just a boring diversion, just like your chair, You know the Roman chair has no decoration, but you add intricate carvings and thick cushions to it.."

Those in power like Roman-style furniture and utensils, and perhaps the history of Rome makes these things with a taste of power. But when the ancient style collided with the habits of modern people, such a combination appeared now. To Ryan, it's like for the same moment of joy,the vampire uses the eyes of charm, while Anthony insists on the desire to conquer.

"I like the soft, warm cushions under my bottom, not the hard, cold wood!"Anthony said coldly," Well, Ryan, what are you here for!"

"Do I need to say anything more?"Ryan shook his head helplessly, reached out the documents on the table, and pulled out a land transfer order signed a week ago:" Anthony, you know I need that land."

Ryan's "long time no see" was not polite, but the truth, was the Mayor had been hiding from him for a week!

"why."Anthony sighed and moved the document away." Ryan, you need that land, and so do the citizens of Porto! The living needs the land, not the dead body!"

"Anthony, my friend, don't forget, you owe me that."Ryan pressed his hand on the document, staring at Anthony's head with signs of baldness. Anthony was old, after all, he was human, and he would eventually die.

Anthony did not look at Ryan, shook his head, bent over to open a drawer, took out a document, and handed it to Ryan. " This is the only thing I can do. I want Gina to send you tomorrow, but since you are here, just give you."

Ryan took the paper and glanced over it quickly, somewhat surprised: " Are you going to give me the South area? Private property? What does that mean?"

Well, in order not to let everyone confused, let me briefly introduce the identity of this vampire.

Ryan Anderson was a funeral contractor, note, a contractor. Although he was the owner of the [Anderson Funeral home] on his business card, the funeral business in Porto was run by the city government. So when the city a week ago withdrew his grave area in the west area of Porto, he had no choice as master. Because the land belonged to the people of Porto, the government believed the cemetery should be houses for people, not for the bodies to rot.

Antony looked up at Ryan with a surprised expression: " It means that your grave area in the south district is your private property, and the city government has no right to do any more work on your land!"

Ryan took the document and shook his head repeatedly. " No, no, no! This means that we can no longer get funding from the city government!"Ryan held the document in one hand and shook it in front of him." From today on, we have to make money all by ourselves!"

Let vampires make money? My God, was Mayor Porto mad?

Unfortunately, Anthony was not crazy, but the crazy man was Ryan! It was nothing more than a bloodbath of the mad vampire in Porto! but ....

"Do you know how big the cemetery in the South District is?"Ryan waved the document." How many people can be buried? A thousand?Two thousand? Anthony, are you just kidding me? After all the cemeteries are exhausted, what more do you ask me to sell again?"

Yes, our vampire protagonist's attention was completely wrong!

Well, let me reintroduce our protagonist, a vampire trying to integrate into the human world. He did occasionally 'accidentally' suck innocent passers-by in the dark streets, and occasionally used his charm to take one or two beautiful women or men to enjoy a night of the carnival, and occasionally...

But overall, this is a vampire who wants to live well in the human world. But now, our Ryan, well, allow me to call him that, after all, 'Anderson' is not his real surname, but a poor old man who gave out his fortune. In short, our Mr.Anderson had the first crisis of his three hundred or four hundred years of life, which we call it a-self-living.